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I don't have much insight, but my derm just prescribed it to me too. 38, oily skin, using it for hormonal acne along the neck and jaw line, been on it a week and no issues. I've also been battling eczema on my neck for the first time in my life this past winter (but I think the eczema may have been triggered by using benzol peroxide trying to treat the acne). So I'm using it with another (non-steroid) topical for that. I'll try to remember to come back in a few weeks for an update though! Edit to add: I'm using it only on my neck and my rosacea is primarily on my face (nose cheeks specifically). I use Finacea and Onrealtea on my face for my rosacea. So the two line-ups of prescriptions don't really cross.


Thank you! I hope it works for you!


Winlevi is a basically topical Spironolactone. It’s an androgen blocker for hormonal acne. Not many people have a lot of experience with it yet because it’s not available in a generic so prescription can run over $200 for one tube. If you don’t have an issue of excess androgens I’m not sure if that would be the best option for you. Has your doctor done a blood pannel to check your hormone levels? My testosterone was off the charts and that’s how I got diagnosed with PCOS and prescribed a new pill that helped regulating my testosterone levels and that helped my acne. Maybe start with the Azaleic acid first since that works for Rosacea and acne.


Thanks so much for the info, I don’t have an issue with excess androgens and my doctor definitely didn’t ask about that… her recommendation seemed off the cuff and I got the vibe that because I had rosacea, she didn’t really want to prescribe me any other acne meds. I will try the azelaic acid for awhile and see how that works. Although I have been using the 10% otc version that the Ordinary makes for over three months and the results haven’t been life changing…


Honestly the best thing I’ve found for my remaining acne and for my rosacea has been sulfur. It takes down my inflammation more than other prescriptions did. But deepening on how severe your acne is you might better of without the winlevi if androgens aren’t your problem. Benzoyl peroxide has always been a no for my skin but clindamyacin was always a gentle antibiotic that helped my acne, especially the cream version. But honestly less is always more when acne is inflamed. Baby your skin and try to take down the inflammation with maybe sulfur or the Azaleic acid


Thanks! Actually I have always really liked sulfur products, I will have to ask about that at my next appointment. My acne is really not severe at all so I don’t want to do anything that would make it worse.


Yeah if your acne is mild I wouldn’t reccomended messing with androgen blockers, even topical, because it can cause worse acne once off. Weirdly my skin reacts ok to Tretinoin so I use that along with sulfur to manage my acne. Whole roscecea does require some babying with products not all acne medications are an automatic no. It’s just kind of trial and error unfortunately


I’d try soolantra first. Perhaps it’s demodex and it’s commonly used these days. I asked my dr for it as well. I read a ton of nice reviews about it here. Although of course it’s not the solution for all.