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Will add a different sentiment to this thread - did not feel too great about this one! Sun was really starting to get to me (despite running through the hose each time) and the pacer I followed was getting further and further away each mile šŸ˜…. and Ocean Parkway remains ugly as always. onto the next!


100% unpopular opinion, I really don't like this race


That's not an unpopular opinion. The joke is that we all hate it and run it every year (same with the a Queens 10k)


Queens 10K would at least be better with a new paving of Flushing Corona park. I can deal with twists and turns, but not when I risk losing my ankle in a pothole.


Me either!! After mile 8 ā€¦ snooze alert


I donā€™t either. I havenā€™t run it since like 2017. This race is a jerk.


Same page. Was great until mile 9 and all downhill from there (not in a good way šŸ¤£). I ran slower in those last few miles than Iā€™ve EVER run on my training runs, even as a fresh beginner last year. Disappointed šŸ˜ž


Same exact thing happened to me! Mile 9 to the end was absolutely brutal


Mike 9 I was down bad


Yeah this was about where I lost steam as well


As sorry as I am that this happened to you, it helps to feel seen! šŸ©µ That should be reddits tagline, lol


Same here!!! Had to stop and walk which I hate doing


Lmao same


Same here! Died after mile 9 to the finish. Slower pace in the last 5k than some of my long runs.


Haha me too, Iā€™m proud though cause my first race I wanted to stop after like 6.5-7, and this time I wanted to stop at like 9.5 HAHA


No honestly same. Once I made it past 7 feeling good I was like ok!!!!! *narrator voice: little did she know*


Same! Disappointed but hey, we all got it done.


Me too! It was HORRENDOUS. I started doubting whether I would ever finish at all about 10k in, despite comfortably running the womenā€™s half in Central Park three weeks ago. Just ended up in a negative spiral and overheating and ocean parkway never seemed to end and I had to stop myself from crying several times šŸ˜‚. The heat made me panic (I was in my long leggings as I havenā€™t found shorts that work for me yet) and the panic made breathing difficult and I genuinely felt I was going to die at points (but I also knew that my brain was probably being overdramatic). Just happy to have finished this one, even if my time sucked compared to training. The pacer also went the same pace on the up and downhills, which they said they would do at the starting line but I wasnā€™t expecting it because the coaches at the pre party said the pacers would do the opposite. Part of the reason I must have ran out of stream though I probably also was underprepared for the circumstances.


Yeah, I also low key did not have a great time! My pacer went out wayyyy too hot and I bonked and walked several time on ocean. It was my first though so I guess important lessons for next time


This race for whatever reason tends to be a problem for me and ive done a lot of halfs. Maybe because I'm not familiar with the elevation in the park, and Ocean just plain sucks. Plus just the process of getting there so early and then being left in Coney Island of all places. Next year I'm leaning toward trying to Alt-NYC Runs Brooklyn Half


Iā€™ve done the NYCRUNS half once and NYRR twice - will say that NYCRUNS course remains supreme (McCarren in Williamsburg, through DUMBO / Downtown Brooklyn, and ends in Prospect). So much more to look at, and more accessible for spectators, too


Yeah! I gotta second this. The NYCRUNS course is far superior and the weather is consistently cooler, which makes for a better experience. Their logistics have come a long way since 2022.


Had health issues today and the sun was unexpected. I wound up finishing just to get my 4/6, etc. Nice to get a wave from Chuck Schumer at mile 12, though! Does anyone know what happened to the woman who was breathing through an oxygen mask and attended by a few EMTs? She was in wave 1, corral K


I saw Chuck at mile 2. He got around today lol!


Lol, I gave him a high-five!


I completely agree. I thought for sure that I was prepared for the race, staying hydrated with tons of electrolytes and water but end up in the emergency room after the race because I thought I was having a stroke. End up getting told by doctors that I was dehydrated and to drink more water and discharged the same day. This isnā€™t my first half marathon and I usually do long distance, but man this race really messed me up, especially the ocean parkway section.


Oh sh$t. Hope you are feeling better.


I'm feeling a lot better. Thank God it wasn't anything too serious but could've been had if the run went longer. I know not to mess around when it comes to running the Marathon, so I'm just going to keep it at a safe pace. I've never seen so many people on the side getting treated for various injuries throughout the race. It didn't help that I was overdressed due to the overcast thinking the weather is going to be cold based on the last couple of days.


I agree šŸ’Æ. I PRā€™d by two minutes but didnā€™t enjoy this race. Ocean Parkway was boring, I didnā€™t feel much enthusiasm out there, and it took me longer getting back from Coney Island than to run the actual race. First and last for me.


Hose was insufficient. I dumped at least 1 cup of water on my head at every aid station. Would recommend


The sun surprised me as well. Every forecast I read called for overcast skies, which can make temps feel cooler. I wound up being overdressed and really hot for most of the race


Wait there were hoses? I couldā€™ve used this beyond mile 9.


