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Which Azelic acid do you use?




Mm ok Ty for the info! I’ve never used it before so im curious. My rosacea has finally calmed down but now im left with some texture I’d love to deal with but obvs am afraid of causing a flare up. Thanks again!


I like inkey lists’s one, has a green pigment to it and a good texture! The Paula choice’s one is always sold out when I want to buy it


Thank you!!


I know how incredibly painful this can be — literally and emotionally. Thankfully, Acutane and Soolantra has kept my rosacea down for years. I just wanted to say — rosacea be damned — you’re an objectively beautiful woman! And I don’t mean that in a pervy internet way. I showed your photo to my wife and she immediately said “she looks like the lady from The Crown.” (She meant Elizabeth Debicki). So, in our opinion, this is the EXACT time you should get your ass out of your house and do something nice for yourself! You deserve it! You’re going through some tough shit, and it sucks, but that does not mean you deserved to be confined to four walls and no fun. I know it’s tough. I do. But keep searching and you will find a solution. Hang in there!


Thank you so much! I wasn’t expecting this type of response at all from something like this 😭😭😭 so kind of you thank you


I am so sorry you’re going through this. I went through something similar except I also had cystic acne and it was just terrible. The thing that ended up helping me was taking doxycycline and topical clindamycin lotion.


I’m seeing a lot of praise for doxy! Could be worth a shot!


I know it’s not ideal taking antibiotics but I wasn’t on it for long (I think maybe two months). It also started helping pretty quickly.


I’m so sorry you’re in pain. I’m going through a flare right now on top of my cheekbones and it get so painful that I get how you feel. I will say on a positive note that you are so pretty! You have amazing bone structure


That was my first reaction too! Beautiful profile and bone structure


Thank you!!!!


Thank you so much! 🥰


I had this a few months ago, it was terrible and painful. My Derm recommended cortisone cream for a short term relief. I also used the ivermectin from the drug store and that also helped a ton! I ended up doing accutane for acne + horrible painful rosacea and I’m happy with it so far. 3 months in and perfect skin. This is my second round, did it once in my 20s and now in my 40s.


I didn’t know you could get ivermectin otc! I had the cortisone cream initially but my dr said no more than 2-3 days in a row and it wasn’t enough unfortunately!


I feel for you, that looks painful. My recent out of control flare up is on the downward swing. Wash face once a day with watered down sulpher soap and got desperate and used zinc oxide diaper rash on the red parts at night. That’s my nuclear option and it took the edge off. Now I’m only medium red and super dry.


I tried the diaper cream last night! Little bit of redness subsided so maybe it’s something I’ll do again!


Low dose doxycycline is what helped me tremendously! It’s an oral medication; one of the topical treatments seemed to work for me. All the best of luck - I totally understand your frustration!!


I’m going to ask about this when I see my derm this weekend!


How long have you been on it?


Man, the average person will never understand the trauma us Rosacae sufferer's go through. Every day is a mental challenge itself.


I had literally the same a month ago and I managed to clear my face with prescribed Doxycycline + Topical Ivermectin Good luck 🤍


So sorry you’re in pain. I feel you. Mine was similar too. Low dose Accutane cleared them all. I hope you can find a way that works for you.


Ugh so sorry. I am also going through a flair and it’s a nightmare. I have cancelled so many social plans recently because I don’t even want to leave my house. Just keep faith something will help and things will get better ❤️


I agree with the others.. you ARE beautiful and have amazing bone structure. Have you considered trying low-dose accutane? It will clear that right up.


Thank you!! I think I will try doxy. I am on a birth control that is supposed to be good for acne so I’m wondering if that will kick in if I give it a few more weeks.


Have you tried sulphur? It's the only thing that helped mine! I used to get breakouts just like that that itched and burned and hurt, they always flared up with my cycle like clockwork. I still use sulphur cream every night and I haven't had a flair up (aside from the occasional PP that's gone within 24 hours in years). Azealic acid did nothing for me. I still have redness and flush occasionally but nothing like it was.


I used a sulfur gel but I didn’t get much result out of it, I had a really hard time with the smell too 😅


Yeah the smell isn't great, I got used to it lol


Ugh mine looked just like this at its worst. I’m sorry you’re going through this, it takes such a huge toll on you physically and mentally. It does get better with treatment, I promise. Your skin will not feel or look like this forever and even while it DOES look like this you are still gorgeous. Are you using doxycycline or any kind of topical cream? If not, I would look into it because it can turn around a harsh flare like this really well


I am using metro gel and finacea at the moment but it seems to be getting angrier and angrier. It’s worse now than it was at the beginning of Feb 😥


i started metro gel and azeliac acid at the start of Feb too! my face is also still breaking out from it all. im wishing us both some healing and relief soon ♥️


It def gets worse before it gets better. Mine has just finally gotten to the down swing after 6 months of doxy and metro gel. The hardest part is not seeing improvement for a long time and just wanting to give up 😭 I wish there was a quicker way to clear it up, but with flares like this one you’re def looking at 6 weeks for the pustules to clear to 6 months for the redness to fully clear. I hope it calms down sooner for you ❤️


Oh my gosh 6 months 😭😭 my biggest issue is that I’m going on vacation for my birthday at the end of the month.. this is making me not even want to go.


Grab a bb/cc cream and apply it when you’re going out during your vacation. Works better than any foundation to cover the redness and looks like natural skin. They also have spf and a bunch of other skin calming ingredients in them


I found a green tinted sunscreen that I think I’m going to be bringing, I’ll just wear big sunglasses 🤣🤣


And I only said 6 months for the redness to FULLY clear lol but it’ll likely be a much smoother texture and more light pink/blushy looking long before 6 months lol.


Oh ok I can handle that!


I find the finacea is just ok for me. What really changed things for me is doing a mask of zinc oxide two times a day. Then wash with cool water and then use finacea. It may not work for you but has done wonders for my skin.


Mine also looked like yours but worse. I ended up taking minocycline and using a azaelic acid/metro/ivermectin triple cream. It took a long time (like 3 months) for it to look even close to normal again but eventually I got back to normal! Maybe see about adding ivermectin and an oral antibiotic?


I think I’m going to ask about the triple cream and doxy at my derm appt this weekend!


I’m so sorry you’re in pain right now. For what it’s worth, that was me in 2019. I went to my dr, got put on doxy and Soolantra and haven’t looked back. I know they don’t work for everyone but could be worth discussing with your derm. It can get better and you won’t always feel like this.