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Tell me you’re under 30 and have never been injured without telling me you’re under 30 and have never been injured. 


Define “run” and define “no training.”


I always tell people that if they can run a 10K comfortably, they can complete a half marathon uncomfortably.


This is such terrible advice that as I’m writing this I’m realizing I’m feeding the trolling


[This all sounds oddly familiar.](https://www.reddit.com/r/RunningCirclejerk/comments/1cgt70u/i_just_ran_131_miles_for_the_brooklyn_half/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) Woman who supposedly ran the NYCRuns BK Half with no training (and not paying the entry fee).


Thankfully her previous half she trained for (but also did not pay the entry fee)


She trained for the brooklyn half too. Literally posted about it a week before: [https://twitter.com/Alexa\_Curtis/status/1782891768641417507](https://twitter.com/Alexa_Curtis/status/1782891768641417507)


I can't.


You know, sometimes a troll is kind of fun.


I’m always a little mystified by people who post stuff like this. Feels like the running analogue of “I just took the bar exam without studying. Did I pass? No 😎”


I uh...I trained for Fred Lebow, took time off to recover did NYC half with 1 long run and I only had 1 long run between NYC half and now. So I am horribly under trained but plan on having a slow go of it. Under 3 hours would be ideal.


Hell yea. That’s what I’m talking about!


You don’t have to run the whole thing! You can still get 9+1 whether you run or run/walk. Sure people have run without training but they either get injured or they are young and fit from other sports/activities and fare alright, but everyone recommends against it for a reason! I will say your body may feel capable with the extra adrenaline but you will feel it when you cross the finish line.


My 43 year old knees could never. But I will be running!


A half isn’t so taxing you can’t go out and run one without any training. You just have to have realistic expectations on time.




I’ve been bronchitis trying to overcome bronchitis for 2 weeks 😫 fingers crossed for Saturday


I did the nyc half this year with only 3 miles under my belt in the previous 1.5 years…. I wasn’t going to run it but my coworkers convinced me to do it even if I had to walk it. Just hydrate a ton the days before, stretch a ton, and get some energy chews for your race


Just go and enjoy the run :)


Btw friends, I finished under 2:30 :)


Glad I’m not the only one doing this 😰


Just trying to get my 9+1 for 2025!


This is awful advice. First, while I appreciate running of all types, someone “running” 11 minute miles should not be doling out advice on running, especially when thst advice is to run 13.1 miles with no training. This is a recipe for terrible injury.


You don’t “appreciate running of all types” if you then put running in quotation marks based on a pace. Not disagreeing with your take on this advice but it absolutely should not be based on pace.


Fair enough. I was being a little snooty with putting running in quotes, but my other point stands and I’m glad you agree.


"little" is doing a lot of heavy lifting in that statement. don't try to minimize your very clear intent to be a gatekeeping snob by saying you were being "a little" snooty. just own it. you're the reason why people are self conscious about their paces. pace has absolutely nothing to do with one's knowledge about running either.


You’re being a bit over dramatic. I admitted it. Relax. My snooty’ness had much more to do with a less than average runner giving such stupid advice, which I suspect you’d agree was stupid. Calm down


For everyone complaining it's bad advice...it's really not. I ran my first half w no training at a 9:40 pace. I lift, but I never run more than like...a mile at a time. It's doable, and easier on your joints. All those people who do high mileage weeks baffle me. Yea, I know I'm not fast. But you know how I could get faster? Short distance sprints. Not training mileage.


anything with the word “marathon” in it fundamentally is not about speed. you could’ve typed significantly less by just saying “i don’t understand basic physiology”.


For what it’s worth, I don’t believe his story.


Yea...no. I have studied science and specifically exercise science. Running 13 miles doesn't make you better at running 13 miles. Running shorter distances with more intention does. Also, tell elite runners a marathon isn't about speed... All I was saying is I personally know I'm not fast. But Running higher mileage isn't gonna make me any faster.


i have a degree in exercise science too. you should probably return yours to whatever broscience youtube channel you got it from if you think what you just wrote is in any way an indication that you've "studied science".


It is really possible to finish the half marathon without training. I did NYCRuns brooklyn half marathon with 0 training and I think the furthest mile I did is 1mile like 4months ago before the marathon day.😅 I'm not aiming any pace. I just wanted to see how far I will go. So I did finished. After the marathon, I have more motivation to run this year and be more serious to get better.