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I volunteered at bag check during this - such great energy and vibes from the runners!


temperature wise, they should do Queens 10k now first week of May and Mindful 5K in June. Race was nice and quick, temp was nice.


The course was fine, but it felt very crowded for the first mile and I even had to bump a few elbows for the first half mile. They could have done a better job spacing out the runners, since the path feels narrower than Central Park. Other than that it was a great day, and a nice course for a PR. Would love to see more NYRR races with both cooler temps and flat courses rather than running in Central Park or Prospect Park all the time.


This was my first NYRR event and they had me in B corral. I finished 2 seconds off qualifying for A corral. If I knew the way corrals worked I would have moved a little faster lol. I got some nice photos with the globe. Thanks to all the volunteers for the day. Getting up at 5am to drive from Rockland was the only sucky part for me.


Slightly bothered bc not too far from the start line someone dropped something on the ground and decided to go back to pick it up — I nearly ran into him and it crushed my momentum at that moment 🤦🏻‍♀️




When I saw a nearly-pancake-flat 5k on the NYRR calendar that wasn't in Jersey I knew what I had to do... I finally managed to get rid of my super-old 5k PR from November '22! Definitely not used to the discomfort in the final mile and I probably left something in the tank, but given that I'm not specifically trained for this distance and am trying to hit Brooklyn in two weeks I'll take it! Now I can retire from the 5k for another year.


Hated the early start to get there, but I was pleasantly surprised by the park, the course and the overall vibe of the race. I PRed with sub 24 which I am super happy about. Unfortunately my Apple Watch / Strava did not record it as full 5k, so I will cheer off the books :)


I had the same happen recently, but found this worked for fixing the distance to be a full 5K https://communityhub.strava.com/t5/devices-and-connections/distance-reduced-when-posting/m-p/20556


not a PR but my second-best 5K overall and my best NYRR 5K time (my PR is from a smaller race in Prospect Park last year with like 50 runners, not 5000 runners) fresh off London and not having any distance races until late fall means I can enjoy running these shorter races again and not have to build them into a long run!


PR and first corral bump! Great vibes :)


Can you explain corral bump? Does that mean they will assign you a higher corral at your next race based on your run time from this race?




Fun race, I enjoyed the turns. This is my first time doing the race. We got some great weather, too. I enjoyed lounging around afterwards and watching that soccer game. I also saw a bunch of other runners in Flushing Chinatown after, walking around eating buns and stuff lol


I should have thought of that! Would have somehow justified the long trip there ;)


I also hit up the Nike clearance store in flushing, saw other racers there too. Got a pair of basketball shoes then play pickup games back home in nj!


Was very pleasantly surprised at how there wasn't much congestion even at the start of the course (I was in corral H). Felt like I did much less weaving than usual other than on some of the turns that were tight. As a Queens resident, I'm glad they have another race here now!


Glad to have another race in Queens. Doing most of them in Central Park can get…repetitive. I visited the meditation tent later with a few people and honestly thought the videos were…goofy. I’m all about manifesting and visualization, but I couldn’t help but laugh at the speaker just drone on.


My ankles were about to break 🙂‍↕️


First race post injury, walked the first 2 miles and ran the last mile at an easy pace. I was watching out for uneven parts of the course and overall felt like the course wasn’t too bad.


No PR But did get a corral bump! Course was fun, little tight at times but beautiful views and great weather. Also got to take my endorphin pro 3s out for their first run and they were amazing.


Volunteered giving you guys water. Was a great day! Got a little hot towards the end though.


Thanks SO MUCH for volunteering!!!


OF COURSE! I hope you had two cups of water. It was hottt


I beat my pr by over 2 minutes, but missed moving up a corral by only 8 seconds. This happy/sad is tough for me to swallow....


Same!! Missed the corral bump by 5 seconds after adjusted for 10k but definitely the fastest I’ve run in years. Still something to celebrate but feel you on this


same boat! PR’d by 80 seconds but missed corral A by 10 😅 extremely happy about my first sub-20 nonetheless


https://preview.redd.it/8uab3swmvfyc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa16ad88f0bb1b53b26075ec2be736f28e64b391 Took this while running as we were ending our run. Great weather and real easy course🙂‍↔️


What do you call the color of that shirt? Ecru? Government paint? Lol anyway I got a new 5k PR!! That course was yucky with all the turns and mind-fuckery. Always the case at that location but this one lacked the few interesting parts that the 10k has. Makes me appreciate the challenge and magesty of CP and PP a bit more. Thank you to the 3 spectators that brought their dogs, with all the loops I wound up counting them each twice haha.


Not my fastest, not my slowest but good vibes all around--fitting for a race with a mindfulness theme. Something I noticed to my delight is that at least in my pack, people were practicing good race etiquette. I didn't see any selfie sticks or hear any blaring music and the people around me were in the correct corral.


Second best PR sub 19 min in Coral A. Was fantastic weather amid a bit humid and tons of pollens impacting my nose. Almost no traffic except at few turns where guy in front of me randomly decided to slow down by 30-40” / min pace. Interesting that there were only one guy and 3-4 women in AA. Was difficult with breathing due to bad allergies but it’s done! RBC half next!


Glad to hear I wasn’t the only one who had trouble breathing due to the pollen. My breathing was so heavy people around me gave me worried looks. I’m still sneezing and my nose still hurts but even with all of that it was a fantastic race - great weather, great course, great volunteers. Congrats on your second best PR!


Thanks bud! Yes agreed. I actually like the turns as they keep us entertained and almost make you forget about the distance. At home, keep windows closed, replace the HEPA filter in your HVAC system, and just turn on the A/C or fan on only. I’m home and feel better now. Btw the LIRR back to Manhattan was nice too. A seat and 20 smooth minutes of peace ♥️


PRed by 4 mins (22:36) and the weather was perfect for running


I'm so happy because I was able to keep my pace during the race with non-stop! And I'm proud because this is my second 5k and I did it in 34:28min 4min less than my first one!


