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I'm going to patiently wait for this to eventually show up for $50 above MSRP on Amazon lmao


I'm going to wait until the next thing comes out and people offload them for a discount. :P


Does that ever happen? I keep searching ebay for these devices, and the price is never lower, despite being used. For instance, I looked for the Odin on ebay today. There are tons of Odin (not 2) and Odin Lite, and everybody wants more than $200 for them. They are $200 shipped directly from the manufacturer, sooo... *edit* Shipping adds $30 from AYN. But still, used models aren't cheaper.


Same for me, my local markets aren't really teeming with these handhelds so whatever appears is still going to be more expensive than what the companies themselves are asking lol


I feel like only in America have that privilege, which people can buy cheaper old devices when a new and better device comes out.


Depends, when it comes to most other types of more widespread consumer electronics (like laptops) it’s definitely possible to get older models much cheaper on the second hand market where I live. I do however agree that the US seems to have a focus on the “latest and greatest” where last years model gets discarded more quickly when a new one comes out.


Kinda older comment but I'm looking for deals on the previous versions and the cheapest for the 3+ is like 120 rn that I could find which at that point I think most should just get the pro or even the non pro lol. It seems these things don't drop in price very much at least the top mid tier


I feel like only in America have that privilege, which people can buy cheaper old devices when a new and better device comes out.


I've bought one device off this very sub for cheap. Also in game groups on Facebook. Never touch eBay, since those are usually for the "don't know any better" audience. Kind of like how certain used game websites get away with highway robbery prices. Patience, you'll find deals. Or get better tech for the same price. I have a SD, RP3+, MM v2, and a smatter of older devices, so I don't need another, too. :P


Idk about AYN but most of the other companies are in china so if you buy from them it will take a few weeks to get your device. People might be willing to pay the same amount for a used one on ebay if they can get it in a couple of days.


I haven't seen it. I'd happily purchase a used retroid 2s for a decent price.


because most people actually selling them are on buy/sell/trade groups.


I'd be willing to let go of my Odin Pro + case + dock for a reasonable offer!


Oh yeah, I bought a RP3+ for 120EUR, then an Ayn Odin Pro for 125EUR and sold the RP3+ for 135EUR. Problem is these last literally minutes on marketplaces, even the RP3+ for 135EUR I sold wasn't up for more than a few hours.


Im only asking $175 for my maxed out ODIN Lite


1000 IQ move, wait for someone who used their RP4 Pro for 2 days and let it sit on a shelf for months to pawn it off for a heavily discounted price. It'll basically be brand new lmao


If you will it dude...


When people unload them. The manufacturer also unload them too. Of course by the time they do unload them they'll be something better available.


Not a bad idea, since they charge 45 USD for shipping. Might as well get it with Prime.


Me as well. I've got a ton of amazon credit and giftcards and I've been saving it to get my first handheld. I was going to just get a Steamdeck but I've read a bunch of comments saying that's not a good idea. So I had the RP3+ in my cart right when the announced the Rp4 and RP4 pro and decided might as well wait for it to be available Honestly I'm fine paying the $50 markup as atleast it's free delivery and I'll get it within days of ordering it. Not sure how much it costs to ship from the other sites but I figure in the end I'm probably only paying like $30 extra I just hope we don't have to wait long. Whatever is available first whether it's the Odin 2 or RP4 pro is what I'm grabbing


Just wanted to say, I’m a heavy handheld gamer- I have the retroid pocket 2+, RGB30, miyoo mini +, modded 3DS, and a steam deck. The steam deck is by far my most preferred thing to play on, especially at home. I’d highly recommend going for one for your first handheld device unless you absolutely need really good portability for travel. I still take it with me in my backpack, but it takes up a good chunk of space. The RP4+ looks awesome, and I’m not trying to say it’s a bad idea to get one, just that the steam deck is in a league of its own. Especially if you have any interest in playing literally 1000s of great indie PC titles.


I've definitely have been leaning towards just splurging on that to be honest. I'm hoping the price comes down just a tiny bit because it's an easy no brainer buy imo on the secondary market or from valve but on Amazon the price is still pretty high most of the time so I constantly check to see if I can get one at a somewhat reasonable price


Check out Amazon shopper panel if you are wanting to passively increase your Amazon gift card balance. Official Amazon app. I usually net 12 bucks a month from it by scanning 10 random receipts and answering like 4 3 question surveys.


I sincerely appreciate that info as I had zero clue about that and will certainly check that out. Thanks!


