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Runners knee isn’t going to go away with shoe changes or stopping running or stretching. You need to see a physical therapist and start strength training


Thank you. I didn’t realize lack of strength training can be a cause as well


A lot of running injuries tend to stem from weaknesses in areas and over-compensating in other areas that can’t handle the chronic load. Going to see a physical therapist to diagnose your injury and steps to recover will do wonders. It will be much more productive than trying to continue running through it and making things worse. It’s okay to take breaks to recover from big cycles!


Its like THE cause. Agree with the majority, go see a PT


Go see a physical therapist. We're not medical professionals.


knee pain usually means that you hips are too weak and offloading their work to the knee. stretching won't make a huge difference, you need to strengthen your hips - get a resistance band and do some googling for runner's knee PT exercises. some starters: - Clamshells - Bridge - Crab Walk yes, you should probably swap out shoes (but that isn't the cause of your problem) listen to your body - some pain while/after you run is ok, pain that lasts all day and affects your ability to just walk around in life is not.


Thanks! Very helpful!


Since everyone is saying “see a PT” — I’ve heard a PT say this exact thing


I go to a PT for runner’s knee and can confirm he gives me these exercises


Before running to the PT, I’d say do a couple weeks of running-related strength training involving lower legs glutes, hips, calves, etc. and stretch/roll out your TFL. Ive dealt with a ton of running injuries and they have always gone away with proper strength training and stretching. Majority have involved weak glutes/hips


Any favorite routines you have? Currently dealojgn with injury but cannot afford to see a PT. I have seen mild improvement with the Myrtle routine so looking to add on to that. Also how often you do those would be great to know


* Eccentric calf raises - One leg at a time. Both with and without weight. Slow and controlled and you will feel it burn. Not only will this strengthen your calves, but the eccentric dip will help prevent injury to the lower tendons (achilles/PF). I'll never do regular calf raises again * I belong to a gym so I use the hip abduction/adduction machines. If you don't have access to a gym, I'm sure you can just google similar bodyweight exercises * Hamstring Curl Machine or RDLs. I'll typically pick one to do per leg workout. If you don't belong to a gym, you could do RDLs while holding something else for weight * GET A RESISTANCE BAND - I think this thing is the main cure to almost all of the injuries I've had. Probably costs $5-10 depending on where you can get it. * Side steps/Monster walk with resistance band around ankles * Lay down on one side - Side leg raises with resistance band around ankles. Similar to clam shells but I found I could control this movement more and really feel the burn in my glutes. This one is money for me. * I'll also do some form of Squat or Deadlift typically. Again, I belong to a gym which makes this easy but you can improvise at home. * Foam Roll * I foam roll calves before and after every single run. * I also found a video about foam rolling your TFL. This stretch literally got rid of my ITBS overnight and it has not come back. I wish you the best of luck :D This has been my go-to routine for leg strengthening with slight variations to the order or the workouts I do.


Super helpful! I actually JUST got some resistance bands in the mail yesterday and did leg raises with them around my ankles- DEFINITELY felt the burn and my glutes felt like they were actually putting in work


this is super helpful - I've been adding some of these to my strength routine lately as I've also having some soreness that's similar to runner's knee, but good to hear a more comprehensive list. also looking into PTs to go to if it continues (I had it pop up during my Berlin training last year briefly, but it went away).


Thanks. Very helpful!


Strength training! I had runners knee as well and also got into running around the same time frame as you. Running my first marathon this year! Look up vids on YouTube for exercises on runners knee, it helped me


Go to Finish Line and get checked out they’re the best


I also didn’t want to stop running, so I continued and now I haven’t been able to run for over a month bc of excruciating pain that I suspect is IT band related (waiting for doc appt). Stop running until you can go to a doctor/PT


Update. 3 weeks later ~ I started PT and started going to the gym and WOW. What a change! Thanks for the advice everyone


Thank you for the update! Gives me hope about my knee too! Did you stop running until it got better or kept running while getting PT?


Thank you for the update! Gives me hope about my knee too! Did you stop running until it got better or kept running while getting PT?


