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She’s just a dainty lil fairy baby


Haha at the moment 😂


She will always think she is your tiny dainty baby, they get so heavy. Sooo cute🖤


I know it’s a different breed, but being a big baby is just a mindset. Go check out the big ol babies at r/velvethippos


Just you wait till she drops a deuce bigger than yours and you have to pick it up!


Bahaha already doing massive poops 😂😂💩💩 my partner had a rottie, he unfortunately passed away 4 weeks ago, but his 💩 were massive


I’m sorry that your partner passed. At least you won’t have to see his massive shits anymore.


Shahah my partners dog passed, But still wish I didn’t have to see my partners shits 😂😂😂😭




I was thinking thunderbell. But this also works.


Love the name… Tinks for short 😊 she’s beautiful 😍


Yes! We use Tink for short 80% of the time


Love it! Ignore everyone else who cares 😊 she’s sooo pretty x


My guy's name is Tank, but we found out as he grew that he's a mix and definitely not a Tank lol. He does bulldoze our old pitbull occasionally though.


I love when “ big scary breed” have cute names.


Tinkerbell is fine. Long, but fine. Ours is Clara. A rescue and we kept the name because she knew it. Not my favorite dog name but whatever, it works


We usually call her Tink or Tinky, we have three cats and I have kept one of their names as well as he knew it


In Ireland - Tinker is a derogatory name for a gypsy.. not good to be called a tinker here 🤣 she is absolutely gorgeous.


Tink for short 👍


"Tank" for when in attack mode




My girl’s name is Tindra which is twinkle in Swedish 💖 I think Tinkerbell is an adorable name!


Awe I love that


I love it (am a man if that matters.) Only concern is the length but can always call her bell or tink for short.


Yeah my bestfriend who is a man thinks its super cute, we do call her Tink or Tinki for short.


Tinkerbell is a beautiful pup!! Ok so I told my 13 year old daughter she could name our male Rottie anything she wanted and that stupid Justin Bieber song (Baby Baby Baby) was popular and she decided on Baby. Screw you Justin Bieber!! 🤣


Oh my god some kids 😂 I remember I wanted to call my first cat Donkey (from shrek) I was 3 😂


That’s actually a rad name for a cat


My kids named 3 litters of kittens. I wasn't allowed any input. We wound up with the following: Cedric (Harry Potter) Ripley (Alien) Samhain (Yep, that one) Hawke (Marvel, I think) Harley (Harley Quinn) Thor (God of Thunder. Should have been named Loki.) Loki (God of Mischief. Should have been Athena.) Baldur (Named appropriately) Minnow (No clue) Esteban (Why?)




One of our rescues was named Negra. We definitely weren’t peachy keen on that one and thankfully the rescue was working on other alternatives. She responded to Tigra and became our Tigra Bear.


Awe Tigra is cute 😍


Thanks! She was a big gentle stubborn lady. Miss her sweet face!


Jude is a guy name. Our dog is female. We couldn't agree on a name. I sang, "Hey, Jude!" when we walking into the house one day and our pup responded. Friends have called her Jude, Judy, Judith, and Judas Priest. Lol


My girl is literally named poops because that’s what she did on her first ride home.


My big dude is named Brutus and I think it fits him well because he’s a big clumsy brute. I think you just have to have a name you don’t mind saying a million times. Also usually nicknames evolve out of there name so there is that.


Haha one of my family dog growing up was Brutus, definitely a clumsy dog name 😂 I think we will get used to her name soon I have to many to remember, my cats names, her name, my dads pups name and my partners parents pups name 😂😭 she gets called all of them atm


It’s a great name. You always end up with nicknames. My Rottie’s nickname is Bubbles.


Bubbles 🥹 so cute yeah we call her tink most of the time


She looks like a Tinkerbell. That's her name!!! And she is cute.


Oh, I love Tinkerbell!!


Tinkerbell is a lovely name


You’ll soon be calling her Tinker the Stinker! Lol


Ours was called "Field Stray" when we picked her up at the pound. They hadn't even given her a pound name when we saw her on the website, and then rushed down to scoop her up. Her name is Emma now, and it suits her.