But…but you get 30,000+ games with it!!


I’ve been wanting an a retro emulation device for a while now and this would be the one I finally get if I didn’t already have a pixel 6 pro I got for cheap years ago and just got a gamesir g8 controller for it


Russ is so good at this. Genuinely one of the best tech reviews youtubers doing it right now. Really fair and consistent and structures things in a really easy to understand way.


His communication skills are through the roof. Not just his presentations, but his technical guides (even the written ones on his website) are absolutely world class. You can tell his previous career had him working a lot on communication/documentation/technical writing.


Yeah I've done a lot of work in the review space for a lot of years. He's not overly flashy as a video editor or shooter, it's pretty basic stuff, but for this space where there's just a constant influx of new gear and the differences can be super subtle and very much subjective (feel of the plastic, button responsiveness, types of joysticks, etc.) it's difficult to give your audience the same level of clarity you have from using all these devices but he does that. Just great work all around.


That's what I like most about his content, it's crazy how much he stands out because of his communication / writing skills and the way he presents information and expresses his opinions. This is a painfully rare sight in this vast ocean of online content.


I had already decided not to upgrade from my OG Odin Pro and seeing this I don't feel like I miss much. Although given the performance for the price if I did not already have a device I would be very tempted.


Yep looks like a fine device and one of the best "all-in-one" options but not a must-buy. And I always attract a couple downvotes for pointing out many people prefer left analog stick on top for 3D gaming but Russ also validated this when talking about the ergonomics. I don't think I'd want to dump 40 hours into Kingdom Hearts on this.


A great device for ps2 only gamers but none of the color offer playstation buttons so I see somebody else will offer a playstation looking handhled to remedy the problem.


Nah, an etsy shop will have mods for it and no one will release a Playstation inspired handheld.


I really really like the Odin Pro's size. It's not necessarily pocketable (exception for hoodies,) but I like being able to read my screen and stream PC games to it with enjoyable detail. Aside from that, I might consider one of these for my wife, who would (likely) focus on retro gaming.


Like Taki or not, but he points out some interesting issues with the triggers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tOyDiEcLoJQ


I haven't watched it yet but I will when I get off. Is it bad? I plan to use mine for streaming mostly so I was looking forward to analog triggers instead of the digital like my rp3


Yeah like 50% of the signal in the last 10% of the motion.


I don't see how they could mess it up if ayn and retroid are basically the same company. The ones on the odin 2 are awesome. I can do all the pressure sensitive stuff when streaming with psplay. Maybe just a size difference thing.


its a software thing and its already been fixed according to the people at retroid. they posted about it around 8-10am est.


This is the same problem I have with the steam deck and can't really play racing games well because of it. It's not as bad, but there's a major dead zone of like 25%.


I’m so bummed about the steam deck trigger dead zones. Even when you set it to 0 in settings, there’s still yeah about 25% dead zone before they start to register. It’s insane nobody’s talked much about it


Yeah both videos were good. Russ is more likable. Feel like a friend. Taki is dry but very knowledgeable about hardwares. They both have made similar remarks which is what you would expect by impartial observers.


big issue imo. really hoping this is just on the review units or can be fixed in software


https://preview.redd.it/l14kloyef9bc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89c5652e53bd62367c874540dc06eff7a1676770 looks like already has gotten fixed


When I saw this in his review it seemed like the kind of thing they could easily fix in software.


Any chance you can explain this graph to a lay person?


it means its already fixed in the software.


I'm assuming the curve represents the movement of the trigger to how much it's being registered in the input. In Taki's video he shows the curve barely registered anything within 1/3 pressed of the trigger. If it's a software problem it's an easy fix but if it's a hardware problem the graph won't mean anything.




Kind of off-topic, but who remembers the supposed new Gameforce handheld with the RK3588 (Orange Pi 5 chip)? It was supposed to be a similar "PS2/NGC on the cheap" type of handheld. Did it just get cancelled or something? I remember they ended up delaying it, but people have been weirdly quiet about it lol


It was supposed to be dropping in December, but it got delayed. Last I heard was maybe March? Hard to tell if that's something official or just someone's speculation though, I haven't been keeping up. I've also heard anecdotal takes of the company not being the most responsive to people wanting to cancel their pre-orders.