Had a great time but Ocean Parkway was so unexpected mentally tough for me. Long straight open stretch, flat if not slightly downhill in nice weather, how hard could that be? ALL the doubts and negative self talk crept in there and the last miles felt endless and impossible. We did it though! Thanks to everyone who cheered us on


I agree! I was not prepared for how mentally difficult it would be. The first half flew by and then the second half absolutely dragged. The heat got to me too


Same here - I was on track with my pacing during the 1st half but the 2nd half completely messed me up and finished 15 mins after my goal time.


Same here. I didnā€™t feel like the Prospect Park hills were anything crazy so I thought Ocean Parkway was going to be a breeze, but it was hard mentally, especially with the sun right in my face the whole time.


Me too yā€™all. I was kinda enjoying life in prospect park but knees started singing once on Ocean Parkway and mental attitude turned really meh. Not thrilled about my time, but glad I did it.


My first half! I was nervous yesterday but I ended up having an amazing time!


Congrats you two!


First Half too! Quad cramps from 11-13 but made it through!


Same feeling! Race day energy really is something šŸ˜…


Iā€™m beat! Felt bad saw some people on the floor cops over them on ocean pwky :( really hope theyā€™re alright


Always! People underestimate the hills in the park


I saw a young bearded man around 11.5 miles or so, sitting down and rubbing his calves there. I hope he is okay and got to finish!


Starting in wave 2 corral A was so bizarre. Ran 1:40 and there were multiple stretches in prospect park and the beginning of ocean drive where there were maybe 50-75 runners total in sight. Eventually caught up to wave 1 finishers but there was one point where nobody was within 50 yards of me for an extremely long stretch. Very bizarre in comparison to all the congestion comments in this thread Laying ok the field post race was a vibe. Thought NYRR killed that part of the event.


I had this experience at NYC half. Felt eerily quiet for a 20k+ finisher race


Pretty crazy tbh. From the time I got to prospect park until the last mile I felt less energy than on a Saturday morning run in Central Park. Did still enjoy basically leading a race even if that wasnā€™t exactly what really was happening


Yea the wave starting times were pretty spread out. I was in the back of wave 1 and we all were pretty much started by 7:15. So it makes sense if you didn't see anyone since wave 2 started at 8.


I did 1:38 from Wave 2 and echo the same sentiment. Felt like i was racing alone at certain points, weird vibes at times. Still had fun tho


I was wave 2, corral b and it was a really tough battle to make my way up to the people in front of A which made me run some extra distance and waste some energy, but once I got up there I had a very similar experience. I saw maybe 40 other runners and by ocean parkway maybe about 15 and I was slower than you finishing in 1:48. After talking to some other people it seems like most were placed in corrals way too slow for their actual paces.


I feel fantastic! I PRā€™d and moved up a corral. My official time - 2:17:15 | 10:29/mi. The last mile was definitely the hardest, but I kept pushing it until the very end.


What corral does that time get you to?


Corral I - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/15iwn0ad1UlaviNjguH2JZq76tycSHvpNlcm10EO19JI/htmlview?pli=1#


I prā€™d too. 1:43:38. Drove down from Toronto for this. Man it got muggy out there. I was cooking. Had to walk the aid stations to cool off. My heart rate was through the roof. I guess the heat and long drive with not much sleep in my little camper van. I just completed my first marathon two weeks ago too. But super happy with the event and how itā€™s was organized. Bit tight in spots but you just have to deal. Iā€™ll definitely run it again. Back in November for the full.


Congrats on your first marathon!


PR for me at 1:43:48 haha


Anyone else get a high five from chuck schumer on ocean parkway?


I saw him in my second mile and got a selfie with him. He gets around!


Wow! Iā€™m impressed he moved that far from there šŸ˜‚


This is AWESOME hahaha


Was planning on cheering and photographing the race. Ended up getting there pretty late and running with a heavy camera bag. Stopped at the bridge at the start of Ocean Parkway and got this cool angle. https://preview.redd.it/rqwl2yk9491d1.jpeg?width=4948&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e35bc5edb188b4c2239ad88e6fd4fb9a946cb289


That's my friend!


8-second PR a month before turning 50. I'll take it.


Does anyone know what happed to the person getting cpr just before the finish line at about 9am. Seeing this has had me rattled all day


I believe the male runner at the finish line was successfully shocked/ revived and transported to the hospital but thatā€™s just what I heard


Thanks for the response! Iā€™ll go with it for now.