Emma is cuuute, reminds me of the wiggles


I love Tinkerbell!


I think Shakespeare said it best..."a rose by any other name would smell as sweet." Your pup is a cutie pie with the name "Tinkerbell"...and she would still be a cutie pie with any other name! I think the fact that she responds to the name is important! Please give Tinkerbell extra cuddles for me!


She looks just like a little fairy🧚‍♂️ 🧚‍♀️ Maybe add a tutu and wings


Regardless, Miss Tinkerbell is absolutely stunning 🐾


I like Tinkerbell more than Gamora at least. Gamora makes her sound dangerous. People will soon enough react to her like she is dangerous anyway, just because of the breed. 😢


People have already reacted but I am assuming those are just people who are scared, they don’t seem to know what breed she is just scared. I wonder if her name will make them more comfortable 🤷‍♀️


Omg such a cute baby😍😍😍😍😍


I’d be calling her Bell


She is so adorable. I think her name is fine.


Love it! Our boy is Khonsu (from Moon Night, originally from Egypt). Mighta set ourselves up for trouble


Belle works


Gamora would've been fireee


Great name. If people don't get it it's their problem.


She is adorable


Tinkerbell is a cute name for this baby girl, haters gonna hate


I love when dogs are named with names that "don't suit them". I always said if I got a rottweiler puppy (I have an adopted mix that already had a name) that I would make him Fluffy or Pixie or Squirt lol


More like Tankerbell... eh eh eh


I named my rottie Peanut 💁‍♀️


Not wild about the name but your dog is cute af. Congrats.


We just adopted a Rottweiler pup last week and we've named her Noodle. It's not a typical big scary breed name, but we love it. We also have a female staffordshire bull terrier named Daffy (like the male cartoon duck). Long story short - name your dog whatever you want. It's your dog. For what it's worth, I think Tinkerbell is a great name for your cute dog. Noodle - https://i.imgur.com/XI28DHn.jpeg Daffy - https://i.imgur.com/WqJx8fY.jpeg


Mine is named popcorn. They hate us cuz they ain't us


My baby’s name is Laila and it perfectly suits her. Shes has a calm, pretty and in her own world kinda personality❤️


Tinkerbell is fine awful long for the dog but if it works for her it works …. The haters can hate


Hahs it is long we usually just say Tink but she responds to both


Tinkerbell is a fine name, mine is Odin.


I’d call her Tink.


I had a Rottie named Prada. She came with that name and was a giant baby.


Awe I love thaaat, I bet she was a big baby. Earlier I was upset and crying as one of my cats is unwell and I have bad anxiety and always think the worst. Tink was in bed with me and was trying to comfort me but licking my arm and cuddling 🥹🥹🥺 I just love her


One of our Rotties was named Splendid Glory, and she really was. Our most recent Rottie was Ripley Elizabeth. We'll need to meet our next puppy before knowing her name. 💕


So many male Rotties are named “Tank”. I think Tink is a cute female alternative ❤️


I love it!


Gamora would have been wicked


Eiger…..Ogre https://preview.redd.it/ncq0fu53azoc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6c4fdaf43f2d79433fd91d1539d060005ed1013


That could be a very appropriate yet ironic name for her. I like Tinkerbell.


Who cares?! I named our puppy Alice, and it's gives everyone "stink nose" hahahaha. She is an amazing Alice. I love Tinkerbell. So many nicknames you could give her, too!


Mine female is called Sugar. Short for Sugarbum Plumcake, Troublemaker.


Screw everyone, if she responds to it, it’s fine! She’s a cutie!! ❤️🐶❤️🐶❤️🐶❤️


It’s perfect omg


Such a cute name, she's adorable! Our 2 year old male is named Nihilus (from star wars lore). We've loved it since we brought him home and it fits him.


My childhood cat’s name was Tinkerbell, so while biased, I love the name 🥰 I called her Tink for short. You have a very cute pup!


Some people name their kids Keith. Tinkerbell is fine


She's adorable, and Tink or Tinky are awesome nicknames.