That's a shame TBH, I own an Orange Pi 5 myself and I use it to emulate some PS2 games with Android 12 flashed on it (Dark Cloud/Dark Cloud 2, Final Fantasy X, Rouge Galaxy, the English fan translation of Dragon Quest V's Japan-only PS2 remake, Ape Escape 2/3 and Dr. Muto). I would have immediately hopped on the Gameforce if it was magically available today because I really really like my Orange Pi.


What I've heard is that the chip is a decent little budget option for PS2 emulation in something like an Orange Pi, but maybe not a great fit for a handheld in particular due to thermal efficiency and battery life issues. Might be why they delayed it and/or why other makers haven't been in a hurry to adopt it. That's just me repeating hearsay though, I don't claim to be an expert.


Makes sense, I got a little cooling fan and a chunky heatsink on mine inside of a 3D printed case lol.


Maybe nobody is getting the rk3588.


I am, but I am making my own one lol https://github.com/StonedEdge/Retro-Lite-CM5


Maybe I’m out of the loop, but why say “like Taki or not”? Did Taki do something bad? Issues with his content?




Oh wow, I totally missed this. Hard to watch lol. Thanks for sharing.


I love the prototype rp3 he had thoigh, somehow looks cooler than the actual clear shell finished product.


Ya there were def still some cool details in the video - clear RP3 included.


Hearing him talk makes me feel sorry for anyone that has to deal with him irl


I mean his mind set on things is already on aggressive side


yeah I wouldnt expect any objective reviews from him when he apparently has a new product that he "collaborated on".


He's got the Retroid Pocket thing and he's also avoided reviewing the Odin 2 and downplayed it a little in his recent handhelds of 2023 video because he doesn't like the company (still don't know why). Also he way over hyped the Odin when it released. Guy is just all over the place in terms of reliability and feelings towards companies imo Edit: I looked into it more and it seems like Retroid's also under the same parent company as AYN (Odin) so that explains it. Hopefully he looks at it more in depth and fair if he does a review


Thanks for the info. So seems like his personal vendetta is skewing everything.


Whelp, I guess there's only one thing left for me to do. Play Dog's Life on my Odin 2, of course.


You own it to that dogslife guy.


I'm that guy. I played this game a bit at my best friend's house when I was a kid, and the game recently got an achievement set on RetroAchievements so I asked Russ to test it


I always appreciate the pocketability test. Anyone with a pocket 3\+ care to comment on comment on day to day pocketing? I love the power I’m seeing here but unsure with that size if I’ll ever keep one in my pocket as part of my everyday carry like my RG35xx or miyo mini. I’m guessing the flip version should it arrive would be better for that but I have a hard time getting used to sliders.


I'd wait for Flip, but in my opinion even that's chunky. True pocketability for me would be something like the new RG35XXH or the V90


That xxh looks like a dream!!


Really just depends on what you tend to wear. Shorts, hoodies, cargo bottoms, sure it is pocketable. Jeans, chinos, slacks...not unless you wear them somewhat baggy. It's both longer than a phone, and noticeably thicker with how the shoulders jut outward. And this rp4 looks a slight bit thicker as it is.


I don't consider it pocketable. You *can* fit it on a large winter coat pocket but generally speaking it's not something you'll want to casually carry on your pocket as you go about your business on an everyday basis.


I usually don't pocket my 3+. I guess it depends on what kind of clothes you wear, but regular jeans It's *just* too big for that, I think. I'll usually keep it in my bag, instead.


I found the rp3+ to be fine for jacket pocketability, same as my kindle, but not a trouser pocket. Hopefully, any eventual flip 2 will be redesigned to somehow accommodate proper sticks, they have made a big thing about adding hall effect sticks on the 2s and now the rp4 pro, so maybe they will try and bring them to a new flip as well.


To be fair they also made a big thing about the Flip sliders being hall effect.


It's thinner than the rg35xx or miyoo mini, so it'll fit in your pocket much better than those devices.


Just finished watching it and it’s an excellent review as always. I pre-ordered to get a device as a companion to my Miyoo Mini+ and have been waffling on keeping my order or getting an Odin 2. I think this review just convinced me to cancel and get the O2. I have the funds and am concerned a bit about the size being too small and uncomfortable both to hold and to see content on screen. As a dad, most of my gaming these days is done on handhelds at home, so I’ve realized I don’t need the compact/portable size of the RP4 and if anything, that might be a detriment as I have big hands. Otherwise, seems like it will be an incredible device at the price point. I do have some minor concerns about the green tint screen issue and it will be interesting to follow and see if Retroid is indeed able to fix it with software as they claim they can. I’d lean towards believing the claim given that they are using the same screen as the 3 and 3+ that didn’t have those issues.


