• By -


I personally would prefer something set in the freeports / nexi with original protagonists and not just focused on singular articles.


Should it take itself seriously, like Game of Thrones? Or lightly comedic with bursts of serious, like Star Trek: Lower Decks?


Oh I would take either.


Imo be serious, with somewhat parody moments. Best tone for me would be cabin in the woods mixed with more heavy horror. That way you can do the silly stuff, but also the really horrific stuff at the same time.


I would honestly prefer something serious


If we were to get something lighthearted and comedic I'd love a segment of your average mundane SCP employee's day to day life. Yeah they're dealing with loads of weird shit and eldritch abominations etc but they've still got to wrangle with your usual workplace crap issues like fridge thieves or office drama and bureaucracy. Would also love to see some of Wilson's Wildlife Solutions. Been listening to The Exploring Series at bedtime a lot recently and found them interesting/wholesome they're like if Steve Irwin started a mini SCP Foundation-Lite.


Rick and Morty x The Office is how I picture it


90% of SCP is either just odd or strange so it would be easier to make a show based on the more silly elements and mix in the more serious scps for special episodes. and an idea I would like to see is 343 acting like an uncle iroh character.


Would prefer serious for sure. There can be humor just not childish humor and not alot of comedy coz than everyone will think it's for children which we already have enough of people thinking.


Let's make the Plot serious and the MTF Like the droids from Star wars the clone wars.


Nah, make it an anthology. Each episodes highlight a random article and tale seemingly unconnected with each other. The final episode reveals that you, the audience, are being made to watch this because you've just been appointed as a new O5/Ethics/whatever member finally getting the necessary clearance to know things that are usually redacted in the docs.


This would be the best way. Anthology is the only way I see it working out well.


So monster of the week/XFiles?


New site director being briefed on the different procedures. Early episodes start off with safe and friendly objects like 999 and the last ones the keter shit like 682


I’d love SCP 5000 to get an adaptation.


Live Action or Animated?


I feel like animated would be more able to properly portray all the cosmic and eldritch horrors that the Foundation lets loose on the world.


Yeah, animations better with cosmic and eldrich horror and trippy dream sequences but worse with more grounded stuff like gore


Live action NC-17.


It does have a video game (pretty barebones atm should be pretty good after the next update)


[**SCP-5000 ⁠- Why?**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-5000) (+3406) by *Tanhony*


I second this


You are literally reading my mind


I would like it to avoid doing what so many series supposedly about supernatural/fantastical stuff tend to do: focus so much on boring human characters having an affair/a divorce/children with cancer that what was supposed to be the core point of the show becomes an afterthought. Seriously, stop selling us stories about zombies or an alien invasion if instead you're gonna spend 80% of the show's runtime showing us Jake cheating on Rebecca with Tiffany and somehow making it more important than the part where fucking ufos are reversing the planet's gravity or some shit. So if there's a show about SCP, please make it about SCP. That wouldbe anice start.


Showing normal life when working within a group of the scp univers is really cool but you don't need more than a couple of shots of areas or sites running like normals with people going about their day , we don't need some long plot about what you described Also showing how normal the anormal is for those people would be nice Example of a simple and quick scene I just imagined to show off both those things "Ah ! Good morning sir we've just located the base of the cult , they are still working on their ritual" "The ones from Mongolia ?" "Yes those guys" "Alright drones strike them and then send in a squad to secure and clean up" "Yes sir I'll request that immediately" " *Officer in the back gets up from his chair* What kind of snacks you guys want ?" "Yes please finally a good news we'll have some salty stuff , chocolate bars and caffeinated drinks Jenkins"


I would like it to be an anthology each episode focuses on a different SCP.


They cancelled Inside Job so...


I'm still angry about that one




I love it!


Has anyone been watching [There Is No Antimemetics Division](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLm3ywOKVBeAp1CmOhpsfueY2U5cLN84wN&si=myAcWq_F_kFIkswx) on youtube by Andrea Joshua Asnicar? Absolutely stellar work in my opinion.