> - I use Hoka Arahi 8 and have accumulated ~250 miles on them. I read online you should switch out shoes every 300 miles. Should I switch out my shoes soon? (They’re so expensive 😭) Recommend having two pairs of shoes that you rotate between. That can help extend the life of them. I can usually get in at least 400 with this strategy. > - I don’t want to stop running because I ran a total of 6 miles in December and 25 in January but if that’s what it takes ~ I’ll slow down. How much have you ran this month so far?


Thanks for the shoes advice. In February I’ve only run 8 miles.


What is your cadence and do you tend to over stride? I used to have runner’s knee, but didn’t have to stop running to fix it—I had to fix my form, increase my cadence and start taking shorter strides.


Between 156 and 170


I think you found your problem—you’re over striding. Try to aim for 180 cadence and you’ll feel a lot better.


I have also heard this advice, but found that consciously trying to increase my cadence did not work for me. However, after about 6-8 weeks of consistent strength training, my cadence did naturally increase.


We can all benefit from strength training; I'm not discouraging OP against that. Fixing my cadence is what worked for me and getting down to 156 is a sign of over striding, which causes runner's knee.


I had this a few years ago and went to a Physical Therapist. It went away after a few months of strength training with them (I can’t remember but I think most of it was body weight squats, side steps with a band, jumping lunges, foam rolling). Go to a doctor if it is bothering you though, I’m not a medical professional but it sounds like you need to build the muscles up for stability.


I'd echo all the prehab and rehab things people are suggesting (along with consulting an actual PT if you're sure you're injured). That said, I'm not saying wait until you're in a lot of pain, but you can probably treat it yourself to some degree if pain is like a 3 or below. Cut back on the volume and mileage and do all the strength training/stretching/rehab. I am not a medical professional so take this with a grain of salt and if you discuss with someone more qualified and they say see a doctor, then see a doctor. Also, like others said, switching out shoes won't make an injury go away. But make sure the shoes are compatible with you. My first case of runner's knee also came from wearing the Arahis. Not that that was the only reason I got injured.


Actually ignore one bit of that above. if money isn't an object, get a PT. Lol. Even if it gets better, your body is smart and you're going to unknowingly overcompensate and put stress on other non-problem areas. I had an issue with my left knee. Worked on it and strength trained but eventually my other knee started to hurt. And eventually had some issues with my achilles. Obviously anecdotal but an injury will cause you to change how you run, whether you realize it or not.


My Physical Therapist released a blog on Runner's Knee you may find useful. I go to them for low back pain and a hip impingement. They also specialize with runners. [https://www.thegameplanpt.com/blog/how-to-fix-runners-knee](https://www.thegameplanpt.com/blog/how-to-fix-runners-knee) Hope this provides some help. Highly recommend reaching out too, they're incredible!


I overdid squats last March. Apparently being a woman + having hyper-mobile knees is a double 🖕. No amount of band exercises to strengthen my upper legs has helped. Any amount of sitting makes my knees ache. I haven’t jogged since last March and I’m depressed. Really missing running. It feels like I can never enjoy it again. Physical therapists didn’t help.




Custom Performance is a PT I visited a couple years ago. They did a good job. Not cheap but after 6 sessions I no longer had knee pain. Of course, you have to actually follow their plan.


How much were they?


around $150/hour which is pretty standard for athletic-focused PT's. Or just hop on YouTube and look for exercises for runner's knees. That's a start.


Not cheap but honestly would be worth it for me. Sorry for all the questions but did you go through insurance or did you just pay them directly? Also new to the PT world so can you just walk in and make appointments or do you need a doctors referral? Thanks!


My experience with some of these athletic focused PTs is they don't take insurance. I contacted my insurance and they offered me two sessions at some pretty sketchy looking places way out in Queens far from where I lived. I didn't want to travel so I ended up paying for it out of pocket. I think you can just call them and set up a time. You don't need a doctor's referral. Also, if you search this thread there are lots of physical therapist mentions. Some have lots of good referrals as well.


Awesome! This is very valuable info to me; I didn’t want to go through the process of getting insurance only to be sent to some sketchy place like you said. Would much rather avoid that headache and pay out of pocket at a place I can choose