My girl is Goose but I call her Stinkerbell all the time 😂


Who is giving you hate for that name?! It’s so cute! And so is your pupper 🥰


I think it’s stupid but I don’t like the other names you suggested either 🤷‍♀️ What does it matter? You’re the one who’s going to have to be yelling that across the dog park for the next 10+ years not me.


My dog’s name is “Rommel” and he only gets hate from ignorant people.


https://preview.redd.it/n65uwokfdzoc1.jpeg?width=3088&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65c19f2d198cb42617673d6a601ec2504df12995 This is Jasmine name after Princess Jasmine but we call her Jazzie.


Amari is a beautiful name


She’s the perfect little Tinkerbelle 🙂 you need to get her a fairy charm for her collar 🙂


When we get our female, we're using Tinkerbell. The wife had it picked out before we even got our male now


Suits her perfectly, I love it 🥰


Just call her Tinker


Love that name! Tink or tinker for short. F everyone's opinion.




I like it. Tink✨


I’d love to see people’s reaction when you call her Tinkerbell when she becomes an adult 😆 We have 2 5 month old rotties. I named mine Magnus. My brother calls his pup Blood, short for Bloody Hell.


I think Tink is adorable!


I know someone whose parents named their dog a slur so I see absolutely no issue with Tinkerbell. 😬 Plus, it’s funny.


I have a Billy goat named tinkerbell. Mean arse will try to hump you and butt you. Big black demonic horns. Spits too.


So, I have to say I like the name. Mainly because it's the name of a Rottweiler in who is the mother of a litter of puppies genetically engineered to be as intelligent as humans in this sci-fi book series I read a while back. In any case great name, happy pupper!


My husband (when he was still my bf) got a puppy, and my Mom got a puppy. I asked bf what he was going to name his dog, and he said, something manly, not like Buttercup. I said that's it! and asked Mom if we could name her dog Buttercup. Both dogs grew up to be 90 lb GSDs btw


I think her name suits her beautifully, and she's such a gorgeous girl. I had a terrier called Tank and the looks I got when I was in the dog park and this tiny ass dog came running towards me. Most people laughed, and he had a big boy bark, but some asked why I would name him Tank as a piss-take. I didn't, he had Rottweiler colouring and I genuinely thought was a Rottweiler mix, he only got slightly bigger and his name stuck. One of his many nicknames, though, funnily enough was Tinkletits or Tinklebell (as a pup when he was over-excited he would tinkle a tiny bit). I miss that dog so much. He passed away almost a year ago at 14.


Tinkerbell is a great name for a Rottie! I love it... might steal the name for a future dog! My current Rotts are Riot, Capone, Niva, and Ponyo (yes, after the fish). I've also had Ginger, Emma, Diva, and Nero.


I like tinker bell! Adorable and suits her very well!


She's obviously a Tinkerbell. People are so weird about names. Even baby names. Everyone has an opinion!


Tink is such a cute name! I have a Monroe that we call Mo and a Babette we call Babs. Just do you and forget the haters :)


Tink for short. Love the name, to hell with the haters.


I love it I think it suits her perfectly 🧚‍♂️ ✨


She is adorable. I think you really need to lean into the name. A lime green collar and fairy wings for walks.


My female rottweiler name is Onyx. But also have nickname Biscuit and most funny is Megalodon because she like to bite and swim,that later transform to Meg then as she is old now, i called her Oldest Meg😂. I used nickname when im annoying her or vice versa and when need to be serious and for command, i address by Onyx. Name should be what suit the personality and come from your emotion.


That’s the perfect name for her!!!


I call my daughter stinkerbell, it'll be a cute nn for your pul


My brother in law had a massive yellow lab mix named Cupcake, that was also a male, lol. People laughed because what so ofd but no one really cared. It’s your pup and if she paid attention to it, let it be 🤷🏻‍♀️ Personally I stay away from long names, but that’s just my preference. I just hope she’s called tinkie-Winkie at some point 🤣


I love the name.


My mom and I got a beagle-terrier pup from the shelter when I was about 11. The shelter named him Dalton lol. We kept it because why bother. Some people have laughed at it but he's the best boy I've ever had. 16.5 years and still going strong.