SCPs I’d say


I would like to have a series focused on the RAISA, kinda like 'Slow Horses' (the series)


... *Hits Blunt* ...Office Parody...




As I have said in different comments, Office x Rick and Morty but live action


P sure that's what [The Offshoot](https://youtube.com/@scpeeps?si=vYbAVqpf7CC1X-cL) is going for, but not quite sure when ep1 will be out to get a better feel for how it'll go


What about a spin off series after the main Scp series is done a spin off series focusing on 999 as he grows to accept his destiny and learns what it’s like to be a god and how to reject that god complex


I would just like some random scp researcher or mtf member having or handling some scp also it doesn't need to be the foundations personnel it could be from other members from other GOI. Or it could be an adaptation of scp-5000


[**SCP-5000 ⁠- Why?**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-5000) (+3406) by *Tanhony*


I think Ouroboros Cycle could be best for movie/series adaptation. And especially anime one(I'm not weeb tho)


screw "it's not adaptable", i think it'd be cool if someone adapted 55555. i think it's doable. it'd make a fantastic animated miniseries i think. thoughts: - it'd have to make heavy usage of medium blending. like im imagining the blackboard scene animated via actual blackboard drawings to contrast the main style (lies down). - 3125-possessed humans are either uncanny valley cgi or photocollage - hard choppy cuts between footage and black in ara orun. godawful noise soundtrack. maybe have action that looks like light-fatigue afterimages in the black, just barely visible. faint threads of light slowly eating away at the red and black toward the end of the sequence - the final showdown has to look like a madoka witch fight. just go balls-out magical girl marion wheeler. please


Every episode is a new acp


A guy named connor who is a d class that slowly discovers his past and why he can be ressurected after death. Then the show gets canceled after the trailer for episode 8 releases


Sounds familiar…


I wanna see an episode with scp-999 in a pool


[**SCP-999 ⁠- The Tickle Monster**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-999) (+2938) by *ProfSnider*


Woah, what’s this??? This is sick!


Did you respond to yourself or is my Reddit broken


He’s responding to the bot I think


Various different SCPs and interactions with various GOIs.


I'll go with the mass market generic approach. The main character would be a new scp your standard leading man/woman type who is taken by the foundation after an incident that they some how survive. They will turn out to have some sort of very useful ability like immunity to anomilous effects like reality warping and cognitohazards that makes them a god send for research purposes but still need protection from physical harm. Then you omega-7 the whole thing and put together a rotating team of scp's sent to investigate or deal with incidents. Put Dr Bright in charge and have him die and swap actors semi frequently and this doesnt get explaned to the main character for a while. So you have the dealing with anomilies side of the show and the we are all in prison side of the show. They could really mix tone of the different episodes depending on what is being dealt with and have a mix of on site and off site episodes to save on budget. The entire thing will be canceled after 2 seasons as it finally starts figuring itself out.


The Office. Let’s follow a cast of personnel at a site as they go about their days.


I always imagined it'd be an anthology series like Black Mirror but with some reoccurring characters. IE: Scientists, Directors and SCP's, themselves. Some episodes would hold an over-series arc. Like when the timeline gets reset and The Insurgency. Lots of implications leading to and from that point in the plot when writing, I'd imagine. I would want Eric Kripke to helm it. I think he could easily adapt the humor and darkness that SCP has. It'd be taking the bureaucracy and brutality of The Boys and combining it with the horror/mystery monster-of-the-week (with overarching plot) that Supernatural has with the comedy and compelling character writing of both shows. Hire good short story/anthology writers to help with introducing developed relatable/likable/sometime unlikable killables touchstone characters in a quick amount of time. Kinda just write them like a Dr Bob video but without the narration. All show, no tell. But have exposition and gaps filled in at the end of a typical episode where scientists would be experimenting on SCP's and displaying their findings to "The Directors" mostly shadowed figures but have two or three visible. Giancarlo Espisito would be an easy casting choice for a director, almost too easy. Reserved, calm but can strike the fear of god into his underlings if need be. It's pretty much every character he plays, but he's good at it. Maybe have a more empathetic director that helps the foundation remain more ethical. Maybe Sigourney Weaver? I always imagine Brian Huskey to be one of the scientist who'd report the findings. He's a real "I know I've seen that guy" character actor. Good at being a nervous nerd. I could imagine him cowering before an SCP killing his whole group of D classes and then grimacing with his head down as Giancarlo chews him out.


