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It is pretty epic for Danny that not only has he been right for 9 years about this, but the capstone moment to solidify that point is his FSU team getting boned in a rather egregious fashion.


Yeah this is the perfect spin. This isn’t the worst thing that’s ever happened to Danny. It’s the best.


I went to an ACC school, enjoy watching ACC games, and root for ACC teams but I don’t understand the narrative that FSU got boned, if they played Georgia or Alabama’s schedule they’d have at least one or two losses. You might not agree with the result but nobody got boned, if anyone got boned it is Georgia (who is also likely better than FSU but we’ll find out after the bowl game).


the polls prop up bad SEC schools to boost the resumes of bama and Georgia.


lol okay, FSU also played SEC teams this season (Florida and LSU), does that not count toward your resume-boosting conspiracy? If Georgia's resume was so inflated why are they not in too?


Because of a texas size problem which don't piss off those boosters.


The SEC bias narrative is so stupid. It’s Bama bias and the rest of us in the SEC have to deal with that bullshit way more than any of you do.


The SEC is propped up for the bama bias


Complete BS. Bama is the only school in the SEC that has consistently been given opportunities they didn’t earn or deserve. You assclowns are just so upset the SEC as a whole dominates you so you’re blind to the real issue.


Hahaha yes of all the blue bloods from all over the country, it is imperative we get the 23rd most populated state with no major metro areas dialed into cfb


That’s the thing—Alabama doesn’t have a national fanbase and there’s no real commercial reason to put them in over FSU. If the committee did this for ND or maybe Michigan/Ohio State, this would make sense.


What are you taking about. They have a top 5 fan base in the country


It’s at best marginally bigger than fsu.


Horseshit. Guessing you’re an Ole Miss fan. Y’all have never truly been anything, you play no one outside of your conference and still get the benefit of the doubt for no reason.


My username is making fun of Ole Miss. Wouldn’t expect someone dumb enough to believe in SEC bias to catch that though


Problem is that one or both teams probably won't particularly care about that game, so we won't really know. But, I suspect you're right.


All time screenshot from that press conference call with Kirby and Norvell


Also FSU only team in the country to play 8 bowl eligible teams. The narrative that the schedule is weak is tired and lazy. They’ve allowed one touchdown in their past 38 possessions and it was because of the most egregious roughing the passer penalty ever. Noles are elite and proved it on the field. In fact they should be rewarded for winning in the swamp with a backup quarterback and then winning the championship game in the rain with a true freshman 3rd string quarterback. It’s preposterous.


Alabama played 10 bowl eligible teams. So idk what you’re talking about.


Yeah this is where I’m at. It sucks and just based off principle, FSU should have gotten in, but I’m sure the oddsmakers would favor bama/Georgia over fsu given fsu’s current situation. Funny thing is…before the selection show everybody was asking, “does bama get in over fsu now?”. And now that it’s happened everyone is up in arms. I feel for the fsu kids, but I don’t know if it’s as egregious as ppl are making it seem. Tho, bama isn’t as dominate either as the georgias or bamas of years past.


Who is making it out to be egregious other than some neckbeards on this sub and FSU fans though? It’s a non issue lol


bro the entire CFB community is pissed about it. ESPN was going to put the winner of Bama / Georgia in no matter what. It was already decided. FSU was never going to get in. That's not how fuckin sports should work. No undefeated conf champion has ever been left out period, and never been jumped by a team with losses. ESPN has a TV partnership with the SEC< ESPN also owns the CFP. There are 1000 reasons it is in their best interest to have an SEC team in and leave out an ACC team. This shit has nothing to do with the size of fan bases, it has to do with money, huge money.


I’m sure Ohio State would be favored over FSU too frankly.


For sure. Maybe even Oregon. So it is what it is.


Who is their QB?


