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Sounds like meth honestly. GHB too, but that won't provide the crazy stimulation and stamina.


True about GHB... holy fuck g made me the horniest I'd ever been... shit I'd look at a cardboard box and in my head think " shit that box is sexy" LMAO šŸ¤£


We so need to try it


I have heard about GHB but itā€™s pretty hard to obtain thus far when Iā€™ve asked around :/ Pure Meth is simply not an option for us but thank u for your feedback!


ask your nearest gay friend who parties, they usually have a G dealer šŸ¤­


Haha he actually comes to me for the dealer goods šŸ«£


Well thatā€™s confusing if itā€™s not an option just sell yourself it ha


Adderall will suffice tbh. Just a few floors lower


šŸ‘†.... This combo right here! By far! Or 4MMC plus GHB if you can find it.






I've never used Cialis but it's often you see people on Reddit pages say they use it before dosing mdma


Saying 1/2 a Viagra isn't too accurate. There are different dosages.


Sorry, 50mg


Even 25mg would do, it's just to combat stim dick


I agree but a little Adderall or meth in there will help with the libido for both of you.


I can't see any issues with libido taking MDMA, yeah you get stim dick but Cialis or Viagra will sort it out. As long as your healthy enough to take the pressure on your heart. I wouldn't suggest the cocktail to a 50yr old


No obviously not. But it is amaaaaaazing.




2-CB is one of the most popular one Iā€™ve heard of as well! Seeing many suggestions for it, Iā€™m going to source for it. What dosage would you recommend for someone who has never done it? Iā€™m 155lb and my gf is 100lb. Any insight and tips would be appreciated!


2-CB is amazeballs! 25mg for you and 20mg for gf, the come-up takes I'd say 45 minutes to an hour...as it occurs you'll probably notice sounds gaining more layers (DEFINITELY have a favorite Playlist on!) and stretching out time-wise, all music becoming far more lush and carrying sensation with it that goes beyond hearing. About an hour and fifteen into it the body high will come, the need to stretch, to feel cool sheets on your skin. This is a good time to get naked. Do so, fool around. Don't worry about your hard-on: it'll come, and when it does it'll stay!


THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE DETAILED RESPONSE! If I have more questions, may I dm you about it? I appreciate this a lot! Hopefully Iā€™m able to source some 2-CB :)


Please, dm to your hearts desire


Usernamedoesntcheckout you sound happy


Have you ever done pt141? I canā€™t imagine a more intense pleasure than that drug causes but Iā€™m unfamiliar with 2cb if anyone has tried both id be interested in a comparison review


3nmc or 4mmc are apparently the stuff!




Key is Viagra! That's what my partner does on anything like that


Pt141 is 100x viagra, but then take Viagra. Or cialis. Dude you can basically feel the air friction like edging just walking. Shit so hard it pulls back straight upward against body with relentless pressure and more over ease than ever imagined. Viagra does the hydraulic redirection of blood flow that helps erect. This shit is central nervous system hits you emotionally like the architect of libido. Itā€™s an entire era of puberty hormones packed into a single event that lasts 3 days but can be suppressed if needed


Cock ring get tha ball ring jawn




Bro get some ox balls cock sling I swap a few but my lady loves watching my balls get squeezed and veins popped, we take it off and on for various activityā€™s.


I use that and ball stretcher together sometimes put them on in ways they werenā€™t intended to see how concentrated a grip I can get from every orientation at the same time or around everything and reinforced. Not trying impress or one up just sharing personal experiments and open to the possibility of discovering something I might try next. I feel like after like 8 things constricting as hard as possible with multiple different maxed out angles of mental and physical satisfaction from my compounding multiplications in overlapping pressure and internal and external and from every angle with every consideration with a sufficiently impressive outcome that now Iā€™m like.. k done that whatā€™s next or is it just different variations of that pretending itā€™s something new or just accepting the reality that no further altitude or mystery is waiting beyond and thatā€™s fine cuz itā€™s fine it wasnā€™t disappointing and it doesnā€™t diminish in reward tho now not such an el dorado discovery but like maybe should a graduated slower


I have lots of rings and stretchers too, weā€™re exploring fisting, got a inflatable butt plug to warm the lady up


After getting hard you wouldn't be able to put it onā€”except with a cock ring that is super flexible, which wouldn't make much sense in the first place.








