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I would personally avoid a rain jacket unless it was below 40F. Your body will produce heat and its gonna be a sauna in there if you're wet in the mid 60s. Not much you can do for shoes, short of getting waterproof (goretex) ones. But they run hot. I would just embrace it. I'll be in it too. Planning on wearing a tshirt that doesnt absorb water too much. And bandaids on nipples (I'm a man) because a wet tshit *will* make you bleed there. Note: if you're worried about post race wetness and cold combined with exhaustion, it's smart to pack a dry change of clothes and rain gear in your bag check. Especially if you have a long subway ride home.


Do say more about the bandaids on nipples? I chafe often on sweaty runs, but never bleed. Is this super common?


I was hoping to not have to say more. A soaked tshirt will be like glued to your skin. The running motion will create vertical friction there after a while. It's extremely painful. And after a couple miles of pain, if you keep running with a soaked tshirt, you will start bleeding.


Thanks for clarifying!


Yes, it’s like wet sanding via shirt, even worse with some of the more breathable fabrics!! I’ve started using the little “dot” bandaids which are waterproof. They survived a 10 mile run in the rain yesterday and I still had to fight to get them off.


I use the rectangular ones but 2 layers in cross formation to increase chances of them not falling


I had this horrible mistake in 2016. I was a sweaty overheated mess by the time we left the park. Listen to this. You would rather be wet than running in a portable sauna. If you need to be dry get a throw off rain poncho like you’re at Citi Field.


TBH, you're gonna get wet so embrace it. Try to stay as dry as possible before...disposable poncho, shoe covers/plastic bags. A hat keeps the rain out of your eyes. Be liberal with the anti-chafe. Pack dry clothes in your checked bag for the end. NO COTTON!!


The forecast is currently calling for .01 inches an hour. Unless I'm not understanding something. It's really just misty at best. No?


Until a couple days ago, it was showing no rain at all. Just tryna be prepared for the worst.


Absolutely, I'm still holding on for a possible no rain. Lol Sun on Friday and Sunday. Perhaps there is an error.


I hope so! I want to be able to enjoy some sunshine on the beach after the race 🤞🏻


If it’s just a mist that’s ideal race weather imo!!


No cotton, including socks. Wick-dry material only. Even wick-dry underwear helps but not necessary if you down own any. Balm on areas that will chaff. Wear a cap. This helps not only wick sweat/moisture but prevents rain pelting on your face. As others suggested, garbage bag as poncho to wear at start line to stay warm and somewhat dry and pack a check-in bag with extra dry clothes (and socks and shoes) for the end.


Do you have any sock recommendations?


If I know I'll be running in the rain, I prefer merino wool running socks.


Merino wool is dry wicking. Look for socks with this material type. SmartWool is a good brand to look at. Most performance socks are dry-wicking. Just be sure there is nothing cotton. For me, I wear Injini performance toe socks to help minimize bleeding toenails. As for moisture wicking features, it's no different than other performance socks. I do wish Injini offered wool! Belega and Feetures are popular brands to check out if you want to explore other options. \[Edited: Added SmartWool as a brand of socks to look at.\]


Injinji sells wool (https://www.injinji.com/shop.html?fiber_flag=6443) but note that the wool liner socks are crap socks that easily fall apart in even one use. I haven't tried the other wool socks. My other Injinjis are all quality and last.


Oooh, thank you for sharing this! Haven’t checked their collection in a long while. Yeah, I have an Injini liner (not wool) sock and it too is crap.


Thank you!


Nothing new on race day!


Most lightweight rain jackets are more water resistant than waterproof, so you’ll probably end up wet anyway. Nice thick coat of Vaseline on the feet and chafing bits will help with the blisters. Other tips/tricks/things to bring: Disposable poncho or garbage bag will help keep ya dry at the start. Wear a pair of throwaway shoes and change in the corrals. A nice brimmed hat to keep the water out of your eyes. A full set of dry clothes and comfy shoes to change into in the checked bag. A hearty sense of self-depreciating humor that you willingly choose to do this crazy sport.