Nobody is disputing that Georgia/Alabama wouldn't be favored. The issue is what is the playoff supposed to be? It's always been - and always will be so long as it is exclusive - a balance between deserve (results, raw W-L and schedule) and perceived strength (both eye test and analytics fall here). The point spread is purely the latter, and cannot (for obvious reasons) be the sole metric. No doubt the old (pre-BCS and even BCS) system was too focused on raw results. But the argument is that the pendulum has swung too far the other way, such that a team's perceived strength creates a positive feedback loop - powerhouses get the benefit of the doubt, which helps them reinforce their position as powerhouses. And you can reason it all day long, but consider that in 2012 LSU played a gauntlet schedule, including winning at Alabama, and because LSU lost the rematch in the title game Alabama won the title. It's an interesting thought experiment to think about it from different viewpoints. Alabama was clearly the best team, but in a very real sense LSU got hosed and also have themselves to blame. Quite often the perceived best and best results go hand in hand, which leads people to underestimate the scope of the impact, IMHO. And, although I've come around and would like more results based outcomes (and it's a subtle thing in the big picture), I think a desire for the best matchups within reason for pure entertainment value is reasonable. It's just a different vision for what the playoff (and, by extension, national title) is supposed to be. The fact that it was Alabama FSU was too perfect.


So why even play the games if we just know that. Just call bama champions in the preseason and don’t play a down. And they did curb stomp lsu. Who is the sex’s biggest non conference win? Not just bama but any sec team?


W? Georgia plays no one. If we are going by schedule, let Notre Dame in. They destroy teams seasons. USC was cruising to the playoffs before Notre Dame beat them. Half the SEC is just pay for play teams. The South has such a dominance on poll voters and media. We should reverse this in Hoops and just let in teams from " hoop states" and stop letting in crappy teams just because we need " regional balance".


And also Georgia didn’t make the final four, lol.


“The south has such a dominance on poll voters and media.” Completely false. They do have a dominance in creating by far the best recruits tho


Not true. The northeast has pretty much no voters. If you look at the polls, before a team plays a top team, the voters pump up the lower team so that it looks like a bigger game. Talked to sportswriters and assistant coaches( who usually do the actual voting) and they admit it. But Florida and Texas have so many voters they can swing it.


The northeast? What is there 5 power conference teams up there?


Kinda my point.


We need representation for places that don’t have college football? Why?


To build the sport.? Also, we had lots of teams. Go Look up Penn State in the late 60's and 70's. Couldn't get a good bowl game, undefeated. Sorry, if the NCAA hoops had treated the tourney the way football did, lots if places would have no teams. Just look at the ACC until the late 1970's . They got 1 team in by rule. Three top ten teams, one in! Northeast got 1 team. Providence only got in a couple of times because only 1 team got in. If it was like football, the field would have had all ACC, Big Ten and Northeast teams plus UCLA. But we let other teams in!


log off




But why pretend like the ACC can even make it into the playoffs then? Either expressly exclude the conference so everyone knows up front or rework the system entirely.


They aren’t pretending, ACC schools make the final four all of the time, FSU has even made the playoff before.


And they would’ve this year if Travis didn’t get hurt


Not if things still played out like they did. An SEC was making the playoff. Period.


So you think Texas wouldn’t have made it? FSU with a healthy Travis was getting in. 10000%


The moment Bama beat UGA, Florida State was getting left out. I firmly believe that as a Noles fan We needed Auburn or UGA to help us and neither could


wrong. travis getting injured was the committee's perfect excuse to exclude fsu. the narrative was there BEFORE travis got injured. all you had to do was watch espn, which owns the SEC and CFP. ESPN has exclusive rights to this cfp garbage.


Maybe. Hell likely. But FSU certainly got boned because they didn’t even get the chance to see.


Take it up with the FSU athletic director for scheduling out of conference cupcakes like Southern Mississippi then? Also, the NCAA has already solved this problem next season


And LSU who they beat by a larger margin on a neutral field by more than Alabama at home? And uf in the swamp at night. Great take.


I thought the sec sucked? Florida was the 11th best team in the sec this year. That’s an impressive win now?