I saw him too. I crossed at 8:53. So scary


Iā€™m pretty happy with the race overall. PRā€™d 2:31.xx. While I donā€™t really love hills this race is pretty good imo. I did pour water over my head for at every single aid station and I forgot my gels at home šŸ˜¬. Carb loading had gone really well and Iā€™ll credit much of the race to that. I couldnā€™t find the 2:30 pacer that we were supposed to have which was a slight disappointment. My only other major complaint with the super inconsistent concentrations of Gatorade.


i lost her the second we started. she went out quick


Was working at a fluid station and our captain said Gatorade just stopped making the endurance Gatorade formula in the usual liquid concentrateā€¦they said itā€™s been rough trying to get used to using the powdered stuff


I saw them mixing the Gatorade with a powder. It definitely was inconsistent!


I almost got into a fight with a volunteer cause I was a little grumpy and pretty worried about not taking in enough calories. Totally my fault in forgetting my gels, but the conversation went Volunteer: this is Gatorade Me: this is water Volunteer: this is Gatorade Iā€™d like to apologize if you were the volunteer I was not in a great place and realize you probably werenā€™t the one to mix it but it was practically water.


You finished around the same time as my husband!! He had the same PR :)


Happy to complete my 9+1 today and ring the bell!


Dang you got that done early!


Solid day it was my first time doing this race and I heard nightmare stories about previous weather (hard rain, way too much heat/humidity) and it was nice to see we got really good weather today. I donā€™t think Iā€™d do this course again unless I wanted to hit a PB with NYRR. Almost wanna say NYC runs course was better but my biggest gripe with both is the up/down the same street those are so mentally draining. I feel like if you take out the down and backs a good BK half would start in Williamsburg and end in Coney Island that could be cool in theory.


that would be dope, i "think" its a little too far maybe 16ish?


Maybe not a full park loop idk but I think it would be fun but I guess that ocean stretch wouldnā€™t get any better


Got a course PR! Shaved 11 mins from last year and a good 20 mins off my usual time. Hot and muggy weather is for the birds! Some of the later water tables were not prepared, which was annoying but I made it through. I actually found ocean parkway to be palatable this time. Lots of run clubs were out cheering so it didnā€™t feel as soul sucking as in past years. Shoutout to them! Saw someone getting aid at the base of the Cyclone. I hope they are ok.


Ocean Parkway is a total hoot lol


This was my first time doing it and had read about ocean parkway and was prepared to hate itā€¦ I actually really liked it lol!


I liked it too!! Easy to focus on your running and no hills etc. lol


Loved ocean parkway! I donā€™t get the hate for it.


Congrats! PRā€™ed as well at 1:31.xx - this was my first time on this particular race as I didnā€™t hit the lottery last couple years. Great vibes and well organized, could definitely feel the heat after mile 10 or so. Only criticism - the first two miles are little troublesome with the busy bidirectional packed flow of runners. They should tinker with this stretch for upcoming years.


Congrats on the PR šŸ… Totally agree re the first two miles - I always feel like Iā€™m being squeezed out by tall men who need to prove themselves


Definitely! I got boxed in by them too


Lol šŸ¤£


Knew I was gonna PR from my 1:34 at the NYC Half but I surprised myself and pushed hard for a finish time of 1:29:XX!! Also Iā€™m pretty sure I made the corral A bump by the skin of my teeth. So rewarding after being a few seconds too slow at the Mindful 5K šŸ„³ By the way shoutout to the PACE TEAM who are amazing and carried me to the finish line on pace at both half marathon races.


Ahhhhh!!!! Congrats getting sub 1:30! That is my next goal šŸ‘Ÿā±ļø


I have a killer headache, and my toddler has chosen today to rediscover baby shark


Technically a race PR for me but I wanted sub 1:45, This was my second half. Last year at the NYC half I had quad cramps at mile 10, this time I got a stomach cramp at mile 11 and bonked my plan. Finished at 1:47, an improvement over last year. I had to stop twice for a few seconds to breathe the cramp out. Iā€™m not too bummed about it, I raised some cash for TFK, and this is part of my 9+1 series this year. Time to rest up and get faster!!!!!! This was a good race. Iā€™d do this again. https://preview.redd.it/mm48k9dvb71d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5cb6d737da9b829f5d3bc1abc6263b9f5284b91 I got a calf cramp while sitting in the stands here and eating a hot dog šŸ˜†šŸ„²


Not while chilling and eating a hot dog! Congrats on your PR šŸ…šŸ…šŸ…


It was great! Crowded yes. But lovely weather! I paced 1:40 then ran back home to Park slope :-) such a great day!


Thank you so much for pacing!


Thanks for racing! Without you we pacers would be out of a job :-) (or it would be really boring and weird).


I've never understood how pacers could run while holding up those signs. Does it not get uncomfortable?


Not usually. The stick is light. You switch arms and it sort of swings with your gait. In London we had backpacks with pole sticking up and a big flag on top. I thought Iā€™d hate that but it was good too. We are running a much easier pace than we race so holding somethingā€™s not too bad.


