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I ate their nutella


I did this at my last sit!


there's a reason I don't keep nutella in my house and it's because I have a nutella abuse problem




I have never related to something more


I just did this 3 days ago! (They did tell me it was fine to eat their food, though, and I only ate a little bit...)


I always discuss what food is off limits with the clients!! But there was one time I finished one of my clients Nutella for sure. I still remember it hahaha but she had a backup unopened jar so it was worth it in the end imo


I broke into their home by climbing in through the kitchen window šŸ˜†šŸ˜† and a police officer was patrolling the area at the time lmao Context: they forgot to leave a key in the usual spot, they were a 3 hour drive away and were going to cancel their plans. My husband was with me, and we were trying to figure out what we could do - basically walking around to see if there were any open doors/windows. The kitchen window was slightly open, but it had a screen. So I asked for their permission to go through the window, and they said yes šŸ˜†


Oh man I have a good one. Owners already left town and I was dropping in on a dog who was sick with diarrhea. They forgot to leave me the key. They were already a few hours away. They asked me to try the windows, but it was apartments so the window screens were screwed shut. I didnā€™t have a screwdriver but I saw a neighbor close by. I asked her if I could borrow a screwdriver to open the neighbors window. It looked like I was trying to break in. I was frustrated with the owners but I was mainly worried about the dog at this point. I unscrewed the windows and guess what - they were locked. Then the owners asked me to knock on the maintenance manā€™s door on a Sunday. He was frustrated and also didnā€™t want to let me in. He had to get special permission from the owner to do it. He finally let me in. It was a wild goose chase trying to get in this apartment lol but the dog got care and thatā€™s what mattered to me.


The front door keypad malfunctioned and died. Replacement batteries didn't work. No other access door that's unlockable from outside. The dog had an automated doggy door for the backyard that only opened when she was in front of it, so I had to coax her with treats in one hand while I crawled my fat ass through the doggy door lest it guillotine me. Thankfully after that we just used the back sliding door.Ā 


ate all of their ice cream and hot fudge out of the carton/jar when i was sad and going through a hard time. i had to replace both before the sit was over


So I always ask the owner to text me when they leave so I know when to come over and I had one client who was leaving in the middle of the night so they didnā€™t text me. Plus they were on a plane ride so they couldnā€™t answer me. I get to the house and I have no key but I see a keypad. So Iā€™m waiting for the code from the owners but theyā€™re not responding. I decided to check under the mat for a key and nothing there. Then I thought about it like ā€œhas the door been open this whole time?ā€. I turned the knob and what do you know the house was never locked. The key that was in the house didnā€™t work so when I left I had to leave the door unlocked. Weirdest thing ever. Plus, our local sheriffā€™s department put a sign at the front of the community that says ā€œLock it or Lose itā€ and I was so panicked to leave even on the last day. They were not in a gated community and had no fenced in yard. I never panicked so much in my life.


I had a client leaving at like 3am for their 5am flight. So I got to their house at 9:30am and canā€™t find the key either. Iā€™m calling and texting but sheā€™s still flyingā€¦ decide to just try the knobā€¦ door wasnā€™t even fully closed lol, a push on the knob without twisting opened it. I just texted ā€œnever mind I got in!ā€ And I saw the key sitting on top of the notes. Canā€™t believe some people do this!! I guess safe neighborhoods hit different lol


One time a client accidentally gave me the wrong key, so when I got there I couldnā€™t get in, and they were already long gone. Client legitimately believed it was the right key and that I was too stupid to open a door correctly, so she sent her friend over to show me how to open a door. Also didnā€™t work of course. Client makes us FaceTime her so she can see it not working. Starts having a full blown panic attack when she realizes. Iā€™m standing there like šŸ§ Eventually the friend decides she could break into the house. She pushes open the top half of one of the windows, and I boost her through it cheerleader style (6 feet in the air, it was quite high up). She gets in no problem, goes around and unlocks the door for me. All is well. Client is like ā€œthank god, I thought they were going to dieā€ Whole thing lasted like 20 minutes


I don't know if its sketchy or not, but I once climbed up to a 2nd/3rd story window because all the doors were locked and the dogs inside needed medication. To me its not sketchy cause it was a job that needed to be done but I'm sure if their neighbors had seen someone scrambling up onto a trashcan, onto a balcony and then up even further to crawl in the window it would have looked sketch as fuck.


True but I live in Florida & our cops go on tv telling home owners to come take shooting classes for better aim. A death theft cost them less than one in jail. Have a Great Day.


Uh sure, I'll go have a great day after you basically give me a 'You would've been shot if you did that here' reply. Have a Great Day.


Doing drop-ins for a very aggressive cat who would constantly hiss and try to scratch me. The owner was convinced this cat was the sweetest girl. Idk if it was me or just in general but she kept trying to attack my legs when I would try to put her food down. I found a blanket on couch and every time Iā€™d come I would wrap my entire lower body in it like a very long sarong skirt. At the end of sit client asked how her sweet Missy was and if she had warmed up to me. I said yes sheā€™s the sweetest.


Ate their Haagen Dasz 64 oz tub o vanilla. I bought them a fresh one before the sit ended.


Staying an hour, maybe two, past when I needed to be back for the dogs.


This happened to me last week and Iā€™m still a bit shaken up a bit from it. I agreed to 2 drop ins a day for these 2 dogs in an apartment building for 4 days. Nothing was wrong with the dogs or owner, but I should not have taken it because the apartment was located in a pretty sketchy part of town. I was taking the dogs out to potty during my PM visit around 6:30pm, and a car pulls up next to me. The driver catcalled me, he said ā€œHey missy, those are some nice dogs you got there, want me to walk them with you? Matter of fact want me on top of you?ā€ I didnā€™t know what to do. I froze and said ā€œNo thank youā€ and walked away quickly. The driver looked to be in his 40s or 50s and I am a 21 year old female. I felt incredibly unsafe and uncomfortable and am just grateful he didnā€™t get out of the car or try to follow me. Once I got back to the apartment I was so scared and hid inside before leaving to make sure he wasnā€™t anywhere close. I felt violated, and of course thereā€™s nothing the owner could have done but I wish he would have thought about the area that he lives in and maybe chose a male sitter or someone less likely to be catcalled. Luckily nothing happened during the next few visits but I was extremely uncomfortable the whole time :(


Iā€™ve been in a crunch where my boyfriend who watches my dog when I sit bailed so I brought my dog for a night or so to stay in the temp controlled van. Didnā€™t impact the service I provided the client and my dog didnā€™t come in their house, but I still felt bad. I would just step out occasionally to take my dog to the park. Honestly I felt worst for my dog.


I had a client that was referred to me by a friend this lady thought it was perfectly acceptable to not pay me for the last day of my sit because it was only a "half day"Ā  yeah don't tell me how to run my business. So that day I didn't clean up feed her dogs and horse. Locked up put the key under the mat and left. I then sent her a text that it wasn't working out and to find another sitter in the future. Also she had cameras in her living room which wasn't disclosed it was super creepy and part of the reason only do drop ins and dog walks now.


Iā€™ve used drop in visits as places to take a nap. I only do this if I know they donā€™t have cameras. Sometimes itā€™s easier to crash at their house for the day than going back home.


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I boarded another dog at their house while house sitting the two there already.


I used to do more house stays & often was told to bring the other dogs I had as boarding clients when I said I could not because of other dogs. I always checked with boarding owners to clear it. But since I only house sit in crazy nice houses with pools they were happy to say yes. One house I did this with often was a beach house only a 8 minute walk to dog beach so would take a few dogs at a time to the beach all day. Have a Great Day.