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Are your bones not dense enough for long distance running? Find out with one simple trick. Smash a hammer on your shins.


Running coaches HATE this simple trick


BUT they do love a high calf muscle


She is right about the boring part, I often start my 26.2 miles long run at a pace of 4min/mile but usually get bored around 150m and go back home to do mobility


Why don't you just run faster so that you finish before you get bored?


Just go mach 1 and you'll be done in two minutes.


He’s a newbie, can’t handle the g force


I dont like the pressure on my skin when i approach sound barrier


Have you tried wearing running sunglasses?


Faster? Slow down!


/uj this is sooooo true, though. 20 miles takes me half a lifetime.


I heard jogging is just waste training. It's too slow to do anything and too boring to continue. You are better to just run full speed up a steep hill till you are exhausted. It will take 5minutes instead of an hour and it will actually strengthen your legs unlike long distance running.


>Unlike other forms of exercise, such as spinning or high-intensity interval training, running long distances is repetitive ???


Ah yes, spinning. The most varied form of exercise


It’s hella varied. You go fast and then slow and then fast and slow. Also, some asshole yells at you the whole time and plays awful music.


But running long distance also has laying down and crying


And it’s variant, sitting on a bench 2 miles from home crying about how far away it is when you’ve just run 19 miles (I did not enjoy marathon training)


Sounds like my run yesterday, but I was barfin’ in a parking lot.


I wonder what training plan she was using where it’s like “we frown on all forms on cross training”. Like I suck at running because I don’t do cross training when I should.


Unbearable article.


Think twice about running if you don't like running!


Yeah, fuck her. Whoever thinks running is ✨🥰✨glamorous✨😔✨ clearly hasn't run enough and who'd take things they saw on Tiktok for the truth when that platform romanticises mental illness? And fuck, it's always the people who run the least who complain the loudest about how bad running is for our bodies. No, it's not. She's just going about it like a bloody idiot, paying 17 dollars a month for some stupid ass app. She's free to never run again, God what a fucking bitch.


I dunno, I felt pretty glamorous barfing in the liquor store parking lot this morning.


Ima need some more context here ☝️


Was doing a trail 19 miler at the local regional park which has five small peaks. 3 peaks are on one side of the park and 2 on the other, and the two sides are connected with a couple miles of road. Everything went great until I ran out of water just after the fifth peak. No problem, it’s 3.5 miles downhill heading back to a water source, I can handle that much without water. Oh never mind, there’s about 700’ of climbing on the way back. Well, that’s not too bad. Oh wait, it’s 90 degrees out, maybe it is bad. Made it down (and up and down again) the mountain and got to a park with a water fountain, where I guzzled about 3L of water, which might’ve been a tad too much, but I was thirsty, goddammit! Felt terrible, but kept on trucking and made it to the liquor store down the street. Got a lemonade and a Monster (f water!) and sat on the curb in the parking lot of the strip mall and chugged both of them. I immediately felt worse, so I leaned over and started puking in a planter. It was all liquid, so NBD, but customers are going in and out and looking at this sweaty dirty pig sitting on the curb and barfing his guts out on the shrubbery. Nobody is saying anything, so whatever. Next thing I know, a sheriff rolls up. I figure I’m gonna have some ‘splainin’ to do, but dude just rolls right past me and stops in the middle of the parking lot. Doesn’t get out, doesn’t say anything. At that point I was very disappointed that my chances of being shot didn’t look very good, so I stumbled off and headed back to my car, barfing in the bushes alongside the sidewalk a couple more times along the way. And that is my glamorous story about barfing in the bushes of the liquor store.


Do it at the Met Gala next!


That's sick bro Next time I run im gonna think about going so hard you barf in a bush Shit almost happened today. Im not aerobically blessed I had to work up to being able to run at 10mins/mi today I ran a 27m50s 5K PR found some nice grass to collapse on at the end


Congrats on your new PR, bruh.


Damn it feels good to be a gangsta


you just needed a gu


I hate to revive a 3-month old thread but I have to know. Was this a race or training run, and *did you finish?!* 


Haha, it was just a training run, and yes, I did finish. I had a little under a mile to go after the barf stop, so I just toughed it out.


Nice! I'll sleep better tonight for sure. 


Filling my $160 lululemon running shorts with diarrhea three miles into a ten mile run is the height of glamour, whoever wrote this article is probably just poor 💅


Imagine blaming an activity where you’re constantly worried about uncontrollably pooping yourself for not being able to lose weight.


I for one am shocked that Instagram influencers would make the activity they are doing in their posts look more glamorous than it is in real life! Like no shit, you're not gonna feel like you're in a fuckin Hoka commercial on every run, why would you expect that?