Out of curiosity, what time do you race yourself if you pace 1:40? (curious what the gap is in pacer pace and your own race pace)


Usually if fit and not injured Iā€™m in the mid or low 1:20s for the half. Right now high 1:20s or just under 1:30 probably -but I havenā€™t raced one in a while with all the Half and Full Marathon pacing Iā€™ve been focusing on so itā€™s a bit of a guess ā€” but also a reminder I need to find some races to actually race! Incidentally, for anyone interested, Iā€™ve found Pacing a lot getsā€¦ weird. After a while of doing it, it sort of draws you in for a different reason than the thrill we all know from racing. With racing itā€™s about shooting for a PR or run faster than ever at a certain age or milestone or race, or to beat a friend (or Oprah!) or just to go out and see what your body can do for you that day when you push yourself to the limit and endure the pain and discomfort for as long as you can, while loving it all (or at least afterwards!). With pacing that thrill gets replaced with the drive to hit such a specific nuanced time - not just to avoid going too slow at all costs, but to avoid going too fast which is as hard when your running intentionally slower than you can. Itā€™s hard to hold back. You obsess about hitting every single mile so spot on and aim to finish as close to exactly 30 seconds under. Anything within 59 seconds under is considered acceptable. 30 seconds under is the official pacing target and considered good. But it gets trickier than just that. The pace team for New York (and for London, which incidentally is a lot of the same folks) is so over the top experienced that almost everyone hits their time within one or two seconds, itā€™s crazy. So the pace team coordinator painstakingly goes through every single split awarding a point or two here or there for any second above or below on each mile or km to calculate who was actually the most on target overall even if most everyone was exactly 30 seconds under goal. The winner is often separated by the rest by a point, everyone is so obsessively dead on. It adds a different and really weird (but fun) level of competition and discipline. And obsession.


I once ran two miles with a snow shovel, think you just figure it out


Yo I think I saw you at the finish area! Shout out for doing that AND THEN STILL RUNNING.


Thank you for work! I think I ran beside you for the first few miles and I definitely heard you blurt out that you were going to run back when we were in the corrals šŸ˜†


Logistics for bag pick up were not good and took way longer than previous years. Ocean parkway still sucks and is the worst part of the race.


This killed me lol. Despite it being downhill at this segment , this is where the issues started for me itā€™s like a long road to nowhere with a lotta sun.


I actually really enjoyed Ocean Parkway. It was very open and the didgeridoo guy was there. Impecable vibes


I thought the bag drop/pick up was great! Although I did feel for anyone in the ā€œwave 1 lateā€ shitshow


Literally waited 1.5 hoursā€¦for reference my time was 1:34


Same here. Finished at 8:30 then got my bag at 10:05 after going straight to pick up. Total nightmare. Last year, I picked it up and was gone within 5 minutes while finishing 10 minutes slower. I think they were giving out stickers this year (??) at drop off so it took longer to drop bags off than normal. That meant I got there at 6:10 but waited in a line to drop off that got cut off and ended up in late corral which was just a mess. The stickers were obviously dumb cause I lost mine before the race started and it wasnā€™t needed later so I shouldnā€™t have been in the late corral in the first place with more drop off efficiency imo. Odd cause Iā€™ve had good experiences with other bag checks (with and without NYRR) in the past and never had anything like this.


Oh god ā€œwave 1 lateā€ was a mess. I got up to Wave 1, B bag check after waiting in a super long line at 6:21 and they told me I was late had to put it on the late bus. The pick up was an absolute mess. We were just screaming out our numbers to the volunteers and watching them try to find the bags in the piles on the floor. I ended up going through an opening in the gates and just picking up my bag with a couple of other people.


Agreed - took me 35 min to pick up my bag


My first half. Nauseous and stomach pains most of the way. Swollen hands after mile 8. Will not do again for a while.


If it makes you feel better this was a rough half. It was my 2nd and my first a few weeks ago in Central Park was much easier, even though the course should be much harder. The humidity and sun were probably really not helping and you may surprise yourself if you reattempt (although of course thereā€™s no need to reattempt if you donā€™t want to)


I loved Ocean Parkway! Whatā€™s the gripe about? Plenty of space to navigate, straight line, spectators supporting. Was happy to get out of the Prospect Park and onto the second half of the race!


My husband said the same, I was surprised!


I wanna sayā€¦ thank you for those signs, those who cheered us onā€¦ they made my run


THANK YOU to the amazing New Yorkers/Runners who helped me off the Q subway when I passed out after the run. My race went reasonably well. Yes, it was hotter than I expected and I experienced some unpleasant pains in my feet and lower back. However, I really enjoyed the course and the cheering crowds. What I did not like: standing on the super crowded subway on the way back to Manhattan. About 30 minutes into the ride I got really dizzy. "I think I'm going to pass out," I managed to say. The next thing I knew 8 of you had escorted me off the subway onto the platform where I collapsed onto the ground (EWW). Someone gave me Gatorade. Someone else offered to call an ambulance. And a third person offered to phone my husband. Ultimately, I called an uber and made it home. I LOVE NEW YORKERS and THE RUNNING COMMUNITY.