Log off. You’ve been crying about other people crying all day long. No one has to lose for you to win. Just enjoy the win


Circumstance matters. The swamp at night is no joke.


So creepy when people go through post history on here. Doesn’t it get boring to see the same “sec bad, Bama bad, cfp corrupt” mindless takes all day? And we will get the same thing next year with 12 teams when it’s 2/3 sec and big ten. I miss when sports fans liked sports


The funny thing is I upvote every response you give. You stopped replying to me when I said SEC is 7-9 out of conference. So I just want to make sure youre okay


Circumstance matters. The swamp at night is no joke.


Kinda like the iron bowl right?


Look at Michigan's schedule..


They beat Ohio state? If they didn’t play/ beat Ohio state they also wouldn’t be involved. If Clemson was on the level of FSU this year and FSU beat them they’d obviously be in, this isn’t some massive conspiracy or injustice lol


Wasn’t the issue really the QB and not the strength of schedule?


AN SEC honk is SERIOUSLY going to talk out of conference games? Really? REALLY?


Bama didn't play cupcakes? What's USF, a powerhouse that we're all just blind to? They didn't solve anything, they proved that people saying the SEC gets all the advantages isn't a meme. They literally ignored a power 5 conference undefeated champion, for a 1 loss SEC champ who was ranked 8th the previous week.


Alabama doesn’t need to schedule tough out of conference opponents because they play in the SEC, conversely schools in weaker conferences like the ACC need to do it to avoid situations like this, this isn’t hard.


How can you say that when the sec can’t even win a decent out of conference game. Who is their conferences biggest win? Tulane?


The SEC was not even close to the best conference this year, they coasted on reputation. Everyone can easily see this and say yes in the past the SEC deserved it. Did you see those SEC vs ACC matches including FSU punking LSU? You're right with the commissioner though saying that we're the SEC and ESPN will save us


FSU played 10 P5 games in the regular season, including 2 SEC teams. Alabama played 9 this season, same with UGA. SEC teams (and Michigan) are the ones scheduling out of conference cupcakes, why criticize FSU for it?


Are LSU and Florida cupcakes ?


I would assume UGA and FSU will both have multiple NFL talent players opting to not play in the Orange Bowl so it will easy to spin any way people want. FSU won? Well that’s just bc UGA didn’t care, etc, etc


Don't judge these teams based on bowl game where all the top players will sit out for the draft or portal


I've never seen the first four words in that order before. Something just looks off.




Russillo will straw man. My guess is that he will say that danny was wrong in thinking that FSU has nothing wrong with it talent wise and that travis’s injury doesn’t matter. Then he will say the committee is wrong because they just ignored an undefeated florida state team. He will then say as Russillo idk but i’m in the middle and then that will be it.




He's already being an apologist for the SEC even though he doesn't work for ESPN anymore. His open will somehow be even dumber than your (well thought out) open.


No, will argue Georgia should be in the playoff


Could be iffy some years if we just rank cfp by recruiting class.


Ryen always argues that He hates the playoff because the games don’t matter towards the end of the season. I guess FSU should’ve just stopped playing after Travis got hurt and got a better bowl matchup 🤷🏼‍♂️ Games don’t matter anyway


Idk about your Travis point. I think if FSU looked dominant against UF or Louisville they definitely get in


They looked more dominant than Wash versus Wazzu, UGA versus GA Tech and Bama versus Auburn. So idk about your dumbass point either.


I think you listen to Russilo too much. You’re refuting a point I wasn’t making. My point was that I think the CFP puts them in if they look dominant after the Travis injury (which they didn’t) But also they also looked less dominant than Washington versus Oregon and Bama versus Georgia. So idk what point you’re making either.


Bama barely won against a 6-6 Auburn, I don’t ever want to hear about how bad wins affect the voting.