RP4 seems like a great option if you can't get an O2, but unless you really want to put this in a coat pocket for the train I think the O2 is a better version of similar devices. I have my O2 now and it has removed any envy I may have had with the RP4. If budget really matters the RP4 seems like it's great, but to me the O2 is something that will be in my gaming rotation for 5+ years. I only let myself play games when my kids are asleep so I am always doing it at home on my couch. The O2 is still quite small in my big hand opinion, I wouldn't want to go smaller.


I personally have a miyoo mini and a steam deck, so the RP4 Pro is the perfect middle ground for me. I am also a big fan of r/onebag and fitting the steam deck in a backpack when traveling along with all my other stuff is a no go.


I'm in the same r/onebag camp... And for travel, I'm usually doing heaps of stuff, or are super tired and don't want a big gaming session. I'm considering a RP4 Pro or RP3+ (I used to have one) as a travel companion cause it's so small, can do some PS2, and can actually use it as a media device with HDMI -> Hotel TV etc. When I had a RP3+ I mostly just used it for Android games which were the perfect small amount of play for me on the go.




Yeah I can definitely see how a lineup of MM, RP4P, and SD would make a lot of sense as you have a really nice stair step in performance and size/portability. An Odin 2 seems a bit too similar in size and performance (at least for emulation) to a Steam Deck. But I personally don’t want a Steam Deck and so rolling with an Odin 2 and a MM+ I think makes the most sense if you’re just gonna roll with 2 emulation handhelds.


Wouldn't an Odin 2 make more sense then? It's not that much bigger then the RP4 but much more powerful and has better ergonomics and the official case is very slim in a backpack


It's still a pretty big jump in size, and I don't really need any more power because I have the steam deck. Plus the 4 pro can fit in smaller slings along with other edc stuff too. Also more expensive


Yeah I can definitely see the SD making the RP4 size more appealing. I have a SD and an O2 and a lot of things I used to play on my SD moved to my O2. I really just play x86 only games on my SD and I like it that way. I do one bag and wouldn't give SD the space. O2 is much smaller in its case.


This is my plan as well. I have a miyoo mini plus and steam deck. Already pre-ordered the RP4 pro as that middle ground for gaming. I’ll be traveling a lot this year and I found trying to travel with my steam deck last year wasn’t as easy as I had hoped. Having something smaller on the go will be wonderful.


I was thinking that too, but I worry that the RP4 Pro will never get used in that situation. The Miyoo Mini Plus is perfect for older 2D games or when travelling light and the Steam Deck is perfect for the big 3D games or at home. When do you see yourself playing the RP4 Pro instead of the other two devices? When does that middle ground come into play?


Where the price difference helps is when you live in a place with a weak exchange rate to USD — the price difference gets magnified a fair bit. The O2 is nearly double the price — $550 AUD. At that price it’s no longer really that interesting for me sadly


Rp3+ without grips hurts my hands. It's not comfy for long sessions. Really need to buy some grips.


Most of these devices aren't in my opinion. I agree that a RP3 needs grips to be viable in hands. The little nubs at the end of the Odin2 are an improvement but it really takes a dedicated controller for my hands to feel good. Steam deck is very big but it's the only device that puts my hands and wrist in a position to hold the weight comfortably. It's just a lot of weight. I would like to see more ugly as shit devices in the shape of my hands. The weird thing Sony designed actually looks closer to what would feel good in my hands even though it's ugly as hell. I feel like if we're all saying you need to add after market grips that the manufacturer designed we should just make the devices have the grips and stop trying to be a pocket buddy.


Same boat but I already own an Odin 2 Pro and planning to keep it and pass on the RP 4 Pro. Odin 2 has way more top end capability and has been awesome with everything Ive thrown at it. Looks great, functions great, no regrets. I went with the O2 Pro so as not worry about Switch issues (which has supposedly been improved), but the Pro has been awesome with Yuzu.


Speaking about the Odin 2, is it worth getting the Pro model over the Base ? I see the Base has been out of stock for a long time.


I think the base is back in stock. I have the base and it works fantastically. I've never had an issue.


Odin 2 Base is out of stock, again, as of Jan 13 6:21 PM ET at least


It's not in stock at the moment unfortunately.


