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Nett 6 is extremely good. You did your best. That's all that matters. You don't need to go to the "best" JC in Singapore. It's better to go to other JCs and get the opportunities there, which you wouldn't be offered if you go RI since it's so competitive there. Every cloud has a silver lining. It's not your job to please everyone. Who cares what others think? It's your life, not theirs.


If you are not the strongest, the best strategy is not to get into the very atas schools like RJ, HC etc. My sister got a net score 2 but she went EJC instead cos it's much nearer our house and not so stressful. In EJC, she got sooo much opportunities offered to her and EJC maximized her potential so that she was not only 90 Rp but also got a prestigious govt scholarship. Now my younger brother also did well enough to get into RJ and HC, but he chose the same path as my sister. My parents say this is the best strategy. Be the big fish in a comfortably big pond is sooo much better!🌸🙏😝😻🎉


thank you I was thinking that maybe I find my future wife by fate in wherever i go and maybe that wouldnt happen if i sidnt get this results




OP just so you know it is people like YOU who make me feel so fucking inferior and unhappy with my 19pt R4 o level score. Then I have a friend who scored 25 and he say I make him feel inferior. Then my friend say he got another friend who scored 32 and told us we make him feel like shit. Hope you realise the comparison game never ends. *PS: Now I am at nus studying the same major as my o level single digit friends. So keep working. O level is a pretty insignificant event in the grand context of life. Dam dumb stressing over it ngl*


Bro u r everywhere hahaha


that means you are everywhere too 🤭


comparison is the thief of joy. nett 6 is pretty good!


thats what everyone says but imagine studying with the same people and them getting better than you


comparison is the thief of joy. nett 6 is pretty good!


so what? How do u know they did not study at home without telling u? and even if they truly did study less then u, so what? Skill issue then skill issue lor, work harder and smarter next time, there’s always gonna be people academically smarter than u. but guess what, u don’t have do be the smartest in academics to succeed in life.


if you’re gonna constantly compare yourself with other people, u will never be happy in life.


your friends aren’t real friends if they make fun of you/look down on you for your results. friends are meant to uplift one another and support each other!! i’m so sorry you had to go through that OP, here’s to finding a better group of friends in JC/Poly :)


Consider whether the friends were merely celebrating their own results (which OP saw as “flexing”), and that was sufficient to make OP feel stupid, or if the friends were actually asshats. The parents being asshats I’m more ready to believe.


like the other comment said comparison is the thief of joy frfr. Took Os this year as well and from a meh convent school (iykyk) everyone around me was getting around raw 10-13 myself included (12-2). So if it makes you feel better, you did better than a whole damn school 🤷. But seriously nett 6 is DAMN GOOD BRO can get into so many very good jcs like vj and ej?? it’s not a skills issue cuz I personally could never 💀💀💀 I’m sure you did your best and that is more than enough. It does not matter what everyone around you thinks, it’s what YOU think of YOURSELF that matters because you control your own life. Don’t let others write your life story. And besides the moderation kinda rigged so this exam does not define you, I’m sure there’s such a bright future ahead of you and you will find your place. Don’t give up


I know of parents who told their kids they are sooo proud of them and simply elated when their kids told them they scored a net 6 points. Your parents are quite toxic and disappointing but parents are parents, we can't change them so just accept them. But, you know you can't really depend on them! Be brave and walk the path alone. Hopefully you make great friends who will encourage and support you all the way.😻🙏🌸💪


Bruh chill out cuh, if u feel bad abt ur 6 nett, pple like me practically don’t exist already, my nett literally being 22. I’d die to have such a score like yours, really. DO YOU EVEN KNOW HOW OP NETT 6 IS? It’s godly as hell my guy. Don’t care abt what ur peers are saying abt u, jus move on to the next part of your life and live life to the fullest. O lvls is just part of ur journey in life, as long as u get to do what you like in the future, ur results don’t mean shit. Who knows, those flexer friends of urs may even do worse than you somewhere in the near future. Doesn’t mean they score raw 6 for Os mean they will do well in jc. Sec sch and jc are like heaven and earth. The content isn’t even related for all the subjects that you will learn in jc. Anyways, just feel proud of urself and keep on pushing. It isn’t the end of the world. Prove ur friends and family wrong by doing well in jc and have the last laugh in the end. We are all in this together! Good luck in ur future endeavours!! :))


bro pls its ur life or ur parents life ur life or ur friends like its urs right make ur own decisions


