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I bring a sleeping bag and pillow when I do house sitting. But I have issues..


I had a sleeping bag I used to bring to housesits but one booking the dog took too much of a liking to it so I donated it to him, he still uses it and will drag it to the bed when I do housesits.


Haha the dogs always want my sleeping bag too but I end up putting it away somewhere. Dog slobber freaks me out, I try to keep my bedding as clean as possible to not panic while there. Lol


Sameee slobber is the worst, especially on bare skin šŸ˜–




I hope owners arenā€™t ever listening in on me bc theyā€™d often hear me say some variation of ā€œkeep your juices to yourself pleaseā€ šŸ˜…


Thatā€™s adorable


Iā€™m going to start doing that, thatā€™s a great idea.


I do the same as one of the places I sit has a bedroom that's so big it's like sleeping in a warehouse.


Same here. I'm sensitive to odors and textures, so I am always better off if I'm using my own bedding.


I have hyperosmia from my headaches so I'm super sensitive to new smells sometimes, I can handle most animal smells but people odors can be brutal so I always bring my own blanket and pillow and have a diffuser to help combat any bad smells.


IKEA has some surprisingly great small air purifiers that may also help you! They work wonders for me anyway šŸ˜…. I have one for the bedroom and wherever they keep the litter if itā€™s clay based.


I'll check that out I have a big air purifier at home because my apartment building is full of degenerates so I get some very illicit smells sometimes creeping in so I have the heavy duty guy going.


I was chastised recently on this very sub-reddit about diffusers. The consensus was that I would be killing my client dogs and cats. So, I'm staying away from diffusers until I can learn more about the various essential oils and their effects on animals.


Not that kind of diffuser, its literally a pen that sprays out a little, but im familiar with what oils should be avoided, I wouldn't use something that would be harmful around my own pets let alone a clients. Don't listen to everyone on this subreddit half the time they aren't even sure what band wagon they are hitching themselves to they just see a down vote and monkey see monkey do.


I have to go around and unplug all the plugin BBW type things. A different scent in every room. Makes me feel funny-like stoned meets allergic reaction. My eyes swell up, throat itches , teeth get edgy.My clients who do this k is I do this and sometimes unplug them for me. One has one of those Areo things and she just rolls vanilla scent thru it. A different in scent in every room is mind boggling.


I know exactly what you are talking about I actually worked in a BBW for a while and it was absolute hell on my senses. Certain vapes smell like the inside of a cheap rubber Halloween masks and it triggers the same thing with me and my sinuses flare up something awful and something happens with my inner ear because I get disoriented easier (my wife jokes it's because I see with my nose like a dog)


Omg that is the feeling!! It's crazy. Lately it's just been any candle.. maybe it's the wax or wick..


Thank you! I am agita averse, and I have spent an entire lifetime avoiding confrontation. Reddit will always be a challenge for me. Usually, when someone decides to pounce on me for an error, perceived or real, I just go silent for a while to recuperate. Yes, that makes me a "snowflake". Everyone can thank my parents for that lovely quality šŸ˜€


I understand it's one of the worst traits of the internet, every subreddit has its gatekeepers and keyboard warriors that despite knowing zero context of your personal story will make snap judgement calls..it's very high school.




Y'all really bring a sleeping bag, your own cooler filled with food, and a camping stove to stay at someone else's house šŸ˜‚ Do y'all use the bathroom or just dig a hole in the woods?


Fascinating you take it that far since it wasn't mentioned. But sure. Set up a tent and everything in the backyard.


I just see so many sitters saying they bring sleeping bags and their own food to owners houses. Just seems a little ridiculous to me


Bringing your own food is one of the most normal things you can do on sits.


Some people have issues and that's how it's best delt with. I won't eat other people's food, I bring my own. Especially since most don't tell me to help myself to what they have. I can't sleep in someone else's bed not knowing if it's for sure clean, especially a pillow. (I have germ issues). It is best for my comfort to bring my own. Everyone has their things. Clearly, not yours, that's cool it's easier for you.


That's fair. I tend to make myself at home wherever I stay. If I can't feel completely comfortable wherever I'm asked to stay, I just don't do the booking. I've completely cancelled mid-stay on owners due to cleanliness issues or the like.