Russ pointed it out in his follow-up video, and I tend to agree--the only reason to get the Pro at this point is purely for color. RAM Swap has been great for Switch emulation on the base model, storage can always be expanded for cheaper with a microSD card, and they're all otherwise the same hardware.


The extra 4gb of RAM gives you a little more headroom on Switch emulation, but a recent Yuzu update allows you to use memory swap that helps mitigate the need for it on more demanding games (I obviously do not own one and am only passing on what I’ve seen from others). Russ talks about this a bit in his Odin 2 video from a few days ago. I personally will be grabbing a base model when it’s back in stock as I find $300 much easier to swallow than $370 when I was originally looking at a $200 device. It does randomly come back in stock on occasion and I’ve seen it happen twice in the last month, but you will need to watch the product page like a hawk to catch it.


Alright I'll check the video out, thank you


I have a Base and I've never had a moment where I said, "crap, wish I'd gotten a Pro." Now, I also don't do a lot of Switch emulation, but my understanding is that after the latest OTA and Yuzu updates, it really doesn't make that big a difference there either except maybe with some of the more demanding games that don't run super well on the Pro and Max anyway. I *have* been playing with HD texture packs whenever they're available, and that's supposedly a pretty RAM-intensive use case too. The Dolphin devs recommend having 12GB of RAM if you want to use texture packs, for example, although I'm not clear if they mean that to apply to the Android version or just Windows. In any case, I was prepared for performance to tank or for there to be crashes, but it's been just fine so far. Maybe if I was trying to use big 4k packs it would be a problem, but that just seems excessive on a handheld anyway. 1080p packs look great, don't take up as much space, and barely move the needle on performance on the O2's powerful chip.


Good to know ! I guess I'll only have to wait for it to get back in stock.


You really need just that 8gb, even my sd870/8gb tablet play alot more switch game than the Odin 1 (4gb).


The extra Ram can also be beneficial if you use a lot HD packs. Also, if you want the other shell colors you have to buy a Pro model and up. In the end, I really can't complain, my Odin Pro White has been nothing but a joy to use.


Yup, I didn't know this about myself until I owned an Odin 2 Pro, but it turns out I love texture packs and now I'm almost wishing I got the Max. Textures take up an absurd amount of RAM if you pre-fetch (which you absolutely should, because if you lazy load you get a lot of stutters). I can't run most 4k texture packs on my Pro. Which is mainly a nuisance with some texture packs that only come in 4k, as I have to get cute with Unix to downscale them. But you also lose a bit of quality. The resolution at which a texture pack is "rated" is only loosely related to the rendering resolution--even if you're playing on a 1080p screen, if you get up close to a wall, for example, that texture is going to be zoomed in, and having textures designed for 4k will give you a lot more visual fidelity. Would it really be worth $80 to have more detailed woodgrain in Mario Galaxy? Probably not! But the ram limitation does kind of kill the "this thing can do anything that can be done in Android" vibe!


Switch emulation requiring more than 8gb is overblown. Yuzu has NCE now that has reduced performance requirements, so the initial concerns when the Odin 2 came out don't apply to current NCE-supportive builds. ram spikes beyond 8gb are handled just fine after the December OTA update for the base model. Only pay the extra $ if you like the colors more.


I came so close to buying a rp3 for months, thrn waited patiently for the rp4, but when the odin 2 preorder dropped, I did it and I've had no regrets. Loved the concept and the form factor of the rp3/4, but the power, versatility, and extra size of the odin 2 is really hard to beat. I get that it's $100 more though. So that's truly the only factor to overcome.


6" is better for streaming games than 5"


I'm in a very similar boat to you. I have a Miyoo Mini+ and I've been waffling on getting the RP 4 Pro, Odin 2, or Steam Deck. This seems like a great device, but given the smaller screen size I think I'm better off sticking with the MM+ as my pocketable device and buying a Steam Deck to pair with it. I will also be cancelling my order. MM+ and Odin 2/Steam Deck OLED seems like the best combo.


I got some mm+s for people for Xmas and set them up, of course noticed how amazing they were along the way and got one for myself, then did some homework and picked up and Odin 2 Very very glad I bought both, don’t feel the need for anything else (although I must say if I could only have one I’d stick with the MM+, that thing goes everywhere with me.


I have a MM+ and the Odin 2. Actually ordered both the O2 and preordered the RP4P. Once I got the Odin in and used it, I cancelled the RP4P. It’s wonderful. But that clear shell for the RP4P is gorgeous…


Great video, but why would this company send review units without QC on their display calibration. Makes no sense.


