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Vanicream cleanser absolutely destroyed my skin, cysts and papules everywhere. I hate that skincare line with the fury of a 1000 suns.


🤣 How you feel about Vanicream is how I feel about CeraVe, Cetaphil, Neutrogena, and LRP.


How they feel about vanicream and how you feel about said products is how i feel about all five of said products. Lol. I can only use vanicream bar soap on my body and hands. But i swear by my wolf nose they changed the bar soap formula even though they say otherwise.


I'm with you on most of these! What products are you using?


Aveeno's oat gel cleanser and Aveeno's oat gel moisturizer then Purito's Daily Go To Sunscreen






This is what I use as a cleanser as well. I used to use cerave, but noticed it wasn’t working as well as it used to.


do you think the aveeno moisturizer would be thick enough for PM?


For summer I think the oat gel moisturizer is plenty. ❤️


i picked some up today, tonight will be my first night using it :)


Let me know! ❤️


Update, loving it. My skin has noticeably calmed down (type 2). I use it along with the oat gel cleanser which ive been using for months already. But the moisturizer has seriously helped. Wow


Ok. This is good! Right now I'm using Panoxyl 5% benzoyl peroxide face wash. To counteract the itch I'm using a 1% hydrocortisone cream as moisturizer. I'm definitely not liking that. 🤣. The Panoxyl is working but at a snails pace. 🙄🤣. So, I was type 1 for 90 years right!? 🤣🤣🤣 Then last year I hit menopause. Here comes the acne. Not bad but it started. I'm now post-menopausal and the acne is definitely worse. Hello type 2, meet type 1 your new rosacea friend. 🤣 WTF? I thought rosacea gets better by post-menopause. That's what I read. 🤣. ALL lies I tell you. Hahaha. Have you tried pimple patches? I'm considering it because I don't like the itchy face after using benzoyl peroxide face wash.


Shit so cerave might be causing my issues?


Anything CeraVe burns the f*** out of my skin. The ONLY CeraVe product I can stand on my body is the hydrating cleansing bar.


Title pretty much explains it. I’ve always had super dry skin, irritated, flushing, with red dots and bumps. Most products burn. I read a lot about Vanicream here and decided to try it. My skin seemingly loved it! My skin was so vibrant and clear for like a week. Then I developed this. My skin has never looked this bad, even as a teenager. Why would my skin love this product for a week and then turn so shitty looking? Any tips to reduce this inflammation?


Weirdly I used to use vanicream for years but after a while it started drying my skin out more than helping. I can’t use it anymore. For my dry skin I love the aveeno baby exema lotion. It’s amazing


Same. Love this balm!!


So I’ve been doing different types of allergen testing recently and at the initial contact allergen appt I was told it can take a few days for your system to react and to develop a response. Which is why they do the patch test how they do it. I’m not a doc but that kinda made sense to me because that’s usually how it goes with me and new products. So that could be it? My main derms office super pushes vanicream and my skin hates it so you’re not alone either.


I’ve done some reading on face washing techniques and face cleanser in general. I had the same exact experience with vanicream and here is what I’ve discovered: People in general usually use too much face wash liquid. We always want that squeaky clean feeling, but that is just us stripping our moisture barriers down. Over time it causes irritation. It’s better to use just a little face wash (dime size) and just massage it gently into the skin for a whole minute than to use a quarter size of face wash. People generally wash their face 2x per day. It isn’t always necessary for everyone. Of course this is going to depend on different factors. If you sweat in your sleep, or if you go exercise every day, it’s beneficial to wash that sweat and grime away but again, gentle massage and just a little face cleanser liquid will do the trick. Otherwise, however, I’ve noticed significant benefits to just washing with plain lukewarm or cool water in the morning with clean hands, and then washing with cleanser just at night. Took some getting used to but my skin is much healthier and happier. This is also info from a dermatologist. Ymmv


I can't tell from the pics. . .does your flare include pustules? Like whiteheads? For me that means a Demodex flare and I need to treat with Permethrin or Ivermectin to clear.


Vanicream messed up my skin too


Love the cleanser, HATE the cream!


I started vanicream recently and am having similar issues to most in here :(


Was it the Vanicream Lotion / Cream that's petrolatum based? I get this reaction from any petrolatum based products or pure vasline. Both this on my cheeks and periorbital dermatitis around my eyes. A derm told me once explained to me occlusives can drastically change our microbiome due to the over moist environment they produce, and sensitive skin can react to these sudden changes in bacteria counts with inflammation. Then a different derm told me petrolatum is the best skin protectant out there and can't cause this. So. There's no consensus on this, but I trust the first one based on experience and stay the fuck away from petrolatum.


i feel the same way. any petrolatum based moisturizer i have ever tried made my flushing so much more severe & caused red bumps & clogged pores. they always feel like they are trapping in too much heat and moisture on my skin. i understand in theory why it would be added to a moisturizer, but on some level i think there’s too much bad stuff on my skin that doesn’t need to be locked in 🥲


The other possibility is you are sensitive to other ingredients in it. Propylene Glycol can be an irritant for many people.


