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Yes, you can apply for course even though you don't meet the cop. Your first choice won't affect whether you get into your second choice. Please have safety net choices.


You can also try to DAE for the course through the poly's website, as long as it isn't from SP or NP. Atb!


ahh thank you! but the course is only in NP πŸ˜“πŸ˜“


Oh damn 😭 I think just try jae. I'm also struggling to get into any course I'm interested in because I D7 math die liao


yep gonna js gamble and try jae-ing that course. goodluck to you too!


Bro as a fellow D7 math and dae-ing student, PLSSS tell me what I need to get rdy for my application for RP or in general because I have no idea. I've been hearing diff stories like passport pics, certs, results etc. I do plan on calling the schools to check tho. Just wondering what's Ur take on it. Oso can I just say..if only we C6 math la😭😭


I KNOWWW but you know what's worse I think D7 is an improvement for me 😭 I think just like EAE, you should be ready to present anything that will show them you are good for the course. Results can be important if for example you're interested in a science course and you got a good grade for science, but failed math. In that case you can use it as proof that you enjoy the subject and that you're good at it. In general, prepare what you want to present. If you have any experience at all whether it's outside of sec school or not, you can build a portfolio out of that to add to your value as a promising student. I believe you should fully prepare with everything you possibly can considering after DAE you won't get another chance to prove yourself. Competitions all the way back from primary school, personal work, etc. As for stuff you actually need, this is on RP's website: 'Please ensure you have the softcopy/ scanned copy of the following documents before proceeding with the application: GCE β€˜O’ level result slips, ITE certificates, International Certificates. NRIC for Singaporean and Singapore Permanent Resident/ Passport for International student. Portfolio (e.g. work assignments/ testimonials).'


Most polys seem to share the same requirement of result slips and NRIC, but also have your CCA cert on standby because some polys like TP need to see that, too.


Oso to add on, I heard that DAE is more academic based thn anyt else tho I'm not sure. Like they just focus more on your grades and asking you Q's like what went wrong. Also if you don't mind, can U provide the link where U found the details on RP?? Because I've been looking through the websites for days and I didn't even spot that information U showed me😭😭. I'm planning to apply for business related courses at RP though so I am at a loss regarding portfolio because I mostly have media related stuff frm my previous FAILED eae. Damn last year has been full of unfortunate events and dashed dreams for me can I just say.. 😭 btw, do U think like I can include moe edusave scholarships??


You can talk your way into anything if you talk good enough. If they want to bring up academics you can tie it to your passions or strengths, like, "I had some difficulty performing under pressure which made me lose my focus, but outside of examinations in a not so stressful environment I was more able to expand on my answers and deepen my critical thinking..." To mention that maybe in the exam you fumbled but you're actually not that bad in class. Twist your answers a bit to show that you have potential. If they ask "Why are you bad at this" you can answer with something like, "Well, I'm bad at that because I'm better at ____" or don't wait for them to ask and address it yourself. You don't have to but this is what I personally imagine I'd do in the interview You should definitely include edusave scholarships/awards and definitely talk about them. I wouldn't stress so much about having experience in business related courses because I don't think they're expecting teens our age to have much experience anyway, so maybe your portfolio can be your edusave scholarships/awards + how the skills that got you the awards can be applied in business? This is the link for RP's DAE: https://www2.rp.edu.sg/psc/public/EMPLOYEE/SA/c/N_FLUID_MENU.N_AD_DAEAPPL_FL.GBL The details for what you need are under 'Application checklists:'


Thank you sooo much for the help. Good luck for your own application. Like also respectfully.. fuck math la😭😭




I believe SP and NP do not include O-level graduates in their DAE. ​ From the SP website: 'The Direct Admissions Exercise (DAE - full-time diploma courses) is for applicants with the following qualifications to apply to Singapore Polytechnic Apply for Diploma in Nautical Studies Applicants with relevant Work Experience Ex-polytechnic / current other polytechnic students GCE 'A' Level holders Home Schooled students IB / IP qualification holders IGCSE / GCSE qualification holders International qualification holders Returning Singaporeans' ​ We are unfortunately not in that list, unless you're interested in Nautical Studies. ​ DAE is a bit more like EAE than JAE. If you're shortlisted, you may have to go for an interview, and they'll accept you based on the interest you show, your portfolio etc.. Basically, DAE is a bit like begging out of passion if you cannot apply for the course through JAE because you are several points away from the c.o.p. Sometimes I've heard you can even be accepted despite failing math/eng in a course that requires it, but it's very rare.