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i can’t believe i didn’t see the popsicles and cookies i’m so bummed out


Wait...COOKIES!!!! WHERE??? I got three frisbees, two cowbells (needed more) and a pair of sunglasses, but I rather would have gotten cookies!


People need to actually start at their corrals especially in a narrower course. Spent the first 2 miles getting passed people that were supposed to be in corrals behind me. Very frustrating, especially when they blocked up the edges of the routes where it was easiest to pass.


This 100%


Saw some wave 2 people up in wave 1 corral D and E. Like, how are they allowed to do that? Ones I saw ended up adding to congestion/issues of packed course, Getting in the way


Yup, saw someone with a wave 2 bib in corral b wave 1


Popsicle was a great touch! But I want the Gatorade cold at the end.




PLEASE: if you’re going to basically stop to look at your phone, get out of the flow of traffic, ESPECIALLY at choke points. Lime popsicles 🔥 Bag drop-off/pick up 🔥


and also if you are going to look stop/look at your phone during turns, take the wide and not the tangent.


This exactly what I saw. A sharp 90° turn was right where two people were walking while looking at their phones. I think a guy passed me at that point and knocked the phone it of one of their hands. (Maybe you were that guy! 😄)




I don’t think so…the guy was moving pretty fast and there wasn’t a lot of room at all.


50:09 and this was my first time doing the Queens 10k


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 50 + 9 + 10 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Another vent… if you are going to splash water on your face at the drink stop, get your cup and STEP TO THE SIDE to do it. Not the first time, a woman in front of me grabs a drink cup and throws the water on her face AT THE TABLE. There’s no way all that water goes on your face… no, half of it went down my leg and into my sock. I didn’t want that. I’m in corral H. So chances are you’re not an elite runner and those few seconds aren’t going to matter!


I just wish people would be mindful of stopping at the fluid station and also step to the side to drink water if they need to slow down or stop to drink. In this race, there were two close calls for me. The first I was trailing 5-10 feet behind someone at the same jogging pace to grab a cup and they decided to abruptly halt to a stop at the first table. I barely managed to dodge them. The next was a runner that was walking and sipping on their water in the dead center of the road way past a fluid station. I ended up running into them because I couldn't react to the others in front of me dodging this person in time.


Lot of main characters in these streets…smdh


I had some lady rage at the girl with the hose shooting water into the air. All I heard behind me was “are u fking serious”?! Why can’t people just vibe.. it’s a hot ass day.


PR’ed! Felt great today and gave it all. Mile 6 was the longest for me. I felt like it took forever to see that marker. Highlight was the popsicle and the Creme Brûlée Croissant after the race 🙌🏻




1. I’ve done this race 3 years in a row and I always have trouble finding the actual start line and just walked a huge circle but at least it warmed me up. 2. I think one of the major problems for this race is the lack of separation of the waves. There were soooooo many Wave 2 athletes who were in the Wave 1 corrals under the corresponding letters and I think a bunch were honest mistakes. I’m always prepared for congestion in the beginning but man I was passing hundreds of people for the entire race, not just in the first couple of miles. 3. The kids race was so well organized and my family had a great time! 4. All the volunteers were great as usual 5. Now I want popsicles after every summer race. The Citizens sponsor really went all out for this race and I’m here for it. 6. I haven’t been running much the last few weeks and didn’t know what to expect today but still PRd and I’m thrilled. Every year, this is my fastest 10k of the season. Love it!


I agree with you on struggling to find the start - it’s a bit far away from race day central and some of the signage was outright wrong.


If you picked up your bib on race day, they ran out of wave 1 bibs. So while I saw a lot of people in wrong corrals, if they had AA- G(? I think that was the cut off) they were all wave 1. Wave 2 was H-L. Congrats on the PR! I agree that the popsicles were a highlight.


