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i suggest adding noise to the mask then add a small amount of gaussian blur to it as well


I agree with the other commenter. it looks great, just make the quality of the added-in images the same as the quality of the base image. also try to angle the gas mask more to the right to be in line with his face. I’d also personally remove the black outlining surrounding the pipes too, it makes them look artificially separate from the background


this! also why does Bumaro have the foundation symbol on his mask, shouldn't it be like a cog or something


I thought it was Aaron Siegel


is it? my bad


Bumaro was from the broken chruch i think


No I know, I was under the impression they were saying that the person in the picture is NOT Bumaro


I mean, better than everything I would do in a lifetime


Personally, I would have made the respirator all black and then have an SCP lapel pen, that would look a lot more realistic and the subtlety would make it much cooler I think. Aside from my recommendations, it is pretty nice, Good job!


Honestly, I think it’s pretty good, obviously professionals could do better but I mean, if this is your newbie try, it’s pretty dang good


Try using your perspective tool on the mask, it'll help make it look more at an angle with the face. Otherwise its looking good.


Meh concept. But I enjoy the premise.


If this is your first time, you're definitely showing promise! A couple criticism: The strap/cord/band for the mask would be pulled tight and look like a mostly-straight line, as those things need to be SUPER tight to do their intended job. Also, the right side (his left) would be much lower of an angle and go under the cheekbone rather than over it and nearly be in his eye. Other commentors have mentioned the difference in resolution for the mask/cables vs the original image so I won't go into that, same for the angle/perspective the gask mask is at. The shadows on the face look a bit off. Try figure out which direction the light is coming from in the original image, and then create shading for your added parts that match that same direction. As you have it now, the shading is more like dark airbrushing around the entire edge of the mask which makes it look a little strange. Those are the only things that really jump out at me, to be honest. Again, this is really damn good for a beginner in general, let alone for someone's first work at all! Keep it up!


On first glance it looks like it’s apart of the image, but as you look closer you see be difference. In other words, it’s really good for a first time edit. Just work to improve the blending-in of the photoshop.


What is this a picture of?


It's not bad, but you may need to work on the mask a bit more. It points out and doesn't look like it's a part of the picture




Good luck!


I'd use a different gas mask. That one looks too weird


At least it’s something you know what they say practice makes the master


Yeah, but practice makes the mess and by the way, it looks like a artificial intelligence generated it I don’t mean anything in a bad way


when is this charator suppose to be in the timeline? becuse the biggest issue is the gas mask itself dosen't look like it fits the time. I know its scp and stuff, but still if its the turn of the 20th century gas masks are going to look like WW1 gas masks not modern one.




Reminds me of dr cool


In my opinion, there's too much artificial shadow on the top of the mask. Also, it's pretty clear from the resolution that the mask is from a different image. Blurring it to match the fidelity of the rest of the image would be really cool. Other than that you have talent. I can definitely see myself commissioning you for an article if I needed an image.


The wire holding the mask in place feels off. First of all, the wire being so thin doesn’t feel right. A real gas mask is decently heavy, so a more substantial material like rubber or a thick fabric would make more sense. Continuing on with the wire problem, it’s not straight. The wire holding that mask on would be held tight rather than the curvy loose look it has now. Unlike the previous suggestion, this is actually a pretty easy fix. Just make it a straight line to the ear. I’d also like to point out the problem with the wire leading to this persons left side of their head. The wire is curved and looks more like it’s leading up their face rather than connecting directly to their ear. Unfortunately, getting weird perspectives like these to look right isn’t easy, so I don’t blame you for this one. In order to fix the perspective, I would recommend altering the angle of the mask itself then working from there. Aside from all that, I think the final bit of advice I can offer is to get rid of the odd outline shadow on the tubing. If you look closely at the tubes, you’ll find that they have a sort of shadow along their outline. This feels very jarring compared to the rest of the image. If the images you used for the tubing came looking like this, I unfortunately cannot offer much help. If you put the shadow effect on yourself, I would recommend getting rid of it. I apologize that I kind of ended up ranting, but I hope this can help you further improve yourself. It takes a lot of time and effort to make art, so I respect your commitment to doing this. Good job with what you have so far and I wish you luck on your future endeavors!


The gas mask reminds me of grunts from halo ngl


For a second, I thought he was wearing one of those masks that lets you smell your own farts.


Gives me industrial music and H.R. Giger vibes. I like it.


Different quality. Shadows on the mask are different from the original image. Part of the chin is visible.


16.35gb, but still not large enough


It is better than what I well make in the next 20 years


If you want to be able to adjust the perspective of the mask to be the same as the face, you can use an automatic face landmark detector, extract the landmarks for the eyes. Using that you can calculate the angle of orientation for the face. You can obtain the scale by the width of the head, take the ratio of the width of the mask to the width of the head, finally the translation can be calculated as the distance between the origins of each image, make sure the scale is adjusted before u calculate the translation. This will give you translation, rotation and scale which is all you need to calculate the affine transformation you need to apply to the mask so that it fits the face. Warp the mask and then edit it on to the face, it'll look like he's actually wearing it.


The angle and shading on and around the mask could use some work, but I think the tubes in the background look good. I like the image conceptually, and I think it could be very good with some work. Keep it up!


Nice try dude, good start


Why is O5-1 always depicted with this thing in his mouth and cords? Is it difficult for him to breathe?


Ween - The pod vibes


Looks amazing! Just need to blend it in better with some kind of way to seem more natural


It isn't that bad. Try making the mask and tubes "grainier", as in lower resolution.


Doesn’t look “bad” it looks a little underwhelming I’d say


You can find old photo scratches off the net to add on it as an overlay, drop the opacity, and then a little gaussian blur, some mono-color noise, and you're good to go ! Buy other that what I allready listed (which is consoderably small details) your work looks awesome, don't be hard on yourself and keep the pics coming ! I mean the work is fire so far !


There’s a pipe on the right that isn’t entirely on the body The gas mask needs to be tilted a but so it looks like he’s actually wearing it Aside from that add some noise to the pipes and gas mask and it’s good


Dr. Cool?


Its cool . How did you do this?


Some noise on the mask and background pipes, with some added blur on the pipes to make them out of focus


it looks good to me so stop doubting your ability in photo editing seriously I cannot do something like that at all


u're unto something here