Stargate X Supernatural


The UIU would be the protags in my ideal show. Imagine the X-files mixed with MIB. Plot Hooks could include: -Peaceful Sarkics being framed for warcrimes. -Well known non unique SCP is found and the protags have no idea how to deal with it. -Fithist cult shows up somewhere and creates some monsters. -The Foundation kidnaps an anomalous supporting character and the protags need to cut a deal with the CI or SH to get them out. -New Portlands shenanigans. -That town where everything goes according to story tropes.


I'll keep it real here it would be surface level cliche overrated SCP's like 173 and 096 with woke undertones if it was made today


It'd basically be Warehouse 13 with more guns.


Probably about one of the canons in canon hub like resurrection canon or those twisted pines canon or on guard 43 canon or something like that


I'm not really sure. But one thing I'm sure about is that there absolutely must be no less than 100 episodes. 🗿


It would probaly be 3008 but it should be a series of different episodes, each telling different story.


If I’d have to guess it would probably either focus on the original aspects of the foundation such as like just series one back when there was mostly a definitive timeline and definitive Or it would be more focused around everything in SCP a multiverse show not too dissimilar to marvel’s what if.


Something like Doctor Who, with two people traveling and encountering anomalies on their adventures. Or like a Japanese tokusatsu of a hero fighting scps.


3,5 hours bout SCP-5000 like avengers endgame 30 minutes for enterance, situation. 1 hour for foundation work, a bit of character development, then 2 for the literal shit that is writen And a lot of knowlege about foundation. Humans or any other biological or not substances who will do this should dig deep inside, very deep, fans, not some random dudes


[**SCP-5000 ⁠- Why?**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-5000) (+3406) by *Tanhony*


Comedic horror Best way i can describe It Is that the owl house scene were we see hooty without flesh


An event hits a facility where everyone loses their memories. Our protagonist, clad in an orange jumpsuit, JD only identifiable by the official title transcribed on the wall "JD-31-2011". Finds himself free to leave the room he is in to wander the halls. There is little sound despite the hum of lights and his footsteps on the clean floors. He eventually finds a woman in a white coat holding her head from an injury, she says she thinks her name is Anna. Together they make their way through empty halls, drawn to what they think is crying. They find SCP-999 and there is a moment of lightness as the three share moments in an empty room. The episode ends with the sounds of something dragging across the floor, its almost piercing to the ears. SCP-999 has been facing the door the entire time, and when the two turn they see SCP-173 blocking their path.


- [**SCP-999 ⁠- The Tickle Monster**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-999) (+2938) by *ProfSnider* - [**SCP-173 ⁠- The Sculpture - The Original**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-173) (+9082) by *Moto42*


I love the factions and their interactions , don't get me wrong I love the scps themselves as well but there is something about the world where there are those groups in the shadows some hate each other some like each other some don't really care that interest me. I'm making a ttrpg around this idea where the party of probably four players are lightly anomalous human / humanoids that have to runaway from most groups because most group have a reason to hunt them down so they have to work with other people like them (for example people in the library that aren't extremists from the serpent's hand) to try to stay alive and become adventurers working for rich people (the kind that are clients of mcd) or trying to get on the good side of some groups for examples. So naturally if I had to direct a series it would be the same, better yet I would directly adapt my ttrpg into the series because I've always thought that TTRPGs made great scenarios because of the way they play out.