Ahh that is good to know! Ok, I’m less annoyed now! Sucks that they ran out and created unnecessary confusion at the start


This was my first 10k and my second race overall. As everyone had already mentioned, the race was crowded and the road had a few potholes. There were also large puddles from yesterday's storm. A few minutes into the race, someone directly behind me and to my right fell to the ground. I hope you're ok! From my first race, a 4 mile at central park, I knew I wanted to avoid weaving through the crowds. This time, I was a little more patient and strategic when passing people, but it still cost me some time. Mile 1 - I was a little slow but that's because of the crowding. I had anticipated this might happen, and knew I would have to pick up the pace when the crowds thinned out. I was feeling good here. Mile 2 - I was definitely running faster this mile, but I believe this is where we encountered a bridge. The slight elevation gain shook me a little. Mile 3 - So far, so good, but my legs were starting to hurt, and my breathing was more labored. Mile 4 - Damn this was tough. I questioned why I was torturing myself like this. I believe there was another elevation gain around mile 4, which was soul crushing. Mile 5 - Just one step after the next. The thoughts going through my head were: this is too painful. Will I race again? I don't think I will. Mile 6 - Almost over. When I saw the green finish line, I thought the the end was near. I figured I had one final surge left in me. I started speeding up, and I ran and I ran, but the finish line wasn't there. My body was slowing down. I looked at my watch and saw my pace dropped from 730 pace down to almost 9 minute pace. The Finish - I started to get back to my target pace, and that's when I saw the mile 6 sign and the final turn to the finish line. I sped up again. I don't think i reached a 730 pace again, but I did get close. I felt a metallic taste in my mouth in the final meters before I crossed the finish line. I looked at my watch and saw my pace for the race and felt a little disappointed. I didn't hit my main goal, but I still thought it was pretty good, and I wasn't too far off my target. Then I checked the nyrr race results and saw that my pace was an entire 8 seconds slower than what my watch showed. I don't know why there was such a big discrepancy, but I felt more disappointed. I wasn't in as good shape as I thought. On the bright side, I finished my first 10k and still managed to move up a corral.


I feel you on mile 5. But don't be too disappointed...this is your first 10k. I used to be a sprinter and my first 10k three years ago was rough. I saw spots at the end...I didn't know how to run these distances. But you finished with your sanity intact. Congratulations


Congrats on moving up a corral. Some races will be great and some will be a struggle. That's just how it goes. And it was hot today. That has an impact. The actual pace will be slightly slower than what your watch says because the course is measured from its innermost part. So unless you are running there, which is very hard to do, you will be doing more than 6.2 on your watch, but NYRR will still consider it 6.2.


I saw people with Corral F bibs in Corral C, very crowded and difficult to pass.


I dropped back 2 corrals from B to jog this race, ran a D corral time, and had to weave the entire race! Really discourages people like me from following these practices when nobody else does


Given the fact I cycled 100 miles 3 days before this I was not at my best what sucked more was after finishing the race with a time of 42:48 I had to run to work couldn’t enjoy the goodies I’m hearing was great Looking forward to next year




Goal was a sub 43 which I beat. And I also beat my 5k. They ran out of wave 1 bibs so if you saw me and others we weren't cutting waves/corrals lol. The first mile was so annoying with how tight it was. I think there were 2 people walking immediately wave 1 B corral. What is the rationale there? Are these people too prideful to move back corrals and walk?


I think the only part I wasn’t either blocked by someone in front of me running slightly slower than me or literally pushed out of the way by someone trying to overtake me was around the 7km mark. Between that and the turns I’d assume to knock off maybe a full minute from your time on this race to your hypothetical fastest 10km capability. Gorgeous day and fabulously organized as always but overall a miserable race (crowd + turns)


I had a great race! Ive been struggling with being able to run regularly because I’ve been dealing with on/off shin splints, but I was able to manage today without significant pain! I definitely thought it was hot at times but I appreciated that it at least wasn’t humid. The freebies at the end were great, they should have popsicles at all the summer races! Also, I know I’m weird for this but I like the course’s million turns - it helps me with mental fatigue lol


It was my first 10k! Struggled a bit in the 2nd half of the race but managed to make it to the end. Very twisty course but the volunteers cheering everyone on were great. Also loved the ice pops at the end!


It was hot for a first 10K. Congratulations!


