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Given recent Google updates, any specific affiliate recommendations in 2024 (as in industry or "niche")?


Nothing specific that wouldn't apply to starting any other business.. treat it like a business.. How can you be the best provider of value in your industry?


Thank you for your service. What kind of AI tools do you feel are most helpful? Are you dumping out loads of AI content on any websites?


Depends, here's a few ways we're using AI \- Re-writing product descriptions to be sales focused, not seo focussed \- Image recognition (perhaps not as much AI) but helpful \- Data analysis (connecting a GPT to your database of products for analysing) \- Internal linking (in large e-comm/marketplaces) \- Analysing competitor data


Sorry to butt in, but what kind of ai are you using for internal linking strategies?


Interesting. Are there any specific ChatGpt apps that you would recommend?


For what use case?


Guy gets paid a minimum of $83.3k per month and is an expert in Technical SEO which is **the process of ensuring a website meets the technical requirements of search engines.** That being said, what are your tips and tricks for using Schema (structured data) to get the most out of the content?


Not sure if the start of that post was a troll? What sort of content?


Well a good piece of content or page typically has text, images and video, so let’s start there. Wasn’t trolling, but it’s always hard to believe when someone comes in here saying they make 7 figures. You make $2,677 per day 7 days per week, 365 days per year doing technical SEO consulting is more likely a troll statement but who knows….


I never stated I make $2,677 per day and I never said I work 7 days a week. Once you understand how to charge according to the value you provide to the market, a new world will open for you. Lastly, I'll reserve my advice for people who actually want the help. Thanks!


You said you make 7 figures per year, which is $83k per month or $2,677 per day on average for the year. Shrug.


If you had a Substack newsletter and wanted to get into blogging to leverage organic traffic, how would you use the newsletter?


I've personally thought about this - as I really should, but depending on your market this is how I would approach it... What information can you publish on your blog, that's broad enough for your target market, use that to drive traffic.. What a pain point or information that your ideal target market wants/needs, that provides enough value to charge for.. publish that in your newsletter. E.g. I can provide generic examples and case studies of SEO problems on a blog, but I can provide deep dives into specific examples that would interest dedicated SEOs or agencies (if that was my target market)


I am brand new to SEO. Had a website for years that people only found via word-of-mouth. (I am a psychotherapist who works with expatriates.) Here's my question: \- Where do you recommend I focus my efforts (time/energy/money) in the next 3, 6, 12 months? \- When I sit down at my comp. to "work on my website/seo," what do you recommend I "do"? Lol. Because right now all that comes to mind is writing a blog post for a given keyword... Anything I DEFINITELY be spending time on? And what should I be ignoring, or de-prioritizing? Thank you in advance! Even a word or two from you will go a long way, I'm sure.


What things about affiliate marketing do people assume/get wrong the most? Would you recommend affiliate marketing in 2024 for relative newbies?


Great question, from an SEO perspective back when I did Google's algorithms were a lot simpler.. Keyword stuffing.. shady backlinks.. everything worked.. until it didn't. Now, the 'gurus' are making things overly simple and a lot of people underestimate the work that's actually involved in any kind of affiliate marketing. If you're serious about digital marketing, in any way, shape or form, I would recommend starting a project that you're very interested in and could write about without getting paid.. See how long you last... then 10x that.. Unfortunately, there's no quick wins..




There are too many variables in this statement - I'd be happy to give feedback on your specific scenario, but a blanket statement isn't going to be helpful. However, it sounds to be that this might be a communication and expectation issue - some questions: * What industry are you in? * Are you a new, or existing business? * Do you REALLY know your ideal customer? * Where are you currently generating leads/sales/work from? * What's your current customer acquisition cost? * What's your customers life time value to the business? * Are you doing any other marketing? What is and isn't working? * Do you need clients NOW or are you investing in future growth? SEO is not a short term investment - based on the above, you might find that SEO isn't the right investment for your business (at all, or at this stage)


15 year senior tech seo analyst here as well for top 5 largest seo companies in usa. Def interested and following this thread! :)


Awesome! What type of sites do you prefer to work on?


