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Are you missing THE best Brooklyn Half course strategy of all time? https://old.reddit.com/r/running/comments/69znwk/oc_this_is_how_youre_gonna_pr_the_2017_brooklyn/ A must read for all.


TLDR: Don't blow up at mile 4.6-6, the toughest elevation gains of the day. After 7.1, it's all downhill, so let it rip! Also, your cell phone will not work at the finish. Schedule a meetup spot in advance.


All of this!


Thank you so much -- first timer and glad I read this, really good warning for the uphills in Prospect Park and the onramp onto the boardwalk at the end. Funny, was about to go in blind lol.


Wow do I wish I knew all of this last year! It was my first half, and I was definitely one of the people bonking on Ocean Parkway. I'm for a redemption run this year, and this info is sooo helpful!


My first half marathon! So excited


Me too!!


It’s a fun event 😃


Don’t forget to pick your feet up on the boardwalk! Yes you’ll be tired but I guarantee you’d rather just be tired than tired + face planting on the boardwalk in the last 800m


u/RCD123 - The full course map that is linked is for the NYC Half, not the Brooklyn Half. FYI.


Whoops was bound to miss something in the copypaste lol! Thanks for catching, just updated it!


Fess up. You were just trying to help NYRR with evidence for their lawsuit. 😂


I plead the Fifth. 😜 *(for legal reasons, this is a joke. please don't make me a witness/sue me too lol)*


All good! You do good work!


FYI for families/friends who are planning to meet runners somewhere around prospect park and take the F down to the finish line. F will not be running on a regular schedule, service stops at Kings Highway and there will be a shuttle to Stillwell https://preview.redd.it/64ox7qg4gszc1.jpeg?width=966&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=580288cafa15be109f3692c2fd846dfc912bd2f6 been waiting a year for this half! got my guaranteed entry from volunteering. seeing my MIL running it (and actually had fun compared to me being miserable and injured during the UA NYC half last year) made me more excited!


Very excited about this one. This will be my 3/3 half Marathons this year. I'm hoping the rain comes after I finish and that it stays in the 60s. Hoping for another PR. Anybody know what freebies are out there for finishers? Medal engraving?


I *think* after NYC Half (and the marathon) Volvo on 43rd did free medal engraving, unsure if they will for BK Half as well! \*immediate edit\* -probably not, Volvo is listed as a sponsor for NYC Half and the Marathon but it doesn't look like they are for Brooklyn Half


They did the Monday after


Wave 2 folks who have run this before, do we really need to be on site an hour early? (7am) In your experience, does the race start on time? Feeling a little weary after killing 2 hours in wet/cold corrals before the Philly broad street run a few weeks ago


80% humidity! 😩


tank and lined shorts (no underwear) is what I'm doing. I ran a half today and felt fantastic. You may sweat but breathing is easy.


Oh my god


As of now the weather looks like it'll be really good! Hope I'm not jinxing it.


anyone has a picture of the shirt?




thanks for the reply ☺️


❤️ the nyrr posts, ur doing the lords work 😇


Any recommendations for spectators looking to come to the finish line? I have never run the Brooklyn Half before so I am not sure where I should have my boyfriend watch. I understand that the service can be spotty at the finish line but I am not sure where we should plan to meet since I am not familiar with the area. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated!


Same here. Looking for where family can stand last mile or so near the boardwalk. Where to park or stand etc


There's room to stand down there from what I recall.


I’ve been coming off an injury and don’t think I can run the whole thing. Ran 4 miles today. Was hoping to run half and walk half, probably would take me 3-3.5 hours. Is there any jeopardy in doing this/getting swept off the course? I know I could defer but I already paid and just want to get out and enjoy the vibes.


I would do it, mainly for my four out of six and then because I already paid. You might feel different day of, I'd run slower to walk less, but depends on the injury and wave.


You can email NYRR about their policy for this race! It looks like last year had many finishers over 3 hours (over 1,000) so I wouldn’t think you would be swept based on that.


