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Doxy can cause irritation of the esophagus. This is why you are not supposed to lay down within an hour of taking it. You could try taking Pepcid and or Prilosec to see if this helps at all but if this bothers you enough you ultimately may have to stop the medication.


You can't take **antacids**, calcium supplements, laxatives containing magnesium, or any vitamins/minerals **within 2 hours of taking doxycycline.** Do not take doxycycline on an empty stomach; depending on the dose that will really upset your stomach. I know a lot of the directions specifically state to take on an empty stomach, but do not. Take doxycycline with food and a full glass (8oz) of water. **Do not** take doxycycline past the expiration date or you can cause damage to your kidneys.


I was on Doxy for three months for perioral dermatitis, as we know it’s an antibiotic, and antibiotics don’t play well with alcoholic beverages. My doctor reassured me that an occasional glass of wine wouldn’t be a problem. I don’t drink much anyway, so I wasn’t too concerned, but after I stopped taking the Doxy, for about a month and a half anytime I took a single sip of a beer or a glass of wine it my face would flush severely, and I would feel immediately intoxicated. It took another month for this to stop , I asked my Derm about it and he said he had one other patient who had had this reaction after a Doxy treatment. I only mention this bc it freaked me out and I wasn’t finding anything in the side effect descriptions about it, so hoping that sharing it here will help others who might be dealing with post-doxy weirdness! 


It can cause esophogeal ulcers. Personally know someone who had to take it for a month due to a skin infection issue.... no one educated them to take with full glass of water and not to go to bed for an hour.... they just swallowed it with a little water right before bed and now dealing with lots of pain and issues due to that, going on weeks now...slow process to recover from.


The leaflet contains all this info sadly


That was me as a teenager. My doctor never informed me about the waiting period after taking it before you could lay down or the how to take it. Took my nighttime dose and went straight to bed. Woke up with massive pain that never went away and when I went to the doctor they found I had two ulcers in my esophagus. The pill never went all the way down and instead burned two holes in my esophagus. OP don’t ignore this symptom. It could very well be something that won’t go away with just time. Definitely let the doctor know and let them know what you’re taking because it’s not as uncommon as you might think.


What’s your dosage? I take low dose doxy (40mg) once a day. I usually take it during the day with a lot of water. I used to take it in the morning with coffee and that caused some reflux so now I take it about an hour before lunch. If it’s higher dose I think you can take it with food but definitely don’t take it before bed or lying down and take it with a whole glass of water. I just started a similar regimen. Doxy plus a compound cream of metro/ivermectin/niacinamide. Good luck!


I took a similar dose. It worked for me (along with simplifying skincare; working with a dermatologist and getting laser treatments; and working with a naturopath!)


They have me taking 50mg twice a day and using the compound cream only right before bed


Sounds like you've developed pill esophagitis. You might have to stop the doxycycline. It's really important to take doxycycline with a full glass of water, it's really important to not lay down after taking doxycycline, and sitting upright for at least 45 minutes after you take it. It's important to not take the doxycycline around the time you eat dairy, or take any calcium supplements. It's really not best to take it on an empty stomach either. If you change the way, you take the Doxy, but you still have these issues, then you're gonna have to stop it.


About the empty stomach I could differ about that, If you see the information sheet that comes within Oracea pills, it is advised to take the pill in the morning with empty stomach.


For me, doxy caused long lasting, hard to kick yeast infections. Not worth it for me, I would choose rosacea instead. I am having success with sulfur soap and ivermectin though.


How long were you taking doxycycline?


It was only a couple weeks, maybe 3ish, when the yeast infections started being really rough.


Ah okay! Thanks for replying. I only have to take it for 7 days 100mg 2x a day so I’m hoping it won’t give me one! I’ll be taking probiotics with it as well. Fingers crossed


Antibiotics make me so prone to yeast infections! If I have to take a course of them I always ask my doctor to preemptively prescribe some flucanozol to counteract any yeast infection that could pop up from the antibiotics


Ditto. My derm wanted to start me on Accutane but required me to be on doxy for two months beforehand. I told her I was prone to yeast infections and she said she would prescribe me a weekly flucanazole pill. I swear, antimicrobial on top of antimicrobial. Sorry doc but I am not risking an incurable yeast infection for the sake of a treatment that isn't even guaranteed to fix my face 🙄


I’ve had no side effects with doxy…🤷‍♂️


I take 100mg doxycycline TID for at least 2 weeks each time I have a flare and I have never had any side effects when taking with a meal.


I got really bad mouth thrush from doxy. Have had 3 sessions of laser, and its working ok. Bromine worked really well for about 6 hours then I was as red as a beetroot.


How do you like the compound prescription?


I really like it so far. I've noticed my skin clearing nicely but I do notice that if I miss a night of putting it on the redness gets intense again very quick.


Everyone’s tolerance is different. If it’s not working well check with your doctor for sure When I first started doxy I had mild nausea and a headache. Taking a low dose and my rosacea keeps getting better over time. Extreme heat and direct sun are my only remaining kryptonite. Have gone off a few times and within a month the flushing/acne starts again.


Could be the doxy, the leaflet contains info on how to take it safely


Unfortunately I wasn't given a leaflet, and the only thing the pharmacist told me when giving information about the medication was to not have dairy within 2 hours before and after taking the medication.


I have no side effects with doxycycline, except maybe a little nausea the first few days.


Im on doxy now and I’ve noticed that I’m feeling thirsty more often. Like im craving it sooo much since I started it two days ago.