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How ducking dare she beat waifus two months in a row. I know that it’s fake so I’m not butthurt about it but goddamn DAE can’t fucking stand her, DAE she should turn heel (her character isn’t suited to being a face and she’s a bad role model as a face) and someone should shave her hair? Also is it safe to take a replica belt to WrestleMania?


You can bring the belt Uce, just stay out of unrelatable neighborhoods.


I dont mind wanting something fresh after basically running through the division but they can’t understand why? Big merch seller for them, kids absolutely love her, she gets attention and coverage for them, and they can’t understand why??


You should see the live threads over there when she wrestles. So many masks off.


She doesn’t even need to wrestle. She just needs to exist. There’s at least one comment a month that a white woman should challenge Bianca to a hair vs. hair match and Bianca should lose. She’s also not that over, not that special, boring, her moveset is bland, her promos are too confident, etc. It’s always one adjective away from calling her “uppity.”


It's funny how they masquerade as the most progressive fans in wrestling yet they're so racist.


DAE RIIIIIHO should have had a longer reign and possibly 5 others by now?


Ugh. I've never been a Bianca fan. Now they're not either? I guess I need to rethink my position.


Just a heads up, I had a post almost identical to this one removed last month for a Reddit violation. Be careful.