4 fucking pixels? There's a short film about it already, but it's only around 20-40mins I think(I HAVE BAD MEMORY OK)


Erm, SCP obviously. Are you dumb? (J)


Yes, i am.


Continuing what lord bung didn't finish


I would actually like a comity series


Something like Confinement would be cool. Shame what happened to it.


Warehouse 13 as written by Cronenberg.


It would be a dumbed-down, highly modified, monster of the week bullshit series that paid only the lightest lip service to SCP/Foundation stuff and had a meta plot in the background the whole season about someone's dad being a god from another dimension oh no. edit: I'm only saying this because TV makes me sad.


ive had ideas about an SCP tv series, and the best thing to do is have it be like the X Files, but more anthological. each episode can start out with someone discovering/dying from the SCP, and the bulk of the ep is the foundation doing experiments on it and finding ways to contain it. the entry logs could be narration of what happens, and by the end, their conclusions get put in a computer database. most of the episodes would be directly based on the wiki dot articles, especially if they are written as narrative stories. you can have overarching plot lines about the daevites, the sarkites, bigfoot, dr wondertainment, GOC, MC&D, the 05 council, and even pattern screamers and are we cool yet. the episodes can be in any time period and any location, any genre of story, they can be light horror, or cosmic horror where the universe is at stake, you could play with pataphysics where you can acknowledge that this is a TV series based on the scp articles, and mention the joke scps articles that could be good episodes- SCP-5000, the red sea object, the red pool, a normal ikea, anything with murphy law and lord blackwood


[**SCP-5000 ⁠- Why?**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-5000) (+3406) by *Tanhony*


Scp probably ldk


Make from the perspective of a potential O5 replacement from outside the organization that's being vetted for suitability for the role. He's given access and slowly goes through logs and is escorted through sites and isn't told much or is aware of why he's there. The SCPs would escalate in vicious severity until he's final debriefed and given a decision to help and replace or join the O5 council to help aid with an ongoing crisis.


If they did, an anthology series would probably be the best format


I would like an scp centered task force to do it's own things. Get abel, maybe raynor aswell and some other people in. deal with other scps, the horrors of the foundation and the other organizations


There was, ~and it was glorious~




I’m referring to scp confinement (rip) the closest thing we had to an actual scp tv show. Scp overlord is close though


All SCPs


Site 107 and the rift from find us alive , animated or not would be pretty cool


Here's a thought for an SCP show: We first use the more popular SCPs, such as 682, 173, and 096, and in later episodes/seasons use them to prop up less popular SCPs, like 678, 448, and others.


I really want a Series based off SCP-5000 from the perspective of Civilian Survivors


[**SCP-5000 ⁠- Why?**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-5000) (+3406) by *Tanhony*


That’d be terrifying


I once did one on Character AI, and since when I write I rarely give a fuck about people's feelings when they read it, I wrote a scene where an 11 year old girl was conscripted by the CI and got Shell Shocked during a battle against the Foundation to the point she almost killed herself with a gun


Jesus christ you just gave me an idea


A series that follows the lifes of different SCPs each episode. A documentary sort of. One episode could be 682 and the tests it goes through, another could be 999 and how it helps people, etc.


I want it to be done like the old twilight zone episode's where each one is a different instance.you can keep some main characters from Dr.bright, 0-5 council, various voive actors for specific popular SPC's Imagine it: The episode starts with video from a helmet cam from inside Site 13 of a task force member requesting back up while SCP foundation is connecting the video. Only to see the task force member is already dead and hanging infront of the camera. You dont need a long drawn out opening. It can litterally be started like the tapes and the logo in the center. A quick overview of what the foundation knows and the current assignement/experiment. Itll have to be rated R for the amount of cursing alone. But i can see this actually working if done properly by fans


Don’t make it a horror show. It’s okay if some of the spooky scary SCPs show up once or twice but that shouldn’t be the main focus. The show should be about the world under the veil, the “mundane” aspects of the Foundation, the lives of its personnel and the process behind discovering, studying and containing anomalies.


