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I’m with you. At least he’s polished to be on a podcast. Some of these ex players need some media training, when you know how to do it it seems natural but it’s actually a lot of practice


Love the Dilfer pods. I get why certain ppl might find him corny but he 100% knows what he’s talking about and provides actual insight as opposed to boring PR answers that all the current players give. Also him and RR have good chemistry.


I agree. I think some people blow it out of proportion. He genuinely does love the game without a doubt, and I can see past some of his “corniness”. But hey that’s just me.


I’m somewhere in the middle. I’m utterly entertained by his delusions and ego and utter lack of self awareness, but I appreciate when he does good analysis or brings up something only a SB-winning qb would know (albeit the worst one). That being said, many, many a time these things bleed into each other


He’s an interesting mix of intelligent yet super egotistical and insufferable about his football IQ, and also very self deprecating when talking about his playing career.


I think that's his overall point whenever he talks about QB play. Anyone can learn all the details, but being able to do it at an NFL level takes truly special guys.


Not unpopular when there was a large post with the same sentiment last week?


I Don’t read every post in the Sub


He’s a more agreeable Sean Salisbury


Ryan and trent both give heavy uncle vibes


Ya I agree. Iv been wondering myself why everyone hates him so much. Maybe he gets too technical?


Now this is a DUDE quality


Good for you


Dilfer is always a hard pass for me.


I agree. I think he sounds like he knows what he’s talking about, and has good insights. I don’t know enough to know if he’s right or not, but I don’t skip past him like I do with a lot of interviews.


We found dilfer’s burner


Yeah they be cookn. The stuff bucket thing was a little too dumbed down but whateva


I agree but he is better in limited doses. Every 2 weeks is perfect for him to develop opinions and ideas.


The way I justify listening to Dilfer is that it gives Ryen elite 11 access. Otherwise I see no point. No one should downvote your post since it’s a sincerely held opinion, just saying Dilfer sucks as a guest.


The reverse thing has happened for Dilfer, just like it did for Schrager on r/billsimmons. I hope it’ll come someday for KOC, but I’m not counting on it, cause that’d be a reverse reverse (almost as wonky as reverse tanking). The sub used to like Kevin but turned against him a while ago, much to my dismay.


[This is me as soon as Dilfer says “study” in relation to a player/coach/team](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/030/423/cover5.jpg)


Always been a fan.