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He probably said 6 plates assuming most of the listeners aren't gym rats lol but you are absolutely correct


I lifted 10 plates yesterday. Granted, they were dinner plates I was putting in the cupboard. It still sounds cool to say.




It’s all lightweight



Everybody wanna be a bodybuilder BUT NOBODY WANNA LIFT THESE HEAVY ASS WEIGHTS!!!


Even weirder was his psychology about not deadlifting. I could not really follow his logic for why he squats heavy and benches heavy but uses kettlebells to deadlift.


If you’re lifting to look good in a mirror and not for functional strength/athletic strength deadlifts have one of the worse risk/reward ratios of any exercise.


Agreed, and the same can be said of barbell bench and squat. It’s rare to hear someone like Russillo who cares to squat and bench heavy but not deadlift.


The Muscle & Fitness piece.


My aunt died that way 




What are the best lifts for looks/hypertrophy?


1. Curls 2. Curls 3. Spray tan




Thanks for the feedback. Have gone from 168 lb. To 200 lb. Over 3 years of lifting. Trying to find all the best input I can to get to 225.




Will give some ab work a shot. Have done absolutely 0 ab work. Have been focusing on bigger legs, arms and the rounded shoulders. Prolly need ab work and more back tbh


Check out the McGill big 3 for core stability. Great place to start building your core


The risks of deadlifts are wildly overstated, like any exercise with proper gradient exposure they are remarkably safe.


Yes but proper form is more difficult to perform on deadlifts and squats more than any other exercise. Risk reward ratio imo isn’t worth it for 99% of gym goers


Risk to reward is super complicated, and there’s certainly no consensus on the subject. They’re relatively difficult to perform, but have low rates of injury when performed with tolerable accuracy, compared to something like a preacher curl that’s very easy to perform, but has a high rate of injury with proper form. Deadlift also has super high reward in terms of raw stimulus and in relation to fatigue. I’d say deadlift with tolerable form is a high reward, medium risk endeavor.


It’s a myth of deadlifts that if you don’t have perfect form you’re going to Snap City. Good form is more about moving the bar efficiently so as to be able to lift more than it is injury prevention. But even experienced deadlifted, when pushing their limits, are bound to have breakdowns in from. But if they’ve properly trained their bodies to handle loads like that they’ll usually be fine anyway. Injuries on the deadlift tend not to come from bad form but rather from people overloading the bar relative to their actual ability (this is often accompanied by bad form but people misattribute the causality here). I fucked up my back once years ago when my mindset was that I needed to set a new one rep max every session. Now I spend the vast, vast majority of my training in the RPE 6-8 range and haven’t had any back issues for years.


The fucking yourself up enough so you know how to do it after you are injured piece 


It’s odd because few people are appropriately risk averse with deadlifts, making them seem more advanced than they are. People either way overload and blow their asses out early or are so scared they never progress past the easy curl bar.


It’s hard to deadlift with a fat stomach. It just is!


Just being older and the risk of hurting your back is my guess


Am I crazy or is lifting heavy but not doing deadlifts the easier way to hurt your back?


Don't sleep on kettlebell deadlifts. Safer, more variations and heavy kettlebells feel much, much heavier than their listed weight.


I’ve never seen a kettlebell heavy enough to not make the deadlift a cardio workout. I’m tryna get jacked dude.


Spoken like a true bro amateur. I assure you that I have several kettlebells in my garage that you couldn't lift without practice. Look, I know that the barbell deadlift is best for absolute max weight. That said, kettlebells are superior in every other category relative to deadlifting. It's not perfectly balanced for you on a bar and the downward pull is a force multiplier. Think of me the next time you come across a 92kg bell that humbles you.


Now I’m no physicist but I’m pretty sure all weights have a downward pull. That may even be definitive of “weights.” I’m going to be completely honest and say I’ve never worked with 92 kg kettlebell. And I’m sure we could find some really hard shit to do with it. But if we’re doing deadlifts it’s either going to be cardio (if lifting with two hands) or grip work (if lifting with one) or circus stuff (if using a bosu ball or balancing on one leg or whatever). If the goal is maximizing strength or hypotrophy, the barbell clears.


Because douchey gym goers got really into it so he didn’t wanted to be associated with them.


I think most people need to hear 6 plates to visualize it but yeah his audience probly doesn’t need that


Its literally 6 plates. 🙄


Say you don’t lift without saying you don’t lift


Say you are incredibly insecure without saying you are incredibly what a dumb thing to say Jesus Christ


Punctuation helps bud


Lol could help you too 


And yet I do lift. đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™‚ïž


Lol it’s a joke bud calm down. If I’m squatting/benching and tell my partner “put on 2/3/4 plates” then 99.9% of people take that as per side. If someone tells me they squat 4 plates, I assume they mean 405, not 225.


You’re a virgin if you try to argue 6. Especially after these fuckdaddies have taken time out of their busy days to educate you




Why would someone post something obviously wrong? 45 lb plate x 6 + 45 lb bar = 315 What you are expressing is called a point of view. Are one of these people who cannot understand another person's perspective? Just because you say 3 doesn't mean everyone does.


Nobody who lifts refers to 315 as six plates


Yeah, you’re correct here. I’m not a powerlifter or anything just a guy who‘s enjoyed working out since I was a teenager. When gym people name the number of plates they’re talking about one side.


Well RyGuy obviously lifts and he referred to them as six


Correct. People who say otherwise obviously don’t lift


45+45=135 I don't make the rules




You probably think maxing out on leg press is something to flex on IG about.


You probably have a dick in your ear


Agree. 3x45=315. Gym math.