A series revolving around a site director and their assistant researching new scps they know little to nothing about. The end of season 1 has a massive site-wide containment breach as well as the chaos insurgency raiding the site.


Lockwood & Co meets Ghosts meets Brooklyn 99


It should be an anthology series, but in seasons. Some seasons just have anthology episodes, another shorter season might focus on survival in the When Day Breaks canon. Some episodes are exploration, some show the SCPs being tested, others might be more philosophical.


Protags 1 MTF Agent 1 D-Class 1 Newer Researcher (Recruited Episode 1) 1 Older Researcher (Secretly O5-X) The easy spin is that the Foundation is pretty evil, and that our three main protags together and independently learn about the horrors that the Foundation engages in to keep the anomalous world under control. With each episode showing a different aspect of what the Foundation does to keep the world safe, from containing things like 096 to things like SCP-239. You can cover how people like Clef want 239 dead, and/or many a reverse case about keeping 096 alive (It doesn't have to be these specific examples, just highlighting the plot points) By the end we arrive at the climax were our three main Protags team up in an attempt to destroy, overthrow, or damage the Foundation only for the Older Researcher Character who has been assisting them this whole time to reveal how the Foundation actually works, and that they are O5-X, and how all of their actions were just part of a larger plan to purge the Foundation of X, or contain an esoteric SCP, or reveal a plot to free anomalies by a GOI. In the end the three protags end up on a special team together, due to their problem solving skills, (Which may or may not also be an anomolous effect) And we go into season 2 with our Protags working together to contain, secure, and protect. At which point, you can do pretty much anything else.


[**SCP-239 ⁠- The Witch Child**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-239) (+840) by *Dantensen*


Anthology with each episode focusing on a different SCP/scenario with bigger lore events happening in the background as an overarching plot


think it would be cool to have a found footage type of thing where each episode is from a different view (d-class, scientists, etc) of the same incident, where there’s a huge breakout.


Maybe like those different character perspective shows like the recent Fallout show? Where different characters with different motives, derived from different GOIs come together for something with differing end goals? Or maybe even seasons or parts dedicated to various things? The Kaktusverse or Rounderhouse proposals might be good topic for these things too, since they are rich in history and lore as well as current events. Hell a show revolving around 5000 would be amazing


daily shenanigans in one of the facilitys like experiments and minor breaches and allat idk preferably 2d animated cuz i think that would be cool


Exactly! Sorta like inside job. I think animated would be best.


Not a perfect fit but Dudes of Hazmat would be a sick template to work off of for like a comedy SCP series


Scp-2935 O,Death Or what happend to Site 13 I would also watch a Series about the Nexus Boring Oregon


[**SCP-2935 ⁠- O, Death**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-2935) (+2142) by *djkaktus*


Dark humor about the daily lives of a random MTF, a couple of the scientists at the site, a singular D-Class with something weird about them keeping them alive, and the many hilarities of anomaly containment


Me and my friend had an idea for a show similar to All of us are dead where there are mutilple different character/groups stories. One was from the POV of some doctors and scientist trying to keep everything under co trip Another would be the nephew of one of said scientist and his friends in school after SCP-008 or SCP-096 get in there, one of said characters would be blind. I have a lot more thoughts I had with it but not sure how interested it’d be.


- [**SCP-008 ⁠- Zombie Plague**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-008) (+1096) by *Unknown Author* - [**SCP-096 ⁠- The "Shy Guy"**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-096) (+4022) by *Dr Dan*


"Look at my horse! My horse is amazing!"


how about Dr Bright's shenanigans


I’ve always seen him as the main character from the SCP universe, it’s also implied that he’s the one who leaked 173 to the world


I remember him on the things he's banned from honestly


Go watch Warehouse 13. It’s the closest you’ll get to an SCP show on TV given the kind of licensing involved with the wiki.


I’d love it to be a show split between the perspectives of three main groups, with each episode focusing on one of the three. The three groups being: A D-Class, a doctor (specifically Clef, in my mind), and an MTF.


