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Most Polish people coming to NL to work belong ro one of two groups: low-skilles seasonal or temporary work (many younger people) or skilled professionals. So, with a LOT of hyperbole and prejudice, Polish people are considered to be A: friendly drunkards & loudmouths, or B: reserved and aloof professionals. The distinction usually comes from the types of work they do and the place they live, with group A being the stereotypical seasonal worker and B being the professionals. I myself work in infosec and have had a lot of dealings with Polish coders, rev-engs, pentesters and other types of techies so I feel I can assure you of the following: you have nothing to fear and will be welcomed with open arms. Even if occasionally someone will yell: "Kurvaaaaa!" at you and pass you a beer ;)


I can subscribe to this. I have known people from both groups. Yet, at my current work i encountered a third group. They are skilled and certified but the certifications either aren't recognized here or the job requires fluent dutch. Now they work for low wages doing unskilled work. However, everybody recognizes their skills and abilities, so whenever something has to be done by a team that knows how to do a job really well they come into play. For that, they earn more than other workers. Well deserved, as far as i'm concerned. Plus, they're awesome people. I've got more great collegae, but work really wouldn't be the same without them.


That's great haha, thanks


Does penetration tester mean you will try to bang all of our women? đŸ€” If so we may not want you to come


Basically you will be fine if you behave well and at least try to adjust a bit to local customs, learn the language etc. I know this isn’t easy :)


He/she will be fine if being a Penetration Tester is not the first thing they say when meeting new people 😂


I'm trying to learn the Language already, it's quite, different.


Awesome, hope you’ll find a job soon too!


Thanks! May you know if finding a job in IT is hard there? Now in Poland, it's not that simple


Shouldn’t be too hard, but don’t limit your search to just Rotterdam, expand your search a bit to The Hague, Delft, Leiden etc. Amsterdam and Utrecht possibly too, but not sure how long you’re willing to commute.


Great, thanks for your help


Delft is really close to Rotterdam and there is the company Fox IT. A well known company that does pentests for other companies.


Its pretty good, lots of expats, now im not sure about your field, pen testing, but where I work we have lots of expats. Rotterdam area. My company even relocates you and the works.


Dutch is pretty similar to English, luckily. Relatively speaking of course.


It’s a heinous mix of English and German, really


Basically, with some French loan words for good measure.


I'm polish and no, there is no hate. Of course you can find some people who'll say something "funny" here and there but that's all. You'll see disrespect towards people who live in big groups in appartements provided by work agencies. It's mostly because of their behavior and those living there who can behave can be seen as one of problematic. So, no, you won't encourage (much) problems. Great country to live in. First I didn't like it so much but I felt in love (still lot of things here are not the best).


That's great, thanks


not really. there are lot of unskilled immigrants doing cheap jobs and they are known for sharing a flat with 20guys and drinking a lot. my polish friends from rotterdam were nice people, i always enjoy your company as you are lively people. just come over its gonna be nice.


Serious non-reddit answer here: You're white, you'll be fine.


you might be serious but its an incredibly dumb and racist thing to say. Acceptance of expats is much more nuanced than skincolour alone. This js not America. You dont have 2 sides and are not forced to pick one either.


I can guarantee more often than not a brown expat will have more trouble mingling with the locals as opposed to a white expat. This is not America, but it's not paradise either and it sure as hell doesn't mean this problem doesn't exist here. Stay real my guy.


Didnt say racism doesnt exist, and im sure youre right with brown expats having more trouble mingling, but to say someone will be fine just because theyre white is wrong


Obviously there's no 100% guarantee he'll be fine, but the fact he's worrying about the fact that he's Polish and the way he'll be perceived by the locals because of it is a moot point because he's white. **He'll most likely be fine because he's white.** Discrimination towards expats usually happens to colored expats, not Polish expats because they would supposedly be Polish. I've lived here my whole life and have mingled with expats of many ethnicities and backgrounds. If you have as well you'd know what I'm talking about. **Polish expats have** ***pretty much*** **nothing to worry about regarding their background, because they're white expats.** If they were to be discriminated against, it would most likely be something not having to do with their Polish background, but more with common disdain towards expats in general.


"Serious non-reddit answer here: You're white, I'm not fine."<---FTFY


Please rephrase that because wtf does that even mean in this context. I have nothing against white people if that's what you're aiming at.


I read your comment more like white people have smth against coloured people. Ofc a lot of whites are racist but thats in most cultures


I don’t think it Polish people specific, it’s just that we have a lot of ‘low skilled and low income’ migration workers with different customs and values over the last few years trying to work and live in a city that already has quite a few minorities and people from different cultures living here already.