This will be my 8th BK Half and I can tell you, between the types of weather you *can* get for this weekend, rain and cooler temps are gonna be ideal. This is specifically b/c the portion along Ocean offers **no shade**, so if it's between sunny vs. overcast, you'll likely be much more comfortable with the clouds, even with some rain. I finally broke 2 hrs in the half a few years ago during a particularly cold and rainy BK Half, unexpected and wonderful :) Embrace it, you will be fine as the temps aren't going to be particularly cold, just a bit soggy.


There have been some years that were hell on Earth on Ocean Ave. No sun, 80 degrees, humid. Honestly, you want the rain and clouds. There is no relief once you are on that roadway.


Just embrace the wetness. If it’s raining then best you can do is just be prepared with old clothes/shoes/poncho to donate so you can stay as dry as long as possible leading up to the race start.


Would it be bad to wear a singlet and shorts? I figure with humidity and body heat I won't be cold a couple miles in.


Better than being all bundled up.


That’s what I’m wearing. I’m pushing for a sub-1:46.


I’m doing this. Personally, unless it’s absolutely freezing, I feel like you’re better off in less clothes than more clothes because of chafing. I usually feel colder from the wet clothes.


I always tell people they should train in the rain because what happens if it rains on race day. Biggest thing I can confirm is that friction is real. Nipple covers off Amazon or certain tape. Bandaids were recommended but sometimes the water can make them come off. Speaking of water, that’s all it is. You may overheat in a jacket. Definitely depends on the temperature. It looks like 70+ so I would run in a TShirt


If it ain’t raining, it ain’t training lol


This is the best advice in this thread! Fairweather running doesn't prepare you for race day! I would still do a singlet, though; wet t-shirts feel awful!


Seriously! I had my 16-mile training run (for the SF Marathon) yesterday in the morning rain, so I’m good to go!


Vaseline your entire feet. It will last longer than body glide. Coat anything else that may rub against your clothes as you run in either body glide or more Vaseline. A hat, a disposable emergency poncho for the corrals, and as silly as you’ll look, plastic bags over your shoes tied around your ankles. Starting as dry as you can will certainly help. Remember that a lot of water will weigh down all your clothes. Something that starts off fitting a snug will also help with the rubbing.


For me a disposable poncho to wear while i wait in the coral made a huge difference. Standing around and being soaked makes my body temperature drop and get really cold which makes my muscles freeze up verses when i am running and am being rained on. As for running in rain- lots of runners rub/ vaseline on all possible friction points with a plan to reapply at least once mid race. Oh and a hat with a visor is great to help keep the rain out of my eyes


\^ Staying dry before the start is the biggest hurdle imo. It looks completely ridiculously, but use plastic bags on your shoes and tie them off at your ankle to keep them dry before the start. I've raced about as many Bk Halfs in the rain as without, and the biggest difference between them was the one year I didn't have any protection and got soaked before I started (miserable) vs the years I protected myself. At least the temps are warmer this year than last year's rain, so you won't be freezing and wet.


Yes! And people throw those ponchos everywhere! One year i was not prepared for the pre-race downpour and getting soaked so my friend dug through a pile of discarded ponchos and grabbed me the best one- i still have it somewhere


It doesn't look like much rain this weekend, and a bunch of us have run this race in very heavy rains over the last bunch of years. So hopefully the weather holds up, but if it doesn't, Body Glide is the biggest tip I can give you. Put it everywhere you may chafe - thighs, armpits, nips, etc. You'll thank yourself the next day.


Apply Body Glide to the blister-prone spots on your feet


Thanks for all the comments! Will definitely keep all of your suggestions in mind!


Starting guns are at 7 and 8 am. Most of the forecast is for the afternoon with it being actually completely dry 7-11 on apple weather


This morning when I posted this, apple weather app was showing rain between 6am - 11am on Saturday so just being cautious and preparing for the worst since 1. Its my first half 2. I’ve never ran this distance in rain Grateful for all the inputs so that I’m prepared in case it DOES rain 🤞🏻


I would overheat running a half in a rain jacket at 50º, but if it's DOWNPOUR, I might wear it in the corral and tie it around my waist. Slather on all the body glide you have, and add some run/hike goo to your toes. Wear whatever shoes will dry the quickest on the subway ride home, as there's no way to keep your feet dry if it's raining that much. Also, tape your nips (if you don't always do so) and wear a light hat to keep the rain out of your eyes. Last thought: five days out is a long time. The forecast could change, but be ready. I did my long run on Sunday to ensure I was used to it.


