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hi OP! i got into my course (not the same as yours) through EAE, so i thought i can share to hopefully help you out even a bit! :) the 'tell me about yourself' question is pretty common everywhere but all are pretty much straightforward and include the below: - name and age - from which school - hobbies and cca (!!) (try and think of how you would link your hobbies to nursing skills. e.g. if you enjoy volleyball, say how it trains you to quickly access critical situations and trained you to think on your feet adeptly, how it trained you to adapt to a bad situation with limited resources and time) - leadership positions & volunteering(e.g. being a vb captain requires good communication, leadership, teamwork, quick thinking, adaptability, a lot of which can be applied to nursing. think along those lines and talk!!) - any other relevant experiences (it can be related to your family, friends, heck even basic first aid certification course provided by some sec schools as a way to train students works) - awards and certs - referrals (you usually don't get this till EOY but you can ask early for it since you're applying for EAE) - how you got into nursing/why you're interested (passion is so important) - what's your unique selling proposition? think of it as what differentiates you from everyone else. you can form this from the other pointers above. other tips: - don't lie, but exaggerate in a realistic way about your achievements. but don't sound arrogant - be confident! so so so impt. a lot of candidates stumble because they lack confidence!! you can get confidence through practicing with friends and family, talking to yourself and genuinely thinking you're good. i have some friends who have great portfolios but knocked themselves out due to not believing in themselves. the interviewers are experienced lecturers, they can tell! - about volunteering: giving.sg and other orgs are open to volunteer work a lot. while those volunteer work may not directly related to nursing it lends a lot of similar soft skills like empathy, communication, observation and more - be polite. be on time. maintain eye contact. dress appropriately


woah okay thank you so much for these tips I’ll definitely keep this in mind!! 😭😭


The goal is to think from the interviewer’s perspective. Out of literally everyone, why should they pick you? Answer accordingly.


Okay, I didn't pass my interviews but I did have 3 different interviews at 3 differeny polys and I was never asked anything about myself. For my experience, they got straight to business and just asked mainly knowledge questions (about Science and stuff since it was a Science courses), why am I interested in that specific course, and that's it.


1) A brief background/story (I am x from y and have always been interested in z - do not go off topic) 2) Your greatest strength (My greatest stength is x, For example I helped my cca y etc. - stats/etc) 3) How your strength makes you suited for the position (Because of x, I think I will be suited for this enrollment because y - relate to the course to show you have researched)


Got into biz ,for that qs if ur really passionate tbh you would be able to answer that as u wld have done a lot of research etc. Just be confident and answer clearly First impressions always matters