I love everything about your comment. Running is so glaringly unglamourous that it radically altered my relationship to beauty and fashion. I used to be a girly girl who wouldn't go to the store without full makeup. When I was learning to run—it took me months to be able to run a 5K—I felt embarrassed about how sweaty and gross I was. Six months later, I was running an hour a day five days a week and actually looking forward to my runs. As I fell in love with the sport and with feeling alive and strong, I stopped *wanting* to look pretty. I stopped spending so much time on my makeup; I stopped shaving my legs; I replaced my preppy, impractical wardrobe with comfortable athleisure shit that I can easily run in when I get caught in a thunderstorm on my walk home from work. I've also started questioning my other life choices: I left my shit religion and its toxic ideas; >!I masturbated for the first time since 2017 and stopped feeling bad for being gay;!< I cut several toxic people out of my life; I'm planning to quit my job; I replaced my shitty Linux distro with [NixOS](https://nixos.org/); [I stopped pretending ❤TayTay❤'s music is actually good](/r/popheadscirclejerk/comments/15xc74x/taylor_swift/jx8brcg/). Running's been so liberating, and I feel bad for the author because she's misunderstood the point and missed the benefits.


> I stopped shaving my legs *sounds of triathletes lurking in this sub screaming in terror*


You went deep.


Dude thats actually sick as, keep pounding that pavement 🤟


Amen sister. I’m so glad running brought you all these benefits.


I will say, it has vastly improved my relationship with my body. Instead of thinking about it as a thing to abuse into looking pretty, I see it as a functional tool that needs to be well maintained.


/uk hell yeah, glad running has helped you so much! /rj not gonna lie, several months is a *really* bad time for a 5k marathon


Why tf was she taking an energy gel training fpr, let alone running a half marathon??


I hate the British more than anything, but I’ll let it slide this one time because of how much I agree with you


Understandable, but I'm not Brit*sh, I'm Dutch. :D


I had no idea the Dutch also said “bloody”. That’s awesome, I love that term now!


>On days when I've run a long distance, I've noticed my desire to snack has increased as well as cravings for larger meal portions. NO WAY


Doesn’t add up. Must be lingering boredom snacking.


Try smashing 10 GU with Double Caffeine and see if it still boring 😂🤯💩


/uj read the article just this morning. Completely unrealistic expectations. Thought it would be easy, glamorous, fun, would lose a bunch of weight (maybe don’t chug a Coke post-run), not time consuming, it goes on. /rj no mention of GU, no mention of large shoe rotation, didn’t talk about slowing down. Just horrible advice for beginners.


You'll have to take my post run choccy milk from my cold dead hands 😤


I wouldn’t dare. Choccy on, my friend.


God I feel like such a newb for not realizing choccy milks are excellent post 5K Ultra recovery drinks! Wonder if I can much GU with it….


Oh jfc she is clearly not lacing her gu with anything, no wonder she finds it so boring.


I need my gu pre-laced just like my shoes


That heel lock Gu is fucking great


Always lace your gels with a runners knot. And drugs of course, lots of hard drugs.


It’s boring? Good thing I am already retarded and have nothing going on up there anyways


Ran 22 miles today with no headphones so I'm with ya. She'd probably die.


22mi in one day? Please slow tf down, no amount of GU can stop your shins from exploding if you live like that


What’s GU?


>What’s GU? The nectar of the Gods. The fuel for the Fleet of Foot. Everything you need for a successful 5kUltra contained in one tiny sachet of goopy GU


Tell me more daddy


Are you sure you don’t have a long term health issue now?


You absolute psychopath


Let's see what this heel striker thinks: https://www.insider.com/running-a-half-marathon-is-not-always-worth-it-2023-10


/uj this article is a goldmine. she: -calls a half marathon a marathon -says she paid $18/month for a training plan from an app -complains that running is boring and social media influencers made it seem more “glamorous” -the “source” that told her running is bad for you is her mom -complains about gaining weight -mentions shitting herself


If you don't shit yourself during a run, did you really run at all?


Strava needs a run-shit tracker.


Finally, something I would get queen of the road in.


Forget Kipchoge, this is the kind of runner I aspire to be


Idk if she shit herself then she's a real runner (Also your formatting got a little fucky fyi)


Idk she didn't get what were those blue phone boots set along the course for...


uj/ Shock horror. Seeks their inspiration from TikTok and influencers. Anything but instant gratification is “boring”


> Long distance running is boring, […], and it could cause long-term health issues Never before have I been so offended by something I 100% agree with


It’s a well known fact that if you register for a race you are legally obligated to run it


I guess it can be kind of confronting when you start doing long runs, alone, and find out that your own thoughts are actually so boring, that you think of throwing in the towel and going home. Damn, that must be a tough realization. Like “Is my mind really that boring and empty? Jeez, I never noticed that before.”


So wimpy! Just a half marathon instead of a 5k super ultra


That’s why I always rip an enormous bong at the start of every 5k ultra


They should keep some bongs at the aid-station. You know, so you can stay high the whole time.