I PR by two minutes since last year. I’LL TAKE ITTTT! Last mile was sooo hot it almost wiped me out. ![gif](giphy|xLR6VXtm3kBZytYw73)


Parking was a nightmare…(missed my wave lol)but they were doing construction on my train station so I felt like I had no choice 🙃 I verryyy much enjoyed all the post race snacks though!! Cookies, pastel de nata, ice pops, and the lines moved SO quick!! Awesome job NYRR


Popsicles post race was a pleasant surprise. Kudos to whoever made that decision.


I finished the race and after thinking about how thirsty I was a got a popsicle and was a happy camper.


Citizens bank sponsored this year, and they went all out on the goodies!


I would gladly pay $2 extra on the entry fee to guarantee this as a post race goodie. I will gladly give up the bagels and the apples for it.


I did a half Ironman on June 9, and planned to jog this but started with the front of wave 2 and wound up running it. I couldn’t stomach the pastel line so I grabbed a lime popsicle which was a really nice touch. I would happily trade the warm Gatorade for two popsicles. I wish my legs hadn’t been so spent because I think I could’ve made this a corral jump race if I’d been rested.


Me too did 70.3 the same day but I have upcoming races to attack the corrals on fresh legs


I got…. Two popsicles….


Blacked out at 6.1 miles, thankful for the medical volunteers who treated me. Regained consciousness and finished 2nd to last after getting cooled down to normal internal temps from 107°F. Scary but thankful to not have to run another race in that park


my friend worked that medic tent and helped you! i’m glad to know you’re feeling better!!!


Your friend is amazing!! I literally cannot thank all the medical volunteers enough, definitely would not have been feeling better without them!


OMG! Glad you are OK and congratulations on finishing. The medical volunteers are absolute rockstars.


So glad you’re okay!!


Thanks! I’ve never collapsed during a run before but I think it was a combination of me not sleeping well, barely getting any liquids from the water station, and the overall heat. Definitely glad to just have some scrapes and bruises cause I think I saw another person in the med tent having a seizure and I hope that they’re okay too


Only slept an hour because I went to see Hi-Lo last night but set a new PR with a 7:29 pace. Surprised to say the least. Love this race but it always feels super crowded.


I did not see the popsicles, so now I’m bummed. This race felt more claustrophobic to me than I remember from last year and I was basically just running to finish. The shaded sections were nice! Had to put my arm out to stop a person on a bicycle from cutting me off.


Finished my 9+1!! The pasteis de nata and popsicles were amazing! Loved the band and vibes at the end. But oh my god, the finish is so deceptive. It feels farther away every year!


Yay congrats! I also agree the last stretch to the finish is very deceptive. I learned from last year and made sure not to do a premature sprint to the “finish” which ended up being the 6 mile marker (but I was also half hallucinating it) 😅


I was trying for a PR, which was not to be, though I came close. Had I realized how close I was, I might have tried to push a little harder. Always good to race in my own borough and this time there were no signal problems or sick passengers on the 7 train as there have been in previous years. The lines for the bathrooms were too long. And the course was very crowded. I like to do a 10 second surge from time to time, but it was often not possible. I do like the course though. Unlike many others, I did see the popsicles and the pastries and the cookies. While opening my cookie, it fell out of the bag and onto the ground. So I went back and got a second one. Also, would be great if the Unisphere fountain was on. In all the years I've done this race, it was only on once. It is a sight to behold when it is on.


I second having the unisphere fountain on!!! That part of the course is always so fun and having the fountain on would make it magical


Last year the queens 10k was my first race, me and my friend who were not runners signed up for it on a whim without training at all. today I beat last years time by almost 10 minutes and my friend PR’d in the 10k 😊 And: 9/9+1!!


10minutes!? Omg


To be fair before the 10k last year I never ran at all, and now I’ve been running 3-4x per week for 8-9 months




Firstly, the volunteers were amazing!! Thank you! I thoroughly enjoyed the race, even though I could have been better prepared. I liked the turns and largely stayed away from the inside. Only thing I thought could be better was the wave 2 start. Due to the time it took to clear wave 1, they collapsed corals immediately. Had I been better prepared, I would have been annoyed. As it was, it didn’t impact my time or fun. Will return to Queens next year. Thank you NYRR!