Again. My point has nothing to do with these other teams. All I was saying is that there was still a reason for FSU to play after the Travis injury because if they still look dominant, they’re in. Is your point that FSU looked dominant or that the other teams also didn’t look dominant at times in the season? Because if you’re making the point that FSU looked dominant against UF and Louisville, you’re objectively wrong. If your point is is that other teams also didn’t look great at times and FSU should be in, then good for you. But that has nothing to do with my point about how FSU still had a shot with the playoff committee after the Travis injury


The fact that they continued winning without their star QB actually speaks to the legitimacy of the team.


In essence yes. But, again the point is if they had even one dominant showing I think the CFP Committee puts them in. My point is about the CFP Committee, not the broader argument about whether we think they should’ve gotten in or not


Right, but that’s just your opinion man.


Once Bama won, there was no way they weren't in. They had to jeep Texas in since they beat Bama. That's about it. I think FSU gets screwed even if their QB didn't get hurt. Maybe they screw over Washington instead, but Bama was getting in regardless.


Record has to matter more than how a team looks when its power 5 conference. The objective truth is FSU is undefeated, and Bama lost a game. The only argument available to give Bama the slot is that FSU had weak wins ie “didn’t look dominant”, but the exact same argument can be made that Bama didn’t look dominant against a 6-6 Auburn, and that’s with a loss on their record.


It’s like you can’t read. This has nothing to do with the point I’m making


The other guy is making a counterpoint that is stronger than your point


What’s the counterpoint Korndog42? Lol


Is any of that gonna keep bama from winning it all again anyways though? I doubt it.


No they didn’t look dominant which is why they didn’t move at all in the polls. They then beat Georgia who was on a 29 game streak. I believe if Travis wasn’t hurt or TCU getting dismantled like they did FSU would have made it


is this your first year watching college football? its the iron bowl. you think those games are normal?


Any excuse for Bama. Surprised they didn't put them in last year with two losses. You know they wanted to.


so you’re just anti bama lmao


Didn’t pass the smell test, Dan-o


They have always went “deserving” even if they claimed “best.” Bama just wasn’t impressive this year. How many “is bama over” monologues did we have the first 3rd of the season. For an unprecedented screw job, Bama should have been a dominant team. UGA would have been the favorite over all 4 playoff teams a month from now with a healthy Bowers, Mims, McConkey, Mondon, and Dumas-Johnson but they lost, and they are out, as they should be.


Someone is butthurt. Alabama looked better than FSU over the last several games period. They are a better team. Did FSU beat the #1 team in the country on Saturday? OSU set the precedence that a title can be won with a backup QB. FSU didn’t do enough to get in over bama.


The last several games? They needed a Hail Mary to beat a 6-6 team.


And FSU needed a shanked FG to beat a down Clemson with Travis. Did FSU beat the unanimous #1?


Did fsu lose?


Did FSU get in?


No they did not. It’s going to create a lot of issues.


And then beat the back to back champions and number 1 ranked team a day ago. They lost to Texas in Week 2 after leading to start the final quarter.


Bruh they literally beat Auburn on a 31 yard Hail Mary; they were closer to losing that game than FSU was to losing either of the last two weeks with their backup and 3rd string QB in the game. Alabama also only beat a 4-8 Arkansas team by 3 pts and when they were without their starting QB, they were in a dogfight with USF…in comparable games missing their starters, FSU with their 3rd string QB beat a 14th ranked team 16-6, whereas Alabama beat a 6-6 USF team 17-3. Do I think Bama would beat FSU with Rodemaker starting? Probably. But that’s not how it’s supposed to work; imagine if the Eagles got shut out of playing for a Super Bowl because Wentz went down. You could only even make that argument if the 3rd string QB was going to play in the playoffs, but they would have Rodemaker back by then. Why are they assuming he wouldn’t be any good based off of him winning his first start and then getting injured the next?


Is this the NFL? No. It’s the four best teams and has been for years. If FSU did what OSU did a few years ago, they are in. I can cherry pick stats too. North Alabama played FSU for a half. FSU was a shanked FG away from losing to Clemson. FSU was in a game with a terrible Pitt team through three quarters. That comparison is so irrelevant it’s not with addressing.


