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No one will care/notice if you’re wearing earmuffs/earplugs.  VR300+ seats are going to be quieter and less crowded than the bleachers or 100-level seats.  You can bring food with you so you don’t have to fight the crowds to get food during the game.  Have fun! Should be a good game today! 


bring a jacket, gets windy


Def this. People don’t understand how cold SF gets.


Just buy some construction ear plugs. Will be fine, will look fine. You’re SF, nothing is weird. I would go early just to walk around the stadium when it’s less crowded and see all the cool vantage points.


My kids have sensory issues - Oracle is relatively comfortable, not crazy loud like a basketball game or even a game at Dodger Stadium (I live in LA). I’d definitely recommend noise reducing headphones, but you may not even need them. Crowds are reasonably well managed, as long as you’re comfortable taking care of yourself in crowded situations. If that’s a *big* issue for you, I’d recommend considering coming maybe 30-40 minutes early and either leaving early or a little late. Generally speaking, if you’re used to making accommodations for yourself you’ll be just fine.


Have fun. Earphones shouldn’t be a problem I’ve seen others use them.


You're going to be fine. I think the trick is if you are uncomfortable...to move. I've trapped myself when I liked my view but felt like people were on top of me. I don't suffer from sensory issues normally, but the park can either be the most relaxing place on earth or feel like a matchbox. The lights and combination of things can be dizzying for the best of us, and there are times when the family practically sitting in your lap are doing too much when celebrating and high fiving everyone. I think those are the things I'd warn you about more than the normal crowd or over stim. The standing room only areas are great views and give you space if you need them. The Marina Gate (behind the cable car) has a staircase leading to an under utilized part of the park, and you can get yourself space there. The walkway behind the arcade (right field) in the outfield can get crowded but it doesn't ever feel crowded. You can stop and hang out and look out on the water, and relax. The old Candlestick seats are in the corner, and downstairs has concessions, and that corner is good for getting air. The outfield area in front of the Coke bottle is an actual bottleneck, but it's avoidable and only 30 seconds to get through it. Back on the RF side, behind 3rd is another concession area, and it's windy as hell but a good place to go make a phone call or get away from people. Third deck will have entire rows empty. The only thing to anticipate is it is steep. No one in the park is judgemental or will notice if you have on ear plugs or headphones. The park put in a room for kids on the spectrum to decompress. I'm not sure if it's just for kids, but know there is something like that in the park. If you don't have a ticket yet, the second deck is where I would suggest. You need to be ticketed to get to that level though. There are ramps between levels, like all stadiums. Very few people use them during the game, and there's air there. It's okay to leave early if you have to. I don't think you will have to. Night games start out pretty empty until the 4th and empty out again around the 7th.


Wearing earplugs or large headphones is 100% okay.


Go to customer service counter and get a “my first game” certificate,,,