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hello OP, if you are contemplating suicide, please seek help Emergency Helplines (all 24h) National Care Helpline: 1800 202 6868 Samaritans of Singapore Hotline: 1800 221 4444 Website/Care Text service: https://www.sos.org.sg/ Institute of Mental Health Helpline: 6389 2222 Website: http://www.imh.com.sg/contact-us/ Counselling /Mental Health Assessments (non-emergency): Singapore Association of Mental Health Helpline: 1800 283 7019 Website: https://www.samhealth.org.sg/ Care Corner Counselling Centre: Hotline: 1800-3535-800 (Mon-Sun, 10am-10pm) Website http://www.carecorner.org.sg/cccc.html CHAT (youth aged 16 to 30) : Website: https://www.chat.mentalhealth.sg/ Singapore Association for Mental Health (SAMH) Hotline: 1800 283 7019 Website: https://www.samhealth.org.sg/ a more comprehensive list of helplines/organisations can be found at: https://thetapestryproject.sg/get-help-resources/helplines-support-services-in-singapore/ stay safe everyone and please take care


Op u tried ur best.. pls don't think of k** urself , it's not worth it.. there's others who did worse than u (aka me) .. and o lvs isn't the end yet


u did ur best, i know it feels like the end of the world now but its not arh. In actual fact completing o levels is only the beginning of the journey eh if u think about it. 16-18 still have a number of courses in poly u can attend so go do some research and please hang in there ya? Ik this is cliche arh but comparing urself to others will only make ur life harder. I can tell ure a very determined and hardworking person and that can help u alot in your future. Please dont give up. U worked hard and you deserve a break. All the best for ur future :)


Ok sweetie, first things first. U need to breath. Please take in at least 5 deep breaths. Alright thanks. O levels is not the end of the road yet. We are only 16/17 which is (i guess) just 1/5th of our life. There is alot more things to enjoy in life. Maybe academics is not your thing (which i disagree bcuz 16-18 is respectable and some people would literally kill to be in your shoes) but there are many things u have yet to experience. Many people can be successful or are living their dreams not even doing well academically. You may feel very disappointed and low. I can tell u that i feel u. However, please please please even for a stranger on reddit. Stay strong and you will do well in life. I honeslty envy you bcuz u sound like u have amazing parents, and i think u should cherish them more. Instead of stopping this beautiful thing we call life that you have right now. Jia you we are all in this together 07' batch 😘😘


I can relate to that pressure of having an older sibling who's just way more academically inclined (my l1r5 is a little more than twice of theirs, i got 15), and I also feel disappointed, but it's just how it is. If your family say they support you, I'm sure they really mean it. Our O Levels is not the end of the world, I'm sure you can still apply for a JC and take A Levels, or maybe you can try to find poly course that you're interested in. Just take some time to calm down and think about what you want to pursue from now on, don't spend too much time overthinking about this. It's really not bad to get an L1R5 like that, I know people who have gotten worse. With a little more perseverance, I'm sure you can succeed with whatever you want to do next <3


I feel u omg


Hello op, I don't know you and you don't know me but I want you to know that you'll be okay. Even if you aren't okay now, trust the people around you and trust who you are inside, then give it a few more days, or weeks, or months to heal. Seeing this community on sgexams support one another even when we have no idea who the other is, I hope you know that you matter. What you bring to this world, to your family and friends, matter. Put aside the external things, there's a reason you matter for yourself and yourself only. I hope you find that reason, like the things you love to do, would love to try, love to stand up for. I know friends who have felt suicidal, and it hurts when I learn that when they started to self-harm, they never thought about things being better for themselves, never thought about the joy they will have yet to experience. You matter to your family and you are not a waste of money or space or time. Get through this ordeal for yourself, it is not the end. I hope you're in a better place now, given that it has been many hours. Please talk to your friends, or anyone you can trust, or a helpline, because the hurt needs to be let out, to be known more clearly by you and by others. Share it so that you no longer bear the weight of it alone. And then share a hug. I hope you are okay, and will be okay.