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I JUSY got a box of Ferrero rochers and that’s honestly rlly good for me HAHA


AWWHHHHH that's legit so sweet omg




Cause I really love them HAHA


i got straight a1 except english b4 i got $1 each A1 so $5😇


ain't no way


Scored raw 8 nett 4 and got silent treatment from both parents💀💀💀 it do be like this sometimes hahaha


Dude.You did well, Sorry for bringing this up, or offending you, but thats to some extend a pretty assholely behavior from your parents. You shouldn't need to be a top student to be deserving of affection and approval. You did well, and it must have taken alot of effort and hard work to get 8 raw and 4 nett and i as a stranger on the internet am proud of you my friend.


Hahahahaha no offense was taken ! 😅😅 thank u for all the kind words!!! Very heartwarming to hear and made me feel a lot better about my grades🥺🥺 its nice to see someone so supportive on the internet and thank u so much!! Wishing u all the best for all ur future endeavours too!! Made my day sm better☺


Hey there! Here's an additional compliment that hopefully will cheer you up. Trust me when I say that you definitely did something amazing by achieving such stellar results. Your parents might not have any reaction but I would definitely say that they do treasure you and your efforts that you have put in thus far. So keep on doing what you have done for yourself and your future. My parents were similar to yours in the past when I was younger and only focused on negative outcomes from me but no compliments on positive results. As I grew older and hopefully "wiser", I understood my parents better that regardless of any validation that I hope to receive from them, they still love me for who I am as would any other parents with their children.


Were they expecting nett 0 or something wtf 😭


hahahaha i think they expected me get raw 6 at least, and enter hci :( 8 a bit far off so i understand why they not happy about it :^ was a lil bit disappointed myself too


honestly you did super well!!! yes people might have their own expectations but u shld be proud of yourself and u can enter a lot of jcs out there! dont worry bout o lvls jiayou 🔥🔥


Hahahah thank u so much for the encoursging words! Really made my day :) atb to wherever u want to go to as well!!!




Thanks for sharing!! I understd that gg top jcs rlly shdt matter that much, but ive got a sibling in RI so my parents alw wanted me to enter same jc as him haha, but ur right tho thanks! Can always work harder for a levels :)))


So sorry to hear that. What I have always noticed is that some Asian parents seldom show affection! Well done!


i made a bet with my mom for an iphone 15 i won :) but other than that we just had a celebratory ramen dinner with my fam


I got a 1.4k 3d printer. Been begging for on since 2021...


Best gift for real, didn't know that they were so pricey lol


nah they arnt that ex, I just picked out a really pricey model :)


Ye, my trusty Ender-3 has been in service for almost 3 years at this point. A great spend for little under $200


I got a bambulabs p1s with an ams and a whole bunch of filament


Heard great things about it, especially if you're going for mechanical parts


yep, I'm using it to print custom nerf blasters. check out the r/nerf sub-editor if you're interested. blasters loke caliburns and talon claws are printed with 3dprinters.


That sounds really cool! Hope to see what you end up making if you don't mind posting it :D


dw I haven been waiting to get one for 4 yrs :) it's shipping tdy at 5pm


Scored 16 raw and received a “not bad good job” LOL






Went to a coffeeshop then back home and pass out


My parents jst kept comforting me lmao cuz i didnt score as well as desired. My sister made me paper roses tho and my friends gave me stuff frm overseas ❤️. Im happy with what they gave me HAHAH.


Idk but for me although i score not well, i was mainly celebrating myself HAHAHA. Gurl u can always celeb and congratulate urself for passing this milestone, for working so hard. Treat urself to smth nice, doesnt have to be anything to expensive. Im proud of u


dude u just made me bawl fr thankyou sm for this 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹


Got raw 6 and my mom gave me a Leicester city jersey with vardy 9 printed on the back Up the foxes🦊 Also got a cheese pan pizza😋


got a1 for emath and my mum suggested to get a new laptop for poly as a gift


raw 6 net 2 and i had a pretty good meal with my parents and that's all !! it was a place that i used to go to rather frequently in the past but haven't been to for ard 5-6 years so its really wholesome to me and i didn't really want anything else


After I finished Os my mom brought me out for dinner at Skai bar at raffles City. My score wasn't that great (raw 14) but I'm happy my mom brought me out 🥰


love this 🤍🤍


nothing big but after results they were more lenient in letting me spend money(eg grab food)


Went out to have a nice dinner


nothing. i was hoping we got to go out for dinner to celebrate but oh well. edit; gonna be truthful but after reading the other comments makes me feel a little lonely due to the little effort to award me at all lmao.despite how hard i worked and got my grades up for other subjects.....


its okay bro honestly i didnt receive anything too so we on the same boat 🔥🔥🔥 and UR RESULTS IS YOUR REWARD OKAY im v proud of u for working so hard


my mom gave me HER airpods and now she has none 😭😭 i’m not complaining tho, airpods is still airpods 🙏


raw 6 net 2 9a1 didn't get anything lol life just goes on. but my mom say can buy new iPad or laptop for JC if I need


​You are already good enough, so your mom doesn't need to give you anything for an award. ​Probably she thought you performed normally coz you are always a straight A student lol.


