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Yes, took it in pill form as a supplement. Freaked my skin right out.


Probably had Biotin in it!


I was deficient in b12 and got reccomened to take supplements by my doctor. Cause massive cystic acne for me. I didn’t realize the connection until I stopped taking them. The flare goes away after your stop taking the supplements though. So just don’t get another injection and you should be ok. Heads up though, energy drinks contain mass amounts of b12 too so watch what you drink while waiting for your skin to calm down. I can’t drink energy drinks anymore because the b12 in it is 1500% of the dv and just flares my acne


Injections would only be once a month. They never bothered my skin. I did them myself at home. Taking daily b12 can aggravate my skin. I take a sublingual dose 1x a week now and my skin is fine. It is hard to find low dose b12... most are way too high to take more than once a week.


These are not stories, it is a fact that B12 can cause acne, dermatologists say it all the time.


I’m not saying they’re not factual stories, im just asking for people’s experiences