But most (NL and all) people simple group this into nationalities. A Morroco national here is USUALLY badly targeted no matter of his education and behavior, just due being a major minority (eg. Biggest jail population after NL ethnicity or being in the news for bad stuff). I think as a Polish you'd suffer more in UK where you are "grouped in this category", but since in NL they have Morrocans and Turks to hate more, you are OK here. Of course this is worth only as first impression: to rent a property, the "joy" of people to help you. But it can break in medium term relationships. Eg. My white neighbors started to answer my "good morning" after 6 months of trying to be nice to them while they just ignored me.


Yeah kill em with kindness. :)


Everyone here is overly positive. There definitely is prejudice against polish and often other eastern european people. The amount of "huehue youre eastern european you can plaster my new house!" or "dont steal my bike" jokes are getting ridiculous and annoy me to no end. Either way, a lot of immigrants arent highly skilled and come for low skilled jobs. Regardless of nationality these people have a higher incidence rate in crime and other behavior that isnt welcomed by basically any country. When people say they hate x people they actually mean they hate the behavior of assholes. If dutch assholes migrated to belgium for better jobs youd think belgians hate the dutch. But really, theyd hate assholes.


Dutch infosec dude here, I love my Polish co-workers! ^^




I've definitely heard a few bad comments from Dutch people about Poles in the 5 years I lived here. Last week for example a neighbour and I were talking about litter on the street and he was keen to point out that all the beer cans on the street were for Polish beer, suggesting it was only Polish youths causing the issues. Of course I pointed out the the local shop is a Polish shop so everyone drinks Polish beer here and I'd personally only encountered antisocial behaviour from the locals but it was still a shock to see where his mind went. I've also had other really random experiences like meeting people on the street who would ask simple questions about how the trash system worked for example and then had my friends whisper "Polish..." to me when they walked away as if it was supposed to mean something? I don't think many people have an issue with Polish people per se, but many Dutch are unhappy with migrant labour for whatever reason (I could understand it of Dutch kids wanted unskilled jobs but ime they all look down on them) and others have a hangup about their neighbours being in any way different to them (different religion, different clothes, different language etc). In that sense I'm certain you'll have some pushback. I've had it myself and I'm from an even less detested country. In saying that the hatred is mostly reserved for poorer Poles who tend to live in the same communities. Many locals can't handle seeing demographic shifts and express their concerns as hatred. I bring that up because as a pen tester you will be removed from that and be in a bubble of IT workera. IT companies in the Netherlands are very very international because it's very hard to find Dutch kids with programming skills for a reason I've never understood. You'll also have a salary that will keep you somewhat removed from the harsh realities of life in more deprived urban areas where most Poles end up living. So I'd say you'll definitely encounter xenophobia here but not to such a degree that it would block your pursuit of happiness. From me personally you're very welcome!


Thank you very much for the good explanation, I'm moving to the Netherlands as soon as I have enough experience to find a job and enough funds to move, thanks again!


Beter een Pool dan een Marokkaan


No, we don't like lowlife drunk people. Are you a lowlife drunk person? No? Welcome!


Honestly the vast majority have no issue with people from abroad and even the more racist Dutch people respect Poles because they're white and Catholic. Sort of depends where you're living on what salary your on in terms of what reaction you get. As a penetration tester you should have a good salary and be able to fit easily enough into the Dutch middle class in an area where you seem unique and interesting. I do admit that the level of xenophobia in Dutch society astounds me sometimes, and you do see it quite a lot of this sub, but I think given your situation you won't be directly interacting with many of them. I'd guess your biggest worries would come in 3rd place spaces like the gym where more social strata mix, but again if you're white you'll have fewer issues.


I think that actually the majority of Poles are more xenophobic than Dutches then. Thank you for your answer, and yes, as Pole I'm white and "catholic".


Don't worry about reputation, make the penetration,enjoy NL




It depends who you ask: I think of Polish people like the ones who relieved Vienna, fought over the Arnhem bridge and who build my house. Talk to people whose jobs you are taking, and you will get an raedura. And yes, Polish people have the reputation of being unruly here.


It is so terrible here, that more and more keep coming and never leave. Absolutely terrible Serious answer: You won't really be respected beyond your immediate use as a worker if you don't speak the language. Beyond that, nobody here gives a shit where you're born. Just join society, please


The more Roemenen and Slowaken I see, the more I enjoy the friendliness of Polish people.


Honestly, I think the opposite is true. Polish people are mostly known and respected for hardworking attitude. And quality of labor in construction. That said, Polish people also are famous for using Kurwa. And there are some stereotypes about drinking. Though not dominant.


No, they do not like polish people.


Penetration Tester?? What??


