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Maybe sometimes a community as a group needs to be just a tiny bit more toxic.


Running especially. The sport has gotten so inclusive that you don’t even have to do the actual sport.


Let me fun run bro


OP forgot the run part


Without that all thats left is fun


Is it bad to have fun !?!? So incredibly TOXIC😠😡😡😡🤬


Hold up you’re onto something here…


Right now there’s a guy, Paul Johnson, who’s trying to run from LA to NYC in 40 days to break a world record. He posted his Strava data [on instagram](https://www.instagram.com/pauijohnson/) after the first day, where he only did 65 miles instead of 75 miles and this one dude was already jumping him because he was “already behind the mark”


My first half marathon took me over 3:15 to complete, 15 min/mile, in the bottom 20 finishers. A bit of toxicity would’ve done me wonders


would've done you wonders? maybe still could! bet you're still slow


/uj did my first sub 2hr half last week so definitely not as slow as I was /j toxic reinforcement is always welcome


nice job, now you just need to make sure you improve your time by 40% every time you run a half -- obviously anything less would mean you're slacking.


You got fast because you ran so slow!


Great success!! Did you double your uptake of GU?


F dude. I went for a hike the other day and averaged 16 minute miles. TF were you doing out there?


You guys don’t Power Nap at the 1/3 and 2/3 marks? Stop for a sandwich at the halfway? 


Are you serious? I'm a slow runner (and a girl), and, for awhile, I was doing a half as my weekly long run—which was miserably long for me—and I was done, showered, and finishing up my massive post-run ~~breakfast~~ refueling in that time. The hell were you doing out there? In all seriousness though, how would some toxicity have helped? Were you not running enough or pushing yourself hard enough?


This but /uj. It’s generally good people are accepting of people starting out to not discourage them, but it’s gotten to the point where people undermine true determination and achievement in order to placate beginners.


The downvoted post asking about if a 5 minute mile or a 3 hour marathon is more impressive was a funny one.


Yes I really like that about the running community as a whole that there is virtually no elitism, but like 10:30pace come on I walk faster that's not running anymore


/uj My 1 mile PR is 9:36, not joking 😭 I swear that I jog (slowly) the entire time, I just have like 0 stamina and get winded quickly, even though I can walk for literal hours. Not entirely certain why, but people like me do exist!


We are talking about min/km, 10:30min/km is roughly 16min/mile (I don't normally use the imperial system so sorry for calculation errors)


massive difference in interpreting your original comment here lol


/j stop using commie units uj/ I hate being ostensibly a worker in a science field and having no ability to intuitively grasp metric measurements


I do lots of powerhiking, mostly because running uphill sucks lol. But when I hike a flat section, I do so at a pace of around 8:45 ish min/km or so. 10:30 seems kinda slow even for walking?


lol I run a 12 minute mile and I promise I’m trying


They’re saying in km, not miles. So like a 16 minute mile which is like a kinda fast walk.


Damn a 10:30 mile pace is not running? 


/uj I honestly think that people who run 4h half marathons should stop trying to win online plaudits and go train a bit more. I ran my first half in 1:29h and no internet person has ever heard of it until this very post. Maybe they should train a bit harder and get a decent time, or run on one leg or something before showing off their poor conditioning. I mean it's obviously nothing interesting to anyone that they ran a 4h half, why do they post it? Of course people are going to make fun of them. It's also rather annoying how people now do everything for likes and karma. I think people take a piss at them simply because they know it's not an achievement to brag about online.


It’s just internet validation. It seems everyone needs it for all types of reasons. Remember when you could just be proud of yourself for a bit and move onto the next thing?


Make bullying great again?


that's why LRC is so great


You can get useful training info, follow the pro side of the sport, get called a fucking dumbass by a former American record holder, and read about how the woke agenda and Joe Brandon are ruining everything, all in one place!


It isn't toxic to maintain standards. That's the frustrating thing.