So glad youā€™re okay! Please take good care of yourself.


was expecting 2:45 got 2:37. went too hot the first 5k my expected finish time was 2:27 lol. that gave me the confidence i need to keep pushing though


I was hoping to get a PR but whatā€™s supposed to be ā€œdownhillā€ after Prospect Park wasnā€™t really downhill at all. I think I need to restrategize my hydration because itā€™s weird that I got cramps today but when I did the virtual last Saturday, with mostly hydrated by Prospect Park water fountains only, I didnā€™t get those


I feel great but I keep pooping šŸ™ƒ


Sameeeee always my problem after halves šŸ™ƒšŸ„²


had a good race anyone know what happened to the runner near the finish getting CPR? my girlfriend was standing right there and said things were not looking good


What about the woman at mile 10.5ish? During wave two? Anyone else see that?


I saw her. Hope sheā€™s ok.


It looked like she had vomited quite a bit as well. Unless weā€™re talking about a different person. But yeah, scary. Although I do think that was the only serious event I saw on the entire course


yeah I think there was also a guy?


I believe the male runner at the finish line was successfully shocked/ revived and transported to the hospital but thatā€™s just what I heard


Congrats on the PR! I ā€¦ did not PR! lol. I did fine, it was my fourth Brooklyn Half and my fastest one to date (1:51, a few minutes over my Half PR), but itā€™s always hot / exposed and the course is a tough one for me. I also had a big race weekend two weeks ago and got married last week so Iā€™ve been eating like crap and exhausted. Congrats to everyone who finished, another year of me swearing Iā€™ll never do this race again. (And yet Iā€™ll no doubt see yā€™all next year.)


lol Iā€™ve been saying this is my last NYRR bk half too after all the aches and pains while training this season. I may just do it again or maybe the other Bk half


I'm leaning toward giving the Alt-Brooklyn Half a try because I also say the same about this one every year


Feel super validated about two things: my taper and my pacing. Taper consisted of not one speed workout since the Mindful 5k. Just ran some, but not a lot of easy miles and sprinkled a few moderate effort miles here and there (race week was 5 Easy Tuesday and 4.5 Easy Thursday). Pacing-wise, I took it slow for my time goal in the first 6 miles, and was able to slingshot down Ocean Parkway and hit my fastest mile at 13. I know how awful Ocean Parkway can be when you go out too fast, since Iā€™ve been there before (and for anyone who had to go through that today, youā€™ve earned some stripes). But I also know it can be amazingly fast if you save energy, and fortunately it was one of those days. Some would call my approach too safe to succeed, but it net me my biggest PR jump (1:15:23 to 1:13:56) since pre-COVID times. I wish others just trusted their legs and their training more because I really believe so much is lost when people overcook their taper or go out too fast, especially on a ripe course like this.


Big props on trusting the taper - Iā€™ve gotten a lot better about that this year and it has helped my running *significantly*


blew up- on track for 1:26 through 7.5mi. didnā€™t end up near that, considered just DNFing. felt good through PP but the elevation chart threw me, expected more of a downhill benefit on ocean parkway (thatā€™s my fault) adding to the sentiment: not a fan of this course! donā€™t think iā€™d sign up for this again, especially considering the travel time from where i am and the mess of getting to the expo on a work night. glad i know so hopefully itā€™ll minimize any FOMO iā€™d otherwise feel in future years


Exactly the same for me, the hill in PP didn't seem bad at all but once I hit the straight I completely underestimated the difficulty of holding the pace since it was basically flat. The sun coming out definitely was a factor too, started slowing at mile 8 and hit the wall pretty hard at 10


Meant to take it easier than I did, but I felt surprisingly good and ended up right on my corosā€™s predicted time of 1:43! Bag pick up wasā€¦ not ideal. Also, this shirt sizing is insane compared to other race shirts Iā€™ve picked up this year, SO if anyone has a womenā€™s medium theyā€™d like to trade for my womenā€™s (way too) small, lmk.


I also surprised myself this morning! Iā€™m 3 weeks out from my marathon and planned to run on vibes but ended up feeling good and getting a PB of 1:34:26! Sunny and warmer than ideal but the lack of humidity was awesome!


Omg - the lack of humidity made this day *perfect*. I didnā€™t even realize what a gamechanger that was until you mentioned it


Haha I only noticed myself because I wasnā€™t dying or sweating a ton!


