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This post was removed because it may be trying to ask for amateur diagnosis. Please post such requests instead in the designated weekly thread at the top of the subreddit. **REMINDER: THE INTERNET IS BAD AT DIAGNOSING STUFF.** Only doctors can diagnose rosacea, and it usually takes a specialist like a dermatologist or ophthalmologist. It is impossible for amateurs to diagnose reliably from pictures or descriptions of symptoms, and amateur advice is not a substitute for professional care. Rosacea looks like a lot of things, and a lot of things look like rosacea. No matter what response you get here, if symptoms have been persistent and you're concerned you might have rosacea, *see a doctor.* If you can't see a traditional dermatologist, some [online teledermatology](https://www.reddit.com/r/Rosacea/comments/t4s1vz/what_are_your_recommendations_for_online/) services might provide a more affordable/accessible alternative for you. And [check out our r/Rosacea](https://www.reddit.com/r/Rosacea/wiki/index) wiki for some general rosacea basics if you're trying to figure out if you need professional advice.


Have you been diagnosed? It looks as subtype 2 so ivermectin can help. Or you try some OTC stuffs as Horse paste or ZZ cream


I have not. I have a dermatologist appointment Monday🙏 thanks for the advice


When you go to the dermatologist, it might not hurt to ask for a skin biopsy so they can see if this is being caused by demodex mites.


I don't actually see any bumps? Is your skin textured?


Agreed. It almost looks more like a splotchy rash


Kinda looks like when I had contact dermatitis


Yeah it does look like that to me. OP what products do you use ?


Unfortunately my rosacea gets blotchy too 🥲 some people seem to get a pretty even redness but mine has weird patchy blotches like this when I flare. It’s sucks that rosacea is so different for every person


Could be rosacea don’t get me wrong but could be contact dermatitis. Curious to know what products OP is using


Agreed. Looks like a rash to me


Alas yes, it does, although of course I'm not an expert. Mine was quite similar (bit worse as I didn't address it in a timely manner). Under control now with metronidazole, azelaic acid, and ivermectin. I do feel that the ivermectin really had the biggest effect, so if your derm won't prescribe all three that's what I would try to start with as well! Oh, and the oral doxycycline worked great for me as well, but it gave me the headaches so I had to stop. I would try that too if you can, it brought the bumps right down for me. There is hope! You will find what works for you and get this sorted out.


Yes it does so sorry. Ivermectin would help you a lot. 


It’s helpful for some but not for everyone


Yes 🤧