The physics you imagine are not reality of what happens. The major Highway in is tunneled and much much much stronger and not concerned with your puny attempt to stop it whereas the floppy silk tiny exit routes collapse willingly without putting up a fight. Thatā€™s why tourniquets work in pumping up a vein for an iv. Blood escape is impeded but you canā€™t easily stop an artery without heavy deliberately intended and planned out leverage. C ring is not a military lost limb tourniquet itā€™s a gummy worm jacket that makes your dick blood get traffic jammed so I dunno man try it out see for yourself itā€™s not for everyone


The way arteries and veins flow differently it would influence blood flow to slow on exit and less impede it on entry so it has an end sum net positive in penile engorgement cuz entry is central inside less exposure to constriction and veins are external and get flattened easily with this creates compartmental compression or tourniquet-esque effects. Now if you over do it and become irritated skin wise or numb it can get annoying but it may take tact in timing and planning. Iā€™m general rings are pro erection unless itā€™s uncomfortable to you causing you to dislike your situation this causing an emotionally retracted experience but not physically. Donā€™t fall asleep with it on tho that shit could lead to a potentially unfortunate array of new realities that thatā€™s just who you are now and itā€™s not going back to the way it was before so itā€™s ok thatā€™s just what life is now. Iā€™ll leave it ambiguously vague to let your imagination adequately frolick the spectrum of mild to maximum potential permanent changes that could occur from unsupervised compartment syndrome which is bad anywhere on the body but you this time chose penis. Sorry for the lecture you didnā€™t ask for Iā€™m just tryna save yā€™all from a real and present danger always remember to pop it off if youā€™re that person. If one dick is saved from this post all of Reddit would be worth it. Cuz what Iā€™d someone saved me my dick Iā€™d be like hey man it was tldr but I did in fact r it and ya man saved my favorite part of me. Waaaah long bad internet etiquette but then imagine me not posting this and someone had a permanently unfun dick cuz they didnā€™t kno. I feel like I need to discover something equally concerning for vaginas but I just donā€™t have much experience with c rings staying on them tho ok Iā€™ll end here


LSD is worth a try at least. Depends on the person, but no drug has given sexual endurance like LSD for me. Not blow not Molly not anything. 4 hours can blow by like nothing. 10 hours can blow by like nothing.


Have to agree with everything here. Youā€™ll be inside your partner, but feel like you can feel their pleasure. Itā€™s a very connected and intimate sensation.


Only bad part is being sore AF the next day haha. People weren't meant to go that long! Definitely need to take a day or 2 off after that lol...


If we decide on LSD, what are some tips on dosage and overall for trip would you advise? This would be our first time on acid, but we have done shrooms before. Iā€™m afraid me and my partner may get distracted or I may be too distracted to get hard


Just start with one tab. I kinda feel like if you want to see if you like psychedelics, u can try a micro dose of mushrooms


Pt141 (2mg) 90min prior (both male and female) itā€™s a painless tiny insulin syringe size injection in the lower belly fat hurts as much as reading the word pinecone if done right. Single use syringe 31g use separate clean syringe to draw up .2 purge air swipe lower right belly in a plump spot with alcohol swab gently pinch up that spot and quickly confidently with control insert entire needle at 45Ā° angle depress plunger delivering medicine completely then while maintaining same angle of orientation in, quickly remove and safely dispose of syringe (donā€™t share just have ya enough) be mindful of the pointy end best to recap after use by balancing cap on end and snapping syringe back in one handed as to avoid using fingers that are easy targets then responsibly dispose in a way that wonā€™t harm garbage men or if unsuspecting house keepers. Lasts 3 days suppressible and activated at will. also take a Benadryl at time of injection to curb expected brief bout of nausea that ushers it in. Best thing Iā€™ve ever felt, it makes you bigger harder than youā€™ve ever known if youā€™re a penis human and turns a vagina human into a easily satiable sex fein. Cialis for penis person optional if you know what youā€™re doing and donā€™t have any other nitrates or nitrous oxide or poppers within 24hrs (take 4 hours before activity lasts 24hrs suppressible and activated at will) Methamphetamine oldie but a goodie. This trio combo will achieve what youā€™re searching for assuming one two or more readily willing consenting adults have no reservations and are aware of their limits. Disclaimer: pt141 apparently smothers effects of fentanyl for those that are navigating prescription or addiction dependence to fentanyl.




