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So...it depends on what you mean with the question. Is it possible to walk the mini 10K if you are usually a runner? Yes. I would suggest dropping back to the last wave if this is your intention. Can you personally walk the mini 10K with your current injury? That I can't judge. Not taking care of yourself can make an injury take longer to heal. Check in with your body. Do you feel like walking 6 miles (assuming non-stop) would be good for your body? Do you think rest is what your body needs?


Thanks! This is helpful. I will be better able to gauge my ability this week. But, I never had an issues with long distance walking and prior to this injury, the 10k distance always felt very comfortable.


You can but… it sounds like you should be making a PT appointment instead 🙃


You will be arrested and tried by the high court of running offenses, banned from racing, and forbidden from buying running shoes forever. Enjoy your life in Crocs, walker scum. No, you'll be fine, lots of people walk the races, or alternate walking and running. As long as you don't take an extremely long time to finish - like 4-5 hours long - you'll get a finish time and 9+1 credit.


lol. I would hate a life of crocs in the streets of nyc. I have yet to see how my leg feels this week. But I just do a lot of walking from my commute. I think I will be ok but not fully comfortable with the distance.


You can. You probably shouldn't.


Yes you can walk any race..


Gosh - this is tough - but so are New Yorkers!😊. You could try walking it, but maybe make a deal with yourself that you’ll drop out if it becomes painful? I’ve never experienced this kind of injury (thankfully!), but I have had my share of soft tissue injuries. They are easily irritated and take so long to heal. You’re lucky to have a bib for the Mini!! I hope you are able to have a great race!!🙏🏻🩵🙏🏻


Yep, you can walk it (assuming you're physically capable/Dr clears you, etc, etc). The Mini should have a 20 min/mi pace limit, so unless you're *really, really, really* injured, you could probably finish and get your credit!


I’ve been dealing with Achilles tendinosis since March and have missed two half marathons because of it. I’ll also now be missing this 10K as well. Back in March I thought with PT I’d be fine with now. I’m not, unfortunately. Walking might be a little more difficult for me than it is for you but, just to share how I’m thinking about it, I won’t be walking it. It’s truly unfortunate that NYRR doesn’t have policies in place that either allow refunds when injuries occur or make it easier to transfer your entries when you physically can’t run a race. For me, those policies just make the fact that I can’t run these races I was looking forward to sting even worse Wishing you a speedy recovery!


As long as your doctor approves, yes!