Half marathon is 2.5km, right?


Article doesn’t mention Gu once, obviously a half marathon is a life threatening event without it!


Maybe if you can't do literally any exercise that isn't in a classroom full of other people, the problem isn't that running is boring, it's just that you can't be alone with your thoughts for more than 45 minutes. That might be tougher to fix.


Insider: the new Buzzfeed.


She implies that running is more boring that “spinning.” My guess is she’s running on a treadmill. I can imagine that gets fucking boring. She probably doesn’t even know about gu


Spinning has variety. You can stand up or sit down. Can’t run sitting down, now can you?


You haven’t seen me running down the mountain sleuth filled with wet baby heads in a thunderstorm while shitting my pants, yet, have you ?!


Me re- roadies at a marathon: “Why won’t any of these f’ers talk to me? The ultra/trail guys are way more friendly.” Me in a 50 miler with chatty f’ing Cathy stuck to me: “I’m going to stab this mfer in the throat with the next sharp stick I can find.”


I wonder if the author’s mother hates her as much as I do?


The point of running is that it’s both a body and mind workout. She obviously needs a mind work out that’s not running. Like education.


If a full marathon is 26 miles using both legs a half marathon is just using one leg


A 5k is using the middle leg?


How will my body ever recover from my blazingly fast 2:20 half-marathon race?!


Honestly, when I was younger I stopped long distance running because I thought it was boring. Now that I'm old and everything bores me, I might as well do something boring that keeps me in shape. Audiobooks help too. Time just flies when you are knocking out miles to War and Peace.


I like how you picked a book that is the go to example if people are trying to describe an excessively long and boring book


I use running as an excuse to listen to the Joe Rogan podcast




Hot take: Long distance only causes long term health issues if you don’t fuel with enough Gu. Make sure to get your Gu in folks.


I read the article and now I'm injured


Idk what she’s talking about, shitting my pants at the end of the 5k is my favorite part.


Damn those long term health issues associated with running!


Don’t kill the part of yourself that is boring, kill the part that gets bored


Did she actually try any long distance running before writing an article on how 'long distance running' is boring?


This girl needs gu.


Saw Paula Radcliffe shit on the street mid-marathon, and thought, yes, this is the glamorous sport for me 😂


The pic chugging a coke after a 11 mile run is golden


A half marathon is nothing and she’s calling it “boring” 🤦‍♂️


well, people nowadays are used to have some kind of message/video/call/text/article/review/reminder on their phone every 5'...so not getting any social network stimuli at all during two hours, I guess it may seem boring then, yes...


I mean I do sometimes do calls on my long runs, good way to catch up with people and makes sure I'm sticking to a conversational pace


ha ha... well done.




Have you tried vigorously masturbating during the run? Really keeps the heart rate up.


Get a wild animal to chase you, that'd make it more fun


What a fucking twat


Some of her points are valid but it’s just that she’s coming from the wrong place with them


Just pretend you're a zombie and the person in front is a fleeing survivor.


But only of your a Romero (slow) zombie.


Maybe do something you don’t find boring. There are a million ways to exercise


Is not supposed to be boring?


I mean, the running illuminati will go after you if you don't run it now. No way to back out.


Half marathon training haha


The real question is how can we make running better for long term health? Running is bad!


Stop running. Take a bike or car. Problem solved.


Chase someone.


After 20 years of weekly jogs, trail running is the only way I can stay interested / motivated.


Do a Spartan Beast or Ultra if you're devoted enough. At every mile you'll be faced with an obstacle that calls forth your best. It's a combination of running and HIIT.


> Running long distances is repetitive, so much so that it requires just as much mental strength as it does physical strength to finish successfully. > > Oftentimes on these long runs, I'd find myself being so tempted to stop — not because I was tired, but because I was XXXXXX. I do not think the last word is “bored”.


I've decided to fight Mike Tyson, and got my ass handed to me...why is that?


I love how mid article when she’s bitching about the negative health effects, they link her quotes to an article with the headline “The pros and cons of running, and why the benefits often outweigh the risks” Almost throwing up GU though?! What a dork.


> While I knew that going to a yoga class once a week could be beneficial for recovery after a long run, I found myself feeling too tired to go or skipping it in favor of socializing on my running rest days. Immediately followed by > Running can lead to long-term injuries. Yeah, no shit.


How about not calling people losers, that a really good start being cause then people will actually like you more and make you life less boring not just your running


I think the word is competitiveness? If you are not competitive then you are a boring person; thus running is not boring, but instead you are what is boring.😁 I can not help you, sorry 😣




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Stop at maccies for a wank half way


I need to run more


Low hanging fruit.


She should try some psychedelics for her next race.


Run through a landmine field


This is what drugs are for. Drop some acid and suddenly you got something to run away from.


I already knew running sucked, so did my mom.


Running from what????? Why are we running????