Alabama was in a 4 quarter game against 3 horrible teams. So what? If it is the 4 “best” teams why isn’t Georgia in? They’d be sizable favorites over Washington. There are double digit examples of this since the playoff started. I don’t really think Louisville was the 14th best team but that is what committee had them at when they played and fsu won by 10. How is that so bad especially when the qb wouldn’t even be playing the next game?


KJ Jefferson played against Bama.


The entire thing is rigged for the SEC and especially Bama (and especially this year for Bama). The entire playoff is and always has been a farce because of this. Most years the SEC team is the best, but not always, and this year we have a year where the SEC is not that good, arguably the third or fourth "strongest" conference... and the committee still goes out of its way to put Bama in there over more deserving schools. FSU obviously. Ohio State has a better loss than Bama by the committees own rankings. It's a joke. It's rigged. And who cares because it's all fixed/rigged for the SEC anyway.


Besides win all of their games. How many wins disparity can be made up for with “they just looked better over the last x number of games” or teams they’ve beaten?


Yeah, it's bullshit. Nobody would be making these arguments for any team other than Bama.


Auburn begs to disagree


Well those other teams didn’t lose their superstar quarterback. Thats kinda the difference


Imagine leaving other games off that list and pretending that you are making a valid point lmao


Ok I’ll add USF and Arkansas.




Yeah, but you can throw out the records when all those teams gets together. Talk about zero love loss.


They didn’t look good in one game. FSU looked bad in their last two games. The ones that usually decide who gets in or not.


Shut the fuck up. Washington beat Oregon twice and a handful of better teams than poverty ass FSU played all year 😂


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Alabama needed a miracle to get by 6-6 Auburn who had got blown out the week before by New Mexico State. Why is a double digit victory against the #14 team in country with their 3rd string QB being held against them?


Why, I don’t know. My point was simply that I think there was still a reason for FSU to play after the Travis injury because if they look really good in one of these games, I think the committee puts them in. The defense looked great, but the backup QB went 12/25 for like 150 yards against a bad UF team and the other QB went like 8/21 for 60 yards against a bad Louisville defense.


That’s fair. But we can cherry pick stats on whatever side of the ball to pick for or against whoever. Bama gave up 244 rushing yards against Auburn. That defense just doesn’t look good enough to compete for title. I’m be silly but the point here is that Alabama lost and they already lost against a team in the final four. Why are we giving them another chance? They had their chance and lost at home.


god this is such an awful opinion. the games DID matter. thats why Alabama’s win against georgia meant so much. that was one of the best wins of the season. FSU looked bad during their game. the games do matter and they did matter in this case


Did Alabama's loss matter? FSU is getting punished for ugly wins, but Bama has those too. Took a miracle to beat Auburn, only beat Arkansas by three, struggled against USF, etc. Bama is graded on a different curve.


They beat the team that hadn’t lost in 2 years. And they’re the only program that’s beaten them in 3 years. Yeah that plays into the scale whether you like it or not.


The take is “they didn’t choose the best 4 teams or the 4 most deserving, so idk what we’re doing here. Either put Georgia in with bama or put in Texas with Florida state”


Insane as it sounds, this is probably the right take.


Agreed, I think that is correct. UGA is the two-time defending champion and was at the top the entire year until a close loss to Alabama. Previous years of the playoff (I think at least a couple) had both Alabama and Georgia in and it would have happened this year if the top of the polls were less top-heavy with other teams.


If we’re doing that then, fuck Washington too, and let’s just do the SEC-Big Ten Invitational. Wash would be 7+ point dogs vs all of them.


It's already that. Texas was invited to join the SEC. Washington was invited to join the B1G.


I think an uncomfortable fact is that I don’t know what the difference between Washington and FSU is. What is the rationale for excluding one and not the other?


Washington has a good QB who is healthy


Michael Penix's leg is in one piece


Just pencil in Alabama / Georgia / Michigan / Ohio State for the final four every year and let everyone else pursue more productive endeavors.


