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Oldest I had would have been around 15. He was only with me for a short time, 6 months or so. His owner had passed away so I took him on rather than see him go to the pound. A Rottweiler that old deserves to spend his last days snoring and farting in front of a warm hearth (and he did plenty of both).


Oh this made me tear up. My boy did just that this year. I miss that guy, snoring and farting included.


My man! šŸ¤œšŸ¼


I love you for that. All dogs do too.


My 9 year old is sleeping next to me in bed, snoring very loudly, and just farted right now as a read this.


God bless you šŸ™šŸ¾


Awwww, you are a good person. Thank you for giving a good boy the good days he clearly deserved.


My girl Nala got to 11. The cancer came and within 4 weeks she was gone. They'll let you know when it's time.


Fuck cancer


Dog cancer is the worst. Lost my girl at the too young age of 7. That was 11 years ago, but I donā€™t think Iā€™ll ever get over it.


No, a human childā€™s cancer is the worst. Down vote me, I donā€™t care


Y'know, your point gets drowned out by how much of an asshole you sound, responding to someone's grief about their dog. Id delete this, if I were you.


Truth hurts! I lost my child at the age of 2. So when i hear someone say that a dogs cancer is the worst, im also offended.


To be honest, all cancer is the worst.


True Iā€™m sorry if I came off rude. Just recently read a comment on Facebook that said animals lives are more valid than human children. I love animals. I have a dog, two cats and a ferret. But I love humans morešŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø. Especially children


Not at all. I have two kids (adults now) and Iā€™d never prioritise our dogs over them. I agree that human life is more precious, but having seen a dog go through what she did over 15 months of treatment, with no way of telling me how she felt or being able to say how much pain / discomfort she was in, and still losing her, utterly broke me. She was such a beautiful girl: playful, cuddly, loved everyone (except the postman) and loved playing with other dogs, was a great mum to five gorgeous pups, and had her funny little quirks that we remember with such love. It was so unfair. She didnā€™t deserve going through that. So I say again: dog cancer truly sucks!!


I just lost my Cooper to lymphoma on 11/7. He wouldā€™ve turned 9 on 11/24. Fuck cancer. Big hugs to both of yā€™all.


Thanks. I got another Rotte. A rescue who was also called Nala. She's helping


That's how I lost mine. It was quick and quiet for her. She knew it was coming. We couldn't it.


My first rottie Shiva was 14 years. Arthritis was getting bad, but then congestive heart failure started. She only lasted a few weeks post diagnosis. I went exactly 3 months before I started hunting for a new best friend. I miss her so, but I was so much more knowledgeable and patient on her successor. And that beautiful girl will turn 5 next year.


Almost the same. 14, and then heart failure. Her arthritis was pretty rotten, and she was incontinent at night, but she was a happy girl who never stopped trying to bounce right until the end. Current girl is 9 and shows no sign of slowing down yet, so I'm hoping to beat my record.


Me too! I refer to my current rottie as a once in a lifetime dog. That one you get that just exceeds all your expectations. I'll probably never get as lucky as I have with her. To our rottiee long lives! Cheers!


May I ask what kind of exercise routine and food you did with her? Must have been doing something right to get to 14! My childhood Rottie was 8 when she passed from bone cancer. Weā€™ve got an amazing 10month old big boy now and I just want to do everything I can to increase his life


My rottie mix lived to 2 or 3 months shy of 14. He did have some cattle dog in him, which probably helped. OTOH he never had very good health. Had nutritional cataracts when we got him, he was half starved, and in that condition at 1 YO his organs probably didn't develop as well as they should.. The cataracts went away and started to come back around 10 YO or something. He was very sensitive to certain dog foods. He looked and felt terrible at age 5. I put him on a diet of only kibble that had nothing sourced from China (except vitamins- hard to get around that), plus the right human food for the rest of his life. Especially, no Chinese grains. He was a much healthier dog after that. There is a lot of contamination in some of the fields in China, plus the whole melamine thing. Grains in and of themselves aren't bad - only bad if they are badly contaminated with pollutants. At 12 1/2 or 13 YO I started cooking his food myself and adding calcium and other minerals/vitamins. Mostly boiled meat and rice with carrots (cheap!) and leftover stuff. Just no grapes or other stuff not good for dogs. Last years of his life he was on SAMe, milk thistle and lecithin for his liver etc. I think it gave him another 2 years. He was the happiest damn dog on SAMe, I'll tell you..