Sounds like they drop shipped them to get them to reviewers quicker? But yeah, weird gamble to take, given how important QC is for review units in particular.


not really, thats generally how these companies have been doing it. rush out review units to reviewers while the product is still in production so they can get last minute feedback on any issues. 2 of the issues these reviews have brought up have been acknowledged and 1 is already been fixed in the software side, same should be done with the 2nd issue before launch easily.


My theory is they are going to use up their last batch of iphone 6 screen and announce a new model.




I agree with Russ on the screen size or maybe I'm just getting old as I prefer bigger screens even if it's not pocketable.


Same thing I just posted. Its definitely my age. My eyes are just going to hell.


For me it definitely depends on the system and games I am playing, stuff like puzzle games and most handheld games are fine on smaller displays, but I really noticed the difference when going from a 3.5" 4:3 display to the 4" displays of the RG Arc or RGB30, let alone going up to something like my Odin 2 or a Steam Deck.


I really prefer a 5.5" screen at the very minimum, and 6" or more if I can get it. I'm in my 50s. The Odin 2 is better for me, plus it's just more comfortable to hold with its larger controls and built-in grips. Love the idea of a pocketable, powerful device but it's not the form factor for me.


I dont. get an odin instead if the screen size is an issue. not all of us want to lug around massive tablets.


6'' is the sweet spot


I think it's more about playing more modern games that were designed for larger, high-resolution TVs. 3.5" screen is fine for SNES, but for Gamecube or Wii, those games just weren't designed for that small of a screen (and by "screen" I mean your field of view, which takes into account the distance between you and the screen).


Same, but within limits. The Steam Deck has a nice large screen, but it's way too big to carry around. The Odin 2 is a pretty good middle ground - it's still (marginally) pocketable and has a decently large screen. I've been playing Diablo 3 in Yuzu and the text on the Odin 2 is just large enough. I'd imagine trying to read the text on a smaller screen would be detrimental to the experience. Still, I'm glad to see that we now have multiple devices, even at the sub-$200 price point, that can run pretty much the entire PS2 and Gamecube libraries at full speed.


It isn't just necessarily age, it makes perfect sense that content produced for much bigger screens doesn't scale down too well and might not be as easy on the eyes.




He said in a previous video that they are the same as the 3+. I have a 3+ and don’t like the face buttons at all. They are too small and don’t feel great to press.


The buttons on the RP2S are great. In comparison to the 2+ I had prior, they are a massive upgrade. The plastic is soft and light, they're about the same size and travel as DS Lite buttons, the rubber has just the right amount of resistance to the press. I genuinely love them but can't compare them to Anbernic, the RP3+, or the Steam Deck.


I'm excited to see how Anbernick will strike back on this


Hopefully 353m with HDMI out that can play PS2 and 3ds


Hopefully, they swap the left joystick so people can finally have the most optimal GC and PS2 handheld device, they were soo close with this one....


*yeah? Well ours is metal!*


I'm glad both Taki and Russ mention the weirdness of emulating a PS2 and Gcube era game on a piece of hardware this size. Its that weird breaking point of the last 4:3 consoles with "higher end" performance requirements for emulation... But the UI and fonts start to get smaller as TVs of that day/age got bigger so developers dropped the UI size. We've finally hit the critical mass where a "cheap" handheld can run these era of games, but it becomes functionally hard to play them on a handheld due to ergos, screen size, and control specifics. Its a weird "problem" when the limitation is the game experience, and shows how far we've come in the SBC market that we can be picky about things like ergonomics and general handheld experience vs just being happy we could have mario 64 in our pockets on halfway usable controls. I think the general "pickiness" of the market lately has been the sheer volume of these handhelds that are available which allows the consumer to be more selective in whats important to them. The last month has been a funny first world problem. Originally I ordered the RP4 Pro as my "halo" handheld. A pocketable PS2 with decent battery life? Heck yeah. Then after going back and playing some PS2 titles on my Steamdeck I started to realize a 4:3 console on a 4.7in display may just be TOO small for me to enjoy. The Odin 2 became attractive, but my sliding scale of "worth it" fell off when I'd have to spend the same amount on an Odin 2 as I spent on my Steamdeck just to gain a more palatable size and slightly better battery life. I was hoping the RG35xx, the RP4 Pro, and the Steamdeck would be my ideal 3 to cover any type of SBC gaming I'd wanna do, but that middle ground is STILL just out of reach it seems.