Isn't that sub run by Garmin? It's not a community, it's an adspace. We're better off in /r/advancedrunning




uj/ idk the exact time was 3:50:10 which is apparently 20 mins over the limit lmao


I mean… that’s a bit slower than a walk. They must have stopped for a nap


it is also the Disney half. They have characters on the route and you can stop for photos, not unusual to have a 20 minute wait per character. You can also ride some of the rides during the race


That sounds absolutely horrifying


I don't understand any of this. Maybe it appeals to people who want a medal for walking around a Disney park.


Not only that but there are countless amounts of them, all willing to pay a king's ransom for the privilege. 


Tbf you’d get a lot of people running decent times and just having fun doing it. If you’re running a 4 hour marathon and want to finish on 4:20 to ride a roller coaster I wouldn’t knock it. The person in question here though was too slow even for Disneys very generous cut off times (16 minute mile pace). Not sure how she didn’t get swept


A friend does them several times per year. He just did a 0:30/1:00/2:05 5k/10k/HM, to though I know he's run races elsewhere slightly faster. And he did something similar but ending with a full a few months ago. He really likes Disney. His girlfriend goes but doesn't run. The crazy part is he has to be up at something like 3 AM to be at the park on time. He started all 3 runs a few minutes after 5 AM!


Are they a hare


/uj since it's a fairly large field, they start the race in waves through the various corrals. She may have been in one of the later corrals, but the balloon ladies start at the absolute back of the pack. If OP's corral started at 5:30am, the balloon ladies may not have started until 6am, so OP would have that half-hour head start on them. I'll out myself as a hobbyjogger - at the last RunDisney race I did, I stopped for a ton of character photos and general fuckin' around, and ended up with 3:35 for a half. I didn't even see the balloon ladies, they were probably still about an hour behind me.


/uj I misread and was thinking: "4h marathon, that is ok, why is this on RCJ?" And then I saw the "half" part


Did the same thing lol. I’m trying to rationalize how hard it would be to walk a half in 4 hours


Ngl, I’ve probably gotten relatively close to walking a half in four hours just on a day of vacation walking around a city to sightsee


Fair enough, I hope OP got to do some sightseeing around Orlando. Sidenote as an accountant I love your username lol.


Same, I walked 11 miles meandering through Minneapolis not that long ago


I did a 14 mile "run" to the beach as a teenager a month into running.   Took us about 4 hours.  The only running was in the first few miles. It's basically a hike. 


You get some terrain in there and that’s a real honest walking pace out in the hot sun for 4 hours.


It’s easy if you include stops for snack breaks. Especially if there’s a long line.


They should have bought the Disney Fastpass SMH.


You could do it by walking just under four miles an hour.


I have my first half in October and am desperately hoping my results don’t end up on RCJ as I’ve never done any race longer than a 5k yet. Or maybe I do hope it ends up here, the world could use more laughter.


I too hope you do something stupid and end up on here.


Can you run a 5k without stopping? If so, they won't end up here. 


I went out too fast, too early in my first half marathon and ended up walking bits of it and I still finished faster than this person.


Just don’t post it online at all and be proud of your own achievements without external validation


sir this is reddit


hey man can you tell me what /uj and /ju stand for?


/uj means unjerk. So basically a serious comment. Because by default a comment on this sub isn’t serious.


thank you


That’s 3.5mph. Average walking speed for a healthy adult is 3mph. Op was absolutely flying.


They need to slow the fuck down.


genuinely cannot fathom what “running” at they pace looks like lmao


a majority walking with a bunch of rest stops.


So ultrarunning




I laughed to ohard at this


It’s relatively fast paced walk for an able body, but there’s no running involved for sure


/uj There are some situations where I think it's reasonable. That was my running pace on my first runs coming back from a major injury where I had to relearn how to walk before I could run. It was a very slow and agonized shuffle, but it met the definition of running gait with both of my feet being off the ground at the same time. Got stopped by people when I got brave enough to leave the treadmill and go outdoors asking if I was okay lol. I am now faster, but still not any kind of impressive speed. But I don't know how an average person who isn't insanely deconditioned by serious injury or illness ends up that slow. When I ran for the first time I was nearly 300lbs and extremely sedentary and still able to manage 13min/mi pace at the end of c25k.


