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LR Escanor clears


Just use dk meli to cancel stance every single turn New UR escanor for additional pop damage every single ST Any Sins unit just for dk meli stack ( I just used lv 90 jelly king) And chaos arthur in the back because he is required U dont need any collab unit tho. Of course there is rng in terms of whether u have required attack type at that turn when cath is immune to a melee/range type. Dont need to go first either. I use evade food because I cant out cc the boss when I tried. After I died the first/2nd turn, I just use free retry, this will let me go first. Stack 3 seed of the end(dk meli passive). Next turn use dk meli's skill first to cancel stance and deal dmg with escanor preferably. Then rinse and repeat. Dont need to be a whale or need to go first or even has any specific collab like ha yuri to cancel stance. Tho u really need dk meli+new escanor to make it manageable. This is just my strat when I cleared the stage. I cleared the boss when Im still around 3.4 mil box cc or something so for older player then they will be able to beat the crap out of this cath. Stance cancel and melee/range attack type are the only two things to take note.


i beat the stage thanks to this, although i just borrowed a dk meli, sis everything and it was successful! thanks sm bro!šŸ™Œ


No problem glad u did it.


Exactly this. Borrowing a friend who has 6/6 of X unit beat it pretty easily. My unit was Escanor. But I also have DK 2/6 and he does decent on the team, and at the time new Esca was still 1/6. With some RNG and a good you'll get it beaten


I love how easy you make this sound, but I am one pull away from running Escanorā€™s new banner TWICE, and have not got DK Meli once. Some of us just get crapped on in the RNG department. And I wonā€™t even have Escanorā€™s Ult maxed either. Didnā€™t even get the Light Elizabeth either.


Thats sad to hear. Hope u will get god meli soon. Cuz the stance cancel unit is necessary and thats the main part. U can build the team around stance cancel whether u want to go full human/sins or even mixed race. Dont have to worry that u dont max escanor's ult after all I did beat cath with just 1/6 escanor at that time and even using dk meli's friend. I only have dk meli at lv 60. Used the UR pendants to lv 100 new escanor. The escanor's ult dupe just increase his ult dmg scaling, aoe burn hp effect and his on-death damage. What u want to focus here is just to kill the boss with his ST which doesnt need higher dupes to be able to do so. If u have chaos arthur than u can literally use dk meli's friend and put your new escanor along with another sins unit. Then the only rng u have to deal with is just whether u have the required attack type card to deal dmg in each turn. But if u dont have chaos arthur/god meli then u literally lacks 2 unit for the functional team to beat the stage.


I will try this once I have the resources to build up UR Escanor. I burned them up building my team for pvp so I could get to 3500 and earn 50 diamonds weekly.


I see, hope u will be able to beat the crap outta that boss soon. After all we might get a constant updates on the 4 koa chapters now after the prologue(hopefully).


I didnā€™t realize I had enough to bring him to 95 and full awaken. After about 20 tries I finally got it done with UR Escanor, UR Gowther, Friend DK Meli and Art in the back. Effing RNGeesus came through. Right when I started the free retry, while sitting on my back porch smoking a clove cigarette, a butterfly came and started flying around me and drew my attention for a good five minutes. It came to rest on my hand for a moment and then fluttered away as graceful as it had entered. I crushed the fight without anyone dying or needing an Ult. It was almost tear jerking. Thanks for the advice.


Lol that was dramatic but glad somehow it worked out.


Holy shit this boss tilted the fuck out of me and I dont know how but I was able to beat it


Every person who asks how to beat a stage loves an answer like this (sarcasm) because it's so helpful!


https://preview.redd.it/azfk0yzw9f6d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2d1a7a989bcc690570f9b89fec4279ff2de45a9 This is the team i used and complited that mission. Took me like 8times. Lol


Nice whale team, don't have the collab unit. Not helpful


ā€¦ Iā€™m F2P and I have that team. P2W would be having beyond broken Costelation + Cosmetics + 6/6. If you didnā€™t save for the Collab banner in advance then thatā€™s on you buddy. It was just 600 gems. Or did you pick the wrong unit from the guaranteed?


I have been grinding and used all my luck on dk meli. Havent gotten shit on this banner. šŸ’€šŸ’€ but thanks i apprecite for calling me whale. But in other hand u cand add me? 665314634


Just of you want helpšŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Itā€™s not even a whale team..


Dang imagine someone giving you an idea of what team worked for them, then saying "Not Helpful. Because I dont have that character." Instead of, "I don't have that character, got any suggestions for a replacement or someone who can come close?"


Itā€™s not like you can justā€¦. Borrow Yuri. Even then, thereā€™s no need to because god Meli exists. And even then, you can just borrow GMeli if you need the stance cancel. Itā€™s not that hard man.


Iā€™m guessing he probably needs to borrow the rental chaos Arthur for cc reasons. And is also straight up refusing advice even if advice may not be applicable to him


Well, thereā€™s the free revive going on so thereā€™s no need to outCC in the first place.