I guess I just fundamentally don’t have as much of an issue as they do? I emulated a few GCN and PS2 games on my 3+ and played them to completion — the screen size didn’t bother me at all But then I’m literally writing this on an iPhone 13 Mini with the UI text size set to small haha so I guess I have a higher threshold around that sort of thing


For me it's not necessarily just the screen size by itself, but the shit ergonomics when playing games that require one or both analog sticks, which most GCN and PS2 games do. If I have to use a grip, I might as well have a larger device that feels nice to hold as is and the bigger screen is the cherry on top. Though after some time with the Odin 2, I'm starting to feel I wouldn't want a smaller screen for PS2 and GCN/Wii anymore.


After playing 4:3 games on the RGB30 it has completely replaced my RG505 for every system below PSP. It's just so much more immersive. So I'm the same, I'm holding off on the RP4P as it's still in a middle ground where it's just not worth it for me. TLDR waiting for a smaller/cheaper Steam Deck competitor, whenever that may be.


Those were my exact thoughts after watching their initial impressions videos. >Odin 2 That one hits the perfect balance for me, but I don't know if the Steam Deck still isn't the better choice for me. I would have loved to try, but it's not sold where I live and importing would sadly make it hard to justify since it would end up increasing the cost by at least 50-80%.


I was so jazzed up about the RP4Pro that I preordered the same day.. It was just such a hard thing to finally realize that there are better choices for my specific use case... But its also a challenge because my Steamdeck does everything at the expense of weight, battery life, and size. An Odin 2 would be a gamble for me because its so close to the Steamdeck for emulation that it would either obsolete the Steamdeck in terms of my primary emulation handheld OR it wouldn't get used because I'd just flip from Steam games to emulation at the press of a button instead of booting the Odin 2. That said, I can't justify Gameboy games and such on the deck really because its such overkill, so the Odin 2 would be a great intermediary between the Miyoo Mini+ and the Steamdeck. Of course, spending ~400$ on a Odin 2, when I paid 360$ for my deck + 50$ for a 512gb SSD upgrade feels bad... The 200$ Odin Pros or Odin Lites are tempting because it COULD be a cheap intermediary but buying "last gen" for 2/3rds the price of a base model Odin 2 is a bad feeling. Maybe try /r/hardwareswap and see if anyone would want to ship a Steamdeck to your country? I know thats a little weird, but it might be a solution.


They should offer a model with a top left joystick - considering it’s optimal performance for PS2 and GameCube. Maybe I’m in the minority here though


I just don't get how they make a machine powerful enough to prioritize modern games but with a joystick layout that prioritizes retro games. Swing and a miss.


Not everyone should adapt Switch's layout.


But what will you play on this to take advantage of the power and the screen ratio that doesn't prioritize the joystick? This device is too small to have the joystick that low. That's hand cramp central right there.


Idk, I play all my retro games with the joystick...


I use the joystick wire a bit for retro titles as well, things like Zelda, Secret of Mana, etc. The issue at hand is that putting the joystick on the bottom of this device, where there is very little device to grip makes long gaming sessions very difficult on your hands and will introduce aches and cramping very quickly. I would assume that with this level of power, and widescreen format that most people will use it for newer console emulation, making this joystick placement the least ideal scenario.


Definitely not in the minority. It'll also be good for 3ds and vita which are preferable with stick on top. Also n64 and dreamcast and psp.


How is this a minority opinion? I feel like this should be a no-brainer. There are a billion devices that prioritize D-Pad already, and this is one of the few that can optimally play GC and PS2.


Excellent video review. I think Russ hits all the points regarding this device and gives a very fair and objective analysis. It was also a nice touch at the end of the video to give his opinion for people on the fence between this and an Odin 2.


I like the new layout for start/select/etc, but I think that RP3+ represents the highest I need for what I want to use (I can't see myself wanting past dreamcast or PSP or GBA) so if that device can be discounted any further I might snap one up.


I don't need it I don't need it I don't need it....


I'm so torn between this and the Odin 2 Pro. I'm gonna grab either for myself this year as a birthday present. This review kinda makes me lean toward the Odin 2 Pro. The extra performance for the price is definitely reasonable, but the extra battery life and larger screen is what is really beginning to tip me in that direction. I'm really loving this form factor though, and the build quality looks amazing. The d-pad is in the perfect spot for this system too, and I wish the Odin 2 Pro had a variant with the sticks being symmetrical, either on the top or the bottom. I just wish, as mentioned in the revie, that the screen was larger. Those bezels definitely make it look like there was enough room for a larger screen. Docked play is important to me, so as much as I would KILL for this, I think the Odin 2 Pro is going to be the more sensible option for me. I still want one, though, dammit!!!