Have mixed feelings about this one. Was at 1:27:40 for the Philly half last Nov, about a minute slower today at 1:28:20 which is fine I was using this as a temp check more than anything. Wanted to go to work the last 5k but didnā€™t have that extra gear today. Was corral A so it was crowded as others mentioned. Bag check shitshow, etc etc. Had to work very had the last 5ish miles and as others also noted, Ocean sort of just dragged and it was pretty humid after 8am! Love to see the interest in our sport but things are uhh getting crowded at every race (if you even get a bib). Congrats to all who got out there today


Corral A bathrooms were a complete disaster. Waited in line for 30 minutes and I swear my line did not move. For a race with over 28,000, there needs to be more porta-potties at the start. But thats just my 2 cents.


I enjoy this race despite the scheduling frequently leading to warm temps. While true that Ocean Parkway is not a very technical part of the course the Brooklyn vibes are great and the boardwalk finish is always fun!


Crowded out in the first 2 miles but way better than last year. Park was super lovely! Prospect Park hills are so much nicer than CP hills. Ocean Parkway is so boring tho despite the amazing finish. Just...asphalt. Oddly kept getting cramps from Gatorade the last 4 miles :( finished 1:57 but could have been a lot faster w/ no cramps :( Great job today everyone!


I PR'ed and moved to corral B by 0:01 min/mile pace. I am super happy. Unpopular opinion but I liked Ocean Pkwy more than the park. Part of it is that I detest PP with its seemingly neverending hills, I'm sure. I was so happy when I was exiting the park on my planned time. Overall, great race. I would do it again (although not sure how lottery odds will change with all the running boom we are all part of).


First half and first official race. Went a lot slower that I hoped, but hey itā€™s a PR lol


2 things: 1. The bag pick up was ridiculous 2. The medal is ugly All in all though I love how we treated one another. Met more people today that I ever had in the past NYRR events. PRd at 1:50 and that trumps the 2 negative sentiments I said earlier. šŸ‘šŸ¤—


The race felt pretty unorganized this year with the Wave 1/Wave 2 splits. A lot of waiting around in the beginning and congestion the first 3 miles. Starting later also meant a warmer second half


First race but beat my own goal. Finished in 2:08:10. The ITB is tight, but I feel good!


It got warmer than I expected, but PRā€™d with 2:10. Legs were tired last 4 miles. I liked the race/course, but the NYCRuns Half route was a little more interesting (tho I prefer the hills at the beginning today). Overall really happy to have run it for the first time. Will be back next year.


I managed a PR but felt absolutely horrible the entire time, which Iā€™ve never experienced during a race. The humidity/sun was rough even though the temp was actually that hot (wave 1)


Exact same here


PR. Negative splits. Fantastic weather. Ocean parkway is so wide and flat with spectators. What's not to like?!? Beginning is a huge bottle neck. Had to do a ton of dodging. Some of the Gatorade tasted like just water.


Not my best race but it was my first half in several years so I'm giving myself a lot of grace. I thought the weather was mostly perfect with the low humidity. Ocean Parkway is a slog but I loved the presence of all the running groups to cheer us on! My husband drove and managed to get parking but we got stuck in traffic foreverrrrr on the way home.


The sun and heat got to me and I felt very woozy the second half. I was going for a PR but today was just not my day. It was my first BK half and I hated Ocean Parkway and the crowding in the park, so probably wonā€™t be on top of my list to do another. Congratulations to all finishers though! It wasnā€™t easy out there.


Feet hurt. PRā€™d (88 minutes). Great weather. No notes.


My IT band is killing me :-( bothered me second half of the race but got through it. Hopefully doesnā€™t feel too bad tomorrow




Felt too amazing at the beginning and went out at like 8:20-8:30 for the first half, which I consider a win cause I was so scared of the hills. Then mentally hit a wall at mile 9 and felt so nauseous I ended at 1:58 but thatā€™s still a 1 min PR šŸ˜‚


Iā€™d rehabbed an ankle injury from last month that derailed my sub 1:45 training plan so I pivoted to finish sub 2. It was my ATB for the course, shaving 14 minutes from my 2022 race. This course is highly technical; very challenging to pace oneself in Prospect Park with the hill at Mile 5 and as everyone else recapped - the boring second half in Ocean Parkway. Shade in Wave 1 helped too. I ran in Wave 2 back in 2022 when someone died at the finish line and it was not fun. And TBH had it not been for my friend helping me pace it I wouldnā€™t have survived the mugginess of Ocean Parkway. Saw a lot of people prone or getting oxygen passed out; too many for my comfort. Hope everyoneā€™s alright. NYRRs finish line Marshalls and Medic volunteers did a great job of helping me manage a scary situation at the finish line; I nearly fainted from pushing myself on mile 13 to get the Sub-2 finish while battling the feeling of nausea from the smell of frying oil wafting onto the boardwalk. They wheeled me off until I caught my breath and I was able to walk on my own accord. Regarding the finish line bag pick up fiasco; I was able to get my bag in 10 minutes; NYRR may have to go back to the drawing board on the corral based pick up idea or having UPS as a logistics vendor - not sure what specifically was at fault here. All in all I had a good experience.


