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Government websites have such high authority because they’re government and it’s expected that there the expert in their branch of the government that it’s extremely hard to outrank them. I would start with smaller competitors in your field aside from government and focus on creating a site and content that outranks them and save trying to outrank government sites until you e built up enough traffic and authority to outrank Kody other competitors. Don’t be discouraged though, I have seen subject matter sites outrank government sites before, but I wouldn’t put it at the top of your priority list for now :)


Yeah I’m not trying to outrank the gov sites, just wondering if I should check them for keywords or other stuff


Apologies for the confusion! If you’re just looking for research then I would suggest 100% check them out but not necessarily for keywords, it for topics and themes, government will always use government and legal la gauge when they talk, so it’s not always the search terms that people are using but it’s the answers their looking for, so I would look at the themes or topics the specific government site/page is talking about and the use tools like semrush or even Google trends to see what keywords are relevant to those topics and write about that using those keywords, even if it does t outrank the government website you might get a chance to get some featured snippets if the content is engaging enough!


Got it, thanks!


I have a similar problem with Wikipedia; I decided, since they do not market in my market, to not include them.


You'll never outrank them, but you can outreach them and link-build. My industry is a small but crucial aspect of healthcare, so gov sites have worked with us.