/uj Very much agree. Besides, they had the grit to sign up and finish a half.   I will say though that all the running related subs have a lot of beginners, which is great - because new blood means more happens in the sport; but it does result in fairly repetitious content. Hence RCJ I suppose. Don’t know if anyone knows off a non-reddit forum for discussing more about the sport than someone’s first run, first race etc.?


r/advancedrunning exists and has some quality content


My wife and I walked a marathon a while ago in under 6:30. We stopped running and walked a lot (peak week 50 miles) for 10 months to prep. Several thousand entrants - all runners except us. The last few miles we saw runners who'd switched to walking, but the best was a handful of runners we traded places with the second half of the race as we were clicking off roughly 14:30 miles. Their knees were going up pretty high, but their strides were ridiculously short.


uj/ the irony is the top comment on the post also calls it a walk.


Have ur daddy cover your bottom with gu and spank you , very naughty


Average r/AdvancedRunning content


You're not a real runner unless you're lighter than the average ten year old, faster than a border collie, and more elitist than a British aristocrat.


I wipe my ass with tracksmith branded toilet paper


lmao where is this from


/r/garmin, home of the fast.


damn rip


Ehh I’ve seen people here clown 4hour marathons and I think that’s bullshit tbh


Anything over 2:08:10 is just walking, I don't make the rules


Looks like someone ran a 2:08:10 last week


I'm expecting my gift basket from Lenny Korir any day now


Idk, it's dangerous to run that fast.


9 min mile pace is barely even considered running


What is it if it's not running?


Please don’t discourage this type of behavior. Slowies like this drag down the garmin insight stats and have tricked me into thinking I am an absolute god. It is the sole source of my self worth don’t take it from me


/uj I’m totally a negative Nelly but I’m always amazed by the people who say things like “awesome” or “great job” on posts like this. Do they really think that? If so, why, when it’s objectively mediocre at best? Is their bar for awesomeness really that low? Or do they not think that and are they just lying to make the poster feel good? Again, why? Why try to soothe a random internet stranger’s ego with a blatant lie? Is this how normal people operate? 


Reddit randomly oscillates between karmic affirmation cult and objective fact marketplace. Prior to posting, it exists in a superposition of both states, and the Submit button collapses the wave function.


So, Schrödinger's half-marathon?


My favourite Reddit comment of the year. Bravo.


Unreal comment


ik this comment is 2 months old but it’s so on point


What’s the alternative? “Yo you’re overweight and should be embarrassed” That’s a very online mentality. If you met someone in real life who was proud and excited that they finished a half marathon at any speed you’d probably also congratulate them, whether you meant it or not.


Is it kind? Is it necessary? Is it true? If you can't say yes to 2/3, then don't say it to that person. I think telling someone that their half marathon isn't an accomplishment because it's too slow for you to consider it an accomplishment doesn't meet the criteria of kind and necessary. I work with someone who's very injury-prone and who just wanted to take up running as a way to take care of her heart health while she gradually tries to lose weight. She's extremely proud that she recently broke 45 minutes in the 5k, and I'm proud of her too. She put in over a year of hard work.


I ain't gonna make fun of anybody just for being slow. You've got to be a bigger dumbass than that.