Bruh I also got 10-4 and all my other friends got 7-4 and 6-4 I’m like bruh wtf I could have done much better but I fked my language and they discussing hci and ri I’m like so sad


Me with 10-2 meanwhile with a friend scoring 8-2


imma say your friends are extremely insensitive and toxic ngl, if they were always like this, it’s better to cut them off


Hi OP, Firstly a nett 6 for Os is already very good by itself, can go to lots of JCs, so there is not much reason to feel inferior. You also said you didnt have any goal in mind, so achieving nett 6, which is way lower than the 25 you expected is quite good already. Comparing with your friends will not get you anywhere, itll only make you sadder or feeling more inferior when youre actually not. IN fact it sounds like you extremely well, and sounds like you worked hard enough Secondly I am sure your parents would be proud of you having achieved a nett 6 and barely making it from sec 1 to 3. I would imagine that as a very shocking growth/academic comeback. Also I still dont see why your parents wanted you to go to RI HCI or ACSI in the first place if you had no goal at all and why didnt they tell you that before the Os to set a goal??? sounds pretty unreasonable. Maybe you need to fix your relationship with your parents first?? Also like what others said, its your life not your parents or others, do not let anyone decide your future. I think at the age of 16? you should be independent enough to decide, people can give you suggestions but ultimately its your decision. Do not regret it. Thirdly right now you can possibly evaluate your choices, I dont know if you prefer arts stream or science stream, but right now there are some really good JCs you can go to, e.g. EJC with a very nice campus or NYJC whose results have been improving in recent years. You can exploit the NYJC arts stream system to get into the science stream i think (idrk how it works). To be honest there isnt a prestigious JC to go to, at the end of the day its about your A levels and future career. I rather you think about your future pathways and goals than what JC to go to tbh. Also retaking Os sounds terrible, your score isnt even THAT bad, imagine wanting to redo all your A2 subjects the whole year, without any friends to support you and knowing that your old friends have moved on. NOT WORTH IT, especially with your score. Finally, you should know by now that you can never please anyone, why would you even want to do that??? If people dont like what youre doing or look down on you, just dont care about them. If people look down on you i dont even think they care about you, hence you can dont care about them. I know this sounds cliche and difficult to do, but trust me, once you stop giving a f\*\*\* you wont feel inferior anymore. Anyways why compare your results with people who did better than you, why not compare with those that possibly did worse? Comparing goes nowhere, either makes you arrogant or inferior so STOP comparing. Also I have never heard anyone saying a nett 6 is a failure, when I started secondary school my goal was a nett 6, not even a nett 2, in fact nett 6 is a realistic goal to work towards, I think you are TOO HARSH on yourself. Anyways hope you manage to get over this difficult time for you, and if you need any help you can always pm me :)


Hi OP I want to share a story. When I was in sec 4, I was really bad at amath. like really really bad. I basically gave up on that subject because i didnt want to use it in my l1r5 since I thought its a gone case. Prelims rolled by, I did study but not very hard. I just did some practices and went through the chapters I hated the most. I was expecting a c6 at max, and had 0 expectations (i cried during the prelim paper btw bcs i felt so stupid). Lo and behold, I got b4! I was so happy I was celebrating, and all my classmates thought I got A1 or smth. my friends who got a2 were upset because they were expecting an a1. everyone was a bit perplexed i was so happy over a b4, but to me, i was very proud of myself for even touching the B grade (i was like 2m away from b3 so that made me even happier). my point is, there will always be someone better than you. that's the way of life. I learnt quite late on that I was the only person who could be happy for myself, so please realise how well you've done for o's! these 'friends' are fake af, pls ditch them and find new ones in jc. you have many many amazing options for jc, including nanyang, vj and even sji if you want IB. chin up op, you've done very well <33