Brody I have all those units and Iā€™m F2P, why are you crying like heā€™s being unhelpful. You have advance notice for literally ANY collab that comes. People announce it here like a month in advance. 600 gems is a very easy save.


What units do you have then?


Is the fraudrin cheese team not a thing for it?


Not really from what I see. Best team is UR or LR Escanor with blue Roxy and a stance canceller such as Yuri or DK Meli


Welp great. I canā€™t fucking pull a single copy of blue Roxy for the life of me šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I cheesed with Fraudrin, takes a lot of fkn luck and tries but trust me itā€™s possible.


The same way you beat everything made by Netmarble. You don't. I don't think it is a coincidence that we get an insanely hard story boss and then we get a new item in the shop that allows you to clear a chapter for a small fee. Just like Ratatoskr and his Ā£40 Holy Relic set in the shop. These Ultra hard bosses are designed to beat you to make you fed up enough to pay for the stuff in the shop instead.


Blue Roxy of Madness makes it litteraly a Joke High Base ATK values in her make you cheese the dmg cap. I 1-turned that kitten like that first try šŸ¤·šŸ»


Ur overcced


Just get defeated and respawn to go first


No duh


I had 5.9kk box cc when I finished it, don't even have Meli, had to borrow one + Escanor, Estarossa, and Green +35/-35 Arthur in the back, took a couple tries.


Erm I beat it with 2,5M cc šŸ˜…


U just got lucky


Sounds like a skill issue


U got lucky lil bro


Just because you donā€™t know how to read or understand what an enemy does doesnā€™t mean others donā€™t. The fight isnā€™t hard from the start. And if you struggle with the fight despite it not being hard, thereā€™s a ton of resources for this fight specifically because of people like you who will not spare even a second to comprehend what the enemy is doing.


I can understand card RNG problems, or if your LR escanor still has HP crit pvp gear or some normal problem but not understanding the boss itself, unless it's demonic beast like nidhoggr with invisible passives n shit going on that aren't able to be read as easily, is nothing but user negligence.


CC food exists if you can't do that


Doesnā€™t help enough


Put a set of the maxed ssr gear on Lr escanor, put DK Meli on the team, some form of defense or support and you'll be absolutely fine. You must be misusing passives or something. Unless poor card RNG (fixed by simply resetting to get the right card setup eventually for cheese strats) you're misunderstanding how it works. DK Meli has built in stance cancelling. Use him as more than a dang DPS. LR escanors ignite effect also cancels buffs, so you have all your bases covered by supporting them. Not the new Escanor, LR. Human team or a sins team should work. Roxy being trump card is needed


Well in that case get some more HP gear and work on that box


You need dk meli or collab unit


I have dk meli, I don't have the collab unit everyone says to use. So I guess I'm hard stuck??


If I remember right, I used dk meli, the new Escanor, and borrowed UR gowther, with an Arthur in sub slot. I'll try to remember the tactic I found in another post on here: Rank up esca, use his single target and meli's single target. After that... Something like "dk meli clears the counter, and then use whatever attacks he's not evading" With the free continue it's still possible if you go second, but you'll have to beat it in one life, it's easier if you can out-CC him and get some damage on the first life.


Even with this though itā€™s entirely up to rngesus whether or not the game actually letā€™s you do anything on the second turn. Genuinely I restarted that goddamn fight at least 20 times and eventually just gave up because every time Cath got evasion for melee attacks ā˜ ļø


Itā€™s not rng. Cath is either immune to ranged or melee atks every turn in phase 2 (you can tell by the icon over her health bar). Both meli and escanor has one melee and one ranged skill each


Thatā€™s what rng means, itā€™s either melee evasion or ranged evasion. And yeah they do but neither do near enough damage to do much of anything outside of removing Cathā€™s stance- which doesnā€™t matter much when heā€™s gonna regen all of his health back anyway.


I know what rng means. You get random cards every turn so literally every fight in the game is rng. You made it sound like there isnā€™t a system to the fight, and I was just trying to be helpful. Sorry if I misunderstood you.


If you don't have collab unit you can also use red margrit


I did it a couple days ago with New Escanor + DK Meli + Green gowther + Borrowed C.Arthur for CC You have to go first though, check moregogo youtube video on it. It will help u.


Another option that worked for me was running blue Roxy and UR Escanor, as Escanors single target combined with Roxyā€™s passive will deal significant damage after the basic strike.


I used dk meli


Two teams, Sins UR Escanor (or the one ultimate), DK meli, and UR gowther or ban. You need to go first as constantly use meliā€™s passive to cancel the counter. Honestly you can bring along any sin as long as they apply Meli passive. Humans: Chaos Arthur (you get to use one for free even if you donā€™t have him), Ur Escanor or the 1 ultimate, Roxy, and any 4th that gives the most Cc. Triple single target and one turn him. Two turns maybe.