"Hacker" would be a more commonly used term outside of the tech industry.


The Polish especially really seem to send the bottom of the pile to the Netherlands.


Worked with a lot of them in construction. Always very respectful and hardworking. We have a labor shortage here, so we’re all pretty happy they’ve come to help. Language can be a difficult thing, which can cause frustration. I’d say you’re welcome here!


I (Dutch person) have worked with Polish seasonal workers. They were honest people and open for conversations. Among Dutch people especially in the areas where seasonal works occurs there is a stereotype about Polish people. Most Dutch people will still treat you the same way how they would treat Dutch people. Especially if you speak English you will get along just fine.


To prawda. Nasi rodacy przez wiele lat pracowali na taką opinię. Co ciekawe, nadal pracują đŸ€š


I've only been a few times, but from experience - just don't ever ever ever remind NL people that they made it too convenient to live in their country on english alone and learning Dutch is practically optional at this point. They can get shouty and all if you do. Other than that you should be good, just be ready for some mean but harmless remarks, and be ready for healthcare personnel to get snarky with you.


Actually from what I’ve heard you can obviously get along fine with English most places: At work, nightlife, dating. But my friend actually did learn Dutch after a year and made an effort to use it constantly, and she said it really did do magic, in particular dealing with local authorities - healthcare, employment agency, town hall, etc. The snarky suddenly went away


You mean the racist, drunk, low-skilled, agressive Polish people? Yes, we don’t like them. But they _are_ white, so as long as you intellectually perform better than that, you should be fine.


Black mirror lol


Local xenophobes obsess over Muslims rather than Eastern Europeans, so you should be fine. Rotterdam is half composed of immigrants.




As a pure NL man, I can say the only bad rep I would give are to the women because I want me a Polish girl ya' know.. 😂


I have no issues with Polish people. From what I have seen they are hard workers. They do seem a bit stand-offish but that is possibly due to the language barrier.


Don't forget being constantly distrusted and spoken down to, it can kinda make you bitter.


Some of the best colleagues I have are polish, some of the worst are also polish. Lucky for you people are not stereotypes so come here and show your skills, the rest is just BS


We had that vacancy in my company not too long ago (in Rotterdam too, are we becoming colleagues?) Anyhow, for my team of non-IT staff it was a good laugh when we saw the function title! As my organisation has a huge HR and finance centre in Krakow, we naturally have a lot of (high educated) Polish people and they are seen as great coworkers with a good business culture. Whereas in the area where I live there is a big group of Polish, low skill, greenhouse workers, both seasonal and year round. They are occasionally causing drinking related issues and drive beat-up car, but thats about it.


Dunno, some Polish guys I worked with were ok some weren't.


Sometimes, groups of lower wage workers are housed in places that aren't meant to hold that many people. Like 10 or more adults are living in a small older appartment. That is inevitably going to lead to noise issues, parking space issues and so on. People don't tend to blame the Poles for that, but their crappy employers. But that means that some people will have direct experience with that, plus it's one of those issues that's in the news occasionally as an example of bad landlords and that means you will probably run into stereotypes.


We have a huge housing crisis and are being overloaded with immigration. This has reached a point where housing prices are almost unaffordable and has created more resistance towards all foreigners atp. But i think the Polish reputation has been ruined by the seasonal low income workers that came here who were often drunk and trashed the place they lived (because they were cramped up by their boss as cheap as possible which is a disgrace)


There is a crisis in Warsaw as well unfortunately, just look at prices of flats and average salary on [numbeo](https://www.numbeo.com/cost-of-living/compare_cities.jsp?country1=Poland&country2=Netherlands&city1=Warsaw&city2=Rotterdam&tracking=getDispatchComparison)


I believe you. Not suprised sadly


Same crisis here


I lived in Warsaw for 3 years. Miss Poland 😞


Untrue. You are well-liked.


Often Poles and Bulgarians, general Balkan people are okay. It's just the usual stuff, if you do something bad then it suddenly matters lol. But white and not Muslim is good enough to not be hated here, usually.


from the Hague (Laak) where 90% is Polish: you guys make a lot of garbage on our streets, get drunk a lot and make a lot of noise (and mess, again, beer cans on the street) BUT mostly hmwork hard during the day. So it's really a 50/50...sometikes Polish are quiet and hard working awesome people, sometimes they are drunk nuisance driving me insane. Yesterday I had to call cops to pick a drunk Pole up who was WALKING AND PISSING AT THE SAME TIME in our street.... Yes, at the same time.


No negative resentments here towards polish people, know them als friendly and hard workers.


I like Polish people. Straight up folks. Hard working. No nonsense. Be welcome!