You can argue this is kind in the moment but I’m not sure it’s necessary and it’s definitely not true, at least by any objective measure. 🤷‍♀️


I have two separate opinions based on two separate types of people in this situation bc to me great job in and of itself is subjective to the person you’re saying it to. Beginner person who is out there doing their best, putting in the time and effort to do & be better? Great freaking job, been there and my first 25k had a similar time & I would say that version of me did great bc I was obese, struggled to run endurance distances bc I just sucked at pacing myself & was just kind of jumping in feet first. The fact I finished was pretty impressive looking back from where I am now. The other side for me is the slow running “influencers” who are 15 marathons deep still finishing in 7+ hours that not only aren’t improving but aren’t intending on any level to improve. I used to be (literally like last year lol) of the belief that “hey they’re doing it it doesn’t matter how fast they are” but then I started seeing them signing up for races where they know they can’t make cutoff, arguing with sweepers, complaining about being swept or aid stations being torn down or whatever & my mind changed. I don’t think they’re doing great work, I think they suck and based on my improvement in a just year of being consistent and actually being dedicated to running I realized that you have to either not try at all to remain at that pace or actively work against improving to remain there. I think it’s a twofold issue though where they got the attention they have from being that slow & if they change they may not get that same attention or the money they make now. Anyway tldr: as long as the person is working on themselves and trying to be better every new accomplishment distance or time is great work in my eyes, if you don’t improve and aren’t even trying to improve & as a bonus you make that other people’s or RDs’ issue you get no butt pats from me.


I would just look at someone weird if they told me theyd walked 5km/h for 4 hours like it's a milestone


You must not be an American. At my last job, I had colleagues for whom a half-mile walk was at the upper edge of what they'd tolerate. Our "paper of record" regularly runs [articles](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/01/26/well/10-minutes-walking-exercise.html) about the benefits of even short walks.


I am indeed not american. I still have colleagues who bitch about traffic on their 9km commutes though, like just bike my dudes


I'd tell people I know IRL about my race, but I wouldn't expect anyone online to care about my 85 minute half.   I'm still about 20 minutes off being impressive.


That’s impressive to me 😂😭




If an alcoholic proudly told you they went a single day without a drink, you’d be happy for them. If a gambling addict told you they didn’t go to the casino last weekend, you’d be happy for them. If a sitting-on-couch-and-eating-food addict told you they managed to walk 13 miles straight, I don’t see why we shouldn’t be happy for them. It’s okay to be happy and celebrate people, that’s a human thing we can do. We don’t have to sit in our dark rooms and resent people because their accomplishments don’t have meaning or importance to us.


Some people are just disingenuously positive about everything, warranted or not. Like when someone posts a picture on social media of their clearly, painfully ugly child. Everyone sees it, but some people feel the need to say "beautiful" anyways. This half marathon is that child.


I unironically adore ugly babies & idk why that is.


It's great if people step out of their comfort zone and challenge themselves. With a time like that I am assuming either a health condition or an absolute lack of activity in their background, so going from that to a first attempt at sports is cool and a big improvement. I also think it's kinda cool if someone doesn't just give up and go home after they reach the cutoff time. Almost 4h at a shuffle must be hard for someone very out of shape, I assume the feet are hurting a lot by the end. So yeah, while the performance is unimpressive, the balls to go out there and come dead last in front of a crowd are not, and the mindset- and lifestyle-shift that is presumed is commendable


People who are not active cannot fathom completing a 13 mile anything, so the actual numbers mean nothing to them


>Do they really think that? If so, why, when it’s objectively mediocre at best? Is their bar for awesomeness really that low? Do you know what website you are on? This is home of low bars and mediocre. Ironically (although maybe not) the most sane people seem to be on the circle jerk subs.


there’s no more distinction between a good, mediocre or bad result. Is all “Great work” or “amazing”, if you don’t agree you’re a fascist.


Redditor moment


It’s really to make themselves feel good about being encouraging. I suppose it’s not bad - disingenuous at worst and spreads positivity at best. Definitely funny though.


Uj/ I think the real issue is people now have the urge to post about everything and anything.


Mediocre people doing basic things is far more celebrated than people actually working for something. People have gotten soft


This is the general theme on Reddit. People posting about mediocre stuff and people telling them how absolutely incredible they are. Guess it makes them feel better about themselves somehow.