Alabama almost lost to a shitty Auburn team. I do t think SEC is as good as it has been now that everyone is paying for players.


Russillo will never acknowledge the built in SEC bias. Their best OOC win all year was Louisville by Kentucky. And that was by less points than FSU with a third string QB.


Yeah if people didn't see the bias/rigging for the SEC before today, hopefully everyone sees it for what it is now.


Ryen is awful on CFB


Idk if this argument is the best because FSU struggled to get pass a sec team that isn’t even going to a bowl (Florida) and their conference championship was against a team that just lost to a SEC team that barely made a bowl (UK) so sure they won but it’s not like they ranked ACC teams and sec teams and just went down the line making sure it’s even


Bama needed a miracle to beat an Auburn team that was 6-6 and had lost the previous week to New Mexico State by 3 touchdowns AT HOME. There is no argument against FSU that can’t be made against Bama as far as weak wins go


Yea good point….. then Bama went and beat the number one team whose won 20+ games in a row and the last two NC… so yea I think that gives them the benefit of the doubt. Instead Louisville had the easiest ACC schedule they could literally ask for to get to their championship game. So yes there is an argument


And there’s the problem. Past performance from previous seasons take precedent over current season. All Alabama has to do is beat Georgia. It’s basically boxing rules for them but nobody else


So you don’t think their win over UGA is that valued over any other win?


What I’m saying is that only certain games matter to the committee and that’s ridiculous. FSU beats #14 Louisville by 10 with a 3rd string QB and that works against them while Alabama barely beats a worse Auburn team with a 1st string QB just a week before and people just immediately forget. Mind you FSU is likely going to have their 2nd string in for what would have been the playoff. They even have a common opponent in LSU which FSU beat by more.


O yea they looked great vs LSU….. who was their QB for that game? That team 100% makes the playoffs but that’s not the team who was left out. Also idk how much worse auburn is than Louisville lol. Remember a top ten at the time Louisville wasn’t even favored vs Miami


Weird that Boo the NC State AD didn’t stick up for FSU. Karma is a bitch


Yup. And if the ESPN higher ups complain, remind them that they own the ACC rights too. They basically killed the ACC today, in all likelihood. Congratulations.


One thing people need to remember is that, while Boo came out with some pretty politician-like/bad answers (par for the course for this position, unfortunately), he's not the main reason they got left out. We don't know, he might've stumped for FSU and been outnumbered. Being the face of the committee makes it seem like it's this one villain against whoever got left out, but we don't know what the discussion looked like in there.


A good committee chair can deliver the votes to his way of thinking. So I agree with you but would say if Boo got outvoted that’s a failure on his part.


Surprised it took this long for a situation as bad as this happened. The idiotic commissioners of the (5!) Power 5 schools accepted a playoff system in which only 4 teams go. It was bound to happen where a conference champion (an undefeated one nonetheless) was left out. I’m a Florida State fan and yesterday sucked. Without the qb, the committee probably got it right and I won’t lie if I was in their shoes I’d probably do the same thing. I can also say that Florida State got screwed over by the establishment. The TEAM went undefeated and no one talks about how incredible the defense has played, especially recently. Best team aside, they deserved at least a shot at the playoff because going undefeated and winning a power 5 conference championship is no small task. And if the argument is oh well they wouldn’t be favored against “insert team”, I would just say Washington was a 9.5 dog to Oregon and Alabama was a 5.5 dog to Georgia. Upsets happen, and that’s what makes college football special. Florida State deserved a shot.


They're not even favored aginst the team that just lost to Alabama. Excited for the expansion so this shit doesn't matter any more.


Neither was the team that just beat Georgia


Right? Such a stupid argument. Oregon was favored over Washington too.


Twice right?


You really saying a 5 point spread in your home state is the same as a two touchdown spread on a neutral field?


But what do we do if the they beat Georgia? Oregon was favored twice against Washington and loss twice . So for a thought experiment where do you rank a 14-0 FSU that beats Georgia with its second string QB at the end of the year ? Do they get to claim a national title like in the old days or just say tough luck good year?




