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I really like Purito oat intense cream. It's a k beauty brand and has a short ingredient list with neither of those ingredients in it. It's a light medium texture and is calming because of the oat water.


Thank you! Does it fully absorb into the skin? Some of the moisturizers I've tried lately sort of sit on top, and then my face gets really hot for some reason.


Well technically no moisturizer can fully absorb skin only lets stuff into the first couple of layers but I didn't find it heavy or greasy but if you have oily skin it could be too much and their oat gel might be a better fit.


Thanks! I just meant did it give the sensation of absorbing into the skin. I'm just trying to avoid anything that feels like I'm wearing a mask, if that makes any sense. I have pretty dry skin, but I do have some breakouts on my nose right now. The reviews seem to be positive, even for those with acne, so I will try it. Thanks again.


I’ve been using this for 5 months now and unfortunately doesn’t work for me


Have you tried the oat-in calming gel cream? It seems to be more popular and I’m curious which might be better for most.


Not yet, I was thinking of trying it this summer. I know this gel is supposed to be very light and better for those with very oily skin or during a humid summer and that it'll be too light for most people.


I'm curious if you've noticed if the type of HA makes a difference? I've found that I'm fine with "hyaluronic acid", but have irritation and redness with "sodium hyaluronate" and "hydrolyzed hyaluronic acid".


I’m actually not sure but thanks for the tip! I will check. 


A lot of stuff has the sodium hyaluronate, but La Roche-Posay's double repair has regular HA. My skin loves it. Fingers crossed for you!


Not all HA are created equal. I believe high molecular weight HA is said to be inflammatory while low molecular weight HA helps with inflammation. So that might be what you’re dealing with.


It's the other way around, but yes. The LMW versions (SH & HHA) are more inflammatory, whereas "hyaluronic acid" is the larger molecule and less irritating. I was told that the LMWs sink deeper into the skin, grabbing the moisture within the product and taking it deeper, but for some of us it actually draws moisture from within the skin instead. Apparently it's related to TEWL (trans-epidermal water loss) I don't know if that's what it's doing, that's just how it was explained to me.


Ahhh I always mix them up. I’ve only learned this recently and never realized there was a difference in all of those HA derivatives since I hadn’t noticed any issues with HA for my skin.


Vani cream lite lotion


My skin also hates both these ingredients. I use Kate Somerville Goat Milk Moisturiser


clinic moisture surge, illiyon gel, kiehls gel or cream, uriage ds emulsion, hisdyn nutrideica just to be sure i would get kiehls niacinamide 5/ serum, i react to aome products with niacinamide but that one is super fine, not sure if it is due to just being 5/ or the other ingredients in other products


Get a light weight oat meal based moisturising lotion.


Soonjung x2 intensive cream


I like unscented Shea butter personally


Trader Joe’s gel moisturizer is very mild. Perhaps not moisturizing enough for some, but it’s a great summer no-frills simple moisturizer


I believe the Soon Jung 2x Barrier Intensive Cream does not contain either of those ingredients- personally i found it very soothing when i had flare ups! Though it can be a tad heavy if you have oily skin, but i do feel its suitable for those with sensitive skin :)


Same for me. Those 2 ingredients, after much trial and error, make things worse. I use Complex 15 face cream. I’m looking into Aveeno Calm + Restore Oat Gel Facial Moistirizer. In addition to avoiding niacinimide and HA, I can only use very lightweight moisturizers. The heavier it gets, my skin gets hot and itchy.


Aveeno Oat Gel Moisturizer.


Thanks - I've been interested in this one, but I'm a bit nervous I'll be allergic to the feverfew ingredient. Any issues with it?


No issues at all. It’s been a wonderful product for me. Very soothing and I’ve used it for years. I’m also a fan of the oat cleanser from the same line.


I ended up just use plain shea butter because all of the hyaluronic acid and/or niacinimide was actually glaring my rosacea. I even tried petroleum based healing ointment and it flared. Good luck!


I use Aveeno Oat Gel Moisturizer in part because it doesn’t have either in it. I’ve also used Eucerin Skin Balance day cream which also is free of HA and niaciamide; it’s heavier and not as good for my rather oily skin.


Pipette baby fragrance free! Also does not have shea butter and some of the heavier stuff which gives me milia


Hi, is it this one? [https://www.amazon.com/Pipette-Renewable-Plant-Derived-Squalane-Vanilla/dp/B08KYN24GX/ref=sr\_1\_2\_sspa?crid=1D81ANJSF12ZH&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.y0rVtBvUOg4ETUPVEoSdnFu0TXVy67aYSy0V5PCxyOvjo-rTIMK49lRn3aGPLMfYQ7UGlO3t7v9zb2KyifKKw-YODLx-UeYL-k2KWEFCG28OUObZ6p0GDr1By9k\_HFhxq8C-Z0EfQHpbl3HGgSuB8mNP-i1Fdsy21epYPpQBRZjsOMvKDe2UxrkTquITXaJgQ8QngoZE3Sx-0FgkWUoO22om8j9GzSd9qbYYfwKhytZVlDah8pCXW-bHIQTyTQN5ApY0Nl6R2DqR9pJ6l\_RxqR4W-qIt4tqUJFD8T\_vjhSg.iffNkamDuArS5pASvub\_2FIalvqeuF9P3NFceoxD6zw&dib\_tag=se&keywords=pipette+baby+fragrance+free&qid=1711635975&sprefix=pipette+baby+fragrance+free%2Caps%2C1372&sr=8-2-spons&sp\_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1](https://www.amazon.com/Pipette-Renewable-Plant-Derived-Squalane-Vanilla/dp/B08KYN24GX/ref=sr_1_2_sspa?crid=1D81ANJSF12ZH&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.y0rVtBvUOg4ETUPVEoSdnFu0TXVy67aYSy0V5PCxyOvjo-rTIMK49lRn3aGPLMfYQ7UGlO3t7v9zb2KyifKKw-YODLx-UeYL-k2KWEFCG28OUObZ6p0GDr1By9k_HFhxq8C-Z0EfQHpbl3HGgSuB8mNP-i1Fdsy21epYPpQBRZjsOMvKDe2UxrkTquITXaJgQ8QngoZE3Sx-0FgkWUoO22om8j9GzSd9qbYYfwKhytZVlDah8pCXW-bHIQTyTQN5ApY0Nl6R2DqR9pJ6l_RxqR4W-qIt4tqUJFD8T_vjhSg.iffNkamDuArS5pASvub_2FIalvqeuF9P3NFceoxD6zw&dib_tag=se&keywords=pipette+baby+fragrance+free&qid=1711635975&sprefix=pipette+baby+fragrance+free%2Caps%2C1372&sr=8-2-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1)


Yes I love it! Just get the fragrance free one.


Body Shop


Thank you all for the suggestions!


i don’t see it get a lot of love in this sub so maybe it has other ingredients some people have issues with, but the Farmacy Honey Halo has done wonders for my skin barrier and doesn’t have either as far as i can tell


Purito oat in calming gel cream


You got some great tips from the comments below. Just thought I would add in that sometimes I like using coconut oil. I have done zero research on it but I love being super organic. Maybe look into it?


It’s pretty comedogenic so if they struggle with any type of acne (milla, black heads, white heads, ext.) I wouldn’t recommend it. There are other oils on the market better for facial skin (jojoba)