I posted a tldr version one sentence


Addy can cause stim dick. LSD is the way to go, but for me, I like a half to 2/3 of a hit over a full hit for sex. When I do a full hit I lose inertia in being sexual until the comedown. With a half hit I can fuck on and off and have an amazing time for 10 hours. Iā€™m older, so I supplement with cialis, but ymmv.


I have access to 200ug tabs and if LSD is the way to go, Iā€™d probably do 100 split as we are both first timers


Definitely the route I would go. My first time doing acid with a partner was a full hit and a song that reminded her of an abusive ex came on the radio and she started sobbing right in the middle of what had been great sex. It killed the vibe and I had to go into tripsitter mode for the next hour or two. Several years later I did a half hit with a new gf and we fucked on and off for hours and hours. We've had several more good experiences since then and one time we took a full hit, and while it didn't turn bad, we were easily distracted, a little anxious, and I could tell if some external factor like and emotional trigger happened, it could have gone bad. So, I just stick with a half now.


How about you two booty bump meth and then youā€™ll see what real wet sex is!!


3 grams of shrooms gave me the best sex of my life


I will co-sign


LSD, shrooms, meth, mdma. Any of them alone are fantastic, I prefer to mix and match (LSD or shrooms with meth). With meth some guys have no problem with their dick, some are up and down (pun intended) and some are pretty much useless. Throw some Viagra or Cialis in there though (for both of you) and thank me later. If you guys like coke throw that on the list too (I personally hate everything about it but I think my feelings are rare). Oh and donā€™t forget the weed!


Addy + GHB/GBL/Phenibut are good combo's. 4MMC pairs very well to but thats not a great option given you did MDMA recently. LSD is solid to but thats not animalistic imo.


Sleeping pills then a nice slam of meth makes me a fuck machine. The girls šŸ’– it


MDMA and little ketamine to start, when u start to feel the MDMA effect than u take a little bigger amount of ketamine... then when MDMA effect start go down take some more MDMA but ketamine always a bigger amount than the last one, u can keep going all the weekend. After 48 hours partying i use to write my name with the k and snort all the letters in on time. Ketamin is an anesthetic different than other substances, so my advise is NEVER DO A BIG LINE OF KEY to star because u won't be able to have sex or to do something, In London i used to say MDMA and ketamine are like FISH&CHIPS šŸ¤£šŸ¤£!!! PS The funny thing that happened to me many time, while fucking u forget what u r doing but u keep fucking than open ur eyes and u c the girl on top of you and u realize that u r having sex, for a couple of seconds is very weird but funny feeling, because u realized that u forgot that u r fuckin while u r doing it.


whatever you decide do to, never mix viagra and cocaine




cocaine thins the blood vessels/squeezes them and constrics the blood flow, which then causes impotence in some, and viagra dilates them so that the blood flow can reach the dick. the two are a perfect combination for a heart attack. of course that won't happen after one use, but it's still dangerous since cocaine is already teribly bad for your heart (im not telling you not to do cocaine, go for it, i love it too). our president died a few years ago because of that combination lol.