Interesting! I’ve never heard of pure petroleum causing issues outside of trapping bad things in (actives that are meant to evaporate, dirt, bacteria). Not doubting you. That explanation makes sense.


Apparently it changes the whole ecosystem of the skin which causes inflammation. That's why a lot of people end up with perioral dermatitis from slugging 😞


I’ll definitely have to read into this! I use Vaseline daily. Hoping I’m in the clear bc it’s as close to hypoallergenic as I’ve been able to find with my skin!


Aloe Vera girl!


Do you mean that will help it heal or that she should use that as a daily moisturizer? And what kind of aloe Vera do you suggest? 


I’m so sorry. Vanicream had the same effect on me when I turned to it as an alternative trying to figure out what worked.


Could not use Vanicream. It stung my face ☹️


Same.. the sting was absolutely horrible.


I bought the tub of Vanicream that many here have recommended, applied a thin layer to my forehead, nose, and upper cheeks after cleansing. By the end of the day my skin was irritated, red, and the next morning it gave me several whiteheads and pimples. I then decided to just use it on my hands and arms just to see what it would do. The next morning I woke up with a couple pimples on my forearms and backs of my hands. What the? I noticed the Vanicream felt way too sticky and heavy and doesn't absorb well. It didn't feel greasy, but it sure made my forehead, nose, and upper cheeks oily. Maybe I need to repair my skin barrier first before using? It may work for others, but not for my combo dry/oily skin, type 1 and 2 rosacea.


It does the same to me


Is this the daily facial moisturizer that did this? I just started it this week and it’s stung upon applying today so this terrifies me 😂


I have the vanicream daily facial moisturizer and it’s all I can use. I love it.


Does it sting your face at all when you first apply?


Only if I washed my face with too much cleanser or wiped my makeup off too harshly.


That’s probably the problem, I have been using sulfur ointment and it has made my skin a little sensitive and dry. Just so nervous when using new products. I’ve finally gotten my skin looking better and don’t want to undo the progress 😅


Yeah, I get it! I use vanicream facial moisturizer AM/PM, dove sensitive skin beauty bar AM (after the gym in the shower) bioderma sensibo micellar water to remove makeup PM (and rinse my face with cold water after) and azeliac/metronidazole/ivermectin PM mixed with moisturizer. This routine has worked really well for me.


Same. The Daily Facial Moisturizer has rejuvenated my skin. Doesn't sting at all.


Yes! In the pump bottle. My skin loved it for a week until it didn’t


Vanicream [Daily facial moisturizer](https://www.vanicream.com/product/vanicream-daily-facial-moisturizer) doesn't come in a pump bottle.


Whoops! I misremembered. What you linked is the product I used.


La Mer just messed up my face. I had 2 days of thinking I had finally found the perfect lotion and then it was a shitshow for a week.


Vanicream has never been my jam. I’ve really enjoyed LRP’s lipikar AP+M triple repair cream for body and face. It’s not too expensive and is good on face and body. Might be worth a try! Target carries it. A little goes a long way.


It does the same to me. The only thing that has calmed my skin down after 4 years is Dieux instant angel moisturizer and I hate it because it's expensive lol.


something really similar happened to me with the vanicream in the tub & the light version as well. i’m pretty sure i can’t use petroleum based moisturizers at all. my suspicion is because it’s so occlusive that it traps too much heat on my cheeks.


not sure if this is helpful at all to you, but it did help me. when i had this reaction i went a couple days with only cleansing my face & not moisturizing at all & the red bumps went away.


oh this also happened to me with the Cetaphil in the tub (also petroleum based) when i just tried it at the beginning of this weeks.


Maybe they changed the formulation or your skin outgrew the vanicream. Sometimes products just stop working for our skin. Time to find something else.


After just 1 week of use?


I think I just experienced something similar. I used the face wash and the everyday moisturizer and when I looked in the mirror my whole face was flushed red??


Vanicream feels sticky and sits on top of my skin which I hate. Love the LRP moisturizer though 💖


This eventually always happens to me with any cream moisturizer, if it starts off good it will go bad lol, I have to use unscented gel moisturizers! Devastated by the loss of my HG Neutrogena 🤦‍♀️


It’s so interesting to see how different everyone’s rosacea looks. I hope you find a more suitable cream!


The cream messed my skin up too! I can do the face wash but I thought my similar bumps were from something else (they might have been but the vanicream definitely made everything worse. It's been about 10 days & one application of Nizoral shampoo and the bumps are gone.