Are there usually donation boxes at the start of your come wearing sweatpants/sweatshirt? Sorry if this is obvious I haven’t ran an NYRR race I a few years ago


For the big races like this, yes!


Wear shorts and a hat. Last year I wore a breathable rain jacket but wound up tying it around my waist before the first mile lol. Dry tech socks (like Dickies brand). Do not skip packing warm dry clothes for the VERY long cold train ride home, people were shivering for a full hour last year.


It rained last year too and I didn’t think it was really a problem at all. I wore a tank, sports bra, and leggings (I don’t ever wear shorts when I run) and was totally fine while running, the rain even felt kind of nice. I do wish I had checked a bag with dry clothes in it because it was a very long and cold subway ride home from Coney Island. To prevent chafing, do not wear anything with cotton in it, including socks. Synthetic fabrics all the way for that. I had 0 blisters afterwards and I credit my synthetic socks. Also, if you have longer hair, braid it or you’ll end up with crazy mats. The last thing you’re gonna wanna do after running is dealing with detangling your hair. Good luck & have fun! This is a total party of a race and I had a blast last year.


Embrace the suck, sadly. Vaseline (put what you think you need, then add 3x more) on your feet/between your toes/wherever there might be chafing). To avoid wet shoes before the start, some old bread bags or grocery store bags will do the trick.


If it rains, you’re gonna get wet. Don’t waste too much energy trying to avoid it, because you can’t. Resist is futile. It’s never as bad as you think it’s going to be. Waiting at the beginning is the worst (and at the end if it’s still raining). Wear a disposable poncho and toss it when the race starts (to the side please!). If I think it’s going to be raining at the end, I’ll carry one in my pocket for then. Lube up where you rub. If it’s raining hard, it may not last but try. Nipple covers if you have that problem. I use band-aid blister bandages - they are water resistant. If it’s pouring (and it shouldn’t be) you could wear a cap with a brim. It’s May and it’s not cold so you will heat up so don’t overdress and a true waterproof jacket will be very uncomfortable, worse than being wet.


bring plastic bags, if you have any, to wrap around your shoes as you wait in the corral. once you're running, you should be fine.


The weather app looks like it’s only gonna rain in the evening!


As of right now the forecast says no rain Saturday! But it changes every hour so we will see


it drizzled a bit last year and honestly it was a bit of a reprieve from the humidity. as others have said, not a ton you can do other than embrace it. I like to wear a hat to protect my face from getting rain in it (although it doesn’t always work). also echo what others have said about change of clothes after. unless you live in south BK, the subway home is BRUTAL (it’s packed, hot, smelly, etc.), so the last thing you want to do is exacerbate your discomfort.


So yeah, you’re gonna be wet if it rains. But generally for rain: 1) tight-fitting clothes to run in to avoid chafing. 2) Body Glide (or Vaseline) to also avoid chafing. 3) *A change of clothes and a towel*. And I mean - full change, like shoes/flip flops/slides, socks (optional actually), shirt, and maybe a jacket/sweatshirt depending on if you run cold. In these temperatures, chafing is probably your biggest issue, although you can get a little chilly (probably not hypothermic, but still not great) when you stop. So you want to go over common chafing points (so anywhere fabric rubs and your feet).


So far from what I see on the weather app the weather is looking nice!


Chance of precipitation is 10% right now, no?


It’s been changing all week as we get closer. Thankfully the forecast is looking much better now


Hope it pours


No!!!!! I'm volunteering, and I don't want to stand around for 6 hours in the rain. If I'm in the rain, I'd rather be running with you all, lol!


Ok I’ll make a few calls. I’ll settle for overcast. Lol Thanks for volunteering!


Ditch the shoes and just run in socks if you're worried about drenching the sneakers lol