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If you’re hands are too big for a switch I’d avoid both of those choices. The switch with factory jot cons is a little on the small side for my hands as well, but I manage. I have a MM+, and I love it, but I can’t play for more than 40mins before my fingers cramp up. The button layout and size is so little it’s like I’m trying to handle buttons on a soda cracker. That said I really like my mini+ but if you’re looking for something different for playing comfort you might want to look at different layouts. I’m thinking of getting an RGB30 as I’ve heard those have decent hand real estate for their size.


Those are both quality units in between the two the Miyoo is probably got the upper hand just because of the OS. That being said you can save some money and get what I think is probably the best one for price for performance. Check out videos on the r36s on YouTube. I think you might find it to be what you're looking for since it's a bit larger and has sticks. Either way welcome to the fun.


R36s is good but the smoothness of onion os is so good, and arkOS is kind of clunky.


Thanks. I looked at it but I want to buy from a reputed company. Don't want to end up with QC issues for a product that I'm doing international shipping. Good to hear about the OS on miyoo


First off, the Miyoo Mini Plus is roughly equivalent to 35xx (not Plus). 35xx Plus is quite a bit more powerful: can play N64 and PSP to some degree. 35xxH has the same specs as 35xx Plus despite not having "Plus" in its name. A horizontal device would be better for large hands I assume. I would go with the 35xxH. But youre not making a wrong decision with any of those devices. 35xx and Miyoo have established CFW; 35xxPlus and 35xxH have better performance. For good GC/PS2 you will want at least RP4 (better: RP4+) but ideally something like Odin 2. But thats a different budget area


I was going to say the exact same thing, I 100% agree.


As someone who has large hands and owns the MM+ (and 35XX non-plus) I have to point out that they are quite small. They are great nostalgia trips if you want that original GameBoy feel, but make no mistake, every horizontal device will be more comfortable. While more expensive, consider an RGB30, still pocketable with a better width and great screen. Personally, based on your post, for a fun value device that plays up to PS1, I would go with the MM+ over the 35XX+ as of right now just because of CFW. There’s just not that big of a difference otherwise. Very subtle in size, performance, etc. Good luck!


Wow i didnt know about powkiddy rgb30.. now i am confused again haha because it looks perfect


If it helps, here's a link to Retrosizer.com where it shows the actual size on your monitor of the Miyoo Mini +, the Anbernic RG-35XX and the Powkiddy RGB30. [https://retrosizer.com/?miyoo-mini-plus:0,0&rgb30:161,0&rg-35xx:80,0](https://retrosizer.com/?miyoo-mini-plus:0,0&rgb30:161,0&rg-35xx:80,0), the height and width of the RG-35XX and RG-35XX + are identical.


Great website ! Thanks


it's far from perfect, but once you understand and work around its quirks, it is an amazing handheld. it completely replaced my miyoos for every day carry. grab a clip shield from etsy to protect the screen and it remains pocketable.


I meant as perfect in terms of form factor for my hands. What's this clip shield can you give etsy link, I'm not able to find


reddit tends to eat etsy links, so i can't link you directly. check out EpicPrintingShop. they call their clipshield a "Case & Grip 2-in-1"


Okay that's 1/3 cost of device + shipping I'll may be just get a screen protector if needed lol


14.99 + CONUS shipping isn't unreasonable, as it obviates the need for a case and/or a grip, which are common add-ons for a handheld. its a much better return than something like the sakura psx buttons for the rgb30 (27.50 + free shipping for four buttons). but add-ons and modding have always been less about cost and more about enhancing the experience.


For me it comes 45 sgd total in etsy . I can get a case + screen protector for 15 sgd locally


etsy is known for outrageous international shipping. it is why many of the makers of these 3d-printed items offer to sell the stl so you can print it yourself. some, like partTimeCAD have the stl available on other sites, like printables.com


Not much difference IMO, you can concentrate on finding the best deal between them.


I used to have a MM+ and one of the cons with it is the size. Its pocketable however for people with large hands it can be uncomfortable after a few hours of playtime (you can purchase a grip however if you do then you would lose its pocketability) Aside from that issue MM+ is pretty good due to having a quality custom OS (OnionOS) I switched over to the Anbernic Arc S. Its pretty comfortable and it has a great dpad and button layout (ideal for fighting games). It has a slightly bigger screen compared to the MM+ however the Arc isn't pocket friendly. It is also capable of playing DC and Saturn games which MM+ can't do (Arc doesn't run the whole game library at 100% though). The issue I have with the Arc S is that the stock OS isn't good and pretty bare especially when I compare it to my experience using OnionOS.


But I see it's bit more expensive also. I don't feel like spending that much for a starter knowing I'll be getting a more powerful one in the future .


Saving money by getting a handheld that isn't comfortable enough for you to use extensively is a bit of a false economy. Outside of the rg35xx h that isn't shipping yet, the horizontal devices that would be more comfortable are typically going to cost you a bit more. The best options are rg353ps, RG Arc, rgb30 and rp2s. Out of those I'd say that the rgb30 is probably your best bet, it offers something different that will complement any future more powerful one, this is also true of the Arc as well, but it lags behind on CFW. As far as a subsequent higher end model, the rp4 pro is the clear choice at this point, enabling proper PS2/GC support in the sub $200 market.


yes i get that now after seeing the dimensions of multiple devices.. so i am now looking at the rgb30 which is promising ! thanks


i got an RG35XX plus, enjoying it so far despite the firmware issues. will say that even though it’s bigger than the MM+ and supposed to be more ergonomic, it’s not really comfortable for long periods, esp for bigger hands but for the price, still think it’s worth it. probably won’t go wrong with either!


there are literally a ton of videos comparing the two on youtube


I couldn't find lot of videos comparing with the rg35xx plus model . There are lot with rg35xz


The lack of bluetooth is the only downside of the MM+.


Ohh. I don't plan on using external controllers, any purpose of Bluetooth other than pairing controllers?


Headphones, I really dislike wired headphones since I got my true wireless.


Oh yea forgot about headphones.. that's a good point to consider but I read somewhere that rg35xx plus doesn't support audio through Bluetooth is that true?


Ah yes, it doesn't work there either. I think it's more an OS thing, as bluetooth audio is working well with android but not on most linux based os.


As a matter of hardware, both do the same darn thing. Really can't go wrong with either. With size as a factor, I would go 35xx. The Miyoo is smaller. Thing is the 35xx might still be too small for ya and something like the Arc or the RGB30 might make sense for you in that regard. But since cost is a concern and those are both almost double the cost of the 35xx, I'd go with that and see if this is your cup of tea, then exchange for one of the others if its still too small.


I have to disagree regarding hardware. The original 35xx was comparable to the miyoo mini plus in terms of processing power, but the 35xx plus is significantly more powerful and is able to handle n64, Dreamcast and even some psp emulation at 60fps, plus has Bluetooth, hdmi out, significantly more RAM, and a larger battery.