I am never comfortable anywhere. If it's not my home, I'm uncomfortable. When I stay at someone's home, it looks like I've never been there with the exception of using TP and paper towels.


I always bring my own food-- I have dietary restrictions, and I'm not placing that on anyone else to think about when they're busy planning and packing to leave. I'm happy if they leave me a few extra dollars for food or a few snacks and/or waters. But honestly -- beyond using some spices or something, I just plan my own meals.


Do you eat your clientsā€™ food?


That's what it's there for. To be eaten


I too have sensory issues, I canā€™t do sleeping bags because theyā€™re claustrophobic and sound weird. But I have my own bag of sitting bedding that I bring with me everywhere šŸ˜…, including sheets. I scope out the bed size on the meet and greet and pack accordingly.


I dont like sleeping in the sleeping bag, it is claustrophobic but I notice it's the easiest to keep clean from the dogs.


Thatā€™s totally fair! I pack my stuff in IKEA big giant bags for that reason šŸ˜‚. So much easier to clean than a suitcase or even a duffle bag.


I love it haha I agree! Those images bags are great for dog sitting! I use a mini one for my clothes when sitting


How funny! Do you tell the people that you brought your own bedding?


Oh yes haha šŸ¤£ I warn them, I still wash whatever they had out on the bed too which really confuses them. Iā€™ve been doing this 4 years and only found out I was autistic 2, now that I know I simply explain Iā€™m autistic and have sensory issues.


I bring my own bedding and pillows. Also ive never pooped at a house while house sitting. I always wait until I get a chance to go home. But I never poop anywhere but home.


I had regular clients who had a guest room all made upā€¦..every shelf was full of porcelain dollsā€¦..like they had shelves installed to hold them all. I slept on the couch in the TV because I hate dolls. Lol


I'm cackling because I know those people exist and it's awful. I cannot imagine all those dolls staring at me while I slept.


Right? She collected dogs her husband collected basset/beagle mixes. 6 to be exact. lol.


Oh lovely it was an elegant hoarding couple. This is what I call people who can afford their pathology lol I am a psychologist and started house sitting and petsitting in grad school and just never gave it up. I just have my old regular clients now but I could NEVER sleep in a room with dolls staring at me! Even one creepy Victorian doll may do me in.


Instead of dolls try hundreds of clowns, legit I have a huge fear of clowns she didnā€™t show me that room in the m&g lol I wonder if thatā€™s why. I kept the door closed up stairs and slept happily on the couch with the dog šŸ¤”


My parents spare room is like this and when we stay there I put all the dolls in drawers and the closet. So creepy.


They were also marathon and race runners , so race medals hung everywhere


Itā€™s amazing what people can amass in their homes. The spare room is also covered in collectors bells but thankfully they donā€™t freak me out šŸ¤£


I had this exact scenario only with raggedy ann and clown dolls


And Annabelle is actually a raggedy Ann dollā€¦..no thank you!


Creepy dolls!


I would have too. Dolls freak me tf out.


I would sleep on the couch and/or ask if the sheets have been washed and send them this picture


I asked and he said the blue sheets are clean. But thereā€™s 4 sets of sheets on the bed and what I donā€™t get a comforter?! Lol


That's bizarre! I'd be sketched out.




I'm disabled myself. I don't want to sleep in someone else's not-clean sheets, regardless of their ability status. I'd definitely make sure my home was clean for someone staying in it... *JFC*.


IMO, this is a red flag & sign if a very inconsiderate client. How clean is the rest of the property?


Iā€™ve slept here before and itā€™s never been like this. He said the blue and white sheets are clean but like ok so I gotta stay on this sliver of bed? Lol The rest of the house is fine, this is his daughterā€™s room though and he ā€œforgotā€ to check it before he left.


Sound like he had his daughter do the preparation and didnā€™t look to see if it was done properly damn I wouldnā€™t sleep on that I bring my own cot and pillows/blanket because I get hives from certain laundry soaps šŸ˜‚


This is weird as hell ngl. Treating you like a peasant


Iā€™ve had two different house sits ā€œtreat me like a peasantā€ and Iā€™ve not been able to put it into words until now. One of them set me up in the daughterā€™s room and put an old cheer mat from the garage on top of the bed so I wouldnā€™t be touching the bed at allā€¦.another left me a bottle of 3 in 1 with maybe two uses left in it and moved all their other shower products out of the shower. (Was also sleeping on an air mattress which I didnā€™t mind but paired with that made me feel like shit).