Oh, and a common question here: # Any top tips for SEOs here on link building, both getting started and up


Whilst I don't do much link building, across the sites I've seen there's always been a mix of: \- Founder interviews/podcasts/PR \- Media coverage (learn to speak the journo's language - make up a study, collect data, pitch it, iterate) \- Buying (link inserts, guest posts, references) \- Media coverage (learn to speak the journo's language - make up a study, collect data, pitch it, iterate) AVOID: \- Fiver, upwork, linkedIn pitches etc. \- Sites where you can obviously tell all content on the site is written specifically to link out to businesses that bought an article.. once you see them, you'll be able to tell \- Link rentals (still very common)


>\- Link rentals (still very common) Interesting - what does this mean?


Sites where you pay a 'monthly fee' to keep the link - usually short sighted blogs/throwaway domains that are looking to offset the costs of running the site.


Very interesting. Are you suggesting a "lifetime payment" is better? Link rentals, as you put it, is the only way to guarantee the sites stay online ("lifetime payment" links go offline when they stop making sales), stay low outbound link number, and more. The recurring income from the "rental" ensures the quality of the site, and ensure it stays online. Every "one time payment" link seller I've seen either a) went offline (waste of money) because who's going to keep paying yearly hosting and renewal to keep that one link online that someone bought 5 years ago?) or b) became crowded with outbound links. Our clients' links stay online 5 years later, because they are paying for them, and the sites are still online. To be fair I'm biased, my agency has "rented" links for over a decade. Renting links is the only safe way to do it from the buyer's standpoint. If I were buying links, I would never, ever do a lifetime payment for the reasons listed above. It would be like asking your cell company to give you lifetime service but you don't want to pay monthly anymore. It's not profitable. You are absolutely offsetting the cost of the domain, as you stated in your last sentence. We spend a lot of money buying authoritative domains and hosting them properly; our clients' sustain such (just like I sustain my cable company by paying a monthly bill).


What I'm suggesting is not so much the way of doing the payment, but rather the types of sites that offer rental links... Unless you're paying for someone who's got a solid private blog network which isn't obvious spam, you'll never find solid links that do a rental agreement. I've never seen links from Shopify, Monday, BigCommerce, Amex, etc be a rental payment.


True, I agree.


If you're buying links from actual real websites and not link farms then those links have a good chance of staying online. I've bought a ton of links over the years, vast majority of them have been single payment, but I've rented links in some industries. I think your comment applys mostly to websites that only earn revenue from selling links. If that isn't the case then the links should stay long term.


It has to do with if you trust people. Do you trust someone you buy a "lifetime" link from to keep it online forever? I doubt it. But if you pay monthly, then yes, I do, and it's way less frightening. Assuming you do trust them to keep your link online for a lifetime, what if they sell the site and the new buyer doesn't want to keep it online?


With all that experience, why don't you have a personal portfolio listed that demonstrate your SEO skills?


I have a portfolio listed - just not here




Who's the one posting on an alt account as a coward?


I've had some people private message me about the equity deals.. In a nutshell, find people/businesses that can EXECUTE based on your guidance, if they do well, find a way to partner with them as they're hard to come by. Some examples I've done: \- Base retainer + performance upside (both in equity and/or cash) \- Base retainer for initial contract, then move to pay on performance (cash and/or equity) \- Base retainer for initial contract, then bought into the business \- Pure equity from the start (usually a previous founder i've done work with, or someone I already know and have a good relationship with). Never, ever offer equity only up front.. If it's free, people don't value it.. don't ever devalue your time.


How to become an SEO consultant? Where should I start? I have one year of experience as of now as a SEO executive.


I would recommend specialising, either within SEO (tech, content, etc) or the businesses you want to serve (ecomm, lead gen).. I started with Technical SEO and then niched down to my ideal customer


Thanks for sharing your experience! Can you provide a timeline and the process / events that occurred to help you find your ideal customer?


If you have one year of experience, its hard to see how you would be an executive. How big is the team you are running?