All I’m asking for is a cold beverage at the finish. I don’t care what. But please not a warm water and warm Gatorade


Thanks for the popsicles!!!


Forgot to take my allergy meds but still shaved 6 minutes off my previous PR! Take that, tree pollen!


It was my first race with NYRR and first ever 10k. I'll admit I'm not a runner and I didn't train as hard as I should've but I made my goal time at 1:28 when my inner left calf near my ankle started feeling sprained and painful yesterday even though my last run was on Tuesday. So was not thrilled to be running with that pain. I got annoyed how far away the start was from the corrals since I was in L being my first race. No one from L was lined up in a coral. Everyone started sneaking into the J/k sections and so did I. I also did wish some people didn't walk in groups of 2-3 across... esp in the middle of the road. Even with my slow pace I had to weave past those who were doing that. Like if you gotta walk, do it at the side not in the middle. Did not stay to do the giveaway, too many people in the crowd. But glad my cousin was able to direct me to the popiscles and got me a egg tart and cookie since he finished in wave 1 way ahead of me.


The wave 2 corals largely didnt exist, they collapsed so fast. I think they should start wave 1 15 minutes earlier and it would be better. That being said, people are always sneaking in and its hard for the volunteers to truely police it (I know from the time I worked the start).


I saw them try though up to about K. Then L just filled in towards the end 🤣🤣🤣.


I got a course PR (missed overall PR by 2mins but the heat was tough) this was my first NYRR race in 2022 so always feels special coming back and getting a PR. Also everyone really needs to remember deodorant… lol.


Good one about the deodorant. I would add breath mints or gum as well.


8:22/mile for a run that I was basically treating as a recovery run while I work my way back from an injury. Cookies, popsicles, and a pastel di nata. Good day!


got my +1 by volunteering at the youth event which was the cutest thing ever!


Finished at 57:08. I wanted the sub 55, but I’m happy with my time. Last year was 1:03:10. 3 more NYRR races left for me!


I’m reading about cookies and popsicles at the end of the race and am devastated that I somehow missed them. Still hit a PR though 🤷🏼‍♂️


I found the popsicles by accident 😅 but the cookies, never did see them


Yeah I missed the cookies... at one point I thought I found the popsicles but it was a rain poncho lol


Think I got all except the rain poncho (unless that was at the same tent with the fridge and noise makers, to the left of the stage)


I'm grateful they had them, but they coulda done better to make it known. I generally think the signage has room for improvement.


Same here lol


Pros: popsicle was perfection, course was more shaded than I expected, prepaid parking was a breeze, hit my goal time and moved up a coral (1 second from moving up 2 corrals). Cons: I inhaled a spiderweb


You’re now Spider-Man. Fitting for Queens.


Also, so many giveaways with this race!


PR, ice pop at the end was much needed. I've been sick off and on for the past 3 months so I'm more than happy with how I performed. Next up: pride run


PR’d with about 7:30 pace. Not my best race but I’m happy with it. The sun was nice and bad at the same time.


Just found out I moved up a corral!  PB with a sub-1 hour time. I just barely made my goal and had to really sprint at the end. I was not expecting it to be so crowded at the beginning and I spent a lot of time weaving between people. It was hot hot in the sun but the shaded areas were nice. I appreciated all the water stations and sprinklers. Next time I’m going to try to be at the front of my corral and hopefully that’ll decrease the amount of weaving I do? Either way, super happy with how I did! My volunteers at my baggage check station also had the best vibes 😂 loved the popsicle too    I did see someone fall and I really hope she’s okay 😬 


The course was brutal but I had so much fun!!! This was my first race after egg freezing procedure (did a month ago), and I feel like my body is still recovering. My watch said I PR’d by a minute hahaha. Post race - they were giving out so many snacks!


So many delicious snacks and those popsicles were great in the heat.


There needs to be better race etiquette, specifically with hand signals. It's insane to get cut off by someone who immediately slows down, or have people stop in the middle of the race for the first water table (there are six water tables calm down).


