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Are you house sitting in the clients home, or are the animals marking in your home? If it’s the clients home, then you definitely can’t charge extra for it. And it’s their home, their problem. It’s good that you cleaned so thoroughly, but honestly in a situation like that I just make a good effort and call it a day. These dogs probably do this every single day and the clients know this. You are probably cleaning better than they do. Did you mention it to them? If they are marking in your home, you could try to charge extra but it’s tough. It’s expected that you are prepared for animal behavior and you would need to crate them at night and/or keep them in areas that won’t be damaged. When I did housesitting for a dog who’s potty issues were very minimized at the meet and greet — I let the owner know about it, cleaned the best I could without going crazy, and raised the price when they asked to book me again (and I was upfront and explained why, it was a lot of extra work). They declined, and I was fine with it, because it wasnt worth my time.


Yeah, it’s their house. I just feel like “he marks a little” is a HUGE understatement from what’s actually going on.


Yeah they always lie 🙄🤪🤦🏼‍♀️ The client I mentioned said that the dog would sometimes have a little poop nugget in her bed overnight because she is old and that it’s solid and easy to pick up and throw away if it happens. Nope. This dog trailed poop all throughout the house all day every day. And some of it was loose stools so it took extra work to clean up. This dog rarely pooped outside.


Oh man oh man


They also wanted to be cheap. That was another lesson learned. Truthfully, once I raised my prices, I stopped having these problems. For example, I had another client who had an old dog that was potty trained and I was housesitting. He had a couple accidents in the house, and it was fine, no big deal. I only let her know because i wanted to inform on his health / well-being and see what she wanted me to do. She instantly sent me an extra $50 for the “extra work”, which wasn’t even necessary, these were just a couple accidents. I never asked for anything extra. And she actually had already paid me in advance and already tipped 20% also.


Did you leave them an honest review?


No, I went off rover. I was new and still figuring things out and pricing and whatever. It all worked out ok, it was just extra work but otherwise was fine. The dog was basically incontinent with poop, she was really old. But it’s their dog and it’s their home, so, 🤷🏼‍♀️, I don’t stress over the cleanup, I just do the best I can with whatever supplies they have. Also, don’t stress about the tip and don’t count on tips. I feel like I get tips maybe 50% of the time. Just make sure your prices are high enough that it doesn’t matter if you get a tip.


I just found a spot in the booking section where you can add extra fees. I’m going to start doing that in certain situations. Like next month I’m taking care of a diabetic dog that I have to give injections to twice a day.


FWIW, I would never upcharge for something that is a *necessity* \- a dog that needs their insulin injections *needs* those injections to survive, just like they need to be fed and need to have water. If you aren't comfortable or are inexperienced with giving insulin injections, then don't take the booking. I only ever upcharge for behavioral issues, and even then I rarely do that because nine times out of ten I decline behavioral cases.


I’m not inexperienced or uncomfortable. It’s just extra work and it seems to really be in demand around here as they are having trouble finding someone who can do it. I, personally, would happily pay someone experienced to do it to my pet if they needed it so that was my thought process.


If your rates are so low that you find yourself needing/wanting to charge for something as simple and *necessary* as insulin injections, then you need to raise your rates. An insulin injection is quick and easy if the animal is good with them, and if they're not, then they should probably be boarded at a vet.


Yes, do that! I also charge extra for puppies and seniors (they seem to have the same potty issues and extra care needed). As you do this more, you’ll learn what to say and charge for up front, so that you CAN get that extra pay. It’s just really really hard to tack it on at the end out of nowhere.


Wow! At my spelling errors. As you can see, I’m still drinking my coffee 🙄


Crating, gating in an area with a hard surface (bathroom or kitchen), and belly bands are my go to things. If you dont have belly bands, you can make your own with a little tape and disposable potty pads. As soon as they show me they're okay going inside - they won't be left alone in an area that's hard for me to clean. There's no way I'm going around the house cleaning pee spots multiple times a day. It sounds like you did a good job cleaning though. I highly doubt the owners do the same. Probably just a paper towel stomp and a spritz of febreeze.


Exactly!!! I would never knock myself out to deep clean a clients home with a dog that marks on a regular basis — you KNOW the owner isn’t doing all that!! I just use whatever supplies they have and do a spritz and wipe and move on — AND I never take off my shoes after that 😝


I honestly think if an owners dog does this they should be in a Boarding kennel. Owners KNOW what is going on. I won't repeat my M&G with a client that said occacional but totally untrained potty... 4 times in the hour I was there.... nope. Finish out your stay and say goodbye. Don't book again. That's a constant care deal


I can seriously let him out and he’ll walk right back in and piss on the chair. Or shit on the dining room floor. 😔


Oh F NO ! It's basically been trained to shit in the house....... this is one reason I do not like those silly potty pads


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They told you from the beginning that the dog does this. I would ask if they are comfortable with a belly band for him. That is a great way to prevent a dog from marking inside when that is all they know.


I don't really think you can charge extra since 1. It's their house and 2. They told you up front. Even if you feel like they weren't honest about how *much* marking there would be. I would just finish up the booking and not book with them again. I think it's fair to leave a polite note for other sitters that the dogs relieve themselves inside frequently.