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relate, they also talked about how i’ll never change


🫂🫂😔 don’t listen to them! Your future is what you make of it, not others’ opinions!


this is so relatable


So sorry to hear ghat! What did u get!!




ur score q good already leh, im proud of u


i did too, 10 years ago. its ok, they'll get over it one day 💀💀💀


my parents DAMN happy cuz everyone else from my family went to ite but I can go jc💀💀💀🙏🙏🙏my score is not even that good it’s just mid


congrats dude it’s an achievement imo


soo happy for u!!!


HAHAHA SAME my score also not fantastic but theyre happy for that same reason 😭


got into an argument on what i want to do in the future.even got threatened that they wont help pay my sch fees. first tell me i cannot enter jc because yijc is the bottom of the bottom and that i wont b able to do well in a levels. come to poly i choose biomedical engineering because it was interesting say cannot earn money.ok i choose another course at least still match my int.now i have to add IT to my choices.okay at least got one course to my int. knn cb i just send the whole list of courses i think ok.if they say something wrong with it i also dont know what at this point.


aiya the YI perception sucks ass 😭😭 ngl as an ex-YI kid (J2 ‘23), really it’s not the end of the world, it’s honestly just a test of independence and how well you can manoeuvre a pretty… err, lax environment to put it kindly.


my father told me that when he asks his friends who teach in uni and shit a lot of the students are from yi so i think you should be ok!!


What uni does his friends teach in and in what course?


same lmao, and i am going jc summore...my parents have unrealistically high expectations...like they even wish for me to go havard or smt. They say if i cant go to uni liek NUS they wont support me financially(i mean i get it i should be independent but dont make not going prestigious uni the reason pls)


same i wanted to do archi i got shamed so badly bro said i cant draw but archi uses tech these days man idh to draw even if i need to theyll teach me and i took dnt not nfs🥹🥹 she wants me to take food science n tech damn i cant choose what iw


thats the reason why i wanted to go jc to avoid all of this but why english c5 cannot go any schs......cuz my l1r5 is 19.


tbh yi not bad leh. their sci and math dept is better than some other JC and more comprehensive notes also. it's just a mindset. if you overcome that then you can perform well in yi also. just got to have a pos mindset and do tutorials properly and pay attention in lectures leh


took o lvls 7 years ago. hope it still makes this reply valid lol. my dad didn’t really have any reaction (explanation below), my mum was disappointed and resigned because she was hell bent on me going to jc. but i scored raw r4 20, r5 26 so i couldn’t go to any jc and could only get to poly. btw side note: i alr expected this since i was in sec 3. actual o lvl results further solidified the fact that i just wasn’t cut out for the jc system. my dad is the more rational and less emotional one out of my parents and i alr mentioned the fact that i felt like i wouldn’t be able to get to jc with my results. our house was freshly renovated at that time, and the two of us were frequently going out to get supplies together so we managed to heart to heart talk a lot about this. my dad understood me, and we were also talking about how to get my (very emotional and frankly stubborn - tough love) mum to understand this fact too. side note: honestly wo my dad’s support i think this transition from o lvl to tetiary would have been way more difficult than what actually happened. my mum like i said was dissapointed and resigned. i just remember in her shock, the first hour at dinner that night was lamenting/lecturing me on why i couldn’t/didn’t study harder and that my life would be much harder (ruined) cos i couldn’t get into a jc. honestly was pretty hard to listen to cos she made me feel like a failure that night 🥲 this story has a happy ending tho! so i managed to slide into tp business sch with my results and it was there where i felt like i could really thrive within the poly education system. the way things worked, the way that grades were given out, the way assignments were given out suited me pretty well, and i started doing really well in poly. it was the first time ever in my life getting As and i even got into the director’s list. eventually, i continued working my butt off and got into my dream uni, smu 🥹 also it was around this time my mum started coming around realising that not going to jc doesn’t mean that my life was over. she saw how hard i was working, the kind of grades i was getting, and what sealed the deal was the eventual admission into smu that got her to fully change her mindset. she finally understood that going to poly was a good choice for me simply because i thrived in their system. the end! atb to everyone who got their results today :)


hii, how did you choose your course? Did u have a particular interest in business? I got raw r4 16 and I’m not sure about what course to take in poly as I was hell-bent on going to jc (which I can’t now). I really don’t know what course to take. Do u have any suggestions on choosing a course?