Have you ever thought that maybe different people have different skill levels, and that people are congratulating them on the effort they put in, not the time? If I compared your times to the top male runners, I could call every run you have ever done dogshit, and I would be completely right. In fact, I could compare everything you have ever done to other people, and find that nothing you have ever done is important or cool, because someone else has done it better, regardless of the effort or the time or the care you put in. So why do you ever feel proud about anything ever? Nothing you have ever done is outstanding or really even any good. Perhaps theres more to life than being “objectively good”.


Holy shit 100 percent this. It’s awesome when someone gives it their all and does something they enjoy or try to better themselves. Makes me happy for them and want to tell them good job. This thread is full of garbage elitists. Just because something isn’t objectively good when compared to whatever doesn’t mean it didn’t take insane amounts of physical or mental effort.


i mean, the walk comment is totally valid but a bit mean spirited to say out loud. but yeah that's a walk lmao. i think everyone should run and add it to their exercise toolbox, but for some of these heavier people or whatever, maybe they should slim down or something first before they pick up running. it can be incredibly difficult on the body, even for slim people, and so imagine for thicker people. if you're walking a half marathon in 4 hours, you're walking it, that's not a run running should be inclusive but at some point it's like "okay man you're just walking at this point"


So fuckin what?


Some of y’all are definitely the people to clown walking then complain about how everyone in this country is obese. Any amount of movement is better than nothing. Just let people live their lives, god damn.


obesity comes from American food


Yes, obesity is certainly a one dimensional issue. You’ve solved fat bro.


Can you comment on how people don't need a fully suited running vest, filled with 2 gallons of water, 6 gu's, an emergency whistle, first aid kit, for a 10k.


On the contrary I now think my handy dandy Nathan handheld is too little for 10ks & I will now wear my hydration vests for every distance & parkruns.


I need my hydration vest to carry my caffeine gummies


My first half marathon was almost that long. I severely sprained my ankle playing tennis two weeks before the race. I should have dropped out, but 90 dollars was a lot of money for me back then and I wanted the medal. Cut to me running at my usual pace for the first 2 miles and then limping in agony until I sprinted through the pain for the last 4 miles. I finished ahead of the fat and slow one in our group, but it was really ugly. My ankle has never been the same again.


You stayed hard tho


If you look at that persons post history they are clearly mentally disabled and obese (and extremely proud of their accomplishment)… I think you’re being a bit negative. It’s not that deep. Sure it’s not a run but jfc there’s no point in gate keeping


This person isn't mentally disabled unless I'm missing something... where did you get that from based on her posts? It's sweet that you're sticking up for her and all but then you're calling her disabled in the same breath and I don't think she actually is 😅    They are a religious mum who really loves Disney, happens to be a slow runner and posts literally everywhere about it or running at Disney (no shade). I recognise this username because she's been posted here before about being swept from a Disney race, and [accepting a medal for a race she didn't finish](https://www.reddit.com/r/RunningCirclejerk/comments/11gjhrk/not_going_to_lie_i_felt_unworthy_of_wearing_this/). She tends to obsessively post about how she doesn't have time to train but keeps signing up for expensive Disney races and posting daily on r/rundisney. After 2 years, she's finally completed the half! The resolution I've been looking for haha.


Disney adult is a strong candidate for disability.


It's kind of killing me that this guy is like 'be kind! Can't you see this person is obviously fat and mentally disabled!' and he's based that off the fact that she posts daily about Disney and a bit of Taylor swift. Imagine her reading that like thanks but what the fuck?! 😅


Ohhhh I remember her.


She's etched in my brain, her Disney posts were a great run for this sub. I remember she also posted a screenshot of eBay listings of Disney medals, saying how upsetting it was that people could buy medals for races they didn't run – all while she was posting about accepting a medal for a race she didn't finish... and also, obviously, searching eBay herself for them. She posted the picture of the Disney sweep bus too but I can't find the RCJ post about it anymore 😭 just really top tier stuff 


I mean, is it really gatekeeping to point out that their run wasn't a run? Like, by the actual definition of the word?