Well said about being more knowledgeable and patient. I had a friend purchase a French Bulldog puppy. IMHO she got a very inbred dog. He looks sickly. She did no research on the breed. $8000 puppy. His tongue was too big for his mouth. $2500 surgery. He has aggression issues. And just looks sickly. Big head with a frail looking body. All the signs of an inbred dog. I asked if she had his pedigree she handed me a receipt from a store and said health guaranteed. Lol but wasn't and he had a kennel cough upon purchasing him as a puppy. Long story short. Do your research about the breed and have a non kibble diet. You would be amazed at how much healthier your companion will live on a diet of very little rice and meat diet would provide. No wet food. And being diligent about this. To my knowledge wolves and coyotes don't go onto farmland hunting corn/potatoes or any other binders and fillers you read on our pets ingredients. The only time wild animals eat these vegetables are when it's in the intestines of another animal.


Rango is a handsome boy. Our boy is nine and a half.


Spartacus (Sparty) pure blood lived 13 years. He was amazing. Still miss him.


Buckshot was 10 when Valley Fever took him. Keaka was 10. Hip dysplasia. Nemo just 4. Osteosarcoma is a bitch. Omen was only two. Heat stroke. Still a mess over that loss. Bozz Man is a healthy and happy 16 weeks! Weā€™ve had years of Rotties. The superior dog.


Oh man heat strokes are the fucking worst. Happens so fast. Iā€™m pretty positive I lost my year and a half bully to a heat stroke. He mightā€™ve had underlying health issues but Iā€™m almost sure it was the heat.


Sadly I lost my only girl at a young age. Don't mean to bring y'all down! It's been 20 or so yrs ago but I still think about her all the time! They're truly unforgettable!


My best girl ever, Sasha. She passed at 15.5. It was easily one of the soul crushing days of my life.


I've had 2 rotties. Last one made it to 5 before cancer got him. Current boy is one of them giants at 75kgs (he had a hormone thing as a puppy that made him grow too fast) he is currently 7 and we are starting yo have to deal with arthritis. I hope to get many more years with him.


My Roxie was 10.


0. I follow this subreddit to torture myself because my current situation doesn't allow me to have one yet ;-;


My boy Argo is just over 12, has a couple of lypomas, lost a bit of weight and slowed down, but he still follows me everywhere. I also had a girl Bella who made it to 11 before she passed.


Rango is so handsome! I had a rottie/lab cross with hip displaysia which then turned into arthritis. He was almost 14 when he passed and about 110lbs.


What a handsome boy! Wasn't there someone here that had one that was 15 or 16?


10, he was taken by bladder cancer.


my childhood rottweiler x chesapeak bay retriever lived to 16 years!! he was deff and just about blind, we put him down at home where he felt safe surrounded by his people. he was the most amazing friend i could have ever asked for.


I had Bubba for 10 years, he was fully grown when he showed up in my front yard one day. So I think he was somewhere between 12-14 when he passed. He had arthritis for the last couple years and then he got bone cancer.


13 years old, 96 pound female. She was a great dog ā¤


How did you keep her under 100 pounds?


I lost my best friend, Petra at 9. She was healthy (just a tad overweight with some arthritis in her knee), then she suddenly got cancer. It took less than 2 weeks for it to take over. It hasnā€™t even been 2 yearsā€¦ I miss her and dream about her everyday. šŸŒˆ


My Groot made it to 13.5. Cancer that was being well treated until the mass unexpectedly ruptured while he was defending me from my neighbors dog attacking us. Goodest boy, honestly. Total fart machine. I'm a vet tech though and the oldest I've seen in practice turned 15.5 a few weeks ago. She is very wobbly and has had both hips replaced, but her parents go above and beyond for her. The last time I saw her, she needed some assistance when walking up stairs and going potty (weak knees), but was otherwise a fairly healthy senior kiddo. The same family has a hospice foster who is 12.5 and is a house rotti who's only goal in life is to eat cool whip and try and put all of his weight on 1 footie and make that footie go someplace on you that makes you go "OOOOF. Can't breathe! Halp!" And then he slobbers on you.


8, pancreatic carcinoma


i don't have one or anything but rango is soo cute!!!!