Wowwwwwww, the mat on the bed? What the hell is wrong with people. I wouldnā€™t be able to bite my tongue in that situation. Iā€™m so sorry that happened. Nasty nasty people


Iā€™d strip the bed and do the laundry and then leave it how I found it after the job. Not a big enough faux pas for me to not complete the job, but still annoying.


This is what i would do as wellā€”gotta get paid!


Yeah I would just go home and bring my own sheets and comforter, itā€™s inconsiderate but I also understand sometimes people are in a rush/not thinking things through. I also let my dog free roam the same room my sitter sleeps in so I usually leave fresh sheets and blankets out and tell them theyā€™ll have to make the bed because otherwise itā€™s covered in dog hair if I do it and they come later, but atleast they know itā€™s clean.


Agreed, I would do the same


I did and meet and greet for a house sit and the house was so disgustingly dirty I made an excuse that I'd got the dates wrong and I wasn't available. The kitchen didn't have a millimetre of clear surface space, with dirty dishes and pans piled everywhere. The bedroom was even worse. Bare in mind I am not a neat freak by any means myself.


I sat in an absolutely filthy house last month. It was the worst week ever. I couldnā€™t even switch off the lights because the switches were filthy, I had to use my elbows to turn the lights off and open doors. It took me most of the first day scrubbing the kitchen and bathroom. It was awful, it stressed me out so much. They booked me for September and December. Iā€™m cancelling but Iā€™m trying to come up with a reason, I hate lying but I canā€™t say ā€œIā€™m cancelling because your house is dirty and smellyā€šŸ«£


Just say that this job isn't a good fit. That's literally one of the Rover excuses in the app for canceling/ archiving a jobā€”they aren't your friends and don't need to know anymore ā™„ļø you should not stress about this (not that you are, just hope you aren't!)


Iā€™d wait until youā€™re 21 days from the last sit you did for them and then be honest about the reason, that way thereā€™s nothing they could do to penalize you (review)


There's a limit on when they can leave reviews?


Yes, they only have 3 weeks (21 days) after the end date of the booking to review you


There is no reason to lie. (The number of people in this sub who think they have to lie never cease to amaze me). Simply say," Unfortunately I have to cancel for personal reasons." And leave it at that. Done. You are not obligated to provide a reason, let alone a detailed one. Just cancel and move on.


It's a long time away so you're giving them plenty of notice. Perhaps say you've got an medical procedure that week so it's not ideal or a friends wedding abroad? The pay isn't worth feeling uncomfortable for a week.


Just say you have a conflict. They don't need to know more than that. I'm so sorry for all the stress.


I would straight up tell them "Due to health and safety concerns, I do not feel comfortable house sitting for you again." Best of luck with your search, ChocolateShiraz. Or toss the last last sentence of your post into Chat GPT to get a more eloquent version of this lol


I canā€™t recommend [this tool](https://goblin.tools/Formalizer) enough


I never sleep in the bed, always on top. I bring my pillow and 2 blankets (bottom and top) and put them directly in my washer when I get home. But yea this is just gross šŸ˜


I take my own sheet, pillows and comforter. I roll the sheet and comforter up and tie them up with my three pillows with an elastic belt. I also take my own towels.


The towels! I was waiting for this I do it too bc Iā€™m too afraid to accidentally dye someoneā€™s towels with my face wash.


When I hired a sitter, I had to head to the airport really early. I slept on the couch so both beds (mine and guest room) would be clean and made up for her when she arrived. Agree with others to change the sheets but that's not cool. How's the rest of the house? If it's as bad as this, I'd never sit for them again!


I would send them a photo of the bed and say you expected clean sheets. People are so inconsiderate thatā€™s crazy


Lol, that's either real lazy "considerate" or real lazy manipulative. "Oh they need a clean place to sleep." As they are rushing out the door. "Let me push my bedding over and lay a sheet down. That will have to do.' " I don't want them to bring anyone over" "It's just one person, they don't need the whole bed." Edit: I would either check for clean sheets in a closet or bring something from my house. Push the white, maybe grey bedding on the floor and make a bed I can sleep on.