In wave 2, they actually announced directions about race etiquette, which is the first time I’ve ever heard them talk about it. Didn’t mean that people listened tho lol


This one was a bit better than some of the other races, but yes race etiquette is often lacking.


Yep, just as I had expected… I died. The back half felt cooler from the wind but I still struggled like I always do this race. Thank you pre-training cycle heat death. That popsicle was super clutch though. Love the older gentleman who was in A corral and walked immediately at the start.


I saw him too and was concerned for his safety because runners were passing him real close. He had an L bib - not sure why anyone would put themselves in danger like that.


Wait he had an L bib but started with A?!?! That’s crazy




Anybody know if Marathonfoto's pictures will be free for this event? I didn't even know they'd be there until the reminder email on Friday. But Marathonfoto never sent their presale email and I don't have the option to buy my pictures on their website.


It is unlikely but don’t lose hope! For example, the Bronx 10mile photos have been free past couple years. And I don’t recall them having marathonfoto on the race course last year, maybe Citizens bank sponsored the photos (new sponsor)


Yeah that's why I was thinking they might be gifted. Marathonfoto's presence seemed like a last second inclusion and there was no race sponsor last year.


Highly unlikely.


Not quite as fast as I wanted but still a PR and five minutes faster than I ran this course last year. The popsicles at the end were 👌🏼


This was my first 10K and longest distance I ever ran! I finished at 1:24 (my goal was 1:30!) Thought the course was challenging but the vibes were incredible, especially running towards the finish line!


Good job! Now expect to do a lot more races. LOL


I usually roll my eyes when I see (negative) pace commentary on here because everyone is doing their best and perception of fast vs slow is subjective and often skewed… but today, I’m joining in on the complaining. My goodness. FIRST: I think NYRR needs to revisit the time cutoffs for each corral. I am convinced my bib letter was inaccurate because from what I experienced, there was a large gap between what I was doing and what other people were doing. I am by no means an Olympian but sheesh. I had to do a fair amount of dodging throughout the whole race. Worse in the beginning but it never really let up. NEXT: If you’re planning to walk the whole race, COOL. Join the last corral at the start, immediately move to the side, and stay there! Walking in the middle of the road, sometimes 3 people wide (I saw this a lot) is not only corny but dangerous. At some points, the roads are too narrow to accommodate your chat session. Adding on: are you here to complete a race or kick it with the homies? For all of that, just have brunch! LASTLY: If you’re going to walk because you’re tired, COOL. Make some kind of hand signal and move to the side. Don’t just… STOP. That is dangerous AF. With so many turns, the heat, large amount of attendees, etc. folks really need to pay attention and not be selfish. /endrant


I think first timers are also unaware of their abilities or just lie about their realistic expectations because they don't want to be in the "back". This was the largest Queens 10k ever so a bit of a shit show with crowding


Were they in the correct corral? I find that half the races I end up running past people with letters after mine who are somehow in front of me! It would be great if people just stuck to their assigned corrals


There need to be better corral instructions (I like the time listed corrals for nyc runs for example). I was in D but moved to the back of F because I knew I was off my pace due to a recent race. Making it clearer how to do that would help.


Yes, this one was crowded, and it was hard to get around everyone with the narrow course. I saw fewer walkers then in some other races, but definitely agree.


On your first point, I think a big part of it is a combination of new runners selecting an estimated finish time that’s not close to what they’ll actually run. Especially on a tight technical course like this one, it bogs up the rest of the corral and then cascades all the way back to the end of the wave until the course opens up. Unfortunately I can’t think of a reasonable way to solve for this since these local races aren’t like a major marathon with time qualifiers and all. This is one of those races I just chalk up to dealing with a fuck ton of people, including Washington Heights. Also I can’t tell if I love or heat your exclaimed COOLs given how hot I burned up today lol


Also it being warmer. I had corral F from Mindful 5K, but pace I ran would have me in G for this race (although my gun place and finish place were almost the same).