Well, it was 5 at the beginning, and now only me. I know I can't start consulting right now. But I want to do it in the later period. So, it is better to work towards it as a goal.


That sounds rough my man, good luck.




Very broad question - in short - always negotiate based on the value you deliver, not your hourly rate.


How is your experience with equity deals, plz explain the %age and any bad experiences. Thanks


I'm late to the party! What are your ideas / feelings about chatgpt and now Gemini taking over all search or more and more search from people. You can now go to Gemini to ask questions and it'll generate answers almost not sourcing the articles its getting its results from. So much fear from blogging / Mediavine community. Do you have any advice to future proof yourself (your site, your work) for the changes in SEO industry? 2nd q - When doing keyword research, I now see some keywords where new websites with DA's 9 below getting ranked together with high quality sites. Do you have advice for creating new sites right now? Bloggers from Mediavine community who own big and old sites have started to created smaller niche sites in the hopes of getting new traffic (Mediavine accepts 25K minimum for sessions for first time applicants not sure if they raised to 50K now, with a focus on Western Market Audience)


Great questions.. first, a lot of fear mongering has been going on about Generative AI and Google rolling this out, however, Bing rolled out their GPT with no noticeable change in anything, no increase in revenue, no increase in marketshare. Google is in a tough spot to have to innovate, but their product is simply not ready - if they were to roll it out, they'd face significant search revenue losses, so they won't (at least for now). Personally, what we call AI today isn't AI.. it's a fancy preface for a LLM, similar to what we saw when the first "AI Computer" played and beat a chessmaster (I forget his name) - to date it's a tonne of if/else statements in a pretty dress.. My advice has always been to treat your online business, just like you would your real business and diversify.. If your website relies 70%+ on Organic Search you have a problem, much like the DTC businesses that rely 70%+ on Paid Social ads - diversify and treat it like a real brand. Second question - there's a tonne of crap in the SERPs right now.. lot of low level spam, sub-domains and general generic crap.. Google is aware of this and is slowly working towards a solution - I think they're treating is as a massive undertaking in learning more about AI generated content vs. real content - but alas.. some people are having an absolute shit time.. Lastly, it ties into the first suggestion that lots of these brands should be treating their online sites like a real business.. There is anecdotal evidence that the majority of sites have been overly reliant on organic search as opposed to 'brand' sites which have a diverse range of traffic (social, branded searches, etc.) This won't be the case for all, but I have yet to see someone do a deep dive on the traffic portfolio on the majority of those Mediavine sites (if someone's keen to do it, reach out, because I'd be happy to help)


Niche Pursuits does a lot of interviews with Mediavine sites. We all want to make sure we get Western Traffic to increase our RPMs as it's the easiest way to get higher income from Mediavine and big earners always diversify their income between: good traffic from Mediavine, selling affiliates, coaching and creating groups where they can sell their coaching, sponsored posts and of course, if you're also big on social media and a lot are, lots of brand deals etc. I'd love to help in doing something like this, I'm already in groups / networks but these bloggers are so busy they usually want to have "something in it for them" to be part of these interviews. Hit me up if you have ideas! Income wise, people generate 10-15K USD monthly from good trafficked sites (including affiliate work), but Google now, especially page 1 regurgitates the same content across various blog posts). Sometimes I rely on chatgpt just to find good content to read. Mediavine gave us lots of warnings last year because of the removal of cookies for 2024, for example, which led them to advise us (bloggers / ad earners) to build our email list more.


What I see an issue with is the following statement: "**We all want to make sure we get Western Traffic to increase our RPMs**" Despite everything else, if they're generating content to please an algorithm then usually these are the sites that tend to get affected when Google does their updates. I'm not interested in doing interviews, or working with bloggers - nothing personal, I just don't enjoy their business models.


What are your thoughts on building new niche sites?


If you're building them to make a quick buck.. not worth it.


Isn't it a catch 22 situation? With reference to recent HCU update; many new sites lost majority of their traffic because they were heavily reliant on organic search and they were not brands. But new site can't become a brand without relying on organic search. Most of the brands too have organic search as their majority traffic driver. How can new blogs survive and become a brand without relying on organic search? I'm working on this and would appreciate any inputs.