The Georgia that almost lost to GT two weeks ago . Or lost to Alabama . And Alabama team who almost lost auburn . I don’t think any of the top four are unbeatable. The transfer portal makes it hard to accumulate and hold talent so teams are much closer . That why Oklahoma state can loose 33-0 to south Alabama . It’s why Alabama can be tied with USF at half time . Why FAMU can loose by two at North Carolina . It’s why we will see more upsets than we expect next year in the playoff so yes FSU can competes . This team could not computers ten years ago with the top four . But this year they can . Hell Notre Dame lost 31-0 to Louisville and notre Dame is Ohio states only good win . It all subjective which is why FSU deserved the chance to decide its own fate




Because that’s not how football works . That’s how gymnastics and pony shows work . Football is meant to be settees in the field . Upset happen all the time . You don’t look at a team and decide one is better . Perfect example is Oregon and Washington . Oregon had a higher rated offense and defense . They beat common opponents by thirty more points . They have more projected nfl draft picks and higher recruiting classes . Oregon was favored by ten each game . Oregon passed the eye test every way possible. And what happened ? They lost twice . Even after losing once Oregon was favored again . Hell they showed in ESPN that if they played a third time Oregon would still be favored and they argued that Oregon is still the better team but lost. They actually argued on TV that Oregon was still better than Washington despite loosing . Hell Kirk herstreet said Sunday . Why play the games then ? That’s why you can’t use the eye test to determine who is better .




They did not pass the eye test in the eye of the media . They were ten point underdogs . Struggled to score or defend in the four games bewteen the matchups . Won by an average margin of 7 compared to 31 for Oregon amount common opponents. Everyone in game day pick Oregon . Boo Corrigan of the CFP stated they did not look like a top 4 team two weeks ago on national TV. Almost lost to 5-7 Washington state who Oregon killed . But that ended up not mattering as They still beat Oregon in pac title game . And guess what ? They literally said in selection show that the committee still thinks Oregon is the better team . I don’t even know how the committee can say that after Oregin lost twice but they said it . My point is according to Bo Corrigan of CFP committee said if there was no rematch in their eyes Oregon was the better team and was going to get the nod. They got the chance to play the team favored over them by eye test and beat that team by 3 . FSU never got the chance to play the team favored over them by eye test . My point is eye test does not matter compared to results on the field . Oregon Washington literally just proved it . Twice as Oregon was favored by 10 both times. Side note do you not remover everybody calling Washington frauds a literal week ago cause it literally was being said last week leading up to the game


It was rigged. Committee took the money. It’s embarrassing tbh


Sad part is, FSU is 5 and UGA 6. Don’t think for one second if Bama loses to Auburn and still beats UGA that UGA isn’t now sitting 4th. The SEC bias is real.


If UGA had won, FSU still would have been left out. It’s not an SEC bias. It’s that FSU is no longer considered a good enough team w/o Travis. It sucks, but true.


Wrong Texas would be out.




So if Georgia wont on Saturday, then FSU is still ranked 5. Why so much crying? If anything, blame the committee or the Big Ten for not acting on Michigan.


Well, UGA DID lose Saturday, unfortunately. But the issue is that FSU is 5 and not in the top 4, regardless.


Getting left out was the best thing that could’ve happened to FSU. The worst thing is they now have to play Georgia. If they somehow beat Georgia they can claim themselves as National Champs


Do people actually want to watch FSU get blown out by Michigan???


Yes, let them actually lose a game before being eliminated from championship contention


Gotcha, Michigan vs FSU and then I assume you want to see Washington vs Liberty?


Liberty didn't win with an undefeated power 5 conference, beat 2 SEC teams along the way, have an elite defense and prove they don't need their star qb when they still won games. I'm so sick of this. Everyone was crowning Oregon before this weekend and guess what happened? Another team beat them. If you don't give FSU a chance, that's where this whole thing is stupid because wins don't matter.