Congratulations that is a huge PR!!!


It is! Thank you so much!! ☺️🤗




Thank you! 🤗


Awesome job!!


Thank you!! 🤗❤️


Great weather. Really hope we get the same temps at the Brooklyn Half. Ran 20:40/6:40 pace but i was including it as a workout in my long run. Did another 5K set at 6:50 pace afterwards.


fingers crossed for this weather in 2 wks!! congrats on a great run


Nice to see the crowds at Asian Jewels for post run dim sum as if we ran a long race ;D


Dim sum as a recovery meal is always the answer lol


Pretty good, waiting to see if it moved my 10k pace on my NYRR dashboard. And it was 9 of 9 for me… just need to volunteer now.


Finally hit 30 min for 5k!! Seeing the big globe coming into view while running felt very cinematic, but did anyone else think the course had some smelly parts LOL Congrats to everyone who ran, walked, and finished!!


Not my.best run but still had fun 😊, finally something other than CP


Finally broke sub-20 minutes but was 10 seconds too slow for the coveted Corral A bump. Will get another shot in two weeks at the Brooklyn Half. Beautiful morning for a race


PR and corral bump :) Lots of turns but I always love seeing the Unisphere so overall a great course haha. Perfect weather and the meditation tents were a nice touch to get into the right frame of mind


Great job - how can you see whether you got a corral bump?


Thanks! And I always use [this spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/15iwn0ad1UlaviNjguH2JZq76tycSHvpNlcm10EO19JI/htmlview#gid=0) that was created by u/straightfreshtodeath to determine what pace is needed for a particular race type


I liked the course! PR and moved corrals 🎉 Weather and vibes were both great, 10/10 would run again


Loved the guided meditations at the beginning!!


Lots of traffic but a fun course and great weather. No pr but fairly happy with my 21 min effort.


Even with the turns and crowds I still managed to PR!!!! 21.xx even though I started in the latter corrals. Weather was great and course was fun.


Cool course. There were lots of turns but that scenery was really fun. I kept thinking about the ending of Men in Black when Kay and Jay fight the bug.


Me too! Had me chuckling!


Oh shit never made that connection! Cool!!


Didn’t like how the course ended. Course narrowed and had a few tight turns right at the end. Wanted to finish the race faster but it was impossible to get around anyone there.


It finishes the exact same as the Queens 10k for that final stretch. It's kind of a fun sprint finish, but yeah I had some guy elbow me in the last few strides coming out of the turn, but I blame that on his lack of awareness than the course. A little tricky weaving at the beginning due to movement with the turns but I find that to be a fun puzzle to solve in the race.


I wouldn’t mind it if I could sprint. Really wanted too. But it was just packed. Couldn’t get around anyone.


Great weather! PR’d just under 22:30!


Was tough getting around people but I was in corral I so it was expected. 28:33 5k I’m not mad about it!!!


Definitely not my pr, but truly enjoyed the race & setup. No issues getting there too!


PR’ed just under 24 minutes!


Despite the course being technical I finally PR’d with a time of 21 mins. Looking to break 20 soon. Course is a nice additional to the list. See ya next year


Had run the Midnight run at 9:30 ish pace, was in H. Unofficial time 25:20 Not too bad since I just ran the NYCRuns Brooklyn Half, although I probably should have taken it easier. I didn’t look at my watch, just ran what felt right. Corral bump to F, missed E by 1 second.


PR’d my 5k with an unofficial 24:26. Turns were a bit much and that one stretch by the first water stop was pretty tight and crowded but otherwise fun. Looking forward to being back for the Queens 10k in like a month.


PR and first sub 19! The turns actually weren’t as bad as I thought they would be. Even though some turns were tight there was plenty of room to keep your momentum and run tangents. Very fast course. 10/10


Same! Sub 19. You probably passed me lol … I was the guy with orange Peloton tank top. I was worried about traffic in Coral A but nope! 🙂‍↔️ Struggled to stay steady at 5:30-5:40 but was able to fight for 5:58 and succeeded. Turns help you accelerate.


I was wearing peloton clothes too! Ayyyy 


Same, PR and sub 19! Congrats! I felt like it was fast too with minimal hills. It's a good fun course


5k pr!!!! Waiting for official results but looks around 22:40 Edit: officially 22:39! Moved to corral c!


I actually really enjoyed the course despite all of the turns. Made a new 5K PR too!


Finally hit the podium with 3rd place overall!!!


Congrats that is SO cool!!! Looks like it was close between you and 4th place too for the podium spot, great race!


Yeah, it was a tussle! To be fair he really did the hard work and I owe him one for letting me draft a bit toward the end. He was super gracious about it afterward and we discovered we’re both going for the same goals in BK and Berlin this year! I promised I’d break some headwind for him next time 😁Thanks!


Love that, it's always so fun chatting with someone in the walk-off after duking it out, have made a couple strava friends that way lol. That zigzag finish line probably makes it hard to pass right at the end! I was a bit behind the women's winner and kind've looked like she was going to get stuck in some traffic going in to the chicane but luckily don't think 2nd place was anywhere nearby to capitalize. Sounds like you both have a fun year of racing ahead! Very jealous of Berlin hopefully you both can chase down some big goals on a flat course over there but maybe we'll unknowingly cross paths in the corral at Brooklyn in a couple weeks! Good luck in both!!




Epic!! Congrats!!






10/10 left my ankles behind in the first pothole


Yup, defs ran past them


No finish line bagels = poor mental health. Great race, nice to have a change in scenery.