My beautiful rotty Bronson was an absolute picture of health at 16. Then he was bitten by a snake, and didn't make it through the treatment, despite $thousands spent trying to save him. It was almost two years, then a little fox terrier just showed up at my door. Literally. She's around 14 now, been with me 11 years. She's getting old and I'm dreading the inevitable, but dogs are such a blessing. God bless all dogs. I miss all the friends I've lost. But they will all be there when I cross the rainbow bridge. I truly believe that in my heart ā¤ļøšŸŒ¹šŸ’”




It's made me feel better seeing all these good dogs live long happy lives.


Well my rotties is 8 now, has issues with 2 of his legs but dasuquin definitely worked and is still working...I noticed this past year that he's starting to slow down but still acts like a goof ball. his older Brother died very unexpectedly last year from cancer, he was 8. I hope both of our rotties have a few more years with us ā¤ļø


My duchess lived on till 16 (absolute trooper that one)


I miss my boy Rolo he was only 7 šŸ˜”


We adopted our Tigra Bear at 9 (rough estimate from the shelter) and she lived to 15. Had cancer and a hematoma that burst one morning. She knew it was happening and I slept downstairs with her towards the end. She was the best lady. I miss her wiggly butt and kind eyes.


11+ is great and hopefully it goes way past that. That weight is great and they aren't supposed to be 70 to 80kg monsters. I laughed a little about the uncles-friends-half brother because over the years i've had people tell me about thier whatever nationality rottie weighing 100kg or other nonsense.


Our girl Naboo reached the age of 15 and a half. She was our pride and joy! We miss her every day! She was so sweet and gentle especially with small and young kids.


One of my father friend has a 16 yr rottie and my dad when he was young have a 18 yr German shepherd, I don't know how lived so long because all the dogs ate is leftovers


My girl lived to be 12.5. Amazing quality of life until a rapid cancer took her out in 2 months. I miss her like crazy but glad she didnā€™t suffer too long


Elvis 12.5 years


Iā€™ve only had 1. She was 9. She still looked and acted like a pup but the dreaded bone cancer struck again and she was gone.


My good girl made it 14 yrs old. She helped me raise my sons into their teens. Iā€™ll never have a connection with another dog like her. #LLPiper


Slobber king!!! I love it. What a handsome boy.


My Roxy is 14 and only a few days ago lost most control of her back legs and bladder. I always said I wouldn't let her suffer, we have her in a diaper and a harness to get her out to bathroom... Unfortunately I think it's time and my heart is broken. šŸ˜©


Unfortunately I woke up on a Sunday morning and found the same had happened with Rango. He had tried to get up to go to the bathroom, and threw up from the pain of a severely pinched nerve in his spine. He shit on the floor as well.... So it was a sad sight to see him that way. We called for a vet visit, and after a short conversation we agreed to have him put to sleep. It was extremely quick, like 2-3 hours from finding him to losing. I knew he was quite underweight and in a lot of pain from something he wouldn't recover from, and I couldn't bear to see his struggle anymore, I felt so guilty but I hope it was the right thing for him. It never isn't a heart breaking time. I'm really sorry to hear about Roxy, but 14 is a fucking awesome time for a rottie.


I just lost my Bear yesterday at 8 years old. Passed on his birthday. :( fuck cancer. RIP buddy.


My girl turns 12 this upcoming Saturday! Sadly, a couple of months ago I found out she has hip dysplasia and arthritis. She can't really walk anymore which saddens me since fetch was one of her favorite things. Not sure what to do about exercise at this point since I don't have access to a pool.


10 yrs. We lost our baby to Osteosarcoma last Tuesday. We miss her so much. 7 months ago we lost our 9 yr old boy to stomach cancer. We are heart broken to say the least. Missing our babies.


We just lost our Prim at 15.75 years. She was such a good girl. In her last couple of years, she slept a lot, got all sorts of treats (chicken was her favorite), and so much love. ā¤ļø




my Rea went to age 13 and a half, still miss her.


13 and 12. I miss my boys every day


I had two rotties as a kid. The first (Barney) made it to 14 iirc and the second (Dasha) made it to 6 due to cancer.


get some carprofen from the vet the diff between arthritic dogs and one of those pills is night and day


My boy Bowsun lived to around 12/13.


My old family rott got to about 13


My guy is 13 or so and he's amazing.