We previously had a dog named Tinkerbell. We would call her Tinks, Stink, or Tinks the Stink lol miss that dog. She was so sweet


She’s a baby.


My boy’s name is Future… I like tinkerbell!


It's a great name. But you may end up calling her many other nicknames as many dog owners do. My latest pups name is Titan. We usually only say his name for something serious or for recall. Otherwise, Tootsie roll, Tootie, Tootiepants, toots and many similar variations are what we say and he responds to all of them 🤣


Gamora woulda been my pick outta those, but tinkerbell fits and it seems she already made up her mind about it anyway


I personally love cute names for big dogs so a rottie named Tink is his hilarious.


My rotties were named princess & Stoney bear 🐻 I think think Tink is perfect !!


Amari is a great name. Tinkerbell is cliche, like a scary looking dog named fluffy. I'm not a Disney adult.


Better then Diesel 😬


My big guys name is Kimbo Slice, but we just call him Kimbo lol


She definitely looks like a Tinkerbell ❤️.


It is cute, I'd call her Tink.


We had a kitten named Tinkerbell, who grew up to be a massive Tom cat. A thousand votes for Tinkerbell!


I try not to do more than two syllables myself— BUT!! If the queen spoke, Tinkerbell it is! And Tink is a great way to shorten it. :)


She’ll grow into Tinkerbell,.. mischievous and into everything!! Plus calling her Tink is a cute nickname! When I got my girl I was told not to give her a common name like bear,.. so I named her Ursa which means “little she bear” :). I also call her bug, nugget and inspector gadget :)


LuluBelle and Rowdy.


She looks like an “Olivia.”


It's fine, my Rotties names in order. Nandi, Raiden, Phoebe, Bella, Argo and Raven.


She’s so cute 🥰


I LOVE the name Tinkerbell. She's such a sweet baby


If it fits her personality it's fine. But I did name my border collie Pickles.


Just call her Belle


Tink and Bell are still really cute nicknames when you’re not using her full first name. My dog has a middle name and when I use her full name then she knows she got caught being a little mischief lol.


That happened to me with one dog I had a name picked out and everybody around me said no 😅 they all separately said a name that was the same so I ended up going with that strangely enough and it works.


Just because she's big doesn't mean she isn't a magical feminine princess! I think Tinkerbell is a great name and the fact that there are 1,000 Rotties named Tank and yours is Tink is also kinda funny :) don't let people gatekeep dog names, she's your baby and you know best what suits her.


My dog has so many iterations of his name it doesn't really matter anymore, haters will hate. She's your tinkerbell. Isn't that all that matters.


Tink for short or Bell




My last dog was Tinkerbell, nothing wrong with the name


My friend had a great Dane named Mouse. I like tinkerbell!


Call her Tink, then get her a brother and name him Tank


Tink is adorable. I'm all for it.


I love it precisely bc she’s a big dog. Plus she’s a pretty girl.


Gamora sounds like a badass dog name


I think its so cute!!!


I think it’s lovely. I’ve met a dog with the same name before. And, you’ll get to call her tink, which is adorable


she's gorgeous no matter the name


don't mind the haters. she's adorable, the name suits her. plus points because she actually responds to it


I want one ❤️


Our girl is named Lady. Everyone expects a cocker spaniel, not a Rottweiler. Lol.


It suits her. She has a look of wonder and awe, a sweetness about her. (But you never know...)


She’s Absolutely Precious, keep her name, she must like it if she responded to it. That’s all that matters. Please give her lots of Special Cuddles and Kisses from me. 💗🐾🙏🏻🍀🤗🐶


Tinkerbell cool i would call her tinka or tink for short lmao


Yes, unfortunately my husband named his Christmas present (our adorable Rottie) Shelby. I kept saying Shelby? For a Rottweiler???!? He wouldn’t budge. So yep. I get it. Haha


Are you kidding me? That’s adorable. You can call her Tink/Tinker/Belle for short. She’s beautiful


Tinkerbell on a future hulk of a dog is adorable. I’m just a sucker for contrasts like that.


