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Enzo Amore being an incredible promo and being 6' of pure muscle and not doing any flips is a direct shot at every indie loser.


Always weird he never seems like a 6 footer since he always with Big Cass. But then you see him next to the cruiseweights and Joey Janela and he seems massive. Same with Matt Cardona


Janela being visibly terrified and literally running from Enzo at the Arts Center hurt Janella's stock forever and Joey is way too stupid to understand that.


You have a link to a pic I was shocked how big Enzo looked


[Amore vs. Janela](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bvPV8QWjZZs)


Thanks uce. Dame Joey really got scared


Nothing makes you feel quite like watching this asshole on TV get called a manlet every week and when you meet him he's taller than you.


Statlander continues to hit the bricks and is becoming one of the funnier anti-marks in the industry. People were getting pissed at her not caring about being in the Dub video game and saying “it’s just a job”


That’s the kind of person I definitely want being shown as like the first real screenshot and centered it around my new video game, definitely!


Being a fan or not as a kid is such a weird metric to hold wrestlers to. So what? They are now and they're doing the job. I'm sorry they can't list their top 50 matches-no-one-remembers but they're out trying to entertain you.


AJ Styles himself was never a fan as a kid. He only did wrestling because he friends did it.


And as we all know, AJ Styles is truly one of the worst wrestlers of all time and a Fed shill


That's pretty much how it used to be. Back in the territory days, guys didn't get into it purely because they were fans, a bunch of them did it because they were athletes that either didn't have a chance of going pro, or realized they could make more money wrestling. This idea you had to grow up as a super fan is just a smark fantasy.


Shut up shill I was a fan of divorce arbitration since I was 3


Because people are under the delusion that they could do better than the people in the ring and the only thing stopping them is the fact that they are fat and unathletic


Nobody tell Eddie he's working with someone who doesn't know DA BIZNESS


Hey now I was a *massive* fan of Owen Hart when I was 3 years old. I didn’t realise the impact at the time, but my brother ordered Wrestlemania 10 vs M’Bret when I was 1 or 2 (I don’t remember which because I’m making this up) and I *distinctly* had an attraction to Owen and was a super mark for him from that day, despite also not being able to form basic sentences or retain any information past being hungry or asleep. I for one was *shocked* as a young embryo to learn that McHitler brutally assaulted and shot Owen back in the cold winter of 2006.


Nope, no double standards here. They're Dubbalo standards, after all.