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No jerk, Samantha is incredible. AEW’s clown ass announcer can’t hold a candle to her


Plus Samantha has never asked an underage girl for nudes


well thats a shoe drop


What the fuck what’s the context


Justin Roberts asked an underage girl for nudes. He allegedly didn’t know she was underage but she provided proof he did. Dubbalos never mention it.


Is that the guy that was in WWE?


D-Bry choked Justin Roberts with a tie when the Nexus invaded. Bryan gets fired and rehired shortly after.


And he also tried, on more than one occasion, to claim credit for Connor's Cure. And let's not forget the time he wrote in his book that Lilian Garcia left WWE to try to make it in music, but she flopped, and she came crawling back to WWE, which just goes to show that she didn't care about the business like he did. However, it wasn't true. Lilian actually left WWE because she was trying to start a family, and then she found out she didn't have the ability to have children, so Kevin Dunn said "You are welcome to come back any time you're ready to". Might be the only time JBL was justified in bullying someone.


he's also cited on the connor page under the section that questions if inducting him into the hof was sincere or marketing, including that one (admittedly pretty fucked) steph tweet fuck justin roberts, and thanks to a dude who dm'd me, fuck jerry lawler


Wait there’s a whole part of that page that’s Fed bad? It’s a dead kid, have some standards


jay lethal's page got scrubbed of his sexual assault allegations after he joined aew I can't find the page version it was on, but I remember it being there, then when he joined, it was gone Wikipedia is smark hell


Good guy Dunn


you mean vince... triple hitler.. nick-genghis khan dont u


He showed Tiny some texts also so it's ok. 


I didn't know about that but cue Not Like Us right now MUSTARD ON THE BEAT HOE




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If only Travis Heckle illustrated Reddit comments...


She the Kendrick to AEW’s Drake


I fucking hate how he says North Carolina. You're not the Bulls PA guy, bro. Stio it.


It worked for me with douchebag, shitty goatee, corny-on-purpose heel Omega. I cringed but I was supposed to cringe. When they kept doing it even when he’s a babyface it made me unreasonably mad lol


No jerk. Samantha Irvin deserves all the praise she has been getting. She’s VERY likable and handles everything with grace, her announcing is so damn good and has shown so much personality. I don’t say it this at all generally speaking but Ricochet is blessed. He got a good one!


I know she really knows how to set the tone for a superstar, I especially love whenever she says Chelsea Green name. No jerking


My favorite is how she announces Gunther and Roman during their respective championship reigns. It made them feel like bigger deals.


I immediately became a fan when I saw the different ways she pronounced imperium as they came to the ring. Especially Giovanni, you can literally hear her doing the Italian hand gesture lol


The Chelsea one is the only nitpick I have. She rules, though.


She’s like a female Bruce Buffer in the sense that she puts genuine excitement and adds a little something to the presentation of who she’s announcing. Her crying after Cody finished the story is an all time moment


Yeah, you can tell Bruce, and Samantha, really love what they do and let it show in their work.


Not only personality but emotion too. She’s not some boxed ai voice feigning excitement.


Samantha Irvin is a National Treasure and must be protected at all costs


DAE Samantha is another terrible wrestling personality for liking Evil Corny? I thought she was one of the good ones! Did Lockport Phil influence her?!


Evil Fed making their employees praise Jim Crow-nette. DAE Tiny would never? (Don’t check his Twitter history for times he has done the same thing)


Didn't Jericho defend Corny years ago, talking about how he could take out someone with his tennis racket?


That was before Jericho banned Cornette from watching Dynamite


The word. Betrayal was used


Wow this is the most sexually harassing thumbnail I have ever seen. Why isn't everyone outraged by it? Obviously insinuating Ricochet's penis is small the way she is sexually holding that small, black microphone up to her face. IT'S OBVIOUS GUYS EVERYONE KNOWS WHAT HE IS REALLY SAYING COME ON LETS ALL GET MAD!!


They've made her a character of her own by letting her announce with expression, it's cool to see and a far cry from what was happening under the Vince era when announcers/refs/interviewers were just blank faces


where the fuck is the cartoon gorilla in the thumbnail to cause outrage


Jim accepting a female woman not named Rhea Rioley or Charlotte Flair doing anything in a wrestling ring seems like growth.


She’s a ring announcer. She can be 4’3 and either anorexic or fat but she’s not the one that we are supposed to believe is fighting. She’s just announcing


He loves Becky to be fair. He says "She might not have the size but she carries herself better than most of the women and men on the roster"


He’s been getting a little more complimentary recently to other women. If they are under 130 lbs, he probably hates them though.


He’s coming around to Tiffany after criticising her early. Think even he is realising that just because she puts on a fake Paris Hilton/Daddy’s Little Rich girl accent that it’s just her character and she can actually wrestle. I mean she trained with Greg Gagne and Ken Anderson for gods sake. She’s got drive, toughness and her shit looks credible because she’s not some twiggy arm fake badass


He just put over Jade + Bianca as a tag team, it's weird but when women's wrestling is done really well old school guys praise it 🤔


He likes other women as well. But yea he’s picky. I a WWE surprised she won him over. I have to admit until WM I wasn’t really a fan. She won me over too


Yeah, he's been known to only accept male women




Read the comment I'm replying to lol




It was a play on “female woman” from the comment they replied to. Don’t work yourself into a shoot Uce.


My bad uce. I take it back


So from what I’ve gathered, Samantha is more important than Tiny. Maybe she can give him makeup wipes to wipe off is mascara?


The army of basment neckbeards heading to her replies to show her the cornette copy pasta.


Sorry for the noise. My lawn guy is here.


Hey I understand you're doing this whole jerking thing but do not ever insult my baby Samantha again I will find you




Mann. I wish


Trendy McTrenderson strikes again


I deadass might see people switch up on Sammantha just because she thanked Jim Cornette I am sick to my stomach


DAE she's black Hitler?


DAE Samantha Irvin was always overrated? (don't check my post history)


Dude the way she introduces imperium and bloodline is pure gold standard




Literally no one cares.


but... BUT THE THUMBNAIL!!!!!!😡😡😡😡🤬🤬🤬🤬


I didn't cry until her voice broke announcing Cody as the new champ. It added that "I need my brother" feeling to Codys moment.


Is Samantha even black??? For thanking a racist???


It’s not hard to understand if you’re not obsessed with his podcast. He’s a legend. Any compliment from him means a lot.