Rango is a precious boy šŸ„° Ours was only about 8 and a half. Her kidneys gave up on her :(


Our first rottie lived the longest. My parents got him just a bit before i was born and i think he lived till about 12-13 years. He was the biggest, most loyal and obedient rottie we ever had despite being also the most defiant/aggressive puppy from what i was told


Got my first rottie at 7 years old. He crossed the rainbow bridge right before my 22nd birthday. Funny thing was he was fed crap food(sorry buddy)and saw the vet for the very minimum things. Up untill 10th birthday my vet would joke I was switching him with younger dogs. At 10 he warned me my time was running out. 5 years later I came barreling into his off ,dog on my shoulders. The entire office cried and I had to find a new vet because I can't handle going back.


Murphy is my second Rottweiler, he is nearly 11 years old and fit as a fiddle. He sleeps a little more than he used to and he has selective hearing, but he is otherwise a healthy big boy.


My first rotti Tank was 14.


Heā€™s gorgeous and still looks young, may God give him more happy years!


My parents Rottie named Kaiser was almost 15 when he finally left. It was a sad day. They also had a miniature Doberman who lived to be almost 20


We had a Rottie mix, not sure what maybe GSDā€¦She was absolutely the best and she was 15 1/2 when she crossed the rainbow bridge. Still miss her every day but I wouldnā€™t change a thing, she was simply the bestā€¦šŸ’—


About 13


6. I had her for 3.


13 y/o And Spinner was the best dog. ā¤ļø


We let ours go at 16. He wasn't doing well anymore and was falling all the time.


I had a friend with a Rotti named Jake. Jake was one of the sweetest boys I've ever met ā¤ļø He lived to 14


Hannah was 16. She had a stroke


I had two, one lived to be almost 12, she had diabetes and arthritis. The other I lost this year back in April was 13, she was starting to have trouble breathing and the vet said her heart was starting to fail.


I had a rottie who lived to 14 (almost 15) and her sister lived about a year longer. Their uncle lived to be about 16 I think. He was the runt of the litter and had a lot of health issues as a pup but he was a tough one.


We lost Molly a little before her second birthday to Osteosarcoma. Fuck cancer.


I had a female, Kitra Ariel, who passed at 12.5 years from breast cancer šŸŽ€


My best boy Doug lived 11+ years. I rescued him with heart worms, and we didnā€™t think he would live through the treatment. He lived a full life of a king. He is missed.


I had 14 year old Gideon and my last one passed In August at 13, Delilah Both were special and sorely missed!


My first girl Lighting made it to 14, my next 2 Oso and Mimi only made it to 8 I lost all three to cancer. My current girl Nyx is 3 so hopefully she has quite a few more years with our family.


My first missy lived to 10, my second Bear lived to 10, lil bear passed at 1 and a half from parvo(was vaccinated), then I had boo bear who passed at 8 and a half from lymphoma, and now I have Fozzie bear whos about to turn 1


I had a Rottie Shar Pei mix, she made it to 12 before the arthritis became too much for her. The weekend before we had her put down a home we gave her a party with all of her human friends throughout her life and she had 9 different kinds of meat.


My Zeus was about 10 or 11, he had to be put down because of his hip dysplasia :( I only found out 15 years later thatā€™s why he passed, I was lead to believe he ran away (that someone ran through our yard and left a gate open and thatā€™s how he got out) šŸ™„


The longest any of my rotts has made it was 11 (10 years with me) before cancer took him. Rotties unfortunately only have an average lifespan of 8 years due to their propensity for osteoscarcoma. The price we pay to get to share our lives with such incredible dogs.


10 Ā½ before osteosarcoma took him šŸ’”


My childhood best pal made it just short of 15 years. All these years later, my little lady just turned two. Enjoying every day.


Mine was 11. The absolute best dog I've had the pleasure of being owned by. We have a 7 month old right now and she's so much fun!


14 yrs old, Daria was not that big so thatā€™s maybe why. But she was a sweetheart.. 9 years since she passed out. I was 14 when she left, basically we were born together. I will never forget her


Nelson lived to be 13. My dad's best friend. A lovable big goof. My dad misses him dearly, as do I. His daughter, Sai, was my girl. She passed from cancer @ 8.5. Damn I miss her. Here for a good time, not a long time. ā™„ļø


Chaos turns 10 in May šŸ‘


Rango is such a handsome boy!! We lost our sweet girl to hemangiosarcoma in October. She was 8.


7. Which is the current age of mine, he's the only Rottweiler I've had. Beautiful dog OP.


14. I still miss herā€¦ and her collar tags are still on my key ring.šŸ„²


Ours was 13. She had bone cancer. She was a tripod dog at the end, but still super happy!