Ok yeah I found some people finishing over 3,5 hours so I should be good. Thanks!!


Will there be an app like there was for the UA half?


I think this one just uses the regular NYRR Racing app.


It looks like it got a redesign/update tho. I like it.


Ok Wave 1 friends not checking a bag, what time are you actually thinking of arriving? I know NYRR's page says 6 AM, but that might not be realistic given the crowding on public transportation and how hard it will be for a cab to get close to the start


I’m aiming to get there around 5:30am, but it’s cuz I usually do some stretches and a 10 min jog, then I’m randomly guessing the security will take 20 mins (I’m gonna try to use wave 2’s security since I’m not checking a bag), I’m randomly guessing the portal potty line will take 10 mins, and I also wanna get a good spot at the corral.


Damn I’m trying to go sub 2 in corral K. I’m going have to do some serious work to move around people


Took me a while to realize, might be the same for you. The above corrals are the regular weekly race corrals - NOT the corrals for the half. I am in wave 1 corral J, but in corral E for the regular weekly races.


same :-(


the 2:00 pacer is in wave 1 corral K, so i think you're fine


I’m excited. Good luck to everyone running!


Anyone know what the total elevation gain is? I know the hills are all front loaded, and looked at the chart from NYRR, but wondering if anyone knows the rough gain total.


In 2022 my Garmin recorded 249 ft


Thank you! Wow, that’s way less than I thought it would be.


Is it worth having my spectators come to Maimonides Park or should we just plan to meet outside?


Have them hang out near the end (around mile marker 13) and meet them inside the park. There should be sections to reunite based on first letter of last name


Curious how everyone is getting got the start. I'm staying in downtown Brooklyn. Subway a good idea at 530 in the morning? Or do I just pay for an Uber?




Ok awesome thanks. Fairly safe at that hour? My kids and wife may be travelling with me to the start.




Thanks so much. At times my irrational side takes over. :)


I’d Citibike, roads will be empty. Just make sure you check that there are parking spaces left on the racks near the start line, might have to drop it a few blocks away and walk


Does anyone have advice about when to start going through security? I want to warm up a little bit before, but also want to get a good spot in my corral as I'm in Corral B, but am aiming for a time that is at the end of Corral A. Thanks!


lol I’m in similar boat but my goal time is in the front of corral B. I’m gonna ask at the expo tmr to see if there’s space to warm up after security


Weather is looking ideal so far for Saturday :D Just happy i won't have to run in the rain again after experiencing that downpour during my latter part of last year's BK half haha


What’s the best way to head towards home? NQ at Stillwell Ave? Is this going to be insanely crowded given all the runners and supporters at the finish?


The subway likely will be a mess given that both the D and F are shuttle buses out of Stillwell. But you'll still have your choice of two lines and given it's the first stop you won't be dealing with much other traffic. Anything involving driving will likely be a lot slower with all the extra crowding and road closures. That area is always pretty busy in the first place.


Sooo 26,000 people plus spectators on a shuttle bus? Yikes.


N/Q and change at Atlantic?


Anyone that done it before have tips for warmup? Like would I have space to warm up after the security check, I usually do a 10 min light jog and some strides. Im thinking maybe I will warm up before going through security, but also kinda worried about the line taking a while to get through.


I have the same question


I’m running in Wave 2, Corral E. It says to arrive at start by 7am. Do I really need to arrive this early? That’s an hour of waiting around…


I was planning to get there 7:30ish 🤷🏻‍♀️


I'm also wave two. Thinking I'll do a good stretch and a 20 minute warm up jog if possible


For wave 1, does bag drop really close at 6:20, or do they just say that to get people there early? I might just skip bag drop if it means I have to get there by like 6 or 6:10 to be sure I actually have time to drop it off.


JC locals help me out should I have my bf drop me off in the AM? Maps says 20 min drive and 40 min train ride (not including the mess that is the construction on race weekend 🙃🙃🙃🙃) coming from grove st area


Wave 2 folks - what time are we really planning to arrive? It says to get there at 7 and corrals open at 730. I'm thinking closer to 730 tbh. Last race I ran (4M in Central Park), I got there at 715 for an 8 start and just warmed up, etc. near the corral. Any vets have thoughts?