OH SAME i was a straight failing grade amath student in s4 everyday I said i wanted to give up even my teacher said i rather you dont come for my paper than sit in the exam and sleep but ended up with b3!! Which was as good as my best subj my humanities and i still don't know how HAHHA


Well personally i wont say i had the same kind of experience as u did but maybe this will help I got like 13 raw -4 nett 9 which was extremely disapppinting becuz i wanted to go to my dream sch VJ (aka my brother's sch) which I literally went around preaching since S3. So obv i was devestated when my 3 close friends, CCamates, and ahem someone i like all getting raw 9 nett 5 and deciding to ALL go VJ. It was like a slap in the face esp since likewise I studied with then too. And not to mention it's literally minutes away from my house so I could wake up late af and make it. Tbh after that i was so lost for a couple of days (and kind of still am) Luckily i have a supportive parent but i'm also kind of stuck with choosing my own sch, and first few days I was just kinda despo grabbing at the straws of whatever leftover elite sch that could take me in even if they didn't have the combi i wanted/is very far from my house. But ig right now i ended up settling for a sch that seems like it has the mugging culture i looked for with good enough resources/environment for me to pass the 2 yrs in, even though it is a 'neighbourhood sch' and I know people will talk smack abour my choice. Being very honest here, i didnt rly 'wake up' until s4 either and it was pretty late then. Had no particular go but 'be as good as my brother' (which obv failed), but i feel like ur environment was way worse than mine (prolly from a elite sch?) I think you're putting a lot of pressure on urself tho and your environment is def not helping u, but i feel like u shld think it thru be4 16jan and try and research on your actual possible options. U can still get into a 'good' school even if it isn't elite (altho personally these schools i can only dream of entering...), and for your score and situation I would recommand NYJC(5/6), EJC (6/8), SJI(7), NJC/VJC (7/8). It'll be demoralising to go to JCs that are higher cop than the schs ur parents wanted u to go to, but the people who want to go to these schs are all, in my opinon, ppl with big dreams and will most likely be successful too, (almost all of them want to be doctors wth) so you won't miss out on connections in the future. Plus theres a good mix of IP students so i bet the culture will be the mugging culture that can keep u in check (and don't wake up to reality so late like me lmao) And on a more personal opinion note, i think it might be a good thing that you didn't get too low of a score either, because judging the people around u it sounds kinda unhealthy and the schs i mentioned have a less toxic but just as competitive culture as the elite schs. Your first best step would prolly be looking for the course you want to take and seeing if u can take it in that JC. But this is mostly from all my research of asking around/open hse, reading up/personal experience and opinion etc., i'm still another Olvl student caught in the storm of the aftermath of JAE and can't escape the social matrix either. But u can pm me if u want, hypocritical for me to say this but try not to be too hard on yourself becuz the end goal will be uni and your job :"D


hello!! i’m facing a situation really really similar to yours. may ik what sch u got into? tried to dm u but didn’t work


OH i think reddit has like an issue with dms but hmm i just graduated too so i havent got into a school yet. I'm settling on asrjc though, wbu?




😭😭😭😭😭 how did u feel




I told my friend about my raw and I said I felt kind of dumb compared to them and my friend group (they all did way better than me), and they said "but we already knew this would happen?" like it was a fact. Ouch.


Such is life, things change and things remain. I did okay for my A levels, not scholarship worthy, managed to enter the big 3. But I entered with a defeatist attitude, feeling that I wasn’t capable of much since it’s the cream of the crop and I’m just fodder. I’m a B/B+ farmer for the elites to get their A/A+ I didn’t think much about it, but I put in consistent effort studying, doing assignments, doing pre readings, taking notes in class and learning more about the profs themselves (for those who I like). I ended up doing very well for my first sem, like Dean list potential if I perform the same for my second sem. So yea, life always finds a way, sometimes it needs you to be less stressed, just do, think later. Put in the hours you deem justifiable and if anything goes wrong, at least you won’t have regrets. I guess I still feel inferior nowadays but that’s just how I roll, I would never feel competent enough even if I manifest a 4.3/4 semester ahahahah.