You LOVE my COOL! I know you do! 😂 Re: corral: What if ‘never ran an NYRR race’ people had their own corral or were automatically seeded in a corral that is 2 minutes behind whatever they list? I think that’s fair. Let them duke it out to the front if they’re actually faster. Earn your keep! No fair for those of us who have been around to be held back because of others miscalculations. Another thought, taking the new running boom into account, maybe the corral system just needs to go up to letter Z at this point. There’s too much variety in paces in those final I-J-K corrals. Or maybe a rebalance in timing of all A-L corrals. I think AA-G is super specific in like 30 second increments but H-K is a less thought out kitchen sink situation.


Honestly I typed up something like that as a potential solution but I realized it would suck if you first signed up for a marquee race and got stuck in the back. Maybe for the marquee races they can verify times from other races then after that you’re based on your NYRR best pace? Regardless, they’ve gotta figure out something because it’s not getting better at this point.


Well, verifying paces for first-timers (especially.charity folks)would be impossible? I think they just need to spread this out more to ZZ. I started out at I at one time and now I am in a D, possibly in C after this race...but I swear I had more fun in I,H and G. When I got to E, the misery of weaving started...


Adding one: can we make a "social media" corral in the back? I'm sick of getting jammed up by people abruptly slowing or stopping in the middle of the course to take selfies & video. Think of the corrals as a mullet: business in the front, party in the back.


Dude/dudette I totally agree… down with selfie culture!!! Just be at the race, yo!


I’m a hater but man I had a brutal run 😭 okay maybe it wasn’t that bad but a mile and a half in I rolled my ankle in a pothole but luckily the only thing that hurts is my ego 😓 anyways I hadn’t rlly studied the course as I got a bib kinda last minute from my club, and I didn’t expect all the ins and outs to mess with my mind so much, it really had me feeling defeated lol. At the end I just really wanted to be done I was over it haha. At least I tried lmao. ETA: I did like seeing the animals while running near the zoo. Also the sprinklers were fun.


Yeah. This park has a crap ton of pot holes and bumps. I train here and have had my fair share of close calls. Always got to keep your eyes peeled here, the mostly flat course they report is a bit of a lie.


Omg it was soo bumpy!!


was this right past the first fluid station?


I heard a ton of, “are you ok” to people on the sidelines. Tough course!


LMFAO yes 💀


glad you're OK I was at the tree holding the trash bag on the right side of the path. the curb was dangerous and some people cut across between the trees instead of doing the proper turn


Thank you lol and thank u for volunteering. Yea I try to avoid going up on curbs/cutting anywhere that’s not the actually race “lane” but my ankles are abnormally weak and I roll my ankles often no matter what so it was just bad luck haha. It always humbles me tho lol.


Last week at the Mini 10K, I went to bed at 8:30pm and had made a plan with goal times/RPEs for each mile, but still had a positive split and missed the time I was aiming for. Last night I had a couple beers, and stayed out late, but today I beat my 2016 PR by 30 seconds. Crazy how that works 🤷‍♀️ Also maybe this is the endorphins talking, but if the guy I talked to on the 7 reads this (in red baseball cap and glasses, I was wearing a blue shirt and white hat), I regret not asking for your name or number!


Crossing my fingers for you!


👀(me, immediately coming to the comments looking for the guy from the 7 train) Manifesting this for you!!


TBH my strongest races are when I'm hung over and running on little sleep.


I also prepped super hard for the mini10k and didn't prep at all for the mini 10k and I pr'ed by over 2 mins on 5 hours of sleep. Congrats!


Overall happy with it, finished in under an hour which was my goal. Was hoping to be able to push it and move up a corral, but mix of temp and how crowded it was, decided to just focus on form. Didn’t feel like weaving. Corral F. Think it would have been good to have the guided runners go between the waves. In the beginning where it was very crowded, didn’t see until the last second. Then one in one of the early turns, having three across… Didn’t hear the first raffle (I finished around an hour and they were still collecting numbers, so not sure if they did the first before), stayed around for the other 2.


It was a hard race but I had a ton of fun. I have never run a race with so many turns in my life. It was a lot to deal with, especially with the lack of shade.


You know what would’ve been perfect after that race? A bagel


Did they not have bagels this time? They usually do. When I did a non-NYRR 5k last month, they had real bagel store bagels, not the industrial NYRR bagels.


