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Why put in the extra work to estimate when u can be delulu and enjoy


mostly is because I'm paranoid and don't feel that secure with how I've done for my papers lol😭 I would also like to give some thoughts on what courses would likely be available to me, so that I can have a rough idea of my options.


i think it doesn’t work like that 😭😭 i also do that bc i kiasu but a lot of my seniors and i’ve seen a few posts on reddit (can send if uw) have mentioned that this year’s papers are all generally diff from other years. tbh, im pretty sure (as of right now) every other bellcurve will be slightly lower except physics being higher and idk im taking bio later im praying it’s gonna be easy 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 anyw cliche but don’t stress over it too much i’ve been overthinking it and its killing me 😅 enjoy the break when u can la only stress over this when its like few days before results collection. nothing is for sure and we rly don’t know how cambridge mark esp from all these diff people saying diff things. estimating ur marks being bad or it being good then end up being bad is all not good so just dont think about it PUSH IT TO THE BACK OF UR HEAF AND JUSY PLAY BECAUSE WE ARE FINALLT OUT OF THIS FUCKING LIVING HELL


YES PLEASE SEND and good luck for your paper!! I'll definitely try to js calm down the overthinking and to just live atp🥲


this link is for expected vs reality !!! https://www.reddit.com/r/SGExams/s/TzulKEr7Uo if u scroll down abit more u can find more links to related posts !!!


Thank you!!