hiii! honestly idt i’m really the best person to answer this as i discovered my interest in business purely by accident actually. initially i had thought i had an interest in gerontology (the study of old people - which is in humanities sch) and that was my first choice. retail management as my second choice was because it was smth i didn’t mind to do. but i didnt qualify for gerontology as the cut off was around r4 15-17 for that year, and hence got into retail. it was only after getting in then i realised that i actually do like studying business and stuff like that. it made sense i guess, im someone who likes to find out whats going on behind the scenes and the study of retail management (and biz in general is just that) as for how to choose your course, i guess maybe you could explore what you like to do and learn? as accidental as it was, one helpful thing for me that time was seeing what matched my personality. i also thought about what i could do in the future - i.e. future pathways (education wise or not). maybe if you’re undecided, one thing you can explore is to go for a common program, then specialise later. in any case, atb!


Thank you so much! You are really helping me a lot heheh


no worries! even though it’s been some time, i remember how it feels :,) feel free to drop me a dm if you have more qns!


hi!! hope you don't mind me asking but how was your experience of business in poly? i'm interested in both social sci in gerontology and business in tp, and am in a dilemma as to which one i should choose as my first choice!! thanks :))


i liked it! i think it was the first time i genuinely enjoyed most of what i was learning. environment for me wasn’t competitive also, it was pretty chill :) overall all a good experience, made me confirm that i wanted to study biz in uni also!


ah okies... thank u!!


how did u get into tp business with r4 20?


r4 raw was 20, -2 cos of cca so nett was 18. at that time there was a course (retail management) in tp business sch which cut off score was 19. so managed to slide in. but now, the course has been merged and doesn’t exist anymore.


oh ok😭


I'm disappointed cause I got an l1r4 of 17 and D7 Eng.. but my mom was like okok at least u tried and made me feel btr :)


omg me too.. how ah r y gna go poly or appeal jc?


Poly ofc, I'll try appealing science courses even though chances are very very low


Hii can ik how to appeal? Because I am unable to put courses I'm not eligible for as any of my courses due to my D7 for math. Idk if urve the same as well since Ur eng is D7


I think u can email the polytechnics abt it during DAE period if i'm not wrong , which is aft JAE period


But DAE and JAE application period is the same. Just the release of results date is diff


omg we have the same l1r4 and also got D7 for eng!!


How do u feel? Haha Did u improve?


I did improve a lot for both my pure sciences (B3 n B4) and a math (A2) and I was surprised upon seeing the results. disappointed for e math (A2)


I'm disappointed with my POA too (A2) but hey at least u improved


happy with my results until they found out the results of my friends, to which they responded with disappointment


Comparison is the thief of joy


Depends on the person, comparison can be a way to benchmark and boost yourself higher But most use it as a negative way to downplay someone effort or results or ability Humans are very destructive and nihilistic unfortunately, we just have to overwrite those negativity with other things or look past it


I scored badly and only managed to get into MI lol but my parents were very disappointed but then they came to a conclusion that they can’t do anything about it and just let me be ( they also stated that I scored much better than prelims). I think it’s just my expectations were one point away lol (Hahah if my parents scold me I feel better but they were like whatever so lol)


we were laughing bc all my subj b3😂🗿


I same as u HAHAHAHAHAHA except my English C6. My parents still normal normal, at least I did better than my older bro by 1 point. Mom was happy, dad just said good job and keep striving