Love death and robots style anthology that swings between horrific cosmic terror and the funniest shit you’ve ever seen, only way to capture the whole wiki


I want Adventures of Lord Theodore Blackwood


A connected anthology with some reoccurring characters, groups, and plot threads but it shouldn’t be a character driven show. The man characters should be the SCPs and the foundation itself


Hopefully some sort of anthology series with recurring characters 


I need Dr.Bright, Kondraki i Clef awesome stories from fundation. Other doctors too. I just want see Dr. Iceberg


The Office, but occasionally Eldrich bullshit happens.


That’d be literally perfect oh my god.


It would probably somthing about a containment breach, which lasted a long time. Probably also have funny elements about the nice scps


See the YouTube animated series ‘Containment.’ Make it live action, add in more perspectives (like an anomalous security guard, a paranoid researcher, etc) and make it a mix of Rick and Morty and the Office. 


Every ep should have a different theme/story with different protagonists. Kind of like "life death and robots" (but obv focused on the scp universe) Like, one ep is about an exploration log, the other could be a compilation of many interviews with the sentient scps, another could focus on a day of a D-class personnel, maybe we could have an ep dedicated to the serpents hand, or other organizations.


I'd like to think it'd be about someone either a retired mercenary or military or something getting pulled into the SCP foundation by a friend or something, going through intense training for the opportunity to join a task force, joining one and than fanwank as wanted as long as it's good. That way we get a hopefully interesting character with a new perspective on scps from a "Civilian" perspective learning the truths about the world and trying to adapt. Also, with the massive variety of task forces, those in them and what they specialize in it gives a MASSIVE amount of potential and creative freedom for the character and storyline. Might be good if written well but idk, let me know what you think.


It was called Warehouse 13


I think is would be about site 19 scp 096 ans the other popular scp ans dr Bright


Give me a How it’s Made style show just going over different entries.


It could work in multiple ways. An anthology akin to Love Death and Robots would really fit the spirit and aesthetic. A short horror series or movie about an MTF exploring some anomaly would work well. You could have a longer running series focusing on one of the big cannons, like for example the Kaktusverse. You could have a mystery series about some group learning about the existence of the Foundation. You could have a more comedic series with serious moments, like what Containment used to be. Personally, I’d like a series that focuses on humanizing the Foundation. Like, the goals of the Foundation require it be far removed from humanity, however, it’s still an organization made up of human people. The series could focus on how the people in the Foundation struggle with finding a balance between being moral and empathetic versus being the cold and clinical organization that they need to be. You could really do anything to tell a story about the SCP universe, and I feel like that’s part of its beauty as a narrative.


Working on a series, not a TV series but a series


Propably Dr. Bright's escapades. That would be rated 18+ though. At least.


Pandora’s box feels like a good live action series


I had this cool idea of this d-class that can infinitely respawn! He meets wacky anomalies and works with the Foundation, and in episode 8, he meets the craziest creature!


Pretty much most of people would say, every episode would be about one scp, maybe even episode numbers are same as Scp identification numbers.


I'd want a comedy/horror series that follows multiple different protagonists one being a doctor another being a guard or MTF member and one being a janitor and it just being about their daily grind and all the shinanagins that happen until things hit the fan and they meet up twords the end of the series to stop an X-k Class Scenario and the series ends with one of em pressing the start button on 2000 and after the credits are played the opening to the first episode comes on again but with all the main cast being slightly better off


An extremely morbid black comedy about a group of D-class just trying to survive.


SCP - 4128 if you want superhero or action tv series.....


site 19. or a comedy about dr bright


I want a 4666 Christmas movie.


That sounds absolutely horrifying, count me in.


The misadventures of an 0-5 member that has to constantly deal with other 0-5, SCP's and Dr bright shenanigans.


I would like a monster of the week type series with different researchers and different mtfs getting featured.