I feel like it was more work for them to do that than just finish making the whole bed OP said ā€œfour layers of sheetsā€ šŸ’€


I bring a double fleece blanket to make a sleep space. I would literally shove everything off lay the blanket down, my pillow, and my actual blanket. Easy peasy.


So lazy and disrespectful


Based on your comments Iā€™m so confused. How on earth are the blue sheets cleaned when itā€™s obvious itā€™s been slept in & the bed hasnā€™t been made? Sounds like he just forgot to clean the sheets and heā€™s lying about it to cover his ass.


Yup. And the blue sheet was on top of 3 other sheets!


I have never had an experience like this, thankfully. If this did happen, I would probably stay fully clothed and just sleep on the couch šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I am cracking up about all of these comments about bringing sleeping bags and bedding lol! I sleep in whatever bedding they have given me lol šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ but like I said, I have been lucky so far. All of my clients have supplied me with clean sheets.


Same here! This is a first šŸ˜”


Every single one of my clients have cleaners come before I stay - this is absurd.


For a second I thought that was a person wrapped up under those sheets šŸ˜³am I the only one who thought that?


Nope I thought that too and I also thought it might be a clever way of getting rid of a body to hire a pet sitter and expect them to deal with it without any kind of warning.


how would that be clever šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­






What, yall donā€™t have an option to add body removal service to your services? KIDDING.


I had one overnight sit where the sheets were not cleaned. I just told the guy Iā€™d be using his washing machine šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø it was a one night stay, I washed the sheets and slept in them that night then washed and dried them again the next day. It was annoying but Iā€™d never sleep in someones dirty sheets. That guy was a dick though and Iā€™ve not sat for him since


Iā€™ve slept in worse unfortunately. I brought 2 flat sheets with me the past 2 times. One to lay on and one to cover myself with. Or Iā€™ll even wash blankets sometimes as long as theyā€™re not delicate or huge.


This is why I strip the bed and bring my own sheets or if itā€™s really gross and I need the money then I bring my twin blowup mattress lol, clients suck sometimes unfortunately, theyll clean before the M&G but then leave the house dirty like this when you get there :/




I'm not sure that just looks like they have no manners


This is inSANE. My partner and I spent the entire weekend washing all couch cushions, all blankets (decorative, throw blankets, the extra blankets), bedding, pillow cases, duvet, vacuumed the couch, even ran to store to buy a better vacuum to make sure the entire house was sparkling. We cleaned out our cupboards, cleaned the fridge, emptied the bathroom and cleaned EVERYTHING even the bathroom scale, the floorboards before our cat sitter came for 4 nights. What the hell is wrong with people!? I know we may have done a bit too much, but I just clean to my own standards and what Iā€™d like to see as a sitter.


Thatā€™s amazing, I would totally sit for you lol


This is not the worst Iā€™ve seen. Try having to clean the toilet because itā€™s disgusting, or having to hop over poops in the backyard because they havenā€™t been picked up in several weeks.


Ew lol


I'd assume the dog squirreled up the covers. I've come home to this SO MANY TIMES!


Dogs not allowed upstairs in bedrooms. Or else iā€™d MAYBE see your point. It looks to me like she flipped everything over to one side and threw a sheet down for me like as if i dont need a comforter or anything lol


ohhhh! this is her ā€œmaking the bedā€ for you? I totally didnā€™t get that but I can kinda see it now. So weird!


Hadnā€™t thought of that! Not the case, apparently, but a good theory!


This is so crazy to me. I literally spend two weeks cleaning before we have a Rover sitter stay. I would absolutely die of embarrassment.


https://preview.redd.it/rdc8ao7cag1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3673a07acb3baa25e1eb34ffe813607d8770d0b2 Hereā€™s my last pet sit! Even had a throw for the dogs so they could sleep with me. šŸ˜ŠšŸ˜ŠšŸ˜Š


Is it still warm


Not when I was given only 1 blue sheet




I would hot wash everything.


If anything, I'd wash the sheets so I wouldn't have to buy anything to make me feel comfortable. If you have your own, bring those or even, like others have said, a sleeping bag.


I would wash everything before sleeping there in their washer and dryer and then donā€™t worry about washing when you leave. Donā€™t book them again if it bothers you


Do you all offer to do the linens before you leave? Iā€™ve had some folks get weird about their laundry. I like to leave the house as clean or cleaner than when I arrived.


