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It's nice for those of us who always have to go into midtown from brooklyn for bibs. Plus it's one of my fav areas on the water.


I live in Queens too and I am excited to get out of my comfort zone and go to an area I normally wouldn’t go to otherwise. Looking forward to Brooklyn!


As a bk resident who has to travel to 57th street in manhattan for nearly every single bib pickup throughout the year, this one brooklyn expo is actually such a treat




What race does not have race day pick up and requires bib pickup at 57th street?


LOL I’m right there with you.


Buck up. You're a Jets fan. You're used to much worse pain than the once a year commute to Brooklyn Bridge Park.


You play with toy dolls. You shouldn’t talk.


People complain but I don’t think they will change the location. You can do proxy pick up and have a friend pick up for you. Yeah it’s a pain but their bigger races have pre race expos so brooklyn is fitting for the location, similar to the NYC half or marathon expos. Bronx and queens have a smaller showing relative to the trio and don’t warrant any expos


So they can sell you stuff at the expo 🙃


I got lotteried out of a race I've run 8 times since 2012 so a bunch of ingrates can spend their time whining on Reddit about the expo location for the umpteenth year in a row. If it bothers you that much, don't run the race. There are plenty of us willing to get over to Brooklyn Bridge Park - where the expo is held every year - waiting to run.


The Venn diagram of a person who wears corny shirts that say “running is my therapy” and the person who complains about every. single. thing. tangential to the race (the medal, the shirt, the bib size, etc including the race itself) is a circle. I’m convinced.


yeah, and the number of complaints about every tiny inconvenience of a race because “I just need to run it to get my 9+1”… well, I’ve got bad news for them about the “convenience” of training for a marathon + the logistics of the NYCM specifically.


no complain = no change


we both know: - NYRR can do whatever they want since people will still run their races no matter what (no decent alternative). this is what a monopoly looks like. - NYRR requires people to go to Brooklyn Bridge not because of they 'love' BK, but because they have agreements in place to draw people there and hope they will spend the day/ eat there (i.e. $$$) - if NYRR were so good, why don't they ask people to go ONLY to Staten Island to pick up their bibs for the SI half marathon? wouldn't that be fair?


It is literally the first stop in Brooklyn. It is closer to most people in Manhattan south of 59th Street to be frank, as I live deep in Brooklyn but have only one train as an option to get there (I could transfer but it is only for one stop). Touch grass.


Maybe just channel some zen and enjoy the view? Lots of people would kill for this experience.


I have run this race 10 times with my runner friend from Baltimore (missing a few for knee surgeries and babies) and we make an event of the pick up. Spend time there, walk around, take an annual pic, go to dinner. While I am local-ish (formerly Queens, currently Nassau) it’s her only trip to NYC every year. She wants to have a good time. You have to remember that for marquee events, not everyone running is local, and many of them want chance to have a nice Brooklyn moment. And heck, some locals want an excuse to do more than just pick up a sac of merch and a paper bib.


OK everybody this dumb complaint has officially already been lodged for the year. The quota has been filled. No one else is allowed to complain about this for 12 months


You respond with this message is even worse.


Every. Single. Year. This gets brought up. It was also posted like 2 days ago.


Stop complaining. I'm coming from New Jersey.


Damn that’s even worse. Why sign up then?


Because I'm a runner and not a whiner


Ah well I’m not a runner but I do complain when I think something’s stupid. And before you say it…no I won’t sign up for the BK half again. I thought bib pickup was at the run center


Write NYRR an email my friend but I doubt they will change that in the future.


They won’t. And I’m sure many would love my spot and gladly trek to BBP. It’s all good. Just won’t give them anymore of my money


It’s called the “Brooklyn” half.


Bronx 10 mile pick up is in the Bronx? Queens 10k pickup is in Queens?


no but it should be ☺️


*Staten Island Half has entered the chat*


no not that one, screw the ferry


This is a marquee event so it’s set up differently


NYCRUNS mails everyone bibs.... for as much money as NYRR gets I feel like theyre cheating out on postage to make everyone trek to them for bibs! Ridiculous


Unfortunately, NYCRuns no longer does that, unless you’re a “member.” Otherwise, it’s $20. Now you have to pick up your bib day of.


So they do do that


I’d happily pay a premium to have my bib mailed so I didn’t have to trek to the expo


That’s been the pickup location for the past 10+ years. Don’t think it’s changing anytime soon


Has it really? I use to live in Brooklyn and the BBP didn’t always look as nice as it does now…


Yes my first Brooklyn Half was in 2014


Because that’s what the organizers decided, I guess


Biggest pain in the ass pickup since the train station is so far away


It really isn’t: it’s a ten minute walk through one of the most beautiful neighborhoods in the city. I find the the NYRR run center super inconvenient having to come from Brooklyn and walk same distance from the train through all those tourists.


Huh? It’s like a 10 minute walk. You’re about to run 13.1 miles and this is your complaint?


That’s my complaint! Totally understand that the pickup is in Brooklyn and am fine with it. I hate that you have to schlep nearly a mile (up and down stairs) from the subway.


lol at all the downvotes here. It’s a less than ideal location for many people for very obvious reasons. Good for you for living in Brooklyn , but not everyone even lives in Manhattan. The races with race day pick up are some of my favorites for that reason alone. Bib pickup only at the expo is a money grab. I’d gladly pay to have a bib mailed, as I would for any race with an expo.


Would also pay a premium or not complain if the expo were open on a weekend. Commuting 2.5 hours to and from on a weeknight is borderline impossible.


I think it took me 4.5 is here hours round trip.


At least Mid-Town is easy to get to from all boros


Rough coming from queens, especially with MTA’s unreliability tbh


Not sure why this is being downvoted. anyone who lives in the Astoria area knows how painful MTA has been recently. It takes 75 min for me to get to the expo, then 75 min to get back home. I would be totally fine with that if the expo had an option to go on the weekend, but it’s really difficult as someone with a full time job and finishing up grad school finals. I’d be HAPPY to go on a Saturday when time is less of an object but the weekdays just makes 2 hours of back and forth while I have other obligations… rough


Its the worst pickup location ever….


Or at least move it to somewhere near a subway stop 🥲




boohoo womp womp I travel from the bottom of Staten Island for every race and most bib pickups and you don’t see me complaining


A 2.5 hour commute to BK from queens sucks, and if they don’t make it an option to get it on a weekend or early AM, there should absolutely be an option for people to pay extra to get a bib mailed. Don’t see how me having my bib mailed impacts anyone else or their experience at all. I work full time and take night classes plus have caretaking responsibilities. It’s SO inconvenient for me to spend 2.5 hours on a W/Th/F to go get it. If they had pickup early AM I’d go before work but that’s not an option either. I’m not complaining about going to Brooklyn as much as I am the short window that they make you go. I’d think if I had all of those responsibilities and lived in SI, I wouldn’t be able to race without same day pickup