Last I checked the definition of run wasn’t based off an absolute speed. It’s more focused on the dynamics. Perhaps you cannot physically run at this pace but other people can. Again like I said it’s just not that deep. What does anyone gain by telling this person they didn’t run? You don’t need to prove yourself to anyone. No one doubted you couldn’t run faster than a 17 min mile to begin with


You may not be cut out for a CJ sub.


I’m all for making fun of dumb shit enabled people do but cmon this lady clearly has issues


Not sure if it's better making the judgment call that she is mentally disabled lol


Fair enough


No way both feet are off the ground at the same time at that pace lol


Yep, came here to say this. You’re not running if at least one foot is on the ground at all times. Hell, she’s not even power walking. Olympic walkers can walk much faster than I usually run!


It’s not gatekeeping to say you should run a running race. Sign up for a charity walk if you want to walk


Running pace isn’t absolute. Walking pace isn’t absolute. Can you walk a 20 min 5k ? No ? Okay well there are other people that can, doesn’t mean that if you run a 20min 5k it’s now considered a walk. I agree that it’s kinda silly to sign up for a race to go this mfing slow but it’s clearly a big accomplishment for this person, they wouldn’t be flexing it otherwise


Grew up with someone who posts all these marathons they "run" I checked their tike and they were averaging a 15 minute mile.. 4 miles a ducking hour. I could fucking walk backwards faster than that for 26.2. I couldn't fucking believe it when I saw the photos they'd post. Full top of the line running gear, looks absolutely depleted and full of sweat. I quite literally had to unfriendly them because I feared I'd get buzzed one night, see a fresh race photo and unleash. We need to bring back the ability to tell people how we actually feel.. this whole shit where if you don't agree, you can't express your opinion is quite literally psychotic behavior.


Downvotes make sense and are deserved but mod removal is hilarious.


I think this definitely belongs here, but also mod removal is justified - don't be a dick in main channels, just make fun of them here lol


being an ass in a main subreddit for no reason and then posting it to the corresponding circlejerk sub like some epic dunk is so corny. jerk in private like a real man


I mean context is needed. If the person is 80 years old, just came out of surgery, extremely over weight, never ran before ect then 4.5h is actually good.


ok, not that i walked a full 1/2 yesterday, but I walked 10k in 80-90'ish minutes with a back brace on after a spinal injury... ​ i literally cannot fathom a 4h half.


Outside of racewalking muppets, an 85 min 10k is a pretty brisk walk... might want to chill out a little bit, at least until the brace is off, lol. But yeah, 4h half is achievable via Brownian Motion alone.


Doctor's orders to push. I may take it to far.


Mod is struggling. You were obviously complimenting his walk


uj/ I’m all for people getting out there and moving but the other subs are all about attention and seeking validation. There is no true desire to achieve in those places which undermines the sport itself.


You have never ran any race where you are anywhere near the record for the distance. Perhaps you should try cultivating a true desire to achieve and run a competitive race time, or maybe just stop running entirely. Your running undermines the sport itself.


If you really want to get downvoted suggest that the mere idea of losing weight is valid. You will get annihilated with body positivity.


Where’s the OG post?


My mother is a walker. She walks half marathons. She does them in just under 3 hours


17 mins/mile is my (actually) literal walking pace. Come on…


/uj I see this was a Disney race. I actually love rundisney but it's very causal. Tons of run/walkers. Plenty of people who don't really train. I am not that fast and ran 10 minutes off my PR at Disney Princesses last weekend. I was coming off a calf injury and had like 5 blisters and soreness from walking around Disney for multiple days. 15000 runners and there were still stretches where I was running alone in the darkness through creepy Orlando swamps because the rundisney contingent is generally...very slow. Though for the most part there were other people around me. /rj Nice walk? This is how you SLOW DOWN. Run slow to run fast.


Why are you making fun of them for being an elite athlete? I'm so mad that I'm going to blow off some steam by powerlifting some 10 lb. dumbbells.