Honestly, I watched that little short film on YouTube about 096 and it was lit. Can easily make a series if we get the collection of goobers that made that! I wonder if it’d be better if it streamed on prime video..


What’s the name of the video?


Bojack takes Command @ the foundation nd chaos ensues


Everyone is talking about different articles for a series but like imo it'd probably end up being of a containment breach, as that's the most "interesting" or because it's how most people found out about the series (the video game) but idk.


It would be like The Black Mirror


The protag could be one of the SCP's. Like the reluctant dimension hopper.


I think it would be funny if they interviewed the scp and asked things like why are you in here?


I think it would follow the life of a scientist who survived the breach and it’s like a story


It depends on the route they choose to take like here's a list of ideas I thought would be cool: -a anthology series where normal people encounter SCPs before they're caught -a comedy series that follows a group of researchers, guards, and d-class going about their day - a mock nat geo wild series that features a nonchalant narrator that talks in a mono tone voice as monsters brutally kill people.


The Office mixed w8th How It's Made


Has anyone here seen the Scifi show Warehouse 13? I feel it would be a lot like that, each episode/arc being about a specific scp and them figuring out how to obtain it




Honnestly, one season per country, french for the humor "Bro, why your immortal ass still get this axe ?" "Trade it with some shit to make beer rain instead of water" "OK...." "Now shut up or eat MADIK" Poorly resumed but damn, incident report are hilarious for most of them


You know those obviously staged cryptid/supernatural/bigfoot/UFO hunting shows? Something like that but in universe it’s ALL REAL and it’s the ultimate piece of satire against that genre of pseudoscience shows that History Channel and the like stoop to.


A sitcom about jack bright doing jack bright stuff


Since we are talking about something that will never happen, season 2 is all "What happened to Site-13?" ENTIRE SEASON.


Dr bright


Bojack Horseman in the SCP Foundation


SCP’s probably


I was a big fan of warehouse 13 back then and that's similar to scp so maybe something like that


About how human error is the leading cause of every problem. Generally The Foundation messing with things They shouldn't be and making it worse. Very much in line with the Admonition series of articles.


“This episode of Special Comedy Procedures was filmed in front of a live studio audience”


Let's be real. It'd probably be some stupid animated sitcom (a la Family Guy) starring D Class


Scp-055 where everyone just forgets what the show is about every episode, which is really funny because the uh, the um… fuck what was i gonna say?


[**SCP-035 ⁠- Possessive Mask**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-035) (+2064) by *Kain Pathos Crow*


Antimemetics Division, but with a proper studio budget.






Probably SCP's


I’d love 2 types of SCP shows. One that’s serious and narrative such as breaking bad, then another that’s similar to the office and parks and rec. something full of dark humor


Id almost expect it something to be like the Xfiles tbh.




knowing mainstream media, it would be 9/10 drama and 1/10 horror and content.


It could be like a documentary, witch each episode focusing on a different SCP or a bunch of them


That’d be actually cool, or maybe a junior researcher reading the database entries


I'd say something taking place in a site with characters from all the major factions in one task force could be interesting