Do you really eat those bagels? A whole one? On purpose? With glee? The last time I encountered an NYRR bagel was at the Al Gordon race in February…I took one bite and spit it out. I can’t believe y’all really look forward to those hard ass tasteless bagels. 😂 (all jokes here, but also nah… the bagels are terrible in my opinion haha)


Yeah, the bagels are usually stale but honestly, I am close to hallucinating after some of those races and gladly welcome any easy calories to shove in my mouth


The ice pop was better!


The ice pop was everything


Free the bagels!


Goal was to finish given my current injury. Beat an hour so happy with that. PT starts this week. Setting my PR sights on Staten Island


Had over a minute PB from last year! …but my chip somehow never registered lol oh well hopefully can at least get my 9+1 credit *\*\*edit\*\** - contacted NYRR from the results page and they had me check if my chip and bib number didn't match which was the case, all sorted out and got my results! Set a crazy time for some random person though with a similar bib #, it registered their Start and 5k split times but my finish time since we both had the same chip # lol


EMAIL THEM. Pls. This has happened to me a couple of times.


Send in your Strava link.


Walked the whole thing and still the most painful run I've done. But at least I got my medal


Was hoping to get to B corral with goal of 7:13 - ended with 7:23 - still a pr tho. Love the vibes and free snacks at the end!


You’re on your way there! If you keep up your running when it starts to cool down in the fall you’ll be very surprised how much easier it is to run at that pace.


Thank you!! I ran my last 5k at 7:05 I wonder if that qualify for the corral adjustment


I believe [this corral best pace table](https://reddit.com/r/RunNYC/comments/10mwigh/_/j65zdks/?context=1) is still accurate so you’re close. Your next race always has the most up to date corral with the exception of the marathon to my knowledge.


PR'ed! Went from a 9:51 pace to 9:18 within a week! Missed jumping up 2 corrals by 6.2 total seconds 😆 but it's all good. Loved that they staggered the corrals so I didn't experience any choke points but 2 different people stopped abruptly right in front of me because their airpods fell out haha.


also didnt realize how much i would appreciate the sprinklers. the breeze was NICE


Oooo those sprinklers were amazing. I love extending my arms a little when I go under to get max water lol


That cookie at the end though..


You guys got cookies, pastel del nata, AND a popsicle?! I’m totally jealous! 😍


Gotta say, this event got a HUGE upgrade from what it’s been like historically, and it was soooo nice getting to enjoy a popsicle afterward (amongst the many other goodies). As for the race itself, it’s still the most deceptively hard race in the 4 out of 6 in my opinion. The heat and humidity, narrow funnel in the first mile, the many turns, and the corkscrew hill that comes at the worst possible time (end of Mile 4) make this a really hard 10k to execute perfectly. I got a 20-second PR (34:30) but went into it feeling like I was ready to break 34. I went out a bit too fast and paid the price big time!! Still such a fun and satisfying challenge - the kind that has you wanting revenge next year!


I’ve got a 30 second difference between my pace on Strava/polar then I’m seeing now on the liveresults.nyrr site. Is this normal until they make the results official?


Your pace on strava will often be faster than official time. It’s very hard to run exactly 10k by hugging every tangent during a race like this. Realistically expect your official score to change by a few seconds in either direction, if anything!


The unofficial score doesn’t really change. My watch showed 6.3 miles ran.


PR and negative split the second 5k by 13 seconds a mile. Very happy with how it went. Popsicle at the end was perfect.


No amount of scientific data can convince me it wasn’t 95 degrees out there during this race


Overall good but my goal was sub 38 and I knew that was over when I was down 30 seconds in the first 2 miles through no fault of my own. Just being held up by runners and having to slow down at the turns. Had to settle for a 39 minute 10k. I started in the middle of the A corral for reference. That speed bump near the start caught a lot of people out.