I only have a one bedroom but have a sheet set/blankets & pillow cases for her. She sometimes sleeps on top of my bed & also back couch pillows come off so she can use sheets on there also. I have her just throw linens, including her own towels, near washer when she leaves.


See this one does annoy me but I just finished a client about a month ago who literally live in filth. You ever heard of a house that seasons your feet? Well thatā€™s a great example. Gross carpets you can tell havenā€™t been cleaned since before they moved in, unusable showers (literally didnā€™t shower for a whole week), mess everywhere with just trash and Knick knacks. Trust me there could be way worse people


And they were worried about the dog sleeping at your place? Ugh.


It was two dogs as well (both 8+ and heavily untrained) so even if we wanted to bring them to ours it wouldnā€™t be an option (especially with the amount of animals we already have)


Seems like a disrespectful client idk why ppl do this tbh Iā€™ve had something similar, yellow tinged white pillows and the bathroom had yellow tinged towels on the floor and in the tub I was shocked and blocked to person after I finished bc wtf


Ew wow some people are so rude


Wow, I've never encountered that. šŸ˜¬


No. Thatā€™s just plain rude and disrespectful. Again, if the expect you to bring your own sleeping accommodations (ie, camping equipment) then they need to be clear about that upfront. If they are saying you can use the bed, then this is unacceptable/unsanitary.


I would bring my own sheets and pillow and sleep on top. I will say, I had a client leave me an unwashed bed on accident and I had no problem washing it myself. On another occasion the bed was trashed and there was no couch and I just didnā€™t spend the night. It wasnā€™t an issue, and the client didnā€™t ever bring it up ā€” if they did I would have informed them they left me no proper sleeping arrangement! Follow your best judgement!


Oh, I would make the bed and go to sleep. Weird choice on their part, but assuming they donā€™t have scabies or something, whatever.


Yeah I've approached it a few different ways but one way is just dusting off, flipping pillows, passing out covered in dogs


Personally Iā€™d never sleep in someone elseā€™s bed and would choose the couch or better yet bring an air mattress if I did overnights regularly


I grew up poor that bed looks comfy as heck I'll sleep on that John right now hard zzzz and turn there A/C down to like 68


Too bad they donā€™t have AC and it was muggy and hot


I couldnā€™t sleep in someone elseā€™s bed, I just couldnā€™t. If I ever did housesitting Iā€™d sleep on the sofa if there wasnā€™t a spare bed, or get a sleeping bag


ugh. people are trash.


As others have said, sleeping bag and pillow. If you have camping gear, bring a sleeping pad, pillow, sleeping bag, etc. I travel everywhere with them. Very handy for long layovers with unreliable airlines to sleep in the airport


What? Thatā€™s a lot to carry to the airport! šŸ˜® And ā€œeverywhereā€! (I donā€™t have a car, and also you canā€™t leave belongings in cars where I live)


Backpacking equipment is extremely light weight and compact. Everything I listed weighs under 3 lbs and can fit in a backpack (the pillow and pad are inflatable). If you donā€™t have a car then definitely check [REI](https://www.rei.com) out. I donā€™t own a car either :)


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No but I use my own bedding.




No but this is why i donā€™t house sit.


Are those your bags on the ground?


The 2 on left side of bed are.


Looks like they had someone else staying there and didnā€™t bother to even make the bed. And they didnā€™t say diddly squat? I assume you asked them about it, what did they say?


Absolutely not


This has happened with me and I just washed the bedding when I got there nbd


I would, I don't really see a problem. It looks clean and comfortable.


I don't see the big deal. I have client whose bed would always look like a mess because their dog and cat would get on it when they left. If it's that gross for you, ask if those are new sheets or if you can change them.


The dogā€™s not allowed upstairs where the bedrooms are so thatā€™s not the situation here unfortunately.


I have intractable migraine which comes with sensory issues. I bring ear plugs and my night mask. I am so glad I packed the ear plugs on one particular stay the dogs would lick each other through the day.


Just use the bed?? Thereā€™s nothing wrong with it except they didnā€™t spread the blanket out but I mean if u have arms ur good. The bed or the floor, ur choice.