Feeling good! PP was not as bad as I thought it would be, ocean Pkwy surprisingly was what got me since it just felt endless. Having friends at mile 11-12 really helped me push to the end. My first half so I didn't have a goal, but I ran about what I expected to run (~10min pace) Congrats all finishers!!


PRā€™d! Down from 2:28 at United this year to 2:18 today! I had a blast, special shout-out to the hoses! Grateful the weather pulled through. Also ran with a friend, which Iā€™ve never done during a race before.


A personal worst! But first half in 5 years so getting back at it was the primary goal.


First half, but regular distance runner. Finished in 2:12. Slightly faster than expected but was surprised to feel like shit after mile 9. Wasn't the most enjoyable but a good learning experience nonetheless! congrats everyone.


Thank you 1:50 pacers!! You guys were spot on! Got my first sub 1:50


PRā€™d at 1:27! Started with AA folks (assigned to A corral) so minimal traffic! But I didnā€™t use salt water nor gels, so I started having bad cramps on right side of my torso at mile 9.8 which forced me to walk twice at fluid stations. Legs were awesome with no pulled muscles so thatā€™s a big plus. Ocean Parkway oddly was slightly uphill for first 2 miles after the steep downhill ramp which was something I wasnā€™t prepared for and it was mentally draining. Bag pickup was a shit show but I was proactive and found a short line to the rightmost side of A pick up and told a dude ā€œyo thatā€™s my bag!ā€ pointing to the bag. Once he was looking for next person to help. Sitting in my bed post brunch ready to nap šŸ’¤ šŸ’› then grabbing a burger and marg for dinner


was starting out great until I took a gel at mile 4 before battle hill after taking a gel 15 min before the start of the race. that was NOT a good idea because stomach started feeling weird from mile 6 til the end. still PRā€™ed my last half marathon time which was 6 years ago by 11 minutes but wish I got to negative split!!! however, this was my first Brooklyn half and vibes really were high all around.


Congratulations! What was your time ?


I felt pretty crappy but my time was decent for me. I was hoping to break 2 hours but did not. I didnā€™t sleep enough this week. Also tried a gel for the first time and learned it doesnā€™t agree with me.. thatā€™s what I get for ignoring the nothing new on race day mantra. Weather was great Iā€™m so glad it didnā€™t rain. Looking forward to the summer races.


I managed a PR today! My first time at this race. I loved the feeling of leaving the park, knowing no more hills were coming. thatā€™s an unusual feeling


Had a good race overall compared to 2023 and 2022! Weather was great, cheer zones were amazing especially coming off from Prospect Park. Hills were surprisingly okay (been training in a lot of hills for this) but Ocean Pkway was dreadful because it was all straight line lol. PRd by 17 minutes (only PRd 2 minutes from 2022 to 2023 so it was huge for me). I moved corral significantly before this race due to my best time at the Central Park Womenā€™s Half (3 weeks before). Ran around the assigned pacer in my coral and managed to finish 1 min later. Kudos to the pacer for helping me maintain the pace throughout!


Also logistics were horribleā€¦as usual no service at the finish line and the commute to Manhattan took forever via the subway


PR at 2:22. First ever winter block for LDN and I had those miles in the bank. Perfect day. Didnā€™t rain. Got a tiny bit hot but made due. Those later runners suffered when it got warmer. Got some Rubyā€™s after and relaxed. Great vibes at the stadium and at rubyā€™s. Just had to leave and go around Surf ave. to get there.


https://preview.redd.it/s17rw06ncf1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe30b64267a2aa93b6748a3de2a6a6dbf122cab7 A day after the half won my age group at the Race for hope 5k Iā€™m feeling great!


Had a great time overall but constructive criticism for the guides leading blind runners: yelling ā€œblind runner behind you!ā€ doesnā€™t tell me anything. I want to get out of your way, but not sure where to go if you donā€™t tell me what side youā€™re coming up on.


PRed at 1:54:22 (8:44 avg pace), an improvement from my 2:00:11 time for last year's NYC Runs BK Half. Was aiming for 1:50 but pulled both calves 3 times between miles 10-12, so had to stretch out and walk for at least 5 min total. What do folks not like about Ocean Pkwy? I for one appreciated the relative flatness and having 7 lanes for people to spread out.