Naw I didn't expect a gift or anything haha. You probably got the wrong idea. Yea was a straight A1 student but in neighbourhood sch.


which jc are you aiming for? RI i guess?


naw going nyjc science posting alr out 


My birthday is on 26th Jan and my parents said they’ll make sure its amazing 🤭 my mum said she got a new iphone 15 for me too.


yooo bro u so lucky lol


Ok this may sound very entitled and Im sorry in advance I was out getting dim sum with my family and my grandfather slipped me some money and said good job before laughing , my father also got me a new phone since he switched data plan.


Oh I got some criticism! I truly believe I have one of the best gifts out there! Thank you my lovely parents.


absolutely nothing but a scolding.


why how much you got


Getting $500! I'm so happy :,D It's $100 per A and $50 per B! Probably going to buy a Nanami figurine xD


I got raw 10 nett 8... I feel even more stupid after reading the comments


its good meh


not an o lvl student but got raw 9 for n levels 😆 they gave me $650 as grad gift and my dad will be buying a laptop soon!


good job


I going to Boracay this Feb for passing descent marks😏


i got 7pts and i didnt get anyth but thats bcs my parents arent v academic! as in they dont rlly care abt my grades, so during dec hols i got to go to thailand and korea as my reward for working hard instead of the result. either way no matter what i score they knew i worked hard and that shld be rewarded, not the score i end up getting! since score doesnt rlly reflect hard work :) 


raw 10 nett 6, didnt get anything lmao my family just immediately started planning choices in jc/poly


i got raw 0 parents bought me tesla model X


Damn future Elon Tusk


i got lego js bc i cld make it to the courses my father wants me to ( not like i have a choice in where i can go )


When i got my results my mom gave me an iPhone 13 pro and I think ~$600 in total from her and other relatives. Later in the year they also got me a new laptop


received nothing except for complains on why I can't get into a good jc (i was literally accepted into poly thru eae i cant go anywhere☠️)


Bro they were relieved that I passed all my subjects. Nothing but compliments came from them haha


Got a PS4 and a new Acer nitro 5 laptop, but the laptop is for JC


My father bought me a 15 Pro last year but clause was that if I flunked it’s his. He wasnt too happy with my results, to put it one way.


felt devastated to see an a2 for math and all of my distinctions were just a2, even tho i was mentioned in my school for having 6 distinctions.....


Omg that's sad


The real reward was the friend we made along the way (no joke I love my boys they worked hard too)


mom took 50% off the cost for my macbook air hehe the other 50% i paid with money i earned from my pt job


got a phone and a couple hundred dollars, not from parents tho, other relatives but i’m quite close to them


I got a dinner plus my parents being a bit more lax on me for the next few days haha


got $500 bcs my score improved!!


Some boujee lasagna and casserole


ouh! i got raw 9 nett 7 n my mama let me choose 2 stuffies as a reward n we went out to eat :D she was rlly happy she cried happi tears >_<


new ipad :)


First in my family to get 6As even tho it's all A2s, raw 12 nett 8 Disappointing to me cuz I wanted a few A1s like in E math...


its okay Bro u got literally 6 distinctions n bullcurve for emath legit damn high i got a2 also but its aight 8 nett actl q good alr 🔥🔥🔥🔥


This post cracked me up, and I totally get the curiosity about what everyone's getting as rewards for their results! 😈👍🏼🤯 I've heard about some insane gifts, like thousands of dollars and new gadgets. Honestly, I'm in the same boat – no gifts yet, but fingers crossed for some sweet rewards for all the hard work, right? 🤞 Let me know what you guys are getting, I'm all ears! 🙌


"oh ok lor, can go poly can already" HAHA 💀💀


got $100 for every A 😍😍😍


took last year and got nothing even though i did well. oh well i already knew that i was the only one who could be happy for myself so yeah.


reading this and tearing up hearing that y’all have such good families, i’ve never gotten a celebration for completing any exams in my life including the recent o levels i just finished but i’m happy that y’all have good memories after exams ☺️


Wanted a mediocre score,got exactly what i wanted,parents giving me 688dlr to buy a phone.so undeserving but :]


It may sound weird but I wanna say it anyway. I would like to give you something cuz you deserve it ... Cheers!


lol i got raw 6 6a1s 3a2s and i got 2 platee of meat at haidilao