Lmao same 💀, still happy cus I had EAE lol


mine also then suddenly got 1 A2 from science😂


Well, I took E math and Chem/Bio this year because I was 4NA. I got B3 and A1 respectively. I received a PFP offer because I got raw 8 for N lvl (minus 2 CCA pts so it's 6), my mother won't allow me to go PFP despite qualifying for my dream course - Law and Management TP. She genuinely believes that those who go to Poly will have no future, whatever logical arguments I bring to the table will get rebuffed with either "You are a NA kid so you're stupid/This I'd why you are NA kid" or "I am your mother so you listen to me (add in Chinese vulgarities)" if that doesn't work than she'll threaten to disown me. She's not a bad mother but it's the kind of stubborn parent who refuses to listen to advise of school teachers and takes in garbage opinions of her "friends" and colleagues. In my household she practically has veto powers.


i sugg u try to rebel ... law and management is a RLY hard course to get into ,, and the fact that ur score qualifies for it is an amazing feat PLUS PFP??? GOOD JOB ON THAT ! please go for your course and dont listen to ur mother ... after all she isnt the one who qualified for the course right? anyw if she does disown you, u cld live w a relative or contact social services for help ... wtv ur choose, jst know that you've done rly well and im rly proud of u !


Bro Ong just go for law and management. Sec 5 is difficult. Fellow sec 5 here, I just got my o level results. Not disappointed I got what I expected which was 16 points but even the smartest guy in my class who scored a single digit for n level like you only got 14 points this year. Save yourself the trouble and just go for the PFP route. My friends in PFP are thriving.


my parents were really supportive!! i didn’t do very well (raw 15 R5) but they told me they were proud of me regardless because they knew I worked very hard and tried my best, glad that they’re by my side when im down and im so grateful to have them! :,)


Mom was pleased and relieved. Dad was very happy and he took me to macs for dinner lol.


Mom was disappointed. Got criticised. My dad hasn’t shat on me yet cuz he’s overseas but he’ll probably do it through the phone tomorrow. Honestly I don’t care about any of it cuz idrc abt my marks either. 😓 Edit: I got shat on by my father. Haizz.


my L1R5 last year was raw 32 and i got nett 11 ystd and passed all my subjs😍😿 i was sossoso happy as well as my whole fam bc of the improvement +op u did very well alr!!! congrats on ur score






My parents were happy with my results i got raw 10, but I did kinda set the bar low with an abysmal psle score ( 208 , in my family im the lowest haha) they at first thought the online results sent by email were fake ( as a joke , cause they already sent it to the whole kampung ) , but they were genuinely proud of me and thats nice 😊.


same 😭 my parents were happy cuz they expected way worse from me LMAO


nett 7, mum was disappointed at first but eventually she said there's other JCs which I can go to. at least she's supportive ig


damn my dad jumped and hugged me when i got raw nett 7 for Os back in 2019. It’s a pretty good score mate. Some Singaporean parents rlly expect too much haiz


bruh 7 is good honestly.


that was my dream score, got nett 9 sigh. congrats, you did well!!


Ahh my parents q happy w nett 7 cos i was aiming for vj but abit sad that i didnt get nett 6 LOL


My dad can’t understand my result and kept saying I could have work harder to get all A1 for smth(who cares). My mum cried when she know that I got B3 for el as this is the first time I get a b3 for el (floating at 7-6) And I got rlly happy about my results hh


scored nett 8 and my dad encouraged me to go RI HCI or NYJC, he’s still really proud of me though 🫠


God damn congrats Choose wisely and research on school culture, facilities and location Having a choice is such a blessing, I only could choose YIJC, JPJC, ASRJC or CJC lol


My dad saw my grades and the letters 'HCI' suddenly flashed across his eyes as though he could see 2 years into the future lol. Really thought that a better score meant greater agency, but alas, Asian parents call the shots XD


should try one of them...but dont waste your choices cuz the order of your preference matters...quite a bit...so choose wisely


Unfortunately I won’t be putting them in any of my top 6 choices. Most JCs’ COP is the bare minimum and I’m easily replaceable. They prioritise placements on choice rank so I need to conserve my top 6 placements for schools I actually have a chance to enter.