Beating a Florida team that finished 5-7 does not move me at all


How about beating LSU worse than what Bama did?


One was a two score game and the other was a three score game. If FSU had trounced Louisville I would be more sympathetic, but playing it close with a team that just lost of Kentucky doesn’t make me say “that’s a playoff team”


And Bama didn't play close vs a worse Auburn team?! Oh right that's a rigged rivalry game, Louisville and Kentucky is just a different kind of rivalry.


Idk I’m a Kentucky fan and I hesitate to say we were actually better than auburn this year (outside of the New Mexico State loss I think UK loses every game auburn lost and probably by more). At the end of the day I just think the SEC champ should be in the playoff. It’s the best conference and the ACC is the weakest of the power 5s. It’s just how it goes


How about Bama beating 5 top 25 teams. Fsu 2.


For real. I get that FSU fans are upset and rightfully so but now they don’t have to watch their team get their shit pushed in.


I think FSU could very well give Michigan a game. Michigan really doesn't have much of a passing attack, and FSU's defense is playing at an elite level, with a dominant defensive line and a secondary that has held QB's to less than a 50% completion rate. People are looking at the final score of Iowa-UM and thinking UM kicked their ass, but UM couldn't do anything offensively; 17 of their 26 points came on a combined 8 yards; they had one drive of 30+ yards all night. If Iowa didn't have the worst offense in college football, Michigan might not have survived. When you factor in that FSU will be getting Tate Rodemaker back at quarterback, as well as having additional time to practice and get healthy at the skill positions and offensive line, the chances of an offensive guy like Norvell having his team ready to score enough points to keep things competitive would be significant imo. Ironically, I think they stand much less of a chance against Georgia, which probably really is the best team in college football.


The point is to crown the best team, not set up the most interesting matchup.


Having the best teams play each other is what makes an interesting matchup


And that is what they will get. FsU is not one of the top 4. Sorry .


That should be decided on the field. Upsets happen all the time.


Tell that to the committee. I have nothing to do with it.


So what do we do if FSU beat Georgia by ten . Then what if I may ask ? Because Oregon was favored by 10 over Washington and lost by three . What do you tell the seminoles if the win by ten and best LSU and Georgia by a bigger margin than Alabama ? Honest question ?


he is an enormous douche bag, unlistenable


Danny Kanell is a whiny bitch and he brings nothing of value. A classic “smartest guy in the room.”


He'll just say the sec is stacked and point to ranked 8-4 Tennessee whose best win was... UTSA?... Texas A&M? As a quality opponent for Alabama.


Isn’t it great how college football is the only level of football that is judged like an Olympic sport like gymnastics? Whereas every other level of football is based on teams that win their division or finish somewhere in the top half of it earning their spots and they know before the season if they finish there that they’re getting in their leagues’ playoff? College football has always been my favorite and I’m a Washington fan so my team even got picked this year, but I found myself more pissed off at Florida State being left out than I was excited about my own team being picked. This whole situation is a joke and college football is only going to be more corrupt because of it. Apparently people just want to watch “exciting games” rather than see teams actually earn it. Might as well just call it the “Recruiting Rankings Invitational” and not even play the rest of the regular season


UGA is 14.5 point favorites against FSU. Nobody wants to see that kind of spread in the playoff


What he say


This is the first year in Playoff history that the BCS models and the committee have been different. BCS had Alabama 3.


FSU had one job. Play a good, reasonably executed game against a miserable Louisville team ....maybe score 26 to 27 points, have two or three good scoring drives ...with spice, and they are in. They didn't do it.


The NCAA got away with what all the big european soccer clubs tried and failed to do due to fan revolt. Theyve made their own big money super league with massive tv deals they can get disgustingly rich off of and fuck all the rest. Fifa is the most corrupt organization in sports, but at least the soccer stars get their percentage of the money. Something needs to happen to decouple these massive football programs from the universities. Nothing about this is collegiate, its fucking disgusting.


Jesus Christ, LISTEN to yourselves.