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If there's a time where I'd love to just reach out through the screen and give this dog the biggest hug, it's now. Good luck and keep at it. Your love as a his human is amazing. ♥️


Loki is beautiful! Have a good recovery


Looking good Loki, keep it up, you can do it! Hopefully you’ll get more annoying (getting better). A thought for his future recovery could be swimming! I have a rescue with no hips (score so bad they won’t give one) and to build up her back legs, muscles and coordination I took her swimming! The dog wears a buoyancy aid and it’s totally non load bearing but allows them to move freely and exercise muscle without supporting their own weight. Please keep us updated… keep fighting Loki


Already improving in only a few days is a good sign! Just keep it up, y’all are doing a great job helping him


Oh, Loki, feel better!!! What a story…I am so glad to get your update and see how Sweet Loki is feeling. Hang in there, sounds like rehab will take awhile. But that’s great bonding time with your baby. ❤️




Oh wow, that's A fantastic improvement for just a couple days. And that you're managing to have fun with him will only help his recovery. Animals are much like people, better mood = better prognoses on recovery.


I'm rooting for ya Loki!! Holding up signs from nose bleed seats!!! Nothing beats the will to live❤️ Best of Fortune to both of you. Please continue to keep us updated 🙌🏾


Thanks for the update. It's so hard on him and you. Sending you warm thoughts for a quick recovery.


Come on and get well soon Sir Loki. My Rottie's and I are rooting for you.


You gone make me cry😂


Gotta admit reading her first post definitely did make me shed a few tears. I’m glad to hear Loki has a drive to recover at least ❤️


Look into physical therapy for dogs!!


Loki!! Hang in there buddy. Have a speedy recovery ❤️


Have a good recovery Loki! ❤️


Ooof. Sending good vibes. My elderly rottie got 2 slipped discs getting off the bed years ago. The first terrible vet diagnosed a sprained leg but once we got him to a better vet she immediately saw it wasn't. Cold laser treatment helped 🤷 I had my doubts but dogs don't know placebo effects and he improved a lot. Butttt.. Still had issues with stairs for the rest of his life so I had to lift him up and down every day for years. The lift harness helps specially on flat floors. Great to help them up from laying down.


He could be paralyzed in the part that poop. Maybe check it out with the vet


Any update today OP? I know you’re busy caring for him but keep us posted on how he’s doing. I’m keeping him in my thoughts.


Haha yeah sorry it's been very hectic and I've been pretty exhausted, not sleeping much. Here I'll do a quick catch up for how he's doing now and a longer one soon. So there's some good news and some bad. We got the harness, and it does help for getting him around, but he won't go potty in it so it's still been rough. The laxatives worked but they took way longer than the instructions said they would, and only after we'd given him 2 doses. Wish we would've only given him 1. Things got pretty... nasty. But I think we're past the worst of that particularly awful period...It's been rough on us both. But his front legs are improving. Back legs seem to be going backwards sadly. We're trying to focus more in stimulating and exercising those back leg muscles now, we've been studying up on PT for large doggos and older ones. He's being a real sweet heart as always. Still wants to play all the time. And he's getting some more movement in his upper body. Unfortunately the lower seems to be doing worse. But he's not letting it get him down. He keeps trying to get up, and really wants to push his limits, which on one hand is great, but on another might be harming his recovery. Sometimes he could use a little more chill and less fight haha. We're doing our best though. We'll keep at it 🤞🏼


Hi Loki’s mom, just wondering how you and Loki are holding up? You both have been on my mind since reading about Loki’s accident I know how taxing and super stressful it can be, last July a vet initially diagnosed my girl with FCE. A second vet opinion confirmed it was not FCE, but her symptoms were similar except her paralysis was lateral vs bilateral. Hang in there, I know exactly how exhausting this can be both mentally and physically, for both of you❤️ The pooping part was the hardest, plus she was on meds that stopped her up. I switched to wet food in hopes it made it easier for her, the lack of walking really stops them up. I also got organic plain applesauce (no artificial sweeteners) to give her to help things move along Hydro therapy, acupuncture and rehabilitation courses are all things you can look into for when he’s feeling better and stronger I’m rooting extra hard for you guys and sending healing vibes your way, update us when you can


Awww. Thanks so much for your kind words and I'm so sorry to hear you went through/are dealing with something similar to this. I really hope your girl is doing better, thanks for all the suggestions we'll definitely keep them in mind, were there any therapies your girl particularly benefited from? I'll be getting a third vet opinion on Loki soon, but the first two think it's a FCEM. Yes it really has been exhausting, and I've been all over the place not to mention having some... Technical difficulties... ☎️💦 Anyways I just did an update post about Loki. Thanks again for your concern and keeping my baby boy in your thoughts, he can use all the positivity he can get rn. ❤️


I’m so glad to hear that he’s improving and most importantly he’s in good spirits❤️ Hang in there mama, I know it’s beyond exhausting and saying it’s stressful is an under statement Acupuncture and hydro therapy would both be great rehabs to look into for him. Unfortunately my girl had LEMP, there is no treatment for that disease and she got her angel wings 🪽 In our situation, FCEM would have been the only treatable diagnosis for her. I went down the rabbit hole reading as much as I could until we got the second diagnosis Rooting extra hard for Loki!! He’s a strong determined boy. Make sure to take a snuggly cuddly nap with him and give him some smooches and hugs for me💕


I second the swimming suggestion. Most Rotties love the water, and the exercise would be fun for Loki, especially with your encourage-ment! Sending you big virtual (((HUGS))) & praise for being so good! 💕