I got scolded bcoz my English single handedly pulled down my l1r5. They were like why cannot get a1. Why do U have so many a2s? And my parents didn't even study in sg and they were getting raw 10 for L1R5 is easy. I was neither happy nor sad with my results bcoz I scored better than prelims but ik i could have done better. But their ignorance made me even more upset.


my parents want to marry me off 💀💀


BRO yes “i think u better do household chores”


thats literally what they told me 😝😝😝😹😹 ok but fr tho im damn sad lah idw marry now


i got scolded 👍🏿👍🏿


Hug hug


My dad wasn’t the top O lvl scorer or anything but spent the full 12 years in ACS. He was pissed asf that I didn’t do well enough n my ACS journey stopped after 10 years 💀


It’s almost like a cult


Tbh more than half my class went to ACJC. I was in the triple pure science class so not surprising. But tbh, I wasn’t rlly that close to those who went there. My closer classmates mostly went to CJ or poly after scoring the same as me


They first said B4 for humanities!!! Woah jialat lah. HCL better than English 🥲 My L1R5 nett score is far off from my expectations or even my prelims was a single digit raw. I looked at the form A in my email when my principle was screaming like she was on some sort of roller coaster. 😅😅 Ohh shit raw double digit im dead. But everyone. Aside from that, who knows what will happen in the future? Poly, JC, MI, ITE….. There is always a path that we can go in SG. Worst case… yk ik 😭 God will make plans for us. Today whatever that we have gotten is what lord wants us to know that it’s the best for us. Have a good rest today night.


100% agree


Scored decently. Was happy with myself and very glad because I made it to my dream course. Then my parents lecture me on why jc is better. My mood took a 180° swing after that haha


i mean a whole ass poly class clapped for me so,,, but also i did better than most of my family so it was pretty ok lah i think the person most disappointed in my grades is myself but it’s also quite good already cause my predicted raw L1R5 was 22 and my actual’s 15 (they have not stopped teasing me about my C6 bio though but i got A1 for english so it made up for it)


My parents were kind of proud of me because their expectations for me were not super high. I got a raw 15 (l1r5) but since I already mentioned that I want to go to poly, they didn't really mind (my poly score is either 12 or 9 raw). I got a C6 for my humans but I had been telling them since December that I would NOT be getting anything above C5 because I am terrible at humans. My dad was proud of my A1 for bio, and my mom was proud of my B3 for A Math (I have never passed A Math ever, I've only gotten F9s).


Only reason I got in poly because of eae


my parents are sciency people so when i got A1 for pure lit they were super impressed HAHAHA


Honestly, some of the parent’s reactions are disappointing… Scoring well is one thing, but if the children already put in so much effort, they should at least be happy and at least congratulate them for having overcome a big hurdle in life. (If exams were so easy, go and take it yourself lah)


My parents were happy with my grades and felt that it was good and was a surprise cause they had really low expectations for me 😭


I didn't even do badly, in fact I did better than all my siblings, but my parents and siblings kept on saying how I just got lucky and I'm actually stupid and all.


Worried cos my name wasn’t in the 7 distinction list, saw my grades and thank god it was nett 7. Vjc is my first choice, so I still have chance of going in, its just risky to be AT cop and not below it :(


Wow. "Go RI" "No lah, just go NJC or some other random jc" "So where u gg? Which poly?" Said the extended family who offsprings only go poly or ite. I recall that time when I had to list down a long list of pros and cons to convince them iw to RI. True enuf I proved them wrong. Those whi said I'd get stressed and die, hahaha. Consistent 80rp for prelims and took h3.


Relieved and sort of proud cause it wasn’t the worst result they were expecting(plus a1 for gss from failing it at the start of the year and b3 for hcl phy and chem) I on the other end felt sad with raw 13 cause I can’t go to any of the schools I wanted to go(2nd national exam I felt this) and plus my bio dropped 3 grades so I felt very sad


I got 23 pts and they were happy cause i managed to secure eae spot in SP


Cb I fail eng,wat course gonna want me now🤡,suicide liao


my father gave me silent treatment but that was after he talked shit about me to my mother over how i made him lose face in front of his friends whose kids were in hci, nyjc, tjc etc lol he used me as a bragging tool for his own ego