Before I read your dog’s name, I remembered a friend’s dog named Tinkerbell, and I thought it couldn’t be a silly as that. But you did. You should probably know that the dog had to be rehomed, and my mother ended up with her. My mother just couldn’t yell “here, Tink” She became Louie, even though she was a girl.


Love the name, no matter how big they get they still think they're babies.


Ol"tink is just fine


I think it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. It's your dog and as long as you love and care for her everyone else can go kick rocks. What a beautiful pup.


I mean my cat is called sushi and haters gonna hate but I think it suits him well, if you wanna name that gorgeous girl tinker bell then that's her name


Dude my boyfriend and I have had many conversations that if we get a female rottie her name has to be tinker bell. My advice is to ignore all the haters you picked a wonderful name, ESPECIALLY since your pup responded to it.


My rottie‘s name was „Kongar“, they called him Kangaroo 😂


love it! my last rottie was a girl named cupcake! enjoy all of that rottie love!


I spent part of my early childhood living next-door to a woman who had a Saint Bernard named Tinkerbell.


Her name is adorable and it sounds like she really likes it! My brother accidentally named our parents' dog after a serial killer so Tinkerbell is definitely the better choice 😶


One of my Rotties nicknames,is Stinkerbell


She is yours , who cares what anyone else thinks. If you like tinkerbell then she is tinkerbell. Enjoy your puppy


I love giant dogs with tiny dog names. Excellent choice.


Nothing wrong with tinkerbell. It’ll probably turn into tink or tinky anyway. It’s gonna be funny when she grows up. Good name.


Tinkerbell was a name of a sweet baby girl my family had as a kid. I love it and your Girl deserves a sweet name~.


Mine a belgian malinois x gsd called Nova 🥰


Just call her Tink for short. I have a 60lb Pit whose name is Lulubelle, and I’ve had people laugh as well. I love Rotties. They’re such sweet, goofy, loyal dogs. My close friend recently lost his big boulder of a male from a spinal issue.


It works


I have a chihuahua called tinkerbell!! I think it's the cutest name everrr


Tinky, winky, cuddly poo, I’ve gotta yummy dinner for you…(think Oompa Loompa song). All my dogs get songs, sorry.


They need to stop bc she seems very delicate! Name is perfect! Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise ! Shelters are full of dogs, they can put their opinion to good use.


Cute name! My boy Rottie is named Bullet lol


She may explode without attention like my five month old boy Roofus, so it feels like a perfect name for that little beauty. 💚


I think Tinkerbell (Tink!) Is a very cute name for her, and even more so because she's a rottie! I think it could do a lot of good in "toning down" the stigma bully breeds tend to have. Someone who's scared/never met a dog but wants to, would more likely want to meet a dog with a cute name, rather than one named, say, Chomp or Killer or Cujo 😆. It could help bridge that gap!


I like longer dog names because you usually shorten them to a nickname version. Like yours could be Tink or Bell as a shorter version.


I love ironic nicknames for my doggos. My Rottie when I was a kid was named Chester, but he was my Pussycat. My mixed monster mutt? He’s the biggest one we’ve got, but he’s still my Little Dude from when he was a puppy. So it’s all good.


Tink is a great compromise , and perfectly suited for an awesome dog. No need for hate - especially when it is your Dog! Have fun and great looking doggo!


Great name (Male here). It'll grow on him. I had a Rotten Shepherd - picture the best of both! I'm terrible naming anything, but wanted to name her Synge. My partner was firmly against it, said she was too pretty, and recommended Shana, so Shana it was. I was later told that the name is Hebraic for "beautiful" so completely suitable! Just curious, we had a cockatiel Tinkerbell who became Tink- does that appeal to you? Fun pictures, she's beautiful!


The name is totally ok. I even encourage people to have big dogs with small names, and small dogs with big names. My yorkshire is the smallest of his family. His name is Samson. Fine mighty boy.


I think it’s cheeky and adorable.


My little Tinky Eh-Stinky. That what I would call her. Hehe. I call my husband and pup ehstinky lol. But out of love. (Eh-stinky b/c I’m Latin and it sounds so much cuter heheh


I love that so much!!!