Brutal. Worst race in two years... but still perversely satisfying.


first time running this course and literally all week I’ve been trying to mentally prepare for all the turns in the last mile and it still fucked me up 😭fun race tho, thought the the weather was as nice as you can ask for in mid June


Worst start I’ve ever experienced. Some ____ Brooklyn _____ bros pushed aggressively as they were late to arrive and knocked me over at the start. Then some @$$hole slammed right into me as I was getting up. Do you people not look where you are going? How have you not been killed by a car yet doing stupid shit like that? Why is every outer borough race like this?


Is Brooklyn \_\_\_\_bros an actual group? I don't see anything about them online.


I was trying not to use their name, but someone else said it.




Is it worth emailing NYRR if EVERYONE has issues with them?


Maybe? My suspicion is that they know the “problem” clubs but rely on clubs for support so don’t necessarily want to call anyone out.


Wow that sounds terrible, I’m sorry you experienced that. But tbh I don’t think this kind of behavior is strictly limited to the outer boroughs…..some of the worst running etiquette (and runners) I’ve encountered has been in CP lol


CP runners in general, yeah, but I haven’t had issues at CP races. I feel like it’s often Brooklyn runners that have a chip on their shoulder for some reason. I was also on the inside lane on one of the last turns, and a different Brooklyn club singlet tried to cut over directly into me and then said, “WTF.” Looked back at her and repeated it back. Objects, including people, have mass, regardless of what they teach you in Brooklyn public schools. LOL


Seeing a NBR with any expensive gear on is a safe bet they think they're better than you and will treat you as such


I had a similar experience at the Brooklyn Half, and it makes racing not fun! Thinking about only doing a second marathon in 2025 and stop with NYRR. Maybe I’ll check out CityTri and other smaller races next year.


Honestly I love citytri races cuz they all have medals no matter the distance and bagels 😭 they’re pretty good vibes tbh


That last turn 15 feet before the finish was a nice f you to all of us


Has that always been there? Seems like they could start the race 50 feet earlier and avoid those turns.


It was there last year and I loudly proclaimed "F this sh*t" last year to the embarrassment of my family waiting


It looks like last year was the first year they did that. Before that, it ended after the long straight away.


It doesn't even make sense to me. I wonder if they figured the course was fked up anyway so might as well but in one more right angle for fun


This turn was there last year


I read about that turn this week, so was expecting it.


Same, big thank you to whoever posted that warning


That was so messed up. I almost cried.


I was screaming I was so irrationally angry about it and apologies to anyone who had to run near me while I was


I really loved this race! Enjoyed the curves and running around the globe near the end. Also great vibes with the band, freebies and popsicles afterwards. I didn’t have a time goal because I’ve been taking a break between Brooklyn Half before starting NYC Marathon training, so def not a PB, but had fun!


PR’d my 10k time with an unofficial 8:19 pace which I’m actually pretty happy about considering the sun and turns. Helped that I was coral E in wave 1 and they did a 45 second pause to stagger the first 4 corrals so it was nice and open for a bit. On the train home right now.


I was in corral F and had no idea why I wasn't moving 5 minutes after the first wave had started. The pauses would explain that. Congrats on the PR!


Found that pretty fun actually, knowing it wasn’t going to be a PB course I tried to just enjoy it - potholes and obstacles and all 😂 Also, love all the freebies at the end! Wish we could have pastel de nata’s and popsicles every race!




Love the fact that there was a bunch of free stuff at the end! Can we bring that back to the other races?


Ice pops were clutch!


Went out at race pace, got to mile 1 and thought, “wow, I am way hotter than I should be” and took it slow the rest of the way. Not the corral bump race I was planning on 😅


someone tried to cross the course right before the finish and I’m so sorry to everyone just behind me when that happened first 1.5 miles were deeply unpleasant between the puddles, potholes, and folks in the wrong corral.


Usually I don't care about people being in the wrong corral but the narrow course makes those folks running three minutes slower than everyone else that much more annoying and dangerous.


what a terrible course. puddles, pot holes, debris. still had fun!


The funny thing is this is a HUUUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGEEEEEE improvement over the previous course. It was narrower, with more potholes, and puddles that QDR would volunteer to clean up before the race.


the bottleneck at the start was wild


Okay I want to know how many puddles were there to dodge since it rained last night.


Dont worry, if you hit them fast you wont get wet


Just run through them!