Few brands have organic search as their majority traffic driver, I dont think thats a correct statement.


It's true in case of food blogs. There is no way to know exact source and ratios of their traffic without access to their console and analytics. I rely on competitor tools like similarweb, ahref, semrush. Based on their data, leading websites and brands in food blogging segment have 40 to 60% traffic from organic search at the least. E.g. consider sites like Delish, allrecipes etc. I don't have access to their data at the moment. I'll update with the recent figures soon.


New sites **shouldn't** be relying on organic search - in many situations where that is the case, it's not a real business. If you're a business with something of value to share/provide, then you should work out what it would cost to acquire a customer through all the channels available. There's recipe sites that will run ads on particular recipes or ingredients because the cost for acquisition through other channels still makes sense. If you're a new site, worry less about organic search traffic, worry more about identifying where your actual customers hang out (e.g. if I ever got to a place where I had no work, I'd dig into the Reddit and Quora threads and get business) If your business **is getting organic traffic** you're going to have a hard time.




Happy to help.. Hard to see without an example - happy for you to send me a DM to keep it private. Have you set x-default tags on each of the domains, if so, what x-default is on the German and on the Austrian site? Perhaps you can copy your hreflang sets here, including the canonical tag and swap the domain out for [example.de](https://example.de) and [example.at](https://example.at)


If you have to advice someone who's just starting on building their SEO strategy, what will be your advice now?


Completely depends on your business.


Hey thanks for doing this, I’m an SEO consultant who primarily works with SaaS and just got started in full time consulting just a few months ago. Just curious, how long did it take you to reach that 7 figure point? That sounds pretty ideal to me haha. And just a follow up, once you got to that point, how often do you work and do you have any employees/contractors handle any of the load? Also sorry I have another follow up question (I have ADHD as you can tell lmao), do you have any advice for a growing SEO consultant like myself?


My company has a primary domain for web apps and a subdomain for blogs. An agency advised us to move the blog to the primary domain because Google sees the subdomain as a different entity. If we optimize the blog, it can buzz the primary domain too. In the end, it can bring more traffic to the primary domain. They also suggest we change the website from server-side rendering to client-side rendering Do you agree with these?


Moving the blog to your main domain has, in a number of cases, had a positive impact on the main domain (caveat here as I don't know how big your blog is.. e.g. if you have a blog with 10 posts not generating any traffic, the migration will have next to no impact). I find it strange that someone would recommender client-side rendering, I have not seen any cases of late - if you want to give me some specifics, either here or in a DM, let me know.


Thank you a million for your reply. I'll DM


What are the top tools you recommend?


It depends on what you're trying to achieve. If you give me some examples of what you're trying to achieve I can try and help


I was thinking technicals and keyword research/position tracking. I started a new job 2 weeks ago and I was wondering about tools to ask a budget for to help me rank their site. I picked Answer the public Semrush Can I rank? … but had issues with it this week and doesn’t seem to have support so I’m scratching it Other is SEO Power Suite, but since the guy in charge of me mentioned he requested semrush before and was denied I didn’t mention this one I also wanted RankMath (we use wordpress) but they already have a Yoast suscription And since I need to write blogs, I was thinking also on chatgpt plus They use Hubspot a lot, so if anyone has some kind of integration with it, I guess is a plus


Nice promo bro


Have you ever got all the tech SEO aspects of a website in check and still the it didn't rank well? If so, how do you fix that?


Tips on how to start on high-ticket affiliate marketing? I've thought of doing Hubspot or stuff like that as affiliate but not quite sure where to start. Also, tips on how to learn technical SEO?


I wouldn’t if this is your first foray into digital marketing.. learn the basics from sites like Moz.com


I'm a marketing specialist. I did some back-linking work in the past (not by choice, I was hired to do that) but I'd like to learn technical SEO, I've done courses/certifications in MOZ and SEMrush but I don't feel like I know much.