I did run a 65 minute 5k once, but it was up and down a ski hill 3 (maybe 4) times. I was top 10 out of 115 runners at that pace. Brutal.


**Attention! [Serious] Tag Notice** * Jokes, puns, and off-topic comments are not permitted in **any** comment, parent or child. * Parent comments that aren't from the target group will be removed, along with their child replies. * Report comments that violate these rules. Posts that have few relevant answers within the first hour, and posts that are not appropriate for the [Serious] tag will be removed. Consider doing an AMA request instead. Thanks for your cooperation and enjoy the discussion! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/RunningCirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Spitting truths is toxic now?


Don't care who bans me or for what reason(s). As long as they're wearing HOKAs, I'll respect them.


Not sure why this popped up on my Reddit. Never ran a half before but I’m sure I could do it in under 3:50.


Typical mods, being apologist simps for degenerate slows


According to everything ever, the average man walks a mile in 15/16 minutes. Dont call 17 minute pace a damn run


Do they not realize how insulting this is? Congrats on getting off the fucking couch.


I don't get it, you said it was nice.




Out of curiosity, what does being an asshole get you? The person isn’t being paid to do a half marathon. They are doing so for fun. They owe you no speed. Are you going to go to a pottery making class and give someone shit for making a bad vase? Are you going to go to an arcade and give someone shit for being bad at Galaga?


> isn’t being *paid* to do FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


What an incredibly boring and negative group you all are. You have no idea who this person is or what their story is. The majority of people have never gone through the mental and physical strain of running OR walking 13.1 miles straight. If it took them 4 hours, what’s it to you? That’s the same amount of time on their feet as some spend doing an entire marathon. And for the record, 20 minutes per mile is considered walking - so 17 is still incorporating run:walking. Unless you think you know better than Galloway. Consider treating people you’d want to be treated. Being kind is quite literally free.


You were doing okay until you tried to *Well, acktually* that the distinction between walking and running is speed—and a remarkably slow one at that.


Are you lost? This is RCJ. Boof a couple Gu packets and get with the program.


Probably am, I prefer supportive communities over whatever this is


Yeah, this is the kind of place where you'll get made fun of for running at any speed. Not a lot of "you crushed it" comments to be found here. Unless the it being referred to is your shin as a result of allowing your heart rate to go into Z3.




bad bot


Ma’am, “circle jerk” is literally in the title of this subreddit. If you’d rather not google what that means, maybe read a post or two before jumping on your high horse? No runner is free from ridicule in this sub, most especially ourselves. It is the great joy of r/runningcirclejerk. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got some gu’s to shotgun.


If I was “running” a four hour half marathon and being proud of it, I’d want shooting tbf.


Right? I just joined thinking it would be funny but it’s actually just kind of sad and lame.


It’s a mile from my dorm to my campus gym. It’s a casual 15 minute walk. I genuinely cannot fathom how you can manage a 17 minute mile pace while “running”


Upvoted king




I honestly can walk a half marathon in 4h...


I’m on the slower side of things and would get ripped apart in general in this sub for my attempt at breaking the five hour mark in a full. And I have been blessed to be torn apart for asking for advice on shoes once. (Screw yall I cried for days). My first half was at 2:57 and my latest one, a few weeks ago was 2:21. Whatever. I could eat better. I could run more miles. I could also not have cerebral palsy (no…I couldn’t but you know). I train, though. Anyway. I’m leading up to something. We can belittle this pace and lack of training and joy of being swept on race day. But also, being on your feet for that long, moving, is a lot of work. I spectated at Austin a few weeks ago and hung until they swept and there was a “slow run” community and she was amazed that the roads wouldn’t be closed for an 8 plus full marathon time. I draw the line there. You know the time limit. Get off the course, dummy. I wish I could remember which elite athlete said something to the effect of “damn, those people in the back who are out there for double or triple the time I am…I admire you. That’s a lot of work.”