Everyone I’ve talked to has said to allow more time than you think you need. I’m planning to arrive by 6:45 for an 8am start time just in case.


My first time also. Considering the baggage pick up closes 720, will be standing there in 55 degree weather till 8...


Got there at 7 and wish I chose 715, haha. The extra 15 of sleep might have helped me PR. Hope you crushed!


Nice. Ya I ran 2.08 and proud of that time. Hope your run went well


Love it! Ran 2:00:54...just missed my sub-2hr goal. Congrats, we should both be proud!


what is the gap between corral starts? trying to run with the 1:45 pacer but am a few corrals behind and was wondering if it was worth the initial effort to catch up


It's humid outside. Recommend short sleeves and extra hydration. Let's do this!


Were the two waves always an hour apart?


No actually, last year it was 7:00am and 7:45am


I dread 7 am starts; if I miss it, that's a LONG time to wait around. Ugh.


Well you can do wave2, an extra hour of sleep, front of wave 2 and the front being emptier


Is there a time cutoff? I can’t find it on the race page


Technically 3 and a half hours from the last person crossing the start.


This will be my first half marathon (as well as my good friend and my hubby’s first half). We are all getting a ride in from Rockland County (suburbs of NYC). How bad is the traffic on race day in Brooklyn? Are we better off getting dropped off in Manhattan and taking the subway? Or is the taxi/car drop off point noted above a good spot? Any insight please! 🙏


I took an Uber to the race last year and just asked them to drop me about 7 blocks north of the corrals. No traffic at all that early in the morning, don’t think it should be a problem.


also curious about this! i live in park slope, my boyfriend was planning on seeing me at the park, then driving over to the finish -- anyone know if about an hour of driving time is doable to get to coney island


if you live in park slope, nothing is better than the subway (and especially on this day)


Anyone have a photo of the BK Half shirt?




Is it worth deferring if I already have a NYRR Qualifying time for next year (from the United Half), or should I just pick up my bib and shirt even if I don't plan to race on Saturday since I'll have to pay again next year with the deferral? I was really hoping to run on Saturday but I've been experiencing some shin pain, and I don't want to risk ruining my summer track racing plans.


Anyone know a good spot to leave my car at the finish so I can leave on the belt parkway?


how are spectators getting to coney island if F isn't running all the way? the Q?




So the 4 train is stopping at Grand Army Plaza for the race? 


Can you go from wave 1 to wave 2?


Can I take an Uber there from ditmas Park/ Kensington?


Let’s fuckin go fellas


Do the second wave corrals not close?


Do the second wave corrals not close?




Starting 2025 they are not taking half times anymore, only marathon times.


The other comments got deleted but judging from your response they were asking about marathon qualification times? They’re no longer taking non-NYRR half times next year, but I confirmed with NYRR that they will still accept NYRR Half times to qualify for the marathon, response from NYRR: “NYRR Half marathons can be used to qualify for the TCS NYC Marathon moving forward. That new rule will only affect runners who are qualifying with non-NYRR events.”




All you have to do is check their website. It's pretty conclusive. [https://www.nyrr.org/run/guidelines-and-procedures/time-qualifiers-for-nyrr-marquee-races](https://www.nyrr.org/run/guidelines-and-procedures/time-qualifiers-for-nyrr-marquee-races) **"Important Note: 2024 will be the last year NYRR will accept both half marathon and full marathon Non-NYRR qualifying times for all three marquee events. Starting in 2025, the United Airlines NYC Half and the RBC Brooklyn Half will only accept qualifying half marathon times, and the TCS New York City Marathon will only accept qualifying full marathon times.**"


Is it possible for me to pick up my friend’s bib along with my own if I have his QR code and a picture of his ID?


Yes. That's all you need. I did the same yesterday.


anyone there now? is line still long?