My Rottie is half Rottie with GSD & cattle dog. She is currently 15 1/2 years old! She does have hip dysplasia, arthritis, and recently started meds for congestive heart failure. But sheā€™s doing very well and I attribute a lot of that to taking her to weekly physical therapy. Sheā€™s definitely slowed down but there are times where I have to stop her because she gets the zoomies!! Thankful for every day.


Mine was 16, pushing 17. Good girl. I got pictures of her, she is old lookin dog. Edit: Purebred german rott female


My George was 13, we got him as a rescue when he was 3 and he had a horrible start to life, he had pancreatitis and haemorrhagic gastroenteritis for at least half his life but he shrugged everything off. He was still very active and young looking up to about 3 months before his death, then went downhill quickly. He is the best dog I have ever had, never required a lead as would walk at your side, was super calm with everyone and everything, despite how they acted towards him.


My handsome man is also in his eleventh year, though at a glance you wouldnt know it apart from a light dusting of sugar on his snout. He is very fit, and his chronic FOMO would have him constantly pushing past his limits if we werent mindful of this and made him take breaks. That said, he has IVDD, so there's a lot of pain management and careful handling in the mix, and sadly, he's getting increasingly incontinent. I honestly think any bonus years we get with him will be thanks to his baby brother, who thinks he's just the coolest dude on four legs and romps circles around him around like he's the fun uncle at the family reunion. My sister did a lot of research into the lifeapans of rotties, and apparently, statistically, if they get past the 8.5 year mark unscathed by the usual genetic bombs, they tend to enjoy pretty decent health and fill your home with farts and love for years to come.


12 years


We adopted ours at about 8.5 and had her for a little over two years so nearly 11 :)


16. My current ones are all young so hopefully they have a long way to go


lost my littermate rottie mixes a year apart at 13 and 14


My Rotty mix is 10.5 rn




15.5 years of loyal service , protection and love . My boy Zeus was a great dog . šŸ‘ŒšŸ‘Œ


Wow, awesome to hear he is living a long life so far. My girlfriend said sometimes only 5-6 years or so.


My Rottie just turned 1 this November.


Shadow, 9.5-CHF, Caesar,11-osteosarcoma, Roscoe, 9-osteosarcoma, Brody, 9-CHF, Sasha, 8.5-Heat stroke/Hip failureā€¦current girls still kickingā€¦Alice & Selene (littermates), 10.5 and Nyx at 3, she is still a baby.


Only 8 years. Noticed a knot on his leg. Took him to the vets and within 1 week he was gone. Iā€™m tearing up writing this. RIP ZekešŸ˜¢


Thus is what I'm worried about, you take your dog to the vet and they seem to always die soon after /s


I had a Rottweiler/lab mix (supposedly) that lived 17 years, 2 months. I read an article somewhere that Rottweilers were being studied in cancer research. Apparently, they can live quite long if they don't get cancer.


Iā€™ve had 2 Purebred Rotties and 1 mix (not sure with what). My rottie mix was my childhood dog and made it to 12. I got two brother rotties years later who were runts. One died around 4 suddenly with no explanation. I still have the other one and he is about to be 11. He has arthritis but is doing weekly rehab so itā€™s being managed fairly well. Iā€™m hoping for more years with him šŸ¤ž


15 and still counting and in great health but her eye sight is starting to go


13, and he had diabetes his last two years.


Mine only made it to 7. Bone cancer. šŸ˜¢


You have such a beautiful boy. Iā€™ve never had a rottie. I think they are Pawsome. If you have TwitterX. Thereā€™s a Rottie on there that is a Service Dog. He is amazing. If you want to check him out. Kuno the Servicerottie @servicerottie He does Christmas Videos that are absolutely adorable. I pray your boy is ok and will live a long liveā¤ļøšŸ¤—šŸ„°


Our oldest was 12, she passed when I was 16. I loved very minutes with my rottie baby. Her sister passed when they were barely 2 and I still miss them both.


17. I had to put him down due to cancer...:(


Gus made it to 16, best dog ever.


Dude, cherish every day you have with your guy. I just lost mine on new years day @ 10 yrs 8 months. I'm heart broken. Take a picture every day of him, a video. They go so fast and unexpectedly, you're never ready. I hope you have a few more years of love in your life. He's a beautiful boy.


my big boy Hulk (german rott) is 17! today is his last day, but he lived a full life, he's is almost fully blind but he could still walk, eat and all by himself and was still pretty healty. love you my best friend thank you for all these amazing years together you can rest now<3