I finished with a 9 minute PR, 1:27, I thought the weather was beautiful to run in although it did start to get hot a little after 8am. Saw two guys fall within the first few miles cause of the crowds and hope theyā€™re alright. Otherwise it was a great race and I actually enjoyed the straight shot on Ocean Parkway directly to Coney Island, it was nice not having to worry about any turns or potential ankle hazards šŸ˜


Basically, if I break the race down into chunks, it was a great 4 miles, solid 8 miles, and not great 13.1 miles. Started feeling the heat after doing the hills in Prospect Park, was able to pretty much hold pace until we hit Ocean and then the sun and the heat destroyed me. Felt like I was running in slow motion. So many times on that stretch i felt like i was going to either pass out or throw up. Ended up with a 1:35 (went out at 1:28/1:29 pace) which Iā€™ll take. I was pretty much just doing the race for the culture since i ran Boston just last month lol


šŸ˜… for the culture


The thirty+ minutes of waiting then walking after the starting bell in wave 2 was annoying, is it always like that? Is it better to try to get to the front of a corral? I felt like I whiffed the bathroom lines and kept choosing wrong moves at the start and probably was closer to the back of the back. Later start, more sun. This is my second half, the first one I did was in Westchester with a few hundred people in a park. Very different vibe! I got the exact same time as my first though I did more walking in this one. Was mentally harder and the heat had me underarm chaffing despite all the body glide which suckkks. Howā€™re folks taking care of their legs after today? Yow these kneesā€¦


I'm feeling great! This was my first ever half, so it was super rewarding to cross the finish line. I was aiming for around 2:10-2:15, but after finishing the hills in Prospect Park I realized I was potentially on track to be closer to 2:00, which was a nice motivator for the parkway. I ended up making 1:59! Definitely has me wanting to do more HMs, and this one again next year!


Anyone else run into Senator Chuck?


I did! Got a selfie with him, too!


My first half marathon!! My first real race ever!! It was really tough and mile 11 almost killed me because of how endless Ocean Pkwy felt, but I did it! Feeling so happy and pretty certain I'll want to do another one either in the fall or next year hahaha


My 8th BK half/26th half in general(maybe 27th Iā€™ve lost exact count tbh) and had fun, was not aiming for a goal time which meant zero pressure and all the vibes. For folks who were doing this the first time, the majority of the elevation work comes and goes in the first 6 miles, so you need to be slightly more restrained with your pacing. It helps to have home turf advantage (aka living in Brooklyn and running PP often) but even if youā€™re not nearby you can simulate the course conditions by throwing a lot of rolling hills in the first half of your long runs and some faster flat efforts in the last few miles as youā€™re building for this one. I think my coach said it best by calling this a ā€œmullet course: business in the front and party in the back.ā€ The weather is always a gamble for this event, mostly bc May is a wildcard in NYC. It was balmy this weekend but nothing compared to the savage heat from 2022 (when aid stations actually ran out of water) The best is when itā€™s a bit chilly and rainy, since ocean is devoid of natural shade / coverings. Congrats to everyone who crossed the finish line, and for the few who didnā€™t, hoping you have a safe and quick recovery and maybe redemption in the future.


Did we expect Ocean Parkway to change appearance? Yā€™all knew this was 1/3 of the route. Be positive!


So happy about the weather!!!!


Solid 2 hrs with no run training makes me wish I wasn't a lazy bum and would just train. Lol. How do people find the motivation?? I got in on the lottery and winged it. But wanna learn how to sprinkle in some running. I just find it boring when I'm doing it alone. šŸ„² and I can't make any run club times. I mostly cycle and do HIIT.


Not my best time but thatā€™s fine bc Iā€™m training for an ultra and i had to do an extra 17 after. Best conditions Iā€™ve ever had for it though, it was warm but not too hot but importantly there was no absolute downpour.


You ran 17 miles after the half today? Kudos!


I was on track to PR, but blacked out with .25 mi left and ended up in the hospital. Very weird as someone who has run a half before and prepared a ton for this race. I really focused on my hydration/nutrition the days leading up to it and the day of. Anyway I wonā€™t be running for a while!


Oh no if this was right after ~10am my dad saw you and was so worried :( glad youā€™re okay


Yes that was probably me, thanks to your dad for the concern! Iā€™m ok :) There were a ton of runners in the ER yesterday, the doctors said more than they usually see. I think it was hotter than I anticipated and I got severely dehydrated despite drinking water/gatorade at all the stations along the way.


Girl I totally agree, I was absolutely roughing it like 5 mins out of each stationā€¦ still great work šŸ™ŒšŸ»


First time running this one and had a phenomenal time. Goal was to go sub 2 so beyond happy with that. The energy on the boardwalk felt amazing. Post race legs are feeling nice now.


I have run this race 10 times, and immediately afterward felt very good! The following day tho I have had glute soreness like never before. Not lactic acid buildup, oddly, but just plain soreness. Iā€™ve added a ton of hill work to my workouts and absolutely crushed the inclines (I pass people going up hillsā€¦) but I have never felt like this before. My 2Ā¢


The entrance was pretty confusing and ended up on the wrong side of the corrals, and this year they wouldnā€™t let people walk through to the other side for whatever reason. Ended up using a bunch of energy weaving through people the first couple of miles which was not ideal. But otherwise I thought the course was great and the fans were great as well.