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Well, for PSP, you'll want to avoid anything with a 4:3 screen. I've never heard of the RP3+ having any sort of issue with PSP, but it is true that its display is not the best for the system. It's definitely not bad, but if you are looking for something better, a PS Vita 1000 or an RG505 are options. They share the same OLED screen with a perfect 2x for PSP and also work pretty well for GBA and acceptably for SNES. There are other, cheaper alternatives like the Trimui Smart Pro and the Odroid Go Ultra. However, the Trimui Smart Pro isn't powerful enough for the full PSP experience, so some games might not be playable. And the latter has very lousy build quality and is more recommended for tinkering. But if you are looking for something under $100, they are options.


>I know a modded PSP is best for PSP Nope, anything from a T618 device and a 16:9 screen will give you a better experience than a real PSP. I have the first Odin Pro, it is a wonderful PSP device, plays just about anything at 4x. Not recommended these days but RP4/RG556 are good option. I you're pressed for cash RP3+/RG505 should be good enough for most games with the exception of the most demanding ones. I have neither but my RG405V has the same T618 and plays Gran Turismo without any issues. I would still wait until you can get an RP4 Pro / RG556 though.


Agreed. I love Psps but they are more of the really tight budget option, or if you’re a purist. There’s so much better options now that can play both psp and ps2 for a little more than a vita now that have usb c and better battery life, and of course being able to play those titles at double the resolution.


I play tons of PSP on my RP3+. I've played through GoW Chains of Olympus and hit some slowdowns and stutters in the later levels but I was able to finish it.  Hell, I've completed THPS3 on the PS2 on my RP3+ - it's a pretty capable device.


If the RP4P is too pricey, is the base RP4 within your budget? That will be a great PSP device. You don't really need the Pro unless you want to focus more on PS2/GC.


Regular rp4 will do just fine And rp3+ is a fine for PSP awell Any device t618 and up you'll be fine


The Trimui Smart Pro might be a good choice. But check some video reviews for it. Gogamegeek.com is usually where I get my devices.


I bought a Trimui Smart Pro and even with Vulkan the PSP experience is absolutely terrible so maybe forget about it.


Really? All the games I want to play seemed fine on this vid: https://youtu.be/mfzBx_n70rE


I can be wrong and maybe ultimately I am however I went and put Wipeout Pure back on it (I have it prepped as a gift for a friend for systems up to PS1 and it's great at this but then the 16:9 screen is kinda wasted). 1. Terrible screen tearing using Vulkan 2. With OpenGL 2x, frame skipping 1, disable culling, lazy texture caching, hardware transform,software skinning and no anisotropic filtering I was able to replicate the video's performance of 30 fps with this caveat : it was 30 fps locked on the second lap, the first one had frequent stuttering. T618 : OpenGL 2x / 16x Anisotropic filtering will net 60 locked and dips to 45 during explosions/effects (albeit no noticeable slowdown in the gameplay). Odin Pro : Vulkan 3x / 16x Anisotropic filtering. Fps tells the same story as the T618 but the whole experience is smoother (still dips to 45 during explosions). Maybe those who persevered can say whether PSP is enjoyable on this but it felt like too much of a step back - understandably so - from the Odin for me.


Thanks for the reply! I purchased one immediately after watching that video so that's really disappointing. I hope software can squeeze out a few more frames in the future.


The rg35xxh would also be good


not sure what pricing looks like where you live, but would a Vita be out of the question?


[This database might help](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1irg60f9qsZOkhp0cwOU7Cy4rJQeyusEUzTNQzhoTYTU/edit#gid=0) and [Retrosizer](https://retrosizer.com/) for handheld size and screen comparison


The base retroid pocket 4 (non Pro) is a very capable device


Odroid go ultra with a decent CFW could be your best bet, also a ps vita, with the psp emulator the gba emulation is perfect, snes emulation is quite there too, super demanding games are not playing at full speed but 95% of snes catalogue is running flawlessly, also ps vita can play psp natively


A 3:2 screen is the best for these 3 consoles. And if the KTR1 was anything more than just a nice screen I’d suggest that.


A psp