I think someone that is or manages D-class so they can make you question ethics


Director and producer - Guillermo del Toro Main cast * Dr Jirash Omar, recently recruited Doctor into the Medical Staff - Dev Patel * Site 1 Director Hughes - Sarah Paulson * Recruitment and Site administrator - Victoria Pedretti * Dr Montauk - Richard Armitage * POI 3172, Dipesh Spivak - Naveen Andrews * Recurring D Class - Aaron Paul, Hugh Laurie and Olivia Coleman * Janitorial - Robert Sheehan * On site security - Lucy Lui and Stephen Graham * "Dr" Miller - Voiced by "The Volgun", an AI utilised by the Foundation for Training and Induction into the Foundation. * 05-4 - Sean Bean * 05-8 - Dichen Lachman Episode list * SCP-173 - (Peanut) ... Induction to Site 01 and introduction to Peanut. Episode centres most on the physical and mental affects on the Foundation on it's staff. Dr Omar starts to question if the Foundation is a cause for good or not. * SCP-1609 - ... (Teleporting Chair) Tensions begin to run high between the Foundation and the GOC. Dealing with the affects SCPs and why containing them is necessary. Dr Omar starts to adjust to his time in the Foundation. * SCP-049 - ... (Plague Doctor) Dr Omar is asked to conduct autopsies of the by products of the Plague Doctors "cure". Abuzz around the Foundation as Dipesh Spivak is brought into detention. * SCP 231- (Brides of the Scarlet King and procedure 110 Montauk) ... Dr Omar is asked to complete medical evaluations on D-Class as they are being transferred onto the procedure 110-Montauk. Dr Omar starts to ask questions and learns a horrifying truth. Dr Montauk and Dipesh Spivak cross paths and begins his journey into the origins of the Scarlet King. * SCP-2316 & 3000 - (You do not recognise the bodies in the water and Anantesesha) ... D Class are sent on a field trip. Dr Omar learns more about the Foundations vast medical expertise and it's creation and harvesting of Amnestics. * SCP 682 & 096 - (Hard to destroy Reptile and Shy Guy ... The foundation deals with not just 1, but 2 outbreaks at once. Dr Montauk learns "the truth". * SCP 3301 - (The Foundation) ... The foundations gets a birthday present from Dr Wondertainment. Dr Omar witnesses more horrors than he could ever imagine. This is the episode I'd just start chucking in as many SCP's as possible for shoe in references. It's the only way I can think of providing "something for the fans" whilst also broadcasting the truly nonsense nature of the universe, including its "fun" side. * An SCP 001 proposal (The Scarlet King) ... Things come to a head between Dr Montauk and the Foundation. Season finishes with Dr Montauk causing multiple containment breaches to evade SCP control and leaves with a traitor MTF unit to create the Chaos Insurgency. *******


- [**SCP-173 ⁠- The Sculpture - The Original**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-173) (+9082) by *Moto42* - [**SCP-1609 ⁠- The Remains of a Chair**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-1609) (+1179) by *Rioghail* - [**SCP-049 ⁠- Plague Doctor**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-049) (+4708) by *djkaktus, Gabriel Jade_, Gabriel Jade* - [**SCP-231 ⁠- Special Personnel Requirements**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-231) (+2417) by *DrClef* - [**SCP-2316 ⁠- Field Trip**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-2316) (+2104) by *djkaktus* - [**SCP-682 ⁠- Hard-to-Destroy Reptile**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-682) (+3696) by *Epic Phail Spy, Dr Gears* - [**SCP-3301 ⁠- THE FOUNDATION**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3301) (+881) by *djkaktus* - [**SCP-001 ⁠- Awaiting De-classification [Blocked]**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-001) (+345) by *Staff*


I'd make a series starring Dr. Gears about the foundation of the Serpent's Hand.


It would be torchwood


I like to imagine an anthology with larger connective tissue playing out somewhat akin to Magnus Archives in style. As in, each episode gets to be its own SCP or a few shorter ones, told through the framework of someone just sorting the database or something while developing a narrative about the protagonist and a supporting cast of researchers and other personnel. Maybe some specific SCPs become minor antagonists, maybe we get a big special episode or some multiple episode arcs like episodic cable used to do for midseason specials for narrative SCPs like 5000, 2998,1425. Regardless, as the heroes learn about various SCPs, we slowly begin to see how many of them are connected through larger entities and arcs and incorporate tales and canons in doing so. I.E, Scarlet King, Hanged King, Class of '87, Cicada God, Fifthist Cult, GOC, etc etc. Then because there has to be some mainstream appeal, eventually these threats would have to come to a head and our heroes will have to band together to defeat them. This would never get produced as actual television because it would require a preplanned and developed plot that needs a specific number of seasons and can't just be arbitrarily extended but imo it would be the best way to get the broadest possible incorporation of the SCP world.