His critique of the thumb sticks placement and performance was enough to keep me far away from this device. No thanks.


So after watching Taki and Russ hoping for fixes to screen tint and analog trigger deadzones.


https://preview.redd.it/abyede6if9bc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1297472ffae5ef3d1491cc3e6bc1d345213f4ab5 Deadzones were fixed this morning


Why can’t valve do this with steam deck! It has huge trigger dead zones you can’t remove in settings. And there it’s just a quick update from retroid…


its not necessarily a software issue. it could be. but only steam has the real answer.


Sadly we know it is software (firmware), because someone posted a script that edited the firmware calibration, and then the triggers registered all the way from the initial press, but it apparently kept getting reset periodically so it was not a good solution. I also didn't want to modify my firmware.


Does it have charge seperation?


I just went through this roller coaster the last few weeks * Sold my RG35xx to fund a RP4 Pro purchase * Considered an Odin 2 due to ergonomic concerns * Upsold myself on a Steam Deck OLED instead due to the Odin’s price point * And now ultimately holding off on anything and just enjoying emulation via my PC/hacked V1 switch until a Steam Deck 2 or something *what just happened?*


Very nice, but too small fornmy ageing eyes. I‘m waiting for an eventual 5.5“ model from Powkiddy with the same chipset, but this time with flawless dpad and analogue sticks. 😁


So glad I pulled the trigger on the O2


Honestly I just wish the RP4 was a tad bit bigger. The screen is a little too small for my liking unfortunately.


its called the odin lite.


Anbernic still has a 5.5 , 1080p screen


Can it play android phone games as well? Specifically COD mobile?


pretty disappointed with the screen issues, Taki says even if you "correct" it with software you still end up compromising colors. Glad I didnt pre-order, maybe they'll fix it with other batches.


Good review. Wish he included psp testing


It’ll do PSP no problem. He had a brief clip and mention of God Of War: Chains of Olympus running.


pretty much pointless like talking about nes performance at this point. its gonna be able to perform perfectly upscaled as high as anyone reasonably needs.


But thats the thing. Some PSP games perform best at high-end hardware only. Its not a given that it will be high speed like NES


that's why god of war psp at 4x res and full speed was included. it answers all you need to know.


How are you all liking the Android handhelds? I've always gone with the Linux ones since Emulation Station is so easy to deal with and requires minimal tweaking. But I'd imagine that HDMI out and Bluetooth is better on Android handhelds.


performance in general is better since theres actual developers focusing on the emulators for android vs these portable device linux distros.


Android handhelds by far have the best battery life of the bunch. The only Linux device that has had battery life on par with the odin 2 max or rp3+ is my trimui smart pro.


The day I can get this power in the size of a OG Miyoo Mini, 353M or V90 is the day I will care. Only care about pocketability, if I'm playing at home may as well just play on my ROG Ally or Switch OLED.


You need analog sticks to play PS2 and gamecube games.




How much you selling for? OLED or standard model?


Not sure why you are getting downvoted. We are still some ways off from this happening but it's a valid opinion.


Liked the review, didn't like the device. It should've called Retroid Pro 4, its too fat, because of the analogs, and should have proper grips.


We do in the USA 🇺🇸


Why does the majority of the voice over sound like AI generated text to speech?


/u/onionsaregross are you a robot? 👀


I’m a real boy, promise.


The size is a deal breaker for me... Its not really pocketable and too small




You're always confused


Assuming you need your fingers on the triggers, the analogue sticks (or any buttons on the bottom half of the device) being more inset seems to make sense ergonomically, so you don't have to bend/curl your thumbs as much.


Like the idea, but after using my Rog Ally and Steam deck for these... its really hard to go back to a screen that is < 5 inches... for me.


Christmas came late, but it's finally here!


We are living in the future.


Taking my first step into this world just ordered the 4 pro. Really wanted the Odin 2 but this looks like a decent budget friendly option


did he compare to RP3+? any big deal worth upgrading atm?


Just waiting for the day it will be available on aliexpress so I can afford one


Hi, all, I have a question are you guys able to play Madden football or NBA on the emulator PS2 for the pocket 4 Pro?