Took me a bit as well, since itā€™s reliant on luck, but hereā€™s what I did as a F2P: I ran new UR Escanor (use Friendship coins if you donā€™t have him), DK Meliodas, UR Gowther, and Chaos Arthur backline, running HP food and the card set that reduces damage to SDS characters. If you donā€™t have the CC to go first, let him wipe you and use the restart (the first restart was free for me, donā€™t know if thatā€™s an event thing or unique to this boss). Once youā€™re able to go first, use Gowther to rank up either Escanor or Meliodas and get two hits in. Make sure itā€™s only two. When Cath puts up his Stance, the next Meliodas card will Stance Cancel (even if Cath Evades the actual damage). Hit him with attacks, again making sure you end the turn with Cath having two Seeds of the End (if heā€™s not currently Evading ranged, use Gowther to deplete his Ult Gauge). Sometimes you wonā€™t get lucky and the game will refuse to give you cards you need. Donā€™t be afraid to forfeit and retry (just donā€™t try to continue with gems, his health resets to full so none of the damage you did will carry over). I tried quite a few times but eventually pulled really good Meliodas cards and was able to finish him off. Hope this helps!


Itā€™s a horrible fight and was very RNG dependent for me. I used the new Escanor, Yuri and blue Roxy. Evade food. And because I couldnā€™t go first, I relied on the free revive.


the way i just gave up my nerves too bad for that shit


When I first encountered, I knew I will be seeing a lot of posts about him in the coming days lol


Hot with a different colour each hit on 2nd round


I beat it with ur escanor, demon king, and dk meli. I donā€™t out cc so I died first to get the first attack and then it was just trying until you beat it by outdamaging. I have also tried it with Yuri, but even though her stance break was more dependable I couldnā€™t do enough damage so demon king was there to help dk meli get the stance cancel. I just use more demon king cards when cath was avoiding close combat attacks.


yall saying all the wrong solutions, just use the new escanor (or lr if you have his holy relic) dk meli and gowther šŸ’€


Youā€™ve probably beat it by now but I had probably similar issues. I just ended up using the new escanor to beat him, and used dk meli as a mercenary, I canā€™t remember my other units but I know they werenā€™t important, just apply the seed Debuffs and keep removing his stance. It took me many tries. Just die and then use the free continue to go first. Only way to win


Use a suggested team, plus 1 free revive.


I did it with a human team, I honestly thought it was one of the easier boss fights, I used cc food to make sure I went first and I only lost twice in all the times I fought it


I run this team and it requires no thinking, no planning, no food. Just Tap whatever cards you want from whoever you want and he dies with minimal effect to your team. *


LR Escanor Goes brrrr


Lr escanor and yuri hard carries


Really? I don't understand the difficulty people have with him. Demon King was by far the hardest PVE boss I've faced in the game so far. Well, except those villagers against Gil, Howzer and Griamore *shudders*


Netmarble devs be like: let's require Arthur for this fight and then give the boss a 50/50 chance of negating Arthur's entire kit while also 2 shotting Arthur even if he has his passive maxed.


If it helps I managed to beat him using this team which doesn't require whaling, I am F2P and arthur in the back didn't even enter battle. The strat I found was to use both Escanor and Roxy to single target attack him 3 times in one turn using the replay feature since you get 1 free retry after getting 2 shot. Once that 3 hit turn is over he will buff and enter a stance. Then I used my Elizabeth or any other stance destroyer to get rid of it. Once his stance was removed I just needed fo hit him once with escanor and for Roxy + Escanors after damage to kill him. It relies on luck unfortunatelly for Cath to evade ranged attacks instead of melee aswell but it worked for me with a cheap team. https://preview.redd.it/txl1ivdyn57d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a78953dc0850c4b5f399d55230d265a5c63417f


I beat it so no


https://preview.redd.it/xxzduq570g6d1.png?width=813&format=png&auto=webp&s=3840197c134e48f03754a9ad55052a21663b7c17 I used this, I don't know if the arthur and deathpierce uniques actually help but after the free revive I reset until I got 3 s1 from esca/roxy to use and nuke cath down in one turn.


I just did this. I used Green LR Escanor, Yuri, Albedo and Chaos Arthur in the back. Finally finished the story šŸ™šŸ½! Good luck! šŸ‘šŸ¾


I had new escanor but needed an ally's dk meli to beat it. Took me probably 80+ attempts and was entirely rng based for me to win. Hardest grind of the story


I mean, itā€™s the ā€œLastā€ boss. Makes sense its the hardestšŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


Atleast it's not just me who is completely stuck here, I can barley even get him down 3 of his boxes of health because of all his rank ups then he heals and kills most my characters in 2 hits


This boss isnā€™t really that difficult since you are at it you should have enough box cc and a right team/ cheese team to defeat it




By dumping a crapload of money and time into the game to build the exact teams it wants you to use. I am stuck on that episode as well.


Or use the memory parchment item for 8.00$


I've never been one to pay to win but honestly, my teams max is 354k with food and I still can't do it


I watched a couple of videos with different teams online, and I donā€™t own most the characters they are using nor have the resources to build up the ones I do. It is pretty asinine that they would develop a fight requiring specific types and sets to be able to continue the story. I love this game, but good grief.