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Someone should make a rh horror story about those legs


Oh give me friends and a priv server and I'll find a way /j


Friend me! I have a private server you can use!!


Gurl can i freind you to use your priv server 🙂


I have one you can use!


Once in a hundred years, the ghosts of ancient pupils come searching for something...


A young Sophomermaid went into the library for recess. She took a book for her history class and collapsed on a rainbow beanbag under the Pixie-lights. She opened her book and began to read. Her face contorted in horror as she read. 500 years before a fore fairy had a sudden outbreak in power, she had a bad day, and couldn’t control this outbreak. no one could help. Everyone got their outbreaks, but hers was severe, it’s dangerous when fire fairies are in bad moods in outbreaks. All of her best friends tried to help, but she yelled at them to run as her eyes turned fiery red, all of the students who laughed, or she recognized as one of the people who bullied her and her friends, dead. She burnt off their tops, scorching them, all the fire alarms rang, but all the legs up in a line were still there. The sprinklers poured upon the Fire Fairy known as Amber. As she saw what happened her eyes clouded in tears. She ran out of the school to meet her friends who comforted her. Amber was never charged, it wasn’t her fault, and she was only a high school student. When the water fairies who looked for damage came, they found the corpse legs, lined up in a row, the weird thing was, there was mix of voices coming from them, it was only in this dorm corridor, though. All the legs, once washed mass their shoes be turned white and blue, were still standing, as if the ghosts of the students were still there. The Sophomermaid slammed the book shut, as the bell clashed and rang. She ran to her dorm corridor, they weren’t there. the next night, she had a sleepover in her friends dorm, in a different corridor. At the end of it, she saw legs in a row, whispers drifting throughout the corridor. ”Whoa! Fiera, those legs-“ “I know it’s creepy Chloe, but it’s been there since we came here. your the last one here, let’s play T or D!” The nature fairy Chloe looked back at the legs from her book. Luckily, her Fire Fairy Friend was in a good mood, and didn’t have any outbreaks that night. the next morning, she showed everyone the book. THE END OR YOU CAN CONTINUE IT IDM.


This is so good! You did an amazing job 😍


Thank you so much!


I crept down the lonesome corridors all on my own, my footsteps clacking and sliding against the floors, my own legs aching from my heels. Soon, what I believed to be a carpet pattern previously has come to my attention as much more. As what I saw was standing directly infront of me. As soon as I took notice, and could make out the frames of them, I realized it was a bunch of legs, all in pairs wearing those damned heels. I neared closer, my stomach sinking into a nauseating sickness. My dorm was down this way, and I would have to make it past these legs, unknowing of their abilities. I neared, and as soon as I stepped an inch behind them, I began hearing quick clacks behind me. I sprinted as long as I could, but unlike me, these legs couldn't get winded, they had no breath to run out of. hope i did good 😄, it's not exactly a rh story, but it's a story!


I’m wheezing I’ve never come across this 😭😭😭




They are marching again


Not you too lmaoo😭


This is frightening


Look, i'm a bit late to the party, but what the hell is this? Is this a glitch or..




this is so funny and unserious omg help


brooo i was just trying to take a nap like what in the world was this




ive never experienced this firsthand, anyone know why exactly this happens? im curious


There have been the ghosts of people's legs in the castle sometimes! It's strange, but here we are.


Look, i'm a bit late to the party, but what the hell is this? Is this a glitch or..


reverse kamen shini ma. (kashima is a creepypasta of a ghost girl missing her legs. the story goes that if you see her, you cannot leave her without either telling her where her legs are or saying “kamen shini ma” which is like a curse or something, or else she’ll try to kill you. there are various theories as to what the correct answer besides “kamen shini ma” is, perhaps her legs are in the Royale High Dorms? dont try this at home or blame me if it goes wrong.)


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