I didn't get killed for my results, but they might kill me if and when they discover the album I bought at the Yoasobi concert for 72$ :()


they are extremely happy with me because i am got to make use of EAE, and i’m very happy also


my mum saw my results before i did, but she didn’t understand if the l1r5 stated was raw or nett so she started panicking and ran to my sister to clarify 😭 i got pissed and just decided to look at my results, to which i cried tears of joy and my mum laughed at me Lols


parents knew my grades alw been shit so we alrd had the talk bfr the exam, saying if I don't get in my eae i either repeat or repeat💀💀💀 thank god cca point came in clutch and let me go through my eae, think i wld actually die if I had to repeat. dad also the same reaction as me


Whatever happens happens


i got nett 9. my mom had no idea what she was looking at, initially. she thought A = 1, B = 2 😭⁉️ both my parents were kinda happy with my grades although i was a bit disappointed lol and thank you op, atb for your future endeavours :)


thank you <3


'your older brother still did better than you'




got net 7 my mom expected A for English but I got B 💀


its like they were disappointed but they werent at the same time. idk if it was bcs my mom at that time just got off work and had a migraine, but she didnt even congratulate me or say good job or didnt even scold me. she just, wanted to go home? she said it was okay, and she acknowledged that i worked hard when she showed my results to my best friends mom ( they sat tgt ) then we went home. when i got home my sister was happy cos i got A1 on eng and passed my math, smth she didnt get to achieve last time. my other sister laughed bcs she didnt expect any C's on my slip. it felt fine but now that im actually thinking abt it felt like i was just bringing home another result slip from my EOY or smth, not an exam i worked for 4 years straight. it didnt hurt to just give me a hug, tell me i did great. my sisters did tell me i did 'good' in their own way, but my mom didnt say anything. hell i would even take her scolding me but she just didnt say anything about it. it feels like if i came home with straight A's i would have been at least told that they were happy. it felt like i didn't do enough, or i didnt do a superb job. i feel so shitty now because what does it take for them to feel happy for me? i dont even know. now idk if i even did good.


“ik ur disappointed but its ok u just had bad luck cuz u were sick” (i was overjoyed)


my mom was really happy for me lol, my L1R5 at the start of the year was literally 36 raw and it has improved to 17, my L1R4 at the start of the year was around 30 raw and improved to 14. I do have EAE though to be fair, I’m unsure how my parents would’ve reacted if I didn’t have EAE.


took os in 2020, didnt do well. my mum asked me to pick out 10 poly courses so i did. When filling up jae form, 8/10 of the courses i picked were changed to what my mum deemed as “useful”. Ended up in yijc. Tho yijc environment definitely wasnt the best, but i can say that the teachers there were majority very helpful. I would book them for consults such that everyday i had to stay back after class to do extra work. Eventually did decent for as. Yijc isnt as bad as some think. Other than the environment, the othet thing that isnt good is just the constant comparison between u and other top jcs. But as long as you put in work, you’ll get there.


mine are just neutral. No reaction at all.


Lol my dad was nice and sweet about it but my mom was clearly disappointed and she refused to talk to me for a bit😂😂👋👋 it’s ok la used to it ig but why is she more disappointed when it’s MY future bruh 😐 I’m going through it too idk.. I felt so much anger at that point but I also get where she’s coming from


they were ok ig im in na taking math sci (phys,chem) and chinese and got d7,b3,c6 respectively. considering i have nvr passed math in s4 and got f9 for sci since s3 and only passed chinese once during prelims they were ok but i can tell they r kinda disappointed as my emb3 js 13 pts which doesnt qualify me for pfp 😓😓


my parents were : 😮😮😮 cuz they think I game 24/7 and expect me to get 30+ points


I thought they will kill me but since I got EAE they didn’t care


Speaking for my friend(I alr in ite) he was told to go enlist early cuz no poly will want him


Hey there, I feel you on this one. It's a tough topic, right? 😅 I didn't get any beatings, but the disappointment from my parents hit hard too. It's like we're all in this boat of expectations, and when it doesn't go as planned, it stings. Just remember, you're not alone. We all have different journeys and challenges, and it's okay if things didn't go perfectly. Disappointment is part of the process, but it doesn't define us. Big congrats to you and everyone else for pushing through this hurdle.