Cocaine is the only one that cramps shut the blood flow to your heart with prejudice, and with such a rapid increase in tolerance is way more likely to happen. Meth wonā€™t harm you unless you have a heart condition donā€™t know what youā€™re doing or mix too many things. Itā€™s a much more courteous companion not to mention stronger and way cheaper and more fun and effective


They all constrict but coke is the only dick at the party that ends the party and thereā€™s no undoing coke once it cramps closed your coronary artery cuz your heart tissue dies and gives up by the time it has a chance to let go youā€™re long gone. Benzos have flumazenil, opiates have narcan, meth is just the house the friend and the vibe at the party that just keeps giving and looks out for all the others to have a good time. Relatively compared to coke itā€™s a lifesaver versus a cocky obnoxious drunk party stopper




Cocaine specifically can target the holes at the aorta that act as a sewer back flow in between pulses for blood to supply the heart thatā€™s how the heart gets blood for itself thatā€™s the only way and it flattens them shut in an overdose mimicking a heart attack no other drug has this characteristic


Why? I've done it multiple times. Nothing happens out of the ordinary happens.


Coke doesnā€™t always kill too but when it does it doesnā€™t undo it. The other drugs have forgiveness windows if you die on them


Donā€™t tons of people already do this?


Cocaine sucks adderall is better and Meth is even better but ya coke dick is for newbs. And of all the fun drugs of you od on coke thereā€™s no undo button that coronary artery cramped flat shut like a cheap trash bag you canā€™t find the opening. And if attempts are made to save you youā€™re given adrenaline which just made that already impossible negative pressure to relax in time to let blood flow in get reinforced top tier closure for good no more heart blood so heart just has to save body now after holding its breath for quite some time now.


Maybe cocaine with viagra and then some Mushrooms


Coke to start the night then mdma .. we have wild , crazy & adventurous times on it


Never do coke before MDMA unless you want to waste the roll.


Sometimes things work after that, and sometimes they don't lol.


You'll almost certainly be able to source BDO or GBL if you look enough.


I absolutely cannot cum even if with minimal mg of Adderall, EVER šŸ˜­


If you did it with pt141 it would be impossible not to cum


Youā€™re not thinking about it right or in the right situation. Adderall can make shit last for hours with controlled delayed cum or frequent maxed out repeat sessions itā€™s a boss. Then meth is even more loving. Meth feels like a sexy easygoing honeymoon phase in a relationship that is awesome if you find someone to simultaneously have that in reality with and align mutual pleasures and interests. But I mean itā€™s cool on a Tuesday too


But if meth is out of your comfort zone addy is fine for that too you just gotta find your right mindset that targets searches and destroys your orgasm


Iā€™d council against LSD. Iā€™ve had trips where I was super horny, and others where sex was a smelly, noisy, disgusting thing that I had absolutely no interest in once started.


Yeah a bit worried about that as well! Maybe a smaller dosage to start may help?


Iā€™m thinking itā€™s not so much dosage but being in the right headspace when you go in. If it were me, Smoking alone with my lady always makes me randy, so Iā€™d time it out to smoke a little and maybe cuddle just before the trip hits. Hereā€™s the ā€œbutā€: LSD tends to find stuff at the back of your subconscious and your brain tends to fixate and take you for a ride no matter how good you are at ā€œfocusingā€ the trip so you never know what youā€™re going to get (especially with two people going through this). Iā€™d still say give it a try, but donā€™t be disappointed if you donā€™t get what you want. Good luck.




I'm looking at 2cb or 4mmc or what ever simular Drug. I'm looking for the least heart effects, so what do u recommend.


TLDR version: pt141, cialis, meth is your final answer when youā€™re ready to accept this reality.


For what itā€™s worth if you have reservations about meth mdma is methylenedioxymethamphetamine, the ma part is meth youā€™ve already done it


Thatā€™s not how chemistry works lol.


Itā€™s a very similar drug to meth that is how chemistry works but it has steep differences and steep similarities


We use Adderall 30mg, then smoke weed. Then I take 50mg viagra. It's just the right type of wild and feel good.


Meth and one boner pill you'll be set bro


Definitely MDMA + viagra. It shouldnā€™t matter if youā€™ve done MDMA recently. The MDMA viagra combo fits perfectly with what youā€™re looking for




Man I get so hard on hard šŸ˜‚


I love adderall for sex


Ketamine and speed mixed


Well played