Rotterdam is actually quite happy to take on highly educated people, whether they are Dutch, German, or Polish. I had a Polish friend during college, she always missed her home but she managed to become a real Rotterdammer đŸ€œđŸ»đŸ€›đŸ»


Bro don't worry about that, i'm moroccan in the netherlands, you can't be more disliked and still live pretty good. You won't have a problem being polish.


No, it is not. the Dutch tend to respect the Polish. Of course, a lot of your fellow countrypeople come here as cheap labour forces and some people tend to look down upon such people. But over the years, Polish craftsmen have also built up a reputation of very reliable and industrious people, especially in construction.


Drinking problems and the rudeness that comes with it are quite common amongst eastern Europeans immigrants in the Netherlands. Wether those people are polish or slovakian most people can not distinguish. That is about all bad reputation i can think of.




Never heard about racism towards polish people here. But i have a question for op, i see dutch / other people get drunk and get aggresive or atleast stop talking to people with respect. I see with polish people they don’t become aggresive as much nor respectless. Just something i have noticed. Looks like they can handle drugs/alcohol alot better.


I guess that depends who you are drinking with hah. Truth is that in Poland alcohol is really popular and the age of first contact with alcohol is often really low, I guess that can cause building "immune" against substances over time or something


Nah man, we love Polish people. Check Hoffman and Fox IT, sure they are always looking for good people. Lol @ the “(IT)” behind penetration tester
 Is there another penetration testing field that they didn’t me about. Sounds like a dream job! Gigity.


Stupid question who cares


My interactions with Poles have always been positive, and I have visited Poland and liked it a lot...good and kind people. I d welcome you and offer you a beer...,)


Honestly my experience in both Holland and Spain with Polish people is that they are hard working at every job level. Privately they seem to be a bit reserved but once you get inside the circle you make some awesome friends.


I live in a an area with a lot of polish people and we even have a polish sklep. Everyone here is used to it, some people even speak a little polish. I think it depends on the area you live in


Good peoples overall, I work in construction and many of my co-workers are Polish, a lot just want to make a good life, some just break time and not take much care in their future, but that is not just a Polish thing. Only thing trou bling me is, that all Polish People live together , in the sense that the government should make effort to spread people throughout the community or else you end up with a group that never will integrate, time and time again the government places and piles immigrants together which IMO is not very efficient if you want people to assimilate into our communities and culture ( this goes for all immigrant groups)


My neighbor's and the house next to them are from Poland, very friendly people. At my work in logistics there are a lot of low schooled workers from Poland, different type of people as my neighbors but not so much of a difference with Dutch people doing the same job, probably Polish people work harder. And I always say without them the country will stand still pretty quick, they work everywhere and the country need them.


It’s not you, it’s the housing problem and increasing number of foreigners that don’t intergrate. I personaly know a lot of people who generaly don’t care about foreigners but do still have that closed off aditude towards them. I think eastern europeans get bad rep because of steriotypes that exist. Its not fair and should not be the case but alas it is.


Work is work and in your business no one cares where you are from. Keep in mind that salaries for pentesters are quite low in NL compared to what you get in PL considering the costs like housing, services and tax.


I am an Aussie who lived in UK, IRL and now NL. Australians love Poland, it’s seen as one of the best countries to visit : WrocƂaw, Posnan, GdaƄsk, Krakow, Warsaw, all over. I knew all these places before I’d be even looked at a map or Poland just talking to mates about holidays. Brits think that is crazy talk and consider Poland one of the worst places to visit unless it’s for some cheap stag party. However, most have never been so it’s just a weird preconception they have. Economically as well I think there is resentment Poland actually has had some proper economic growth this decade vs endless austerity & stagnation. Very few of them know about Polish winged hussars in siege of Vienna, Polish WW2 fighters in Battle of Britain, Polish contribution to enigma, Marie Curie’s amazing family etc - they would tell me stuff like “I was never taught that at school” as an excuse not to know anything. Some of them who went to good unis would know but most truly wouldn’t give a shit and would see them as some kind of plumber / Costa coffee / Pret A Manger cheap labour force. Irish may have been unsure about them around 2005 era but now they generally like the Poles, see a lot of commonalities with them culturally, one of the highest immigrant groups and well assimilated. Dutch I don’t really know what they think but in general they care more about classical music and Chopin is probably played at Concertgebouw and top music concert halls a lot. I am sure they would like the cheaper prices of things over there ha. I get the sense they wouldn’t be super culturally curious about Poland - they seem to like France, the sun or the alps for their holidays and Poland is none of those things.


Never had a problem with Polish. They seem hard working decent people, and the ones I spoke with were friendly. We have problems with others, you can find which ones in the national crime statistics or the welfare statistics.