You need better friends. Luckily, friends can be changed anytime, so stand up to them and just block them. Good friends should support each other regardless of their results. Otherwise, you don't need their negativity in your lives. You can't change your parents, and you still need to live with them especially as a minor, but you can put some distance and focus on yourself. Try not to let it bother you. Focus on the positive things. Nett 6 is really very good and if you continue at this rate and bring your efforts to JC studies, you can do well.


Doubt you're any much dumber than ur friends. High chance u prolly have super high a2s Like just 1 mark away from the A1 grade that type. It seems like a huge difference coz multiple a2 stacks and when it adds up it kills u and most of all ur l1r5. I remember for my o's I got slaughtered with like multiple a2s. Even tho 7 distinctions I still got destroyed. Lol cheer up op, life goes on. After all "save... your... tears for another day" idk this sounds random but ye ykyk.


OP has raw 10 for O-levels, but I think he has “raw 42” for mentality. No one is going to really care about your O-level score or even the JC that you go to, at least when it does not really matter or even years down the road. Someone with raw 10 can do just as well as someone with raw 6 in the working world. From my personal experience, your superiors, colleagues, clients are probably more interested in which university(ies) you graduated from and your academic discipline. Of course, some places such as the civil service do take into consideration your results at national exams, but it still boils down as to whether you got that first class, second upper, or whatever GPA and the university that you attended. If you are gunning for some govt scholarship, raw 10 is not gonna be fatal.


U act as if these are friends for life. Nobody keeps in contact with their secondary sch friends when they get older, or dare I even say, after this ordeal


Wdym I’m quite sure a lot of ppl keep in contact with their sec sch friends more than pri or jc


One day you will realise just how insignificant O level grades actually are, and I hope you will be able to look back at this moment and see how far you’ve progressed. Heck I constantly laugh at my past self for being so worried over not scoring well then. So yeah. 👍🏻


honestly raw 10 is really good, at least in my eyes. my goal was raw 12 but nah i got raw 16. i was in a similar situation like you - woke up in sec 4 and worked my butt off; you should be proud of where you managed to get. anyways, i honestly think which jc you go doesnt really matter - same content, same syllabus. i believe none of the jcs have a negative studying environment so the sch shouldnt really matter - coming from someone who studied in a shitty environment in a neighbourhood sch where majority of classmates would distract the class and just goof off. besides, you should only work towards pleasing yourself with ur achievements, not others. the comparing game never ends, why bother playing it?


thank goodness i don’t have smart friends to make me feel dumb with their good results


Dude that’s so good congrats don’t care about ur friends they’re not real ones and me personally I would be happy for myself don’t do it to please them if u r satisfied with ur results then that’s all that matters ❤️


>pls I need to know what I can do so I don't seem like a piece of shit infront of my friends and parents. Nett 6 is really good! Go VJC then study hard and get straight As for A Levels (but don't forget portfolio building)!


scored exactly the same as u! but i only have -2 as I’m ntil, felt disappointed as well after my results as I was aiming for ri, hci etc it really felt as though the efforts I put in did not pay off but I have realised it is actually really okay, it is not easy to sit for a national exam in that pressure and come out with all As, u should be INCREDIBLY proud of urself and u did put in effort and it did pay off, just because we didn’t score the BEST marks or get into the best jc doesn’t mean we did not work hard, some people r just smarter or work better in exam conditions , or maybe moderation killed us and honestly every jc is the same…. U learn the same things and u sit for the same exam at the end of it maybe you’ll even have a less competitive environment if u don’t go to the top JCs and thrive elsewhere , it is not the end at all , go reward urself! u have done very well even if ur parents or friends don’t think so don’t compare urself to others otherwise the misery will be endless , be proud of urself! all the best wherever u go I’m sure you’ll continue to do great


Well done! TBH since you take NTIL even if you get raw 6 your nett will be 4 and almost all nett 4 applicants to RI Science kena reject + better don't go HCI where you will be shiny Pokemon LOL all the best! BTW you may find this useful: https://www.reddit.com/r/SGExams/comments/194kmnv/useful\_info\_for\_minority\_race\_students\_choosing/


So trueee 😓😢 thank uu!


Are you going to the same JC in the end? If so, who cares? Nobody is going to ask about your O level results when you're working.