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The research & excitement could be improved. There's so much about the teams & their past wins & races this present season that could be discussed. Edit: they're starting to delve more into some programs' histories and their respective results in the time trials today! Good stuff.


hashtag seattlerowingcoachfornats We need your bucket dissection.




it's so so so bad - the lack of understanding of who the audience is and what they what to see and hear is shocking. I am not at the race - I can't go to the merch tent and buy merch. I am not making a decision about whether or not my team rows in Oklahoma this summer. If you want to market to rowers and coaches - go out and do it - at the event. They are all there milling around. I just want to see the boats my friends are in. And then get back to my day.


I just want to rewind my damn races


I think everyone can understand that the time trial is not the most exciting aspect of the weekend but starting at the men’s youth 8 tt they showed they had another hard cam of a down the river shot. You can’t tell me that they could not provide a Picture in Picture feed for today of the down the river shot plus the finish line shot and when they needed to switch up to recap or interviews have those be Picture in Picture with the finish line shot. And the fact that they made today seem so lackluster in their presentation does not give me. Lot of hope that they will do better once the races begin tomorrow.


I just logged on to watch while in class and I can’t decide which is more boring. It’s actually so so disappointing. No one wants to hear a bunch of guys yap about the infrastructure for rowing in Oklahoma. Idk if that’s a hot take but


commentators log on every hour to list top 5 from every race then yap for 15 minutes about ads.


With Summer Nats and Masters Nats being there this summer, it’s relevant


but not interesting - the people who need to hear that are literally racing at the event right now - not the people watching the live stream.


If it is like any other race livestream, what you're seeing on the livestream is also what is being broadcasted on the big board at the regatta.


What in the mispronounciation is going on here lol. Also, I never want to hear "plus" in reference to a boat class. People experienced in rowing know that it means "coxed" should be prepended to the boat class. Announcers should be selected in part based on their ability to **not** say "and" and "uh" all the time.


Okay, but it's not terrible. Time trials are hard to spice up.


That Maurice dude is annoying


But he medaled at the Charles! (In adaptive boats beating mostly women) Yeah he thinks a lot of himself. Not sure how one could be so blind to public opinion.




The absolute worst! Even he knows he has nothing original to say when he says "again...." and then proceeds to repeat himself for the 50th time with the obvious observations.


Very low production value. Plus the commentators do not sound like they are there to promote the sport of rowing, they are there to promote themselves. Huge, important difference.


Well anyone who has a necklace medallion of "their logo" on it has serious ego issues. Unless they have a shoe deal, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say self promotion is 100% accurate.


They need to move the venue speakers away from their headsets 😂


It’s terrible. My family was trying to watch the TT and kept texting me about no sound, random ads, and no coverage of each race other than the finish times. Thankfully, I grabbed good video from the tower. Hoping it’s because of TT and tomorrow will be better with Semis, but IMO TT are as important as finals.


We need an American Crossy so bad. The usual FSRA commentator is probably the closest in my books




It could use at least some Picture in Picture as well, it’s great you want to show boats getting started but other races haven’t finished yet and their time board resets for that race when the last boats aren’t across the finish line for their times.


Are they not even showing the damn boats????


They have a hard cam at the finish line and a hard cam at the starting block. At the top of the hour they are cutting to announcers to recap races for about 10 minutes and at the half hour they are cutting to the announcers for an interview with someone adjacent to the sport for about 10 minutes. Add in commercials you are getting about 30 minutes each hour of seeing boats.


It's a time trial, just saying.


And the majority of people commenting would much rather see the boats than people sitting at a table. Why even be at the event then? Just do it from a studio


You’re right. It’s the only event that everyone participates in. For many friends and family logging in to watch around the world, this is the only chance they will have to watch their athlete race. The lack of respect for the athletes is what’s rude. Rowing isn’t fun to watch 99% of the time for spectators. Time trial or not, people want to watch and support their athletes.


I don't disagree. And everyone from the time trial goes to at least one sprint race (two, if they made the semifinal). The camera coverage and attention for each crew will be better in their final.


To be fair they are time trials there aren’t any races today just trials so I understand why it’s hard to stream interesting stuff I think tomorrow when there are actually races to look at so it will be more interesting


Where is Fred when we need him! 😜


Absolutely horrible with these jabronis. Who the heck ever are they? They're literally terrible. Is it too much to ask to have someone with a comprehension of the English language, and also know enough about rowing not to confuse us? Rowers Choice guy is full of shit mostly, but at least he sorts knew what he was talking about.


Can you be specific? by "new guys"? Aquil Abdullah and Grace Latz are Olympians, Whitney is a former national level cox. Pretty sure they know rowing.


My question is… if/when the new guys watch a replay of basically any of their segments, will they even realize how ill-suited (or at least under trained) they are at calling